The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 09, 1899, Image 3

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"The Bclf respect s man gains hy being well
drcsscfl is vorth even more to liim ttan tlic good
impression his clot!ic3 make upon others."
: prait Jar
T 1 !,, tl
The Dalles Daily Gimmick
OCTOBER !). lfcOit!" ,. ' ("
leading newspaper men of the Jwirth-
Telejihone-Xo. 1.
A. M. Williams & Cu. (jive away nn
elegant writing tablet with every pair of
tchool shoes tlioy sell.
We imderRtiuitl that Sheriff Gray has
bjiiyht thi) Nye ranch on Crooked river
froinJutlgo Bennett, of this city.
Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 10th, the
regular communication of Columbia
Chapter No. Il.l, 0. E. S will begin ut
7:i;0 p. in. sharp.
There will bj an adjourned mooting of
thocily council tomorrow evening for
the purpose of considering bliU for con
Quieting a now street on the bluff.
The Indies of tho Congregational Aid
Society will meet ut tho homo of Mrs. S.
L. Itrooha Wednesday nftornoon. A
largo iitU'iidiuico is desired, it is re
quested that tho Indies bring their
The Dallcfl postoflleo forco is pretty
lively thceo days, buainosB increasing at
Each a rate that there ie no timo for
rest, much loss ploy. Tho increase in
the stamp business alone is $10 u day
"laro than at any timo provione.
Rev. G. W. GranniH, pastor of tho
I'irst Methodist church nt MoMInnvlllo,
Imi Loeti appointed financial agent of
Willamette University. Hov. Grannis
has resigned his McMinnvlllo charge
will remove with his family to
lhiuness nun will appreciate tho fact
tli it A. 11. WilliumB it Co. n.oui buei
esi when thoy ceo tho biisineaa-liko
prlws on their businesB Etilta anil bufli
f8 overcoats. Mako it your business
to c ill on them and convinco yourEclf of
lieir Biiit euprenuuiy.
I' yon don't rend UioCiiiionicms you're
1'ouiitl to get left, and. eo, in npito of our
earning ns to tho change in tho timo of
leaving, several "moBied" down to tho
! A. N. dock it 8 o'u'ock tliiu
morning, not oven in timo to "boo tho
lo.ugo round' tho Load," for it etnrted
at 7.
"Vanity Fair" as nrronged for tho
c'mlng eeneon preeeutB on intonating
"ilxluro of miiBlc, BPiieational iiciolmtlc
Iq'h arid grotetque bnrleeqno unties,
wilh fatcj und eong and other features.
T"o bill ia BBd t contain u nlDo!qnoy
Pleasing ond entertaining comedy,
"InKing and high claiB mualc, partlcl
Pted in bv known octora and moat
clmrmlng (oinen,
Cards were received atrday an
jouncing the marrliRO of William Shef
UM nd Mlai Wlnnlefred M. Audruaaat
htvci! in
Oysters r
i wish every' man
could know the truth
about these
materials ere, how well
together, hov stylish
durable, and hov easily
d can fit him with a becoming
suit and still leave hio money
for other things.
The quality of eviiry
H. S. 6 M. sett is warranted
by the makers and you have I
cur guarantee cn top of theirs, jj
Scuttle liiBt Saturday. Will was brought
up in Tliu Dalles and by bis steady and
i I iwltlutrimia linltita !a firm rinn nf tin.
west, being connected with a leading
paper in fcjeattlu. Dalles friends wisli
him all sorts of good luck and a happy
married life.
It never rains but it pours in The
Dalles, and so wo nro to ho favored with
two showfl Saturday night, giving every
tlioater-goer in town an opportunity to
bo r-utortainetl. At tho Vogt tho "Vanity
Fair" company will appear and give a
very pleasing plav, judging from the
reports which tench ub from other cities'.
The Oregoninn lust week gave them a
splendid notice, and from all wo can
bear they are a gor.d company.
List Friday when President Mohler,
of the 0. R. & N., was asked "Will the
nbsorbing of tho Oregon Short Lino and
tho O. It. & N. by tho Union l'noiiio
result in a consolidating of tho oflices so
that a number of tho piesent employes
will lose their positions? Or will tho
0. II. & N. continue to bo operated in
dependently?" ho euitl "I can only
reply by quoting what I am told from
Now York. That is that tho 0. H. & N.
will continue to bo operated independ
ently." On tho -d, at 0:!10 a. in., stamps be
gun thumping rock ut the Gold Eugle
mine, Greenhorn district, owned by
twonty-ono residents of The Dalles, who
have put up about $1,800 vnch the pnot
two years. Its assessment days nro now
practically ended and wo pretlict that
thit mino will soon become as famous as
itH near uoighborp, the Bonitnz.i and tho
Red Hoy. T. A. Hudson, ono of tho
owners, just from there, reports a
veritable boom on in that region. Moro
Constable Hill roturned last night
from Sycamore, Multnomah county,
bringing with him J. E. Uurry.a prison
er, who had been arrested on a warrant
from here, charging him with cmhex.lo
nient. Ho was placed in tho county
jail and his trial sot for thiH afteruooii,
but it was postponed until 0:1)0 tomor
row morning in Justice Bayard's court.
Horry had been in tho employ of L. S.
Davis at Iiia feed yard in tho Kast End,
and it is charged that from there ho
embezzled money, upon which charge ho
has been aruuted.
Tho Sentinal likes to bo reliable, if
nothing more. Last week wo told about
tho throwing of a bucket of water, cold
from the spring, upon an unfortutiuto
doaf mute at tho Htate school f ,r mutes.
It should of been stated in this couneo
tion, however, that tho boy wasBOverely
ohiiBtleed first. This punishment waa
administered before the poor boy's father
had gonu eighty rodB from the houee. It
was the first time jn tho boy's llfo that
he had beon loft alone in a strange plnco
ns his father had theretofore always
been .with him, The boy's name Is Mc
Donald and he comes from Waeco
county. Sentlne).
Time, and again baa Xw Ciiuonicmc
called attention to the fact that a humane
society should be organised in Tho Dalles
! 111 1
s la in
mm m m
TheDalles, Oregon
and still tho need is not 6tipplied and
brutes aro allowed to go on in their
wholesale cruelty to the poor defenfeleES
animals who are Ribject to musters far
beneath them. Our attention has been
called to ono particular case in the
city, that of a man tno not a man)
wiiopti treatment of tho poor dumb
creatures in his chargo U ehocking in a
Christian community like ours. Several
times have women gone cut into tho
streets and demanded that tho cruelty
bo btopped only to have tho sume treat
ment repeated in a day or so. Some
harsh measures should bo adopted in
Iiia case, and an outraged community
rise en masse auaiust such nrneeeditiL'''.
! His name we withhold tbis lime, but if
be continue in the priiiu course it shall
be heralded broadcast, bo he'd better
take warning.
JEuturii of the .11tl'oioUlun Opuru On.
When the Metropolitan Opera Com
pany visited our city last fall they
played to n small house, much to tho
regret of all who failed to hear tho es
cellentcompany, for "MaEcotte" as given
by them waa perhaps tho best opera
ever heard hero. The manager of the
opera house endeavored to Eecuro a
return ongngoment, but it was impos
sible. Mr. Kusell, the manager of the
company, spent today in the city, and,
hi company with Mr. Iilal.eley, called
upon our business men to see if the
desired number of names could boat
cured, bo oro he decidt;d to bring his
com puny bore. As was expected, tho
response wub general and we aro pleased
to inform our theater-goers that they
nro to hear this splendid company in
"Mikudo" at tho Baldwin Saturday
Tho manager informs us the company
is even better than when thoy visited us
before. Wo are contented that ho is to
bring the same comedians, who nro a
whole show themselves. Although play
ing to a small house before, not a feature
of tho opnra waa Blighted, and surely
witli a crowded house they cannot fail to
please. The box sheet will bo open
Thursday morning at Blakeloy & Hough,
ton's drug store subscribers to havo
the benefit of the choice of teats, and
tho general public the remainder. It
any desire to place their names on the
list they may do ho by calling at the
drur store between now and that date.
'J 1m t Joyful l'uulliif;
With thoi'xhilei aling sense of renewed
health tuid strength and internal clean
liness, which follows tho use of Syrup
of Figs, ia unknown to the few who have
not progrcBsed beyond tho old-time
mcdiclnea and tho cheap fiuhstitue;
sometimes otlVred but never uccepted by
tho well-Informed. Buy tho genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fifi
Syrup Co.
"It did me more gootl than anything
I ever used. My dyspepsia was of
months' standing; after eating it was
terrible. Now I am well," writee S, B.
Keener, Hoislngton, Kan., of Kotlol
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wht.t you
oat. Butler Drug Co,
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by Jamos E,
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The MlniirMitim Sliiiulil Uuvo I'.ccelvcd
a lli'tter DrnttJui;.
The 325 Minnesota volunteers who ar
rived at the Umatilla House yesterday
about 1 :30 must have thought tho ther
mometer had etruck zyrn from the re
ception that greeted them; the more bo
from the contrast to the splendid treat
ment received in Portland. There were
but few at the train when they pulled
I in, and not a bouI seemed to have energy
EuHk'ieiit to cheer, but all gazed at them
as if they were it menagerie. A few of
the soldiers walked into the hotel and
had dinner. The tables looked very in
viting and those who hail the good taste
to improve the opportunity were certain
ly well dined. A large percentage of
i them sp?nt the time in wandering about
the streets until u o'clock when the train
pulled out.
The Dalles cannot be expected to pre
pare an elaborate reception for each
company that passes throuch; but it
really Eeems as if the Minnesotas, who
j were bo closely allied with the Oregon
; regiment in the campaign, should have
I received a more demonstrative welcome.
No doubt tho boys were heartily 6ick of
receptions, but we should at least have
eIiowii our appreciation of their bravery
and good service. Arrangements should
have been made to have the band on
hnnd, which would havo insured a largo
crowd to meet them. Then (lowers are
ahvaya tokens which speak for them
selves, and while a young lady may
scarcely feel like accounting strangers,
even though they bo soldier boyp, she
can at least express her good will by
distributing flowers among them.
With the exception of our own boys,
the Minnesotas were the best appearing
soldiers that have visited The Dalles ;
more refined in bearing ami general ap
Curi'y dt'iildim and l'tliel ltltlilutl the
C'ont nit'tlni; Turtles.
Two moro Dalles young people joined
the rapidly-increasing rank of bene
dicts this afternoon, when Ethel Louise
Blddell, daughter of G. Biddell of this
city, waa wedded to Carey Howard
Jenkins, eldest eon of tho late James
and Hattie Jenkins.
The ceremony, which was pei formed
by Presiding Elder Warner, of the
Methodibt church, took placo nt the
bride's honn on Tenth street nt 1:30
p, m., and only relatives of the contract
lug parties were present. Tho pailors
were decorated becomingly f'jr tho oc
casion with flnvers, tho room being lit
with electricity, much enhancing the
The bilde was attired in n dainty
dress of whito silk, and carryed
bride's roses. After hearty congratula
tlons a wedding dinner was served, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins left on the after
noon train for Portland, where they will
make their future home, Mr. Jenkins
entering the Dental College there.
Both young people are well knowu in
The Dalles, the groom having made Ids
One Quart
Two Quails
6 6
This brand of Whiskcv is guaranteed to the consumer ;is a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, -
home here mo-t of the time since his
parents died, about fifteen years ago,;
and the bride removing here from the!
valley several years since. Not only '
the CunoNicLE, but u tioit of friends
wisli them well.
Sir. mill .Mr. Cuinpht-M Surprised.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Campbell had not
invited their neighbors to call on them
Saturday night, but were ju-t as glad to
receive them as If special Invitations
had been sent to them, and so wlitna
crowd of jolly neighbors osked for ad
mittance to spend the evening with
them Saturday, before their departure
today for Dallas, Texas, they were not
only much surprised, but greatly
The hours were passed with music,
recitations ami pleasant conversation.
Mrs. Etldon gave a very laughable reci
tation which described American court
ship carried on while crossing an ice
pond, where the couree of true love
runs too smooth for comfort. Oa the
impulse of tho moment Mr. Gonrlay told
them in poetry how they make love In
Ireland, which greatly amused his au
dience. Ilsfreshments were brought in
by the visitors, and served later in tho
evening. Before parting all jdned in
singing "Auld Lnng Syne." Mr. i nd
Mre. Campbell have attached themselves
very strongly to their neighbors and
friends in The Dalles, who greatly re
gret their departure.
Those who surpiised them Siturdny
night were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gour
lay, Mr. and Mre. Levi Chrisniaii,
Mrs. Anua Schooling, Mr. and Mrs. S.
L. Young, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barnott,
Mrs. Maude Eddon, Mr. and Mr. Goo.
Boss, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Groat, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Fleming, Mr. und Mrs.
A. C. Giefer, Mr. and Mrn. A. li.
Thompson, Mr. and Mis. Fred Fisher,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland.
Notion to 'I'ik I'uyt-iM,
The Board of Equali.ith n is now in
session, for tho puipose of iqual:.lng as
sessments. This is the proper time for
all persons to see that their assessments
aro properly made und entered in the
roll. The board will be in session until
Saturday night, Oct. 7, IS'Jf). Alter this
if no application for u change is made,
the tax roll will bo placed in the hand of
the tlierifl' for collection as returned by
the assessor. liour. Mays, j
Octll-lwk County Judge.
Sliiwl l,ot.t. Tuesday, somewhere between
Seventh and Thirteenth streets, an all
wool gray fchawl. Finder please return
to tills otllce. w.tdl
MRS. OltltfIA Piptf,
Third Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, The Dalles.
SOc per dozen
BSc pgr tan
i Or. 1
The Dalles,
lllsinarck's Iron Mfivn
Wan the result of hir i,lendid health.
Indomitable will and tteiiii'tiduiis energy
are not found where "tmniuih, liver,
kindeyn and bowels are ut. nt order. If
you warn Hies qualitie-' anil the success
they briii.', use Dr. K'na Now Life
Pills. They develop -wry power of
brain and body. Only 25c at. Blakeley
& HuUghton's "drng-iiiirH. 2
At a nHi-i rlU'H.
Forty acres, . mile from SDragua
landing, .1 mile from Carson P. O.,
Skamania Co , Wndi. Good box bouse,
four rooms and hath. Outbuildings good.
Trto ucrM youii orcl ard winter apples.
Lnn 1 hII good, and e.n-oly cleared. Five
or eix acres sediment, Foil very rich.
Sacrificed for $250; worth !f500. Don't
spend lime writing, come ami set) it.
J. K. Biiowm.
Ett plenty, Kodul Dyspepsia Cure will
digest what you eat. It cures all forma
of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E.
K, Gamble, Vernon, Tex , says, "It
relieved me from the ttirt and cured me.
It is now my everlasting friend." Butler
Drug Co.
Acker's English Remedy will ftopa
cough at any time, and will cure tho
worst cold in twelve bourn, or money
refunded. 25 ets. and 50 cts. Hlakeluy
Houghton, lb uguist.
Clnrko& Falk have on salon full lino
of paint mid artist's bruslier.
For wood, chips, knots,
' shavlnRf, corn cobs,
hay or peat.
Constructlon-Thln I mi lr
Unlit In-liter i.l tlm Kluvt Mtcl
t.JU'j it Inn CAST JliO.N l.l.NIMnS,
milking It iluri.blt-i al litis (rout
(ei-il door, nifct top ni. 'I bottom titnl
in i a m o u t n 1 ml ni,' top with HiliMlo
cover underneath,
Nickeling- It hns nlclti-U-il urn,
htuiiu ptttlu unit foot ruils. w u Imvu a
complete ttoik t( iliciu nu liuiiil,
ertll mill hie our Mick Uoic-uujIiik
piaier i Beaton g