Plaid Dress Goods. We are showing the most complete lino of NOVELTY PLAIDS over displayed cast of thu Cascade mountains, nnd our strong point rusts in tiio fact tlutt vi; hnvo purchased theso in slnglo tkirt lengths and no duplicates, This nlono is un iniliiceinont to ladies to cnll earlv and trnko Felectloiis, ns each one feula Unit her tastu is stiporior to her friende. Wo invito nil to call nnd look this lino ovor, ub an early selection gives the greatest satisfaction. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and Cloak Department. 1 Ilomcipun, Cheviot nnd Covert Suits with silk lined jackets for $15,50 j Handsome now Homespun and Cheviot Suits, silk lined j ickuts for. . 18,50 I Ladies' overskirts, all pntturus and styles, ranging in price from $2.75 to $10 50 i Silk Waists. Colored or black, for ijo 00, $7.50 nnd $0.50 Children's and Miss' Jackets. ( All colore, all stylus, for $2.75 to $15.00 1 Furs I Collarettes, Jackets, Capes, Hons, Clusters, etc., in all the desirnblo ( furs ; elegance nnd stylo nro here. Wrappers. Good Flannelette Wrappers, nil colors, wide skirts, for $1.00 That New Fall Suit nf yours need necessarily not be high priced, hut it Mionld he btylish nnd well rittiiur. Wo are offeiisg exceptional values in Gent'rf Fall WoaringApparcl in all the latest stylus and fabi ice. "No man is so foolish but he may give nnother counsel sometime?, nnd no man is so wife hut he may ensily err if ho will take no other's counsel but his own," says Bare lien Johnson, 30- Now If You will come to see lite poods nnd give us your oinnsel, and let up give you onrs, to gether we are sure to attain wisdom and mutual satisfaction. Good values nro like letters of introduction, and it is our business policy to place before the buying public cuch self-evident values that it is at once" recognized that this is the store of the people. Soo Windows. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. Pease Mays Jason's pmit Jars. I One Quart I Two Quarts j h i Sue pei tan BSc per dozen MAYS & CROWE. 1 l- A . A A, A AA,AAAAAA,,,A.A. A A A, A A A ' The Dalles Daily Chfoniele, SATURDAY OCTOBER 7, 1800 Telephone No. i. j Oysters -Co) served in every style by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight fair; Sunday fair nnd warmer. Celebrated Warnor'a butter, of While Salmon, at Dawson's. oct-5 2i Regular meeting of tho Elks tonight, when several degrees will be conferred. Wanted A girl to do (ciiural 'house work. Apply nt N, Harris' store. 5 3t The traveling public should bear in mind that tho D. P.& A. N. Co. etenm o;i will chnimo their time of departure ho.ii 8 until 7 on Monday, October 0th. Tomorrow the Regulator will make t io trip to Portland, leaving about 0 o'clock in the morning, nnd thu Dalles Ci'y will reach this city some time in eve.iiug. Mre. lltincie, who gave tho lady minstrels in Tho Dalles last springIs no.v in Corvallie, nnd the people of that city will enjoy the minstrels next Thurt day and Friday. There will soon be two Southern Pa cific trains running out of Portland, one i i tho morning nnd thu other in the owning. Thu Hosohnrg local will bu c tanged to n through train. About Tuesday of this week tho sexton fotiud a hunch of keys (mostly door keys) in OJd Fellows cemetery. Tho owner em have the enmo by cnlling nt this olliuu and paying for this notice. Thoro will be no servico ntthoCongre gitioiml church tomorrow, neither mmiiug nor evening, Rev. Poling being nbient in Walla Walla. Sunday School u, 12:20 nnd Christian Endeavor at 0:30. Bishop Morse was in Suinpter last week, and as n result of his visit that lively little mining town is to huvo nn Episcopal church soon. Tho towusito Hynd c ito has oll'oied to donate thu lots. According to Damo Rumor oven Dawoy hits caught tho inatriinonirtl fever so prevalent now, and will continue his conquests on land. Bho says he is engaged to a Washington widow. A Dalles bachelor says ho doesn't believe it, that Dewey is said never to make n mistake. One week from this tvening tho "?.Tnzy Time" Company will appear ut tin Vogt. On the 23d Gub Hill's" Vanity Fair," which has been playing in Port land, will be put on at the same place; while on"the,30tb of tho month "My Friend from India" will be placed on the boards. We understand that 325 returning toldler boye will take dinner at the Umatilla IIoubj tomorrow nt 1 o'olock. Whither they are .bound we did not learn; but presumcrthey aretiie Minne sota boys, who left San Francisco Thurs day. Be out toreceive them. At u. meeting of the members of the Epworth League last night the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing yoar: President, Louise Rueh; first vice, Martha Wheuldon ; second vice, Mrs. E. J. Collins; third vice, Mre. U. F. Hawk; fourth vice, to be supplied"; treasurer, Nettie Freddon ; secretary. C. A. Brown ; choiistor, E. J. Collins. Dr. Hi) ss has bought Dr. Tackmnn's i) Hi uu in the Vogt block, and is now ready for business. Dr. Iiuss has practiced dentistry for 17 years in Port land nnd is n first clnes workman in every respect. Gold tooth crowns nnd bridge work a specialty. Teeth filled nnd extracted painless. Prices as reason able nB good work can be dono lor. Miss Josio Jenkins will leave next week to remain some time in Portland, nnd in view of tho fact hur cousins, the Misses Bolton, entertained a few of her friends in n pleasant manner Inst ovening with games, music, refresh ments, otc. Tho expressions of en couragement and friendly good wishes which wcro given to Miss Joaio will certainly abide with her as sho pursues her studies in tho business college, and school duties will be lightened thereby. In speaking of Low Tlllard, who was killed Wednesday night, tho Hnppner Times says: "Low was a man genial and kind in disposition, which held the appreciation nnd friendship of thoso who knew lil tu best, and this end end gave them all a shock. Wiien business was successful he was liberal to n fault. Un married, lie wub devoted to his mother nnd sisters, nnd his earnings went to their support. In his death the mother loses a devoted son and his sisters u lov ing brother whoso plnco will never be filled." Tho CimoNioi.i: force has cm friend among tho fruit men who never forgets them; but each soasdn somu substan tial token of his friendship is forth coming. Consequently, when a gontle man stopped into thu oflleo yesterday bearing n good tilted box of tho finest grapes wo have soon this year, wo know our old friend, O. D. Taylor, w.9 still loynl to us, nnd eo It proved. And they tnsto especially good when, tired nnd hungry, tho weary printer, forgetting ins finguis nro Inky, makes tho fruit disap pear faator than thu typo reaches the Bt'ck. Tho "Oregon Nntivo Son" n innga.ino which ha9 just been recolvod, Is pub lished in Parti ind nnd is n journal which not only native eons, but nil Oregonlnna especially should receive monthly. Such a publication, devoted to the history, in dustries nnd development of the original Oregon, comprising the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and a part of Mon tana, tiae long been needed, Our his tory la a peculiarly interesting one and every detail should be preierved and tudied. Wh ihould not take up general history until we know a little bit about our own state. Matters of immediate interest also occupy much space. Through the kindness of Mrs. Smith French, a few of the young ladies who were intimate witli Miss Emma itoecoe when she lived in The Dalles, were per mitted to spend last evening in such a perfect manner that it will never be for gotten. Beside renewing acquaintance and talking over old times, Mrs. French had provided novel means of entertain ment. Partners for lunch wereobtained by slips of papers containing "pied" names of capital cities which were suited to their states by those holding them. In no statu in the union, or city, however, could guests be sat down to a more tempting spread. The nrrange ment of the table decoration was beau tiful and elaborate ; but not excelling the choiceness and ttic flavor of the viands thereon. Adjourning to the parlor Inter a table was brought fortli containing articles so arranged as to represent the names of well known books, which the guests were called upon to eupply. A toothpick fastened to a wick which lay on a package of documents stood for "Pickwick Papers," and so on until twenty-eight books were represented. Mies Louise Ilucli guessing twenty-one was rewarded with a beautiful bouquet. Miss Roscooand her friends present will review the evening with much pleasure long after she lias returned to her Victoria home. Klndciciirton ISIrtliilny l'arly. IS BETTER ALL AROUND. Chuncm Which Have I'roK'n of Great ltpnrfil to the Couuly. The Chronicle published a few days ago a summary of the assessment roll of Wasco county for the year 1S99, which will be passed over to the county clerk by the county assessor next Monday. The county board of equalization, composed of the county judge, county clerk and nsseESor eat for thu past week for the purpose of equalizing aBseements and correcting errors. While two or three chnnges in valuation have been made the total amount of assessable property remains about the same ns re ported, $3. 144,452, which is an excees over the 1898 roll of $72,153. The county clerk at its session in Marcli last very wisely divided the county into seven districts for assess ment purposes and appointed as many deputy assessors, each of whom was well acquainted with the real estate and personal property of his respective dis trict.' Tho same basis for the classifi cation of tillable and non-tillable lands was used in 1898, and we nre of the opinion that the following favorable comparison of the year's work in the field and in tho oflice will herealter justify the more careful work in this important otlice : Cost of deputv hire for 1893 $ 4S9 Cost of deputy hire for 1890 542 Whenever any of the .kindergarten pupils hnvo a birthday it is always the occasion for n good time among the littlo ones, and yesterday their pleasures were doubled as they celebrated the tiixth birthday of Lloyd Wells nud Allan Junes' fifth birthday. Each littlo one brought gifts of flcAvers until the table was resplendent with them, and the parents furnished "dood" things for tho children to enj. They played games, sung nnd enjoyed themselves In their childish way, Assisted by their tencher, Miss Taylor,, the following little ones being preeenf : Lloyd We'll?, Allan Jones, Bornice Moore, Winifred Doutliit, Nonearle Bol ten, Jessie 'Hosteller, Jeanette Snipes, Jessie Jones, Wiliuiv Dounell, Charlotte Geiger, R'aes Geiger, Frederick Ross, Kenneth Farley, L'nn Laughliu, George Hockmnu, Halph Ulfl'ord, Gibson Hud son. Uic Jimt (U't the Worst of It. Tommy Pop, tho rain falls alike up on the just and the unjust, doesn't it? Tommy's Pop Yes, yes. Don't ask silly questions. Tommy And it lain' just to steal an other man's umbrella, is it? Tommy's Pop Certainly not. If you ask any more Tommy But, pop, tho rain doesn't fall upon the man that steals the um brella, but it doea upon the man that bad hie stolen. Funny, ain't it pop? Philadelphia Record. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line, of paint and artist's bruabee. Increased expense $ 63 Cash collected for poll tax, JS98. . . 114 No polls charged on roll of 189S. . . 070 Total !f 784 Cash collected for polls in 1899. . . . 108 No pollseharged on roll of 1899. . . . 910 Total !fl0S4 The excess of polls of 1S99 over 189S is 300. The field work of the assessor heglne on tho first Monday in March and ends on tho first Monday in September, n period of six months, which makes it impossi ble forono man to travel over so large a county as Wbbco nnd do thorough as sessment work. Not only is it less ex pensive to make thu assessment of the county with the nid of deputies under the instructions of the assessor hut it makes it possible for the assessor him self to make up his own roll with more exactness nnd attention to detail. Ilcury hiiiI Ills Yellow Shore, When russet shoes of a bright yellow buo were introduced, Dewey wore tho first pair that was seen in Washington. They nt once became the subject of jest of all thu officers of tho navy department Early in the afternoon ono of Dowey's feet began to swell and hlssuflcring from his new shoes was acute. In an interval butweeu the calls of frionds who were etill "running" him on his shoes the Commodor sought his chief eleik'e room. He walked with a limp, and finally loosened the strings, to relievo his feet. "I suppose I can't take these things off now," lie remarked with a hitter smile," for those fellowa'll think they have driven me to it." And for hours the Commodore eat at CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. his desk in perfect torture, October Ladies' Home Journal. OUR CHUr.CHS. I'EUrLE YOU ALL KNOW. IK W. H. Patison, of Dufur, is in the city. O. L. Pnquet was a visitor in the city yesterday lrom Wapinita. V. Senecal and wife came in from Dufur yeEtji day and spent today in the c'ty. Mipses Julia and Clara Nickelsen and Lena Thompson boarded tha boat this morning for Portland, where they will attend the exposition. Miss Maie Elton, of(he Oregon Tele phone office, went down to Hood River yesterday afternoon to spend a few davs with her sister Mies Minnie Elton, who is a teacher there. Dr. O. C. Hollister arrived in the city last evening from Portland anil spent to lav here. He is accompanied by his d tughter, Florence, who will viBit Genevieve Fieli for a few days. Recorder Gates, Marshal Hualies and , C. E. Borders returned from their trip I to the Meadows this morning. The necessary repairs were made in the water trough, but the cool reception they received caused them to abandon their trip to Badger lake. Notice to Tax I'Hytrs, The Board of Equalization is now in session, for the purpose of equalizing as sessments. This is tho proper time for all persons to see that their assessments are properly made and entered on the ! roll. The board will be in session until ! Saturday night, Oct. 7, 1S99. Alter this ' if no application for a change is made, j the tax roll will be placed in the hand of the sheriff for collection as returned by ' the assessor. Rodt. Mays, j Oct3-lvk County Judge. Christian Science nvtinir in email K. of P. hall every Sut d iv morning at 11 o'clork. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pntnr. Recular services nt 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Yonn; people's meeting at 0:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. St. Paul's church Rev. Geo. Leslie, pastor. Holy communion at 9 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 1 :30 p. m. Sunday school nf 12:15, noon. Ulypsen F. Hi-vk, the newly appiint ed pastor of the Mwho.list Episcopal church of this city, will occupy tho I ulpit on Sundav, both mcrn'ng and evening. "The Way to the City" will bs the morniiu theme, and In the even ing he will speak on the subject, "A Blind Watchman nnd a Dumb Dog." S inday School at 10 a. m. Class meet ing a. 1:15 p.m. Junior La'ine at 3:30 p. in. Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. "It did me more goo 1 than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after citing it was terrible. Now I am well," write? S. B. Keener, Hnisin-Jtlou, Kan., of Kodot Dyspepsia Cu-e. It digests whi.t you eat. Butler Dru Co. . Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete lino of house, carriage, wagon and bun paints manufactured by James E. P.ttton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That Joyful Feeling I With theexhilerating sense of renewed . health nnd (strength and internal clean-! liness, which follows the use of Syrup j of Figs, is unknown to the few a lio have i not progressed beyond thu old-time medicines and the cheap subatitues' sometimes offered but never accepted by j t lie well-informed. Buy tho genuine.! Manufactured by the California Fij Syrup Co. FurotlrrCi Attention! Friday, October 13, Initiatory work in Sicond Degree. Lunch will be served. All members nro requested to be present. Jno. W. Auk-ins, C. R. D. D. WiLDicn, F. S. Shuwl Last Tuesday, somewhere between Seventh and Thirteenth streets, an all wool gray Bhawl. Finder pleaso return to this office. w.idl MS. 0MVIA W. pljGAU, STUDIO AN l) ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, . Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streete, The Dal leg. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. . oo.Ooo. Construction Tills Is nn nlr tlKlIt llt'lltlT Ol tllO OVIll blltvt htfl'l t0! it ha CAST lltOX I.INI.N'US, iiuiMhk It (tumble; tU lias front fvvil ilnor, cant top ami bottom anil ornamental vwlug top, with KtluMlo cover uiiuYincutti. Nlokellntf It lms utckelcil urn, nume plate ami toot rulU, Wo have a complete Mock of than on liiiml, cull and hee our block before liu) Iuk eUcwhere. 1 r I & Bemon I