The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 06, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
K.dneys, Liver
amd Bowels
. 7-J
urti" nrniiikiiirriv
rca saucy at xdstosimts rati sot fiRKinc
G. C. Blakeley
land yesterday.
returned from Port-
J. T. Ilirick went to Portland
on the
boat thn nioruintr.
3, P. Carroll, of Mosier, came up frcm
that berg yesterday on a business trip.
Mrs. Aui!u.t Uuo'uier and daughter.
Mrs. C. Gerrichten, left this morning
for Portland. Harry Wellf came up on !n?t
evening's train ami. returned to Portland
this morning.
S. P. Shut!, of the Hood Piver Sun.U
in town today mid nude n fraternal rail
at the Ciiku.niclu ofii.-e.
Mr. and Mrd. .1. S. Fish came up on
tho midnight train Inst uitrht, having
spent a wek in the metropolis.
Miss Hilda IJ-tuk lef vesterdav after
noon for I'lrtl.iuii, where h h i intends to
enter the Holmes Htisiness College.
Miss Annette Mieholl, who has ppent
four months'' in .Portland studying
stenography, returned home last night.
Mrs. W. L, IJrndshaw, who has spent
sevenl weeks with relatives in Portland
and the valley towns, returned cn
last evening's Wain.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Diutzsl and Ford
Dietzul were passengeron the boat this
moniiiiv bound for Portland, where
the) will attend (lie exposition.
L. S. Ainsworih. who has been em
ployed by thf D. P. & A. X. Co. in
Portland, arrived in the city last night
mid lias accepted a position iu the office
Mrs. Otis Patterfon left on lapt evui
ing's train fur Heppner to attend the
itinera! of low liiiaru, who was killed
near Heppner Junction Wednesday
W. W. Irvin, an old resident of Au
rora, Or., is spending a dav or two in
our city looking about to see how East
era Oregon compares with his valley
G. W. Uondtirant came un from Port
land last night and. loft this morning for
AVatnic, where he .will take nhanieof
the public school. Bliss Uess Isenbere
of Hood River, also went out to that
place Tuesday to teach in the same
Among those. who attended the wool
growers' convention yesterday were J
M. Davis, of fiherar'd iiridge: T. H.
Johnston, M. J. tAnuerion, W, H. H
Dofur. of Dnfur: "Frank Gable, of Wa-
inic; Itoht. rimith, of Grass Valley and
a. a. lJonnojYor Tygti.
Itev. J. W. Jenkins, who is now in
the city, will start 'East about the 10th
of this month to visit his mother in
Michigan, who is in her 85th vear. He
win aleo tuko in the Jnbilee Miaslnnnrv
Convention of the Christian church',
which convenes in the city of Cincinnati,
Ohio, uct. lain to2Uth. tie will return
about Jan. 1st and enter upon his sixth
yearns pastor of the Christian church
in Hood Hiver.
In this city. Thursday mnrniucr. Oct
nth. the infant daughter of Mr. ami Mre.
J. w. Kohinson, aged 2 mouths.
Tho funeral took place from the family
residence near the garrison ihts morning
at 11 o'clock, Kliler Clifton ofliclatlng.
The "Plow B.i.v Preacher," Rev. J.
Klrkinon, Hello IMve, 11)., lave. "After
mfTurlng from llroiictiial or lung trouble
for ten years, I was cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. It is al! that is claimed
for it and more." It cures ccuilir, coi,
grippe and all Ihroit and lung troubles.
Butler Drug Co.
Paint your house with pilots it hat are
fully guaranteed' to last. Clarke & Falk
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all otho diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to he incurable. For a
Krent many years doctors pronounced it
n local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
euro with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable Science has proyen catarrh
tobe a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's i Catarrah Curo, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional curo on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a tensnoonful. It nets directly
on the blood and nnicoiiB surfaces of tho
system. They offer ono hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars iinil testmotitala. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. 0.
V Sold by Druggists, 7oc. 7
Prominent Fruitgrower Dead.
W.u.i.a Walla, Wash., Oct. 4. Dr.
E. P. ICMD, who hud lived in Walla
Walla and Umatilla counties nearly
thirty years, died at his fruit farm south
of town, in Oregon, hist niiiht, aged fifty
years, fie was a eon of the late Itev.
II. W. Eagan. ot Walla Walla.
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to bo held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 20
to Oct. 20, the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co, will maken round trip rate of
i'o.'2o, which will also include two ad
mission coupons to tho exposition.
Tickets will he srood going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27rh, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
S, on Thursday. Sept. 23th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thursday. Oct. 20th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday night following the Wednesday
cr Thursday on which ticket is polit .
25-1 in
Good Shepherd's Home Burned.
Vancouvek, B. C, Oct. 4 The Good
Shepherd's Home, in New Westminister,
o le of tho largest Roman Catholic insti
tutions on the coast, was destroyed by
(ire this nfternc on. Eighty children and
nuns escaped without injury.
Volcanic. Kt-iiptloiia
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of j iy. I3ucblen'.s Arnica Salve euree
them ; also old, running and fever sore,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Wnrts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. IV "t Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and nuhes.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. dni!-
cists. 'J
Rev. Morrison's Coniin.
New York, Oct. 3. Rev. Dr. A. A.
Morrison, who has accepted a call to
Trinity church at Portland, Or, will
leave for his new post December 1. Hie
decision was rtceived with deep regret
by his congregation.
"I wisli to express my thanks to the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for
having put on the inaiket such u wonder
ful medicine," says W. W. Massingill.
of Beaumont, Texas. There are many
thousands of mothers whose children
have been saved from attacks of dysen
tery and cholera infantum who must
also feel thankful. It is for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
ISUumrck'A Iron rvo
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use .Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
ix nooguion s urugstore. v.
Cm ill In VaurCUMki,
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. I, !3kU. will be uaiU at mv
office. Interest ceases after Kept. 14th,
tOW. U. X4. rillLI.Il8,
Countv Treasurer.
'Ilprtes fur Sale.
A good four-horse teauj, and cult five
months old, harness, good farm wagon,
and spring hack. A bargain, For par
ticulars address, C. II. Lutiiku,
Oct3-lw Hood River.
ltuoui and Hoard for Two.
Two persons can obtain room and
board at a very desirable place in the
city, centrally located, by applying at
this office. 4-4t
Thousand. arn Trying It.
Tn order to prove tho (treat merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, tho most effective euro
for Catarrh and Cold in'Head, wo have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggUt or send 10 cents to
ELY BROS., 06'Warren 8t., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of tho worst kind
ever siuoo n boy, aud I saver hoped for
cure, but "Ely's Oream 'Balm sterna to do
even that. Many acquaintances have used
it with excellent results. Oscar Oitruu.
45 Warwn Ave., Chiaago, III.
Ely's Crem Balm is tho ncVnowledgel ,
care for, oaUrrh aA aen tains. uo cocaine.
mercury nor any injurious drncr. l'ricc.
tO onU. At drugjiUU or by iuslU.
Scrofula to
Any ono predisposed to Scrofula can
novor bo healthy and vigorous. This
taint in tho blood naturally drifts into
Consumption. Being such ndeop-scated
blood diseaso, Swift's Specific is tho
only known curo for Scrofula, because
it is tho only remedy which can reach
the diseaso.
Scrofula npoenred on tho head of myllttlo
randchlld when onlv 10 months old. Shortly
tttor breaking out It spread rapidly nil over
her body. Tho scabs on tho sores would reel
5(1 on tlio.Blljihtost touch, and tho odor
wouiu arise maaa mo at
mosphere ot tho room
tlokonltiR and unbearable.
Tho diseaso next attacked
tho eyes, and wo feared sho
would lose her sight. Km
luont physicians from tho
iiuroundliit! country wore
ionsulted, but could do
nothing to relievo tho lit
tle Innocent, and gnvo It
is their opinion that tho
case was honsles mid lin--
posslblo to save the child's eyeslifht. It was
thon that wo decided to try Swift's Speclllc.
That medicine at onco matin a speedy and com
plete cure. She Is now a .younK lady, and has
novor had a sign of tho disease t return.
S.allna, Kan.
Scrofula is nn obstinato blood diseaso,
and is boyond tho rench of tho average
blood medicine. Swift's Specific
is tho only remedy equal to such deep
seated diseases; it Roes down to tho
very foundation and forces out ovory
taint. It is purely vegetable, nnd is
tho only blood remedy guaranteed to
contnin no mercury, potush or other
mineral substance whatever.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
I'nsxlns; of thu Only Womnn Ever
Until ted Freedom of Floor
In Couprrei!!.
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, whose
death nt Littleton, Is. 11., was an
nounced recently, was born in Vermont
in 1S21, being the daughter of n poor
farmer. She bef;nn life as u maid of
all work, but in IS 1.1 Khe attracted the
attention of Thomas Tnompson, n Bos
ton millionaire, to whom she was mar
ried in 1841. lie was a man of markedlv
philanthropic character, nnd when his
estate came into her bunds nt his death
in liC9 she followed his example in
contributing' freely to nil worthy chari
ties, says the Beaton Transcript.
She spent lnrfrc sums in the cause of
temperance and expended n fortune in
helping heads of families who had met
with misfortune. She devoted 910.CC0
to the investigation of yellow fever.
She spent nearly S100.0C0 in providing
openings in business, for men with fam
ilies. She founded the town of Long
.Mont, at the foot of the Itoelty moun
tains, giving C IS acres of land nnd $300
to each colonist in Saline county, Kan.,
and contributed largely to the purchase
of the Yassar college telescope.
Later she presented Francis 15. Cnr-
pentcr's painting of the "Signing of the
emancipation J'roulnmuticn by Lin
coin" to congress, for which she was
granted the freedom of the floor.
right which no otlu.-r woman possessed
blie contributed' large sums to the
American Association for the Advance
mcnt of Science and was made its first
patron. She was n strong advocate of
tlits idea of an international republic,
hue was attacked by n stroke of imrnlv
sis several years ago and had been in
delicate health since that time.
Thar Iniltnte Hie Fluliturs of
Stave to Kqol the I'nanlnir
On a recent Saturday afternoon when
Stnte street was crowded with prom-
cnntiers two gamins reaped a silver har
vest from the "cheap spurts," as they
termed the victlnib of their ruse, suys
mo uuciitfo Tribune,
From the low comedians nt the vau
deville show they had learned the knnck
of striking nnd receiving the atnge
blow. As the initluted nre nware, the
report is produced by clapping the
hands, ond the hand of thu Victim hns
tily applied to the eye gives the appear
ance oi tlie "black eye" thrust.
As soon ns the boys spied some well
dressed nnd. "pompous "fsaturduy after
noon sports" approaching they fell to
and belabored each other in the genu
ine vaudeville stnge manner. Wow after
blow resounded, nnd each in turn
winced with simulated pain. The men
rushed up nnd sepnrnted the young
sters, who burst into laughter nnd ex
posed their trick. Then they domnnded
n contribution ,from tho "sold," nnd
generally they received it. When the
victims. lind passed on nnd neace relmwil
ngajn the urchins laid in wait for anoth
er "soft murk" nnd repented the per
formniicc. Photographed n -Ml rag.
After taking a shop shot of Tenbr
church recently an Knglish photog
rapher was .puzzled to find on his nlate
tin image of a vessel dreaatddn bunting
nnd up.slde down. He rend in the newB-
ianeru next tlnv nf n Innnnli ni lum
broke, neven miles away, and conoiuded
that, he had photographtd, u mlrntre.
Cincinnati JJnqulrcR,
Use Clarke & Fa Ik's Itosafoam fur tho
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house tf
Uee Chukot Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dnndrufl'from the head.
You will not have bolls If you take
Clarko & Falk's euro curo for bails.
Clarke & Falk's Havering extracts are
the best. Ask your iirocer for them.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
nnd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarko
& Falk.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Mapuinu cyclones at Donnull's
drug store.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all lirst-class bars. C. J
Stubliug, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Ilm.
Clarke & Fall; have a full mid com
plete line of house, carriage, wagun and
barn paints manufactured by .lames E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
Inxeii at -5 cts. illakelay A Houghton
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are gold on
a positive guarantee. Curesliourt-liurn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dvspopsia. One little!
tablut gives immediate relief. -5 cte.
and SO cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., on
thu life of her child, which shu saved
from croup by thu use of Onu Minute
Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds
nnd throat and lung troubles. IJutler
Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspupsin
because its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing po. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imncrfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. I)., in
Americin Journal of Health, X. Y.
Kudol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientillc
compound having the endorsement of
eminent iihysieians and the medical
press. It "digests what yon cnl" and
positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron,
UlooiniiiKdale, Teiiu., sayft it cured him
of indiireston of ten vears' atuudiiiK.
llutler Dnif Co.
I'r ItuMl.
A nice four-room house, convenient to
hit;h sclioo! ; $7.50 pur month. Enquire
nt N. Whcnhlou's oflice. U lit
Clarke & Falk havi! on sale a full line
of paint and artist'e brushes.
V. S. L.Ni) UvrtcR, Tun Uallbh, Ok. (
'iiy it. lm
A Milllcient contest nllt'lnvit liuvlwr Ix'on llled
in this ollico by Jnrnw Kotillc, eciiitestiint,
nsoiui. iniiiiv-irii'i uuiry au, llllltKJ .liv.
til liiih. It 1 1 h. nnd hV't N'U'lV c.. .) ,,,.,,
li!i 1 H. K 13 K, by Tlioiiuis Jvllruh, contustvv.
ln.wlilcli It In iillictil that be liiis abiiiiiloiKiil
mid tract for more than n uioiitlis. buhl nirtles
Hru hereby notified to upiciir. lespond mid
wiici uviuunvu uhiuiiiiik mm imcxritimt, at lu
o eloik ii. m. on Sept. I. IW, before thu reulstsr
receiver at the United Htutei hind ollico In
1 1..; ,jii(-n. ur,
sum l'ijjiuvvutih imving in n liropcr
(I 1 1 tri .1 It I fr fllft lull. 1 . Il.iui . - at' r ' -
... ......... ....... un,. hi. i-w, tci lorin jaeis
which sliow; that idler duu dlllKence, iwrnoiiiil
servleoot this notice can not bo ihmiIc, it h
hereby orderel and directed Unit niicli notice bo
ft.,.."' "uu IT'ir-r liubiiciitioi
ji leu
JAV I'. I.UCAH, HeRlstcr.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice In hereby glvtn that tho undersigned
has been dillv niniolnted bv thn linn idi.
Court Of the tho rituto of Oretrnn. (nr VV...
Loiini)-, nx uuiiiininirauir oi tliu estatuot Adolph
Agldlus, deceased. All pemons Imvlntr cliilmn
fltulnst said estate nru hereby iintilled to present
tho surnc properly verllled to mo nt tho ollleu ol
in ohuiiu jb, iJiuur oi jieneiee, witiiin six
iiKiuiiin iruiu iuuuiiu ui iiuh iiouee.
jaieu in me vmhh, ureKOll, June.1), ISM.
... J I'. AUIU1UH.
idmlninlratorof tho Katutnnr .tiininh a..i,u...
U. S. Und Owck, Tun daurn, Oh ,1
Jiuiouo, lwu. j
Nnllco Is hcrrbr al I'mi Ihllt 111 r.n..i..M....A
With the nrovlsliiiis of iim w.t r
June J.lhT.S. entitle! iii, r... ,h.. "
jj.iiuvi inuun in iiju inie oi uiiniorniH, Oregon,
m .i.. " 7."-..:"" "
: - """iiiiiHiuii ivrrnory,' l.lmrlCK
(iOSWIII. Of Thfl Dul s. .-niintf nf U'u..... ...:?'. .1
Oregon, has thin day llled la this oBlce his
?".'"." "!f iSKS"1.0' 1 " ,ho fiirchaso of tho
lot andbKUHWiio See. No. au. In Township
..... . ... luiiKo no. i.-1 aim win oiler proof to
show that the laud sought Is moro valuable for
... iimira ui aiunu iiiaii iur agricultural niir
ixitev, and toestab sh hUnlHliii n.mi.i i, i'i.,.
lore the register nnrl tiMvur ni n.iu ii.. ...
llonanieHas wltnesscH. A.Tnrnnr. w !i..l-
luga.'i, (J, Whlliuore. all of Tho Dall n,
V and all nemntiu ..Ulminv mh.. ......... ' .u.:
above Uesfrlbed lands arc rcuuetei tn in.. i,
claims In this office on or before said 14th day of
bepteinU-r, low. j, ,.. ujcah
J'8'11 lU'Bl.ter.
Physician aud Surgeon,
npoclal ttentlon given lo urcry,
acsmiaiaudiU, Tel. 828 Voat lilon
Office over renph .Co.' limjlc
I'hono 0, TIIK DAI.I.Ka.01tKr!iiM
Offlceor-r Mr.t Nat. ffi UAW(Kb' 0UKU
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Horticultural and AEricnltiiral
Products of Oregon, Washington and
Iduiin in "renter variety and pro
fusion than ever before.
America's Uicntcst Uuly Comet Motulst.
The Uiii'iiiiiillal
of Acrnhnti, ilbert Irnm tliu Mmplre Tliciiter,
lAiii.luii, tlnlr llrst iiiiniiiini'ulu America.
A (! rent
I'liMUi'""! Ao!l.!iM, In their thrlllliiK "Cts.
A Season of Groat Surprises and
Astounding Keats."
lll'lltll'fll Itlltl'H
cm All
Trniifpiii t tit 1 .1 1 1
ADMISSION .... xr, VvutK
Children under IJyonis, 10 cents.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or ti:u
Southern Pacific Comp'y
Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'ortlm
OVKltl.ANl) KX )
TQi, haleia, Hosu
Hire Anhlimd. tine- I
7.00 !'. M.
J r.'iiiieiito, OKden.Hnn ! ,
1 KmiicIm'o, Mnjave, f ' 0:!,,
I.Oh Am;cle;KI l'uro, i
I Kant ;
tf:.1U A. l yiuu vivy BiH'i
f Via Womlbura for
.Mt.Ancel. SllVLTton.
"..,T i i .
i West helo, llnivtn-
, I villi. itrliu.lliOil ntul
! I Natron J i
17:30 A. ii.
and way
INDKl'K.VDK.VOK l'ASSKNOint. Impress train
imiiy (u.teepiHiliiiiayj.
i;ip. in. i.v I'orthuid ...Ar.i 8:2.n.m
isoi'.ia. ai .JleJllnnvllIe .l.v.j i;.'Hii,
HtSUp. m. Ar..lndi;ieiidciice..l.v.) 4:M)a.
'Dally. inmiy, except miiniar,
Attacheil to all Through Trains.
Direct eoniiectlon nt San wliii rw.
dental and Oriental and I'aCillc mull steainshli
unen mrjAi'An aim uuiftA. bulling Uatea on
n iiiieniiun.
uiitea and tickets to Katern nolnu and Ku
All abovo trains arrive at and depart Irotr
viiiiuu wuiurai aiiiiioii. ruin auu Irving streets
I'asseugcr Dex)t, foot of Jeilursuu street.
Iave for Hheridan. week days, at 1:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 0:30 a. in,
Leave for AIKI.IK on Monday, Wednesday i
ru.iity mn:jou. in. Arrifp at Portland, Tue
uruaj ii j;uo p, m,
Kxccpt Saturday.
Except Sunday.
Manager. Asst. (1. K. ii Pass. Attt
hT!?.r,h'fiTJc.kc,.0mFc' 131 Th,nl feo. whore
States, Canoila and Kurupc can bo obtained al
or K. WBI&lWs.'"'"'"'' "
J LookanrJQunsmllh
t and Maohlno work. '
9 Charles
Second at.
A In .....
i.:"TirM.. unit wr
. UVSIII1. Thi. ..
too. w a BlflV
Wood Saw
Will run : evory day,. xmntSondav i
IUtes Ueaeonnblo. ' I
Tolophono 201.
W. A. OATES, Prop.
..GHiis. m.
Bate he ps
and Faitmeps
. .Exchange..
mrilil? Cnctt!
riltwl tliu bent bcor In Tlio bnllo.
at tlieiistiiil iirleo. Conin In, try
It nnd bu rouvliicril. AIo thu
I'lnrht brand o Wines, l.huor
and CiRitrN.
of all Kinds always on linnet.
luiu'i dny our iiiimiioss shows
the people rue llndiiiir out wc
arc pushing to tho front with
better goods, lower prices,
aalespeople the very heat, ami
lust, but licit least,' buyers who
know their business mid buy
foi Ihe people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
The Dalles, FortH and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
Dally (except Kuudav) tetween
The Dalles,
Hood Jifciver,
Cascade Locks,
,and Portend.
TouohltiB at way poinU on both Miles oftbe
Columbia rlvor.
Both of thy abovo iilcamera have been re,t,''J1''
and aro lu excellent shin lor tho seiisim i
Tito Uoa-iiliitiir Mnn will endeavor to give t
imtroiis the boat service posatble.
Kor Vomrort, Koononiy ami i'ln"i
ravot by tho atcauiera of Tim ltBMlor
1.1 lie.
Tboiteiniors of tho mutilator Lino will leave
Dalles at 7 u. in. comuiuiiclni: iluuliiy llio Ji"
ortland OWce. fho lIlo om.
Oak 8t..Uoo. . Court Btrwt
W. C. Alia W
Genera Agin',
Jtten of Credit iaud aviiilKbleiiA
Trnirfan aolrt on 'New TorK. UiucMvi
St. Louii, 8a Fruucltco, I'ortlanU 01
on, fi,W iWMft.i a vnrwue hv
In Oregon una Wastiiogton. , , .
OolleotloBi made at all point on w
orable taruui.
Keffulator Dalles
ubim ovtt rmt Nat. iauK