s"S; Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAnse5 the System hT0ALCoNSTPAT.ON U"" nrnkiA iifiitiv rtnpiMncnui. EfFECTS. 1CIAL SVINE- BUY THE GENUINE-MAHTO By (aui9RniaITgSyrvp(2. "Su",.e'5i roa iu ev ai omi&snri fr.it joc rtn ecttil l'KOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. Frank Aldrtch came over from Golden dale today. A. J. Brigha.n was in from Dufur yesterday. Cliaa. Lord, of Arlington, is spending a few days in the city on business. Misa Bessie French returned Saturday night, after a week spent in Portland. J. V. Dank, one of Hay Creek's stock men, came in from that country today. E. T. Johnson, a railroad contractor from Portland, spent today in the city. Frank T. Ilurllmrt. cashier in the Arlington bank ,was in town yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Patterson came down from Wasco yesterday and spent today in the citv. Mrs. fornia Win. Rogers is up from Cali vUitinsf her relatives on Mill Creek. Gus Bonn returned .Saturday from a trip over into Klickitat county in the interest of Mays & Crowe. Dr. I'ay l.ogan spent Sunday with his father in this citv, returning to Portland on the delayed afternoon train. G. T. Parr, of the Eistern Oregon Lmd Company, left Saturday evenine fjr a business inn into Malheur county. W. A. MeK-inz'ie, the Goldendale hardware dealer, accompanied by his wif., is doing business in the city today. Mrs. W. 13. Hamilton arri yed in the city Saturday from Portland to attend the wedding of her niece, Mis3 Ethel Biddell. J. II. Swarlz will arrive in the city this evening frum Li Grando to accept a position in the freight depot made va cant by the deputure of T. A. Camp bell. G. A. Campbel', father of T. A. Campbell, who has been visiting his son here, left yesteiday afternoon for Elber ton, Wash., where he will visit his j granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank bommerville ar rived in the citv Saturday fiom their home at Hay Creek. The former left that evening lor Weiser, Idaho, and Mm. Sommervllle went to Portland to day. John Gavin left this aiorning to repre' sent the K. ol I. lodge ol tins city in the grand lodge which meets in Portland toniorruw. U. II. Knldell is also a repre eentative and will leave tomorrow, as will aleo Judge liradshaw, wh ) ie grand prelate. Clarence, tha infant son of Mr. and Mrs. CI. C. O'Neil, at Muddy, on Sunday October 1st, 1899. The interment took place at Antelope, Tuesday afternoon, in the presence of a number of sympa thizing friends of the bereaved fattier and motner. Antelope Herald. HO UN. On 8-Mile, Saturday, Oct. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Percy, a daughter. Oal lu Your oeeokft All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceasm after Sept. 14th, 189J. 0. 1.. Phillips, County Treasurer. Itnutn uuil'lluiiiit fur Tito. Two persons can obtain room and board At a very desirable placa In the city, centrally located, by applying at this office. 4 4t To Cure a tiill lu Ou ljr. Take Laxative ltrotuo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tLe money if it fails to cure. 2V for Item, A nice four-room homo.'convenient to high ichool ; t7.50.per;nioath.. Enqui e ot W IVI,sI,Iaii' nfHna W S Ht I 3 at I AN ADVANCE ON MALABON Americans Start Norlli From tons and i uuuuuii GEN. LAWTON IN COMMAND Agiunnltlo Quotes Edward Atkinson in His Latest Proclamation Ten nessee Volunteers Return. Manila, Ot. S, 10 a. m. The advance from Imus and Bacoor toward Malabon and Old Cavite began early this morning General Lawton was in command. The Tjnnes9ee regiment, the last of the volunteers will sail for the United State? today on the transport Indiana, after a week passed in the harbor. Aguinaldo Quotes Atkinson. Aguinaldo, tn a proclamation announc ing the release of American prisoners and authorizing Filipino soldiers in the northern province to return to their homes, says: "In America there is a jrreat party that insists that the government recog nize Filipino independence. That party will compel the United Stales to fulfill the promises made to us in all solemnity and good faith, though not put into writing. "Therefore we mus', show our gratitude and maintain our position more resolute ly than ever. We should pray to God that t ho great Democratic party may win the next presidential election and imperialism fail in its mad attempt to subjugate us by- force of arms. There are some Americans in the Philippines who have joined us because they disap prove a war of what Mr. Atkinson calls criminal aggression. When offered a chance tn return to their own camp, they dfclined." Throughout the proclamation Aguin aldo denounces the "impel ialists" in stead of the "Americans," as in former documents. He calls the world to wit ness that the Filipinos have not broken "the alliance made through Admiral Dciwey with the Americans and with the American consuls at Hung Kong and Singapore." The people, on seeing the American prisoners, cried out: "We do not want war against the United States; we only defeiid our independence against the imperialists. The sons of that miglitv nation are our friends." Complaints From Sheepmen. Pendleton, Ojt. G. Some rather hard feelings have been engendered among the Umatilla county sheepmen by what they term the injustice of having sheep men from another state come into their territory and range their bands during the summer season, and thus depriving local oh ners of plenty of feed. So closely have the ranges been hunted out all through the livestock regions of Oregon and Washington of late years that legis latures in the two slates have been im portuned to pass restrictive measures calculated to prevent the bringing of sheep from one state into the other. Laws have been enacted by the legisla latures of both states, in response to this popular demand, which have made it somewhat burdensome to more sheep from one state to another. In this instance, the quarantine laws iu force in Oregon, to regulate the hand ling ol eheep, have been invoked ly local eheepmeii, to hinder Washington men from the free and easy use of the range here. On the other hand, Oregon men claim that like laws have been passed by the Washington legislature, the operation of which tends to hamper Oregon owners in moving there. Gillnettcrs More Active. Ahtokia, Oct. 7. The run of fish last night showed no improvement over the past few days, but the rleo in price to two and a half cents, which all the cold storage men are now payinar, caused many more gillnetters to put their nets in the water. Word was received here today that there was a good run of eilvereldes at Grav'a harbor, and the price there is 20 to 25 cents per fish. New Gold Vela Found. Cottage Guove, Or,, Oct. 7. The Rlveieide Gold Mining Company, of Bo hemia, has found anew vein on its prop erty, that shows free gold. The vein has been traced 1000 feet. This property has considerable development work done on the other vein, the ore assaying as high as (300 per ton. -.,.. Jack Morgan 1 an old miner and pro. spector, while doing the nssetsment work on his property, unearthed a large body o' orp, that shows free gold. The gold is lltie, and the quartz la of lion-y-eoinb character. On many other proper ties large bodies of liigh-grade ore havo been struck in tho last two weeks in 'o ing development and assessment work. Philadelphians Sot Their Time pieces by Flash Lights. Unique System by Which (lie City of Ilruthurly lam Kpeim I'ost (1 on the Corract Time. A useful plan thnt might he tried ad vantageously in ninny smaller places has just been adopted in Philadelphia. In Washington, at the naval observa tory, there in n clock which supplies ox act time to most of the large cities cast of the Mississippi once every day. .lust before noon its pendulum is connected with an electric circuit in such a way thntit ticks off seconds on nil telegraph ic instruments on the line. Then.nbout one minute before l'J, the ticking is sus pended, and every listener along the line watches for the resumption, which occurs exactly at noon. In some cases a bell is struck once precisely at 12. By noting how many seconds fast or slow one's watch is at the sound, a ninn can set his timepiece by the best standard in the United States. The observatory clock is kept right to i within a small fraction of a second, and i varies from day to day only a few hun dredths of a second. Many railroads, colleges, astronomical observatories and other institutions all over the coun try get their time corrected1 in this mnn ner daily. In New York city the West ern union furnishes the public with n noonday signal, by means of which peo ple who are on the street near the main oftlee can get the correct time. On top of their building n ball is arranged on a pole so that it can be liberated auto matically by electricity when the noon signal comes from Washington. Any one who is watching can sec the ball drop. Xow, in Philadelphia the plan has been modified n little, so as to operate in the evening instead of the daytime. And the signal is given by turning on a lot of electric lights that have been tem porarily extinguished. A row of nrc lights on the new city hall around the statue of Franklin are kept burning im- til about 8:57 o'clock. Then they are shut off. Exactly at nine o'clock they flash up into view once more. It is h-ped that eventually the turning on any be effected by an automatic device, n. , i . ... i ii i Lu nt i.ULCnt.t isdoneby hnml.n the mstant r. i .legraphic signal is heard. Ih -r.' a- many towns amV villages in the count. , that might profitably imi- tate l'hii : :lphia. If the local author- iticsdonot undertake this time service, some enterprising merchant could ad vantageously advertise himself by fur nishing either a day signal like that in I New York, or one at night like that j which the City of lirotherly Love has adopted. It is astonishing how much ' inaccuracy there is in the clocks and I watches that supply people with time. ' It is not at all uncommon to see clocks five, ten or even 15 minutes out of the wrty in the homes of persons who are usually accurate in other matters. They do not attempt to set their timepieces right for days or weeks at a time, and then guess at the time by the whistle of a passing railway train, which may no fcevcrai minutes behind time. The moral effect of having one's timepiece nn on ' e ve v ,0".. 1 to be overlooked. Anyone Who fur- nishes a town with Washington time daily would be conferring a double messing on the community. N. Y. Tribune. Kodol Dyapepeia Cure ia a ecienlillc compound having tho endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "dinHsta what you pal" and poeitivelycuresdyepepsia.'.M. A. Kotron, Uloouiingdale, Tenn., says it cured him of indiireston of ten years' maiitling. Butler Drug Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ude Clarke & Falk'd Rosafoarn (or tho teeth. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Ute Clarkedc Falk'a quinine hair tonic to keep dandrufr from the head. Yon will not have bolls if you tako Clarko & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Ah your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated fiivoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at JDonnell'a drug store. Dyspepsia can be cured by tiling Acker's Dyspcntla Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold iu handnoriie tin boxes at 'Zb eta. lilakeley & Houuhton Druggists. ' Acker' Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on positive guarantee. Curepheirt'hurii, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 tie. and 60 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, Death Sentence Imposed. Tacoma, WiihIi., Oct. 7. Albert Midl and was seiitcncjd to death by hanging this morning for tho murder of his di vorced wlfo. The crime was committed ten tlavB ago.. The date fur carrying out Iho sentence la not yet Used. Millions of dulliirn, i'h the vn'tw placed by .Mrs. Mary Bird, llairlnhurg, Pa., on tliu life of her child, which the saved from croup by the use of One Miiintu Cough Cure. It i urea all cough?, colds and throat ami luii; troubles. Butler Drug Co. Paint your hmisu with paints that arc fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk havo them. Admiral George Dewey Will receive the most royal welcome on Oct. lt acxt, tint was over accorded to an American citizen. You will find a complete biography of this great hero, Including his brilliant victory over tho Spetf lib. fleet In tho great, authoritative and up-to-date work of reforencc, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica This 13 tho only encyclopedia on the market that mentions Admiral Ucwcy. It gives tho date o! his birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho part ho took lu tho Civil War; how after the War ho was employed on tho European station; In the Naval iMilpmv! hlartan tn thnrftnk nf CnmmAmlr nml President of tho Board of Inspection and Survey: his command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April 27th ho left Hong Kong with his Ejuadron, found anddestrcyed tho Spaniih Fleet, at Manila, on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Kcar Ad- mlral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, imae was created full Ad- mlral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, aI1.arou1(1 atWctc tt datlng norscnmn ond huntsman, and socially a good club man and a general favorite It tells of his marriage to Miss Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor'of New Hampshire, who died iu 1872, leav- lug a son, Georgo Goodwin Dewey. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and scores of other noted personages not C7en mentioned in any other Encyclopedia receive tho eamo attention in this edition of tho 10 attention in thia edition of tho ''too.. Encyclopaedia Britannica It srcaks of General Wood as Governor of Santl. ago; of General Henry as Governor-General of rrto It'co; or Agulnaldo'a declaration of war galnst tho U. S. YOD HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowlli tndnmnmi. wherein Infnr. mation Is morocanlly found and acquired than la any other book or encyclopedia In the world, IN YOUR HOME, roa iali bt I. C. NICKELSEN, Administrator's Notice. Notice Ix hereby given that tho utiilerslRiicd hub been duly poliitcd by tho Hon. County Court of tliu the ritiilo of Oregon, (or Wmco county, us administrator of the estntoof Adolph ABldlus.deceuked. All pel nous having claim HKHliiatunliU'sUUiiiro hereby notified to lirceeut thofciimopnperly verllled to me at thn otlleo nf my niiuriKyii, uiiiur iv sieneiee, within nix iiiuiiiiit iroin inn nine 01 tniH nonce. Dated at 'lho iMUea, Uregnn, June 5, ibw. , , J I AdllllUH, AfllnllilntrntAr nf tlif. Ii'aliil.. A.lr.t..K Arti.,l.. ilceiHtnl. 7.jj YyU' UKIHBNDmtFFISU Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given lo turnery, Kooms il and !B, Tel. 328 Voirt Illoo WERVITA Cutcfcs Vi'CALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Nipht Erals&lons and wasting diseases, all effects of eclf- abuse, or excess and indls. cretlon. Anervo tonic and lilood Imildcr. DrlnRs the pink cloy to ale cheeks ant restores the fire of youth. By mall GOo per box: U boxes tor 2.50; with a written giiurau. too to euro or roi'und tho inouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton k. Jckon Sts., OHIOAQO, ILL, Sold by Hlakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural and AEiictilmral Products "f Oregon, WuHhlnitton and Idaho in "renter variety and pro fusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America llieatcst IMy Cornet Soloist. The l'iiecii,illcd FLORENZ TROUPE of AcrohiiH, illriTt from tin) Umpire Thoiitcr, Luiiilon, their llr-st iippi-annico In America. A Grcnt WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE UiiMUpns.scd ActlnlL-ts, la their thrilling acts. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A .Season of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. Uetllict'd ltllti'i" on All l.llll'H. Transportation ADMIHHION .... i!R CentR Children under 12 years, 10 cents, DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralnx Icavo and are duo tn arrive at l'ortlai OVKIUANI) EXO , iircKD, bulom, Hone-1 1 lillrK, Aaliliilld, Hac- I riiTiw..,tM fli.ilnti 4.111 I ' 7:00 1 M. 1 1'riiiiclnoo, Mojnve, (! J 15 A. 41. I.OH AiKCKM,hi ro. 1 1 New urleniia mm I i Kt J I 'H-.3U A. 41. Itoxebiirg mid wny tloim 1:30 I'. M f Vlii Wnodtmra fori j I 4lt.AnKel, Silvcrtoa, Pnlly i Went Hclo, llrmviih- ) i except vtllcHiiriiigllcldmid HiiiiiJiiyt Natron J . llHlly except Huiiilayti 17:30 A. 41. IC'orvalllH Millions.. anil wnyj 5.,01.yi INDKl'KNDKNCK l'ASHKWiKIt. Kxprc! truln umiy (except tiuimiiyj. liCO p. m, (I.v l'ortlaml Ar. 8:25n. m 7:9) p. 111. Ai..4:cMiunvlllo .l.v.J fl;Uiu, m H:30p. in. (Ar..IiiflciK!iidciicc..l.v.) l:On. m Pally. (Dully, except ftiiliilrty. PINING CAU3 ON OODHN KOUTK. 1'UI.I.JIAN HOKl-UT HI.riM'KHP AND HKCONl)-CLbS HI.KKI'INO CAIth AttMChed U) nil Throuah Truijis. Direct connccllon at Sinn Knuiclncn with Ocei dental mid Oriental mill i'aclllc mull ileumnlili Hues for J Al'AN mid CHINA. Hulling date on 11 1 piicuuou. Kates hlid tickets tn Eastern points and Ku roiic. AIM) JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU uil( AUHTKALIA. All abovo trains urrlvo at and depart Irofr uranu cuiriii nuiiniii. 1'inn aim irviug utreou YAMHILL DIVIHION. IWengcr Deinit, foot of Jeltersun street. Leave for Hheridnn, week days, at 1:80 p. ni Arrive ut l'ortlaml, 0:UO 11. in, Iave for A I It LI K on Monday, Wcdnemlay anC runny v n;.k) a. in. Arriv Hi 1'ortlanu, Ti rue- uit, tuurBuny iinu saiurua) ItiCtwp. in. Kxeept Sunday. "Kxcept Baturday. It. KoK'.l.KU, (i, H. MAI1KIIAM, lauoiter. AMt. (i. F. & I'ans. Aet Through Tickcf Ofllcc, 131 Third street, where inruuKii iiukcui 10 an poiniB in tno f.aatcrn fitates, Cuuada and Kuroo can bo obtained at owlll!UKV!KUNWTleke,A,w,,,' AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. 2 Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work Charles Burchtorf,,,,,,,:,;,'';! DrGUMM ONI FOR A DOtl. 0US ua. flaw 1. V mokbd. Til eon. Ill box fur Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. 9 i:;:irr".i." powu ...STEAM... 1 Wood Saw Will run tvory .'yoxH.ntPuiulv ! Itutua Reiieonnblc. ' Tolophono 201. j W. A. CATES, Prop. r t ..cflAs. m Butehers and Fapfncfs (..Exchange.. edged lho licat beer In The Dulles HtthtMinual price. Come In. try It and be rouvlnrnl. aImi thc KI11e.1t brniidi of Wliici, l.inior and Clgnra. Sandrjuichcs of nil Kinds alwnyn nn hand. The Busy Store. Knoli dny our business shows the people are finding out no are pushing lo the front with better goods, lower pricca, salespeople the very heat, anil Inst, but not lenst, buyers who know their business mid buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Portland and M Navigation Co.' Sirs. Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Biver, Casoade Locke, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt wny pqlnta on both tides oltM Columbia river. Moth of tho above steamers have t'1' 'cft and ru Iu excellent haio for tho m-iimw 01 wj Tliu Uniculntiir Hue Will endeavor to putrona the beat kervlco jolblo. travel by tho ateamcrs of Tln lle'w l.lue. Tho ttcamerii of the Regulator I.I 'le wm alien at 7 a. m. commencliiir iiondaj tw Dullea lint. I'ortland Ofllce, Oak Ht. Dock. Court btrwt W. C. Allaway, (ieiiera M1 & 00, FRENCH I' BANKERS. rKANHACTA KNKKAbBANKINO MM" Letters of Credit lenued avalluule in b KMtern omv. bl Bight Evohange TruMfern sold on New WtTO Rt. Inln. Hn FrAne 8CO, Portland Kon, Seattle Wash., end various f'"" In Oregon and WaBlilnHton. f,T, Oollectlone male at all H'te 00 orable Urinn. Drink Warren'- Pure Ginger -Bf j For sale at all Urat-olfB wry. ' Slubling, agent, The Dllea. ' Regulator Dalles