Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels c leanses the System rI EFFECTUALLY overcomes JJir& 1 ,UAU PERMANENTLY BUT THS GFNUINt - MtNT'D By aUlvRNIAflG.SYRVP foasAutYicRuGSiiTi set fttemL IN MEMORY OF CALEB BROOKS Incidents of III Life Contributed by a Friend. Caleb Brooks, who died at. his homo. on Three-Mile creek Sept. 2nd, was bom in Ohio Sent. 20, 1S24, afterwards moving to Iuwi. From there at tho age of 24, in company with his father and a of hie neighboring fiirailles, he started across the plains in ihe year 18-10. After journujinij far as the Pint t river, his father wss taken down with the cholera and die I. Laying him to rest, on the t anki of the Piatt and turning nwny from the iad icene, they joirneyed on to Oregon, pasting through The Dalles wlien it was only a email supply ptution for Eastern Oregon. Afterwards settling in Linn county, Oregon, they look a homestead twelve miles from Albany; but moved from there to Eastern Oregon for his wife's health in the vear ISOt, settling near The Dalles, from which place he passed from earth to hta home on tho other shore. In early life Sir. Brooks was given power to become ono of I lie "asns of Gcd," and it w;'s liia earnest endeavor1 to know and to do the will of h's Heaven ly Father. A he was diiwtnt in busi ness, to was he (eivuit in spirit. He was a devuiit etiu'.eiit of tiie bible and his life was an illustration of its pre cepts. Hi-cause of his gifts as an ex positor of Ecripture his friends often urged him to enter tho ministry, but his underestimate of his ability and his (r at revereuce for the office of u min ister of Jesm the Chritt caused him to refuso their suggestions. He did, how ever, cccopt the opportunities at the prayer ami covenant nieeiinea to tell of ttie love of God as manifested in Christ, Spitting Blood "I ued to coush a ;rent deal and bK blood, ami my iifi'lihori in Dayton, .Ohi.j, whero I live, saul anions them selves that I had con sumption, al though they did not tell mo 60 to my face, for fear of iiiakiii','iiio despondent. I kopt on .coughing and trying diner out ports of medlcuics.lmt nothing' seemed to rcacii my trouble tintili I dot holtp:6fa bottle of Acker's Knglish Xwncdy. I prayed for health all the time. uiid my prayers wero answered us Boon urtI began taking thin celebrated Eng. juii eiuecioraur nmiMonic. Bllicc l my re- emery i nave toiu Hundreds ol sull'ercrs tlUUQM in. bo.fliT.uli ..Mi UttmfWWt to be a law compelling ctuiMMUBtwcsitc it; I Even if thev don't care for thplr iOltaHQ llTls, bHiT.rlAWlt4onfe r o bit, ioM tw -TslgnM) Mrs, i&wmws Jjtyld t Ke., toe. and II a bottle, throughout the Unll latel and Canada j and In England, at U. jfcLji. I 1 UlaWey & Boueat 252 on. iJL. ' von u i j.v ni nnd to offer "effectual prayers for tho Holy Spirit's blessing. In the neighbor hood Sunday fChoolUervlces he was very much interested, and for many seasons was the superintendent of tho fchool. Mr. Brooks wa9 a charter member of the First Baptist church of this city and a faithful and efficient deacon thereof to the day of liis triumphant death. IIli long illness gave opportunity to the remaining sous, Sylvester It. and Roland G. Brooks, and their families to show their filial lovo by their tender care; and the neighbors were not lack ing in their friendly services. By his own arrangement, the funeral service was held in the1 meeting house of tho First Baptist chinch on Sunday, Sept. 24th, at 2 o'clock. Tho pastor, Rev. 0. D. Taylor, whom ho had loved so well for eighteen years, preached the sermon from First John, Hi :2. Pastor Clifton of the Calvary church assisted at the services in'the church. The large concourse of pioneer neigh bors and friends that attended his funeral betokened tho influence of his life, and gave strong emphasis to tho saying, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." A Fuiend. Advertised Letter. Followihg'is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un called for October G, 1899. Persons calling for the samo will give date on which they were advertised : Clark, Mrs Ollie Brown, Lim Dvane, Mrs J T Brown, Lewis L Fagar, Mrs Deniza Cubbilcy, J M Johnson, Miss Alma Couneck, Clarence Johns, Mrs F L Dachs, Wilhelin Keller, Mrs L D Eib, Frank Mires, Mrs F E English. A H Malm, Mrs L 0 Evans, Will K Peterson, Miss Jniz Evans, Wallie X St Martin, P F Hurvev, G V Taylor, Willard Martin, Jap Henry H. II. Kiddell, P. M. llliiuarek'A Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and tho success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain nnd body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. i At u Sacrifice. Forty acres, 6 mile from Sorague landing, milo from Carson P. O., Skamania Co., Wah. Good bos house, four rooni9 and bath. Outbuildings good. Two acres young orchard winter apples Land all good, anil easily cleared. Five or six acres sediment, soil very rich Sacrificed for $250; worth J500. Don't spend time writing, come and see it. J. K. Buowji. BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke k Falk'd Rosafoam for the teeth. Feed ryo for sale at the Waeco Ware house. tf life Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. You will not have boils if vou tako Clarke &: Falk's eure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for them. Ah your grocer for Clarko & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Litest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazino cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Uyepepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Curee!ieirt-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. - Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mre. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which sho saved from croup by the use of Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a icienliUc compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomlngdale, Tenn,. says it cured him of indlueston of ten years' standing. uuuer urag jq, Iloraca tor Sale. A good four-horse tea t, and olt five months olJ, harness, good farm wagon, and springbuck. A bargain, For par ticulars addreie, 0. Ii. Lutiiku, Oct3-lw Hood Itiver. mwn.lvalamazw. Mich.. IryVpeptla' Cure cured mo of a yld?dge,Uoni can strongly recommenutt to all dyspeptics." Qtaaiifa fwkttiMtViwiitiQV.alJ from jthetomfWiW.PMxTeft)rp1fi. Butler The only colored mini living In Port age county, Wis., died recently. There are 242 German Bnptlst churches in tho United States, with 22, 000 members. In IU'diford, III., recently, a gust ot wind blew u baby currhigc on ton rail road track in front of a train, and tho two children in tho carriage wero Ullltd. The dogs in Barnwell county, S. C, arc returned ut a valuation o? $I2,S:0, while the assessed value of the entire property of the county in sheep and goats Is $201. la 1SS0 It was estimated that tho con sumption of pure alcohol in France cq unled 1 Va liters per head of tho popu lation. In lS'JO it had increased to 4.19 liters, apart from tho Use of wines, beers and cider. The Westminster Presbyterian church of Jersey City closes its doors at the be ginning of the service, and they are opened but once again during the serv ice to admit late comers. It is stated that this is done to correct tho habit of tardiness. A family comprising seven persons left Scranton, N. V., the other day, the whole party traveling on one full-fare railroad ticket. There were the motlier and her three pairs of twins, none of the children being up to the half-fare age of fle years. Electricity in the hands of a Vienna doctor has turned the Ethiop white. The negro went to the hospital from an Austrian jail and was treated witii elec tricity for four mouths. At the end bf that time lie was cured and also com pletely bleached, according to the Lon don Globe. Hungarian jokes are dangerous. A law professor in the Pressburg univer sity made a jesting remark to a lauded proprietor, who did not understand it, and at once thrashed the professor. They, in consequence, fought a duel with pistols, when the professor put a bullet through the squire's head. LOUBET'S GUARD. Twenty Prtvnte Detectives Attend the French I'renldeiit Day anil Mxlit. The secret force charged to protect the French president is far from scant, and, if lie-had been willing to keep it to its functions, it might have spared M. Loubct tho attack of the other Sun day. It is a force quite apart from that winch everybody sees, from tho army contingent, tho police and the reserve post of tiie city guard, purposely dis played and serving above all for decora tion. This service that nobody sees is composed of 20 persons in permanent service, and of 50 persons when the president travels, to say nothing of a currently reported third service, whose mysterious role is denied by the police. All this machinery, which M. Loubct 'a predecessor kept in constunt occupa tion, seems formidable and compli cated in the midst of a republic. This escort, with consign never to lose sight of him, makes M. Loubct, they say, positively miserable. Jle es caped from thtin the other day, and it gave rise to an amusing incident. There was consternation. All the bioycltiiof the palace were set in motion; there was riding hither and yon, and nearly rousing the city, when M. Loubct va discovered promenading the avenue of the Champs Ely-sees in quiet conversa tion with his son. Cincinnati En quirer. ' Ilirth Hnte in Kiiroiie. Sig. Bodis, n well-known Italian statistician, lias published tables show ing tiie order in which the countries of Europe are classed in decreasing series according to their mean birth rate: 1, Bussia, in Europe; 2, Hungary; 3, Hcrvia; 4, Uoumania; 5, Austria; G.Ger man empire; 7, Italy; 8, Hpain; 0, Fin land; 10, Portugal; 11, Holland; 12, Eng land and Wales; 13, Scotlnnd; 11, Denmark; 15, Norway; 10, Bel gium; 17, Sweden; IS, Switzerland; 19, Greece; 20, France; 21, Ire land. It will thus be observed Hint Itussin lias the largest percentage of births and France and Ireland have the smal!est.---Mcdical Hccord. ' Caati In Your Cneok. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 1SSU. will be paid at rnv office. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th, iavy. j, l,. riMLLirs, Countv Treasurer. Itoom and Hoard fur Two. Two persoriB can obtain room and board at a very desirable pIhcb in the city, centrally located, by applying at this ollico. 4 It To Cura a Coin tu One liny. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tie money if it Llls to cure. 25 Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. It cures ail forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. R. Gamble, Verncn, Tex , sayp, "It relieved me from the ctrirt and cured mo. it ia now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. Acker's EnslUi Remedy will (too a cough at any time, and wll cure the wont cold 'in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, tlruggittr. Paint your home with paint that are fully guaranteed to last. Glaike & Falk havo them. for limit, A nice house, convenient to high f chool ; $7.50 per month. Euquiio at N. Whealdon's ofllco. 3 lit ftERVITA RtitMM VITALITY, LOST VGOPl AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess ana indis cretion. Anorvo tonic uml blood Imildur. Wrings the pink glow to pale cheeks ail' restores the lire of youth TW mall fOc tier box: boxes for MKS.nO; with a written Rimruii tco to euro or rcfAmd tho monoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton a. Jack3on Sts., CHICAGO, ILU Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Tho Dalles, Oregon. Admiral George Dewey W1H receive, tho most royal welcomo on Oct. 1st. noit, that was ever accorded to an American clllien. You vrlll find a complete biography of this great hero, including his brilliant victor' orer tho Span ish fleet in tho great, authorltattvo and up ' v- date work of reference, tho New Werner Edition ot the Encyclopaedia Britannica This ia tho only cncTtiopaxlla on tho market that mentions Admiral Dewey. It given tho dito oi bin Mrtb; hovr ho spent hl.i boyhood dayj; tho part ho took lu tho Civil War; how after tho War ho was employed ou tho European station; in tho Naval Academy; his riso to tho rank of Commander and President of tho Board of Inspection and Survey; his command of the Asiatic Squadron; how on April 27th he left Hong Kong with his equadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Madia, on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, 1899, ho was created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, ft daring horseman and hnntomau, and socially a good club man and a general favorite. It tells of hU marriage to Hit Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died in 1972, leav ing a ion, George Goodwin Dewey. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and acorcs of other noted personages not oven mentioned In any other Encycloialin, receive the samo attention la this edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica 1 It epeaka of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago ;' of General Henry as Governor-General ot Porto Rico; of Aguiaaldo'a declaration of War against the U.S. YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation is mora easily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia la tho world, IN YOUR HOME, rex iaiji it I. C. NIOKELSEN, Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby given that tho undersigned Iihh been duly iipK)lnte4 hy tlio Hon. Comity Court of lim tliu t-talo of Oregon, for Wutc'i county, us uclnilmt.trntor of tho enUtuot Adolrli Agldlu. derc'iicd, All peiuonx Imving cIhIihn KhIiiH mldtkluto uru hereby notltlui to luowjnt the sumo piniicily verilli-d to meat tliu ollico of my Dtioimyw Dufur it Meuefrc, within tlx iiiiiillin from ibudntu or tliU notice. Dated at 'iho Dulleu, CrogimJunoSlhyj, Administrator of Iho Estate of AdolYbAgidlim. deceaMx. 7.1J jyH' UKIHBNIMIKf KICU Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery, ttcoms 21 and li, Tel. m Vogt Uioo MlaffM lightens IPIIIA i F Axle J IOrease 1 helps the team. Saves wear and I expense. Sold every where. IBtB WADE STANDARD OIL OO. OREGON 1-1 1 OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural anfl Airicnlhral Product a of On-Ron, Wngliirijrton nnd Idulin In urwitur vnrluty uml pro fusion tluui oviT bfforu. BENNETT'S RcilQWHCd MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's (Hciiteit I.nly Cornet Soloist. The l'ni'iuiilltd FLOHENZ TROUPE of Arrnhnts, dlrcet (rom tho Kmplrc Theater, London, their llrst appi'iirnuvu In Amtrleii. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE 1,'iiMirpusi.ed AeiliilltU, in their thrlllliiR iictc. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A fc'oftEon of Great Surprises and Astounding Feate. Keihiceil ltiilce mi All TriinfporlHll'in I.lllfH. AII.H1HSION .... :.'5 CgiiIk Children under 12 years, 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traliit IcAvo and arc due to arrive at 1'orllM LKAVK. OVJIKLANI) , tircfb, Kiilfri. Itosi'- 1 I ClllKi Alhliuid, Sue- I MDicnU), OgcK'll.SHli 1 7.00 r. Jl.i rruiicihfo, ?iojnve, i 'J:i: A. 41. New (irleuim aim I Knst i i ':3U A.M. ItOK'burg und wy ttii- tlnilH ! 1:30 i'. ii Dally except eumlityii fvlii Woodbur? fori ilr.Ancel, Sllvurton, ! Dully except .... ( Wi vil esi hcio, urntrriK. iiie.ttprinnneiuuni! i nirou ; 17:20 A. 41, (CorvalllH and inyl jnUtlou 5; 0 l'.4 INDKl'KNDKNCK I'AB'jK.VCKi:. Kxpress train unny (except uunuayj. l;K)p. m. (I.v I'ortlanl....Ar.) 8:2'a.m 7'Wp. in. Ai..4:c4tlnnvllle..l.v. a:in, ru 8:.T0p. ni. (Ar..lndtpeiilenca.Lv.) l:.'0a. m. Daily. (Daily, except ftiinuar. DifMNI! CAitS ON UGIIKN KOUTK. l'ULLMAN nUl'FKT HI.rill'KltS AND 8KCOND-CLAS3 HLKKl'INC5 C A Kb Attached to ull Through Trains. Direct connection at Kan Krauelnco with Ooci dental und Orientiil anil 1'aclllo mall taunnhii, linen for JA1'A and CHINA. Balling dates on nj pneauon. lUtea arid tickets to Kattern noints unci Eu roi. AIkoJAI'AN, CHLSA, HONOLULU ant AIJSTHALIA. All ahovo tralim arrlvo at and depart Iron Oraud Central btatlou. l'ifth aiid Irving struetk YAMHILL DIVISION. I'asseuger ln i)t, loot of JuUcti-om ircet. Umv: for Bhcrldan. weclc days, t 1:S0 p. in Arrive at Portland, u::)0 a. m. Uavc for AtHI.IK on Monday, Wclursday ana Krllny at 8:: b. rn. Arriv- at l'ortuuid, Tum unv, niumuay aim aaturaa) it ,i;uj p, m. Except Sunday. Kxeept Saturday. K. KcK.Hl.ER, (i, It. MAKKHAM, Manaser. Asst. U. 1. it runs, Aut Throuih Ticket OHlro. l.ll Thlrl iin-t h,. through tickets to all ioluts In the Eastern lunuat tawn iron. . J. . KIUKUNI). Ticket Agvnt. or N. WHKAI.DON. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. 5 1 AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. wt Lock and Qunsmlth, and Maohlno work, Charles Burchtorl,,,, Second Kt. Johlutoii, Altar . " w ONE roil A DptK. fine. ru. wh iifi t1i ?,rli InJucilninl Fvnnoii. nr. tUUOiUUU nil i Wood Saw Will "n evtiry ilny rxpcptsumlav. t KateB Kfasonalile. " M Tolephono 201. W. A. OATES, Prop, t ..CPAS. FRflHK.. Butchers and Farmeps '..Exchange.. Ki-cpn on draught tho celebrated COLUMBIA IlEKIt, acknowl. cilgeil tho host beer lu The Dalles, nt tlmuniial price. Come In, try It nnd ho couvlnoed, AIo tiie Khimt hriuuli ol Wines, Ll-juor nnd Cigars. Sandwiches ol all Kinds always on hand. The Busy Store. Eacli (lay our Luainchs shows tho people nre finding out wc are pushing 10 the front with bettor goods, lower prices, salespeople tlio very best, ami Inst, but not least, buyers who Unow their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' Sirs. Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Casoade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way poin'a on both tides olthe Columbia river. Hoth of tho abovo tcaniern Iinvo In-en '"'it and oio lu excellert hapo lor the eaon ot jb. Tim Moitiilalui- Miiewlllcudeavi.r tomtom patioui the belt erylco poiklble. Kor Comfort, Kooi.omy "'' Vutor travel by tho iteuinurN ol Tho lteB'lur Line. . Thoiteamera of tlio Hwiilator Lino will le ajo Halle ut 7 u. in. coniuieiicllil.' ilouda) tut. lint. Cortland Office. Oak St. Dock. I'lio DallM OB''8' Court street W. C. Allaway, Uenera A'- FRENCH & CQ, BANKERS. KNEKALIIANKINO llUHN I'KANHAOTA Letters of Credit Uiuod RVflllublo Ib tb TU A Dtnlaa filht Teler.pb. Tr.M(er. WLorT Now Vork, It. .Louie, bn fruncinwj, . .. . u fon. Seattle WH.hi. and vorioue po fn Oregon and Wesblwston. Uf. Collections made at all polnte oo w orable terms. - Drink Warren's Pore Glutier Hrnl)j .al.. .1 all flnt.c usa tf ?! . Btubling, agenl, Tiie Dalles. ...STEAM... Regulator Dalles