The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 06, 1899, Image 1

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    vol. xi r
NO 50
, 4
pall Styles in Dress Trimmings.
Yoe, other braids also.
Narrow pimps In color?., at fio:nfcu
y.'iril up. Koutneho.s; plain heroines
linilils, niirroiv cnculllc ciljrlntrs, i-tc. No
inat.tir what U-lml, wis Imvi' It. Novelties
Tm' nowo.t tiling i lu!ilaii(l miuii
Uless the how knot ilcsl.'ii. Trliiiliilnirs
Ntiltnhlc for conns of all li r t-os. Kor
party uotvus. for wcilrilnc l.iiviii. for
niournliij; kowiis or for everyday towns, s
White boad gimp, 1-2 inch wide 30c yard
A Superb Collection.
.Tu-d the very richest stylo In dross
trlmmiiics thefeason lias prortucil. Tlio
llluntr.itlons liere show faithfully the le-slen-.
nnil width, but It remains for you
to call and enjov the perfe-tloti of detail-.:
the touch, the, the lustre mid
Bead and Spangle Trimming; 3-8 inch; per yard 25c
Black Boad mat trimming, for mourning; 3 4 inch
'-HfH:iH,irw: . .1
. SOc yard
Elack Mohair braid; 1 inch vide; per yard 1 Sc
Black and Steel gimp; 1 1-4 inches, per yard $1.00
v BvBm BvBm. bbbm -bbbY. bvbbV bbIk bVbbi bybV
Black Silk gtaap; 1 1 -4 inches -wide, per yard
Black Mohair braid; 1 1-4 inches ?ide; per yard 45c
Black Silk Kimp, 2 7-8 inches wido . . .$1.00 yard
A. CD. (Xlllliams & Co., The Dalles.
f -i
Black bead
trimming, 1
per yard . .
and spanglo
3-4 m. wide,
General Mmmeiit Was GonjEueuccd
Artillery Now Holds the Mountains
South of Volksrust ibritish Troops
W ill Flee -They Are Not Present
in Force Enough to Resist Success
fully, so They Will Abpndco
Frontier 'Posts.
aVA Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
oovAt mkwq rowota eo mw yowk.
Loni)3n, Oot. 5. -ho (Daily Telegranh
lius the follon-thu dlepatch from Nbwcms
tie, Ntital, dated veeterday :
" The Uoera' advance began today with
Hiwuerul m.p,veiient of artillery. The
3fr8 ara occipj lng I.ilng'd ek, and
now hold tlio mountains to the south of '
Volks,ruit. XbSturo nq.BrUUh troops
nearer than JUidy j(nUlK.nd .prepara-'
tions are Icing tnailo to aiandon Natal '
from the frontier lo Glincoe. The in I
lubitantB of Newcastle met today and
decided not lo attempt to defend the
town in tlio event of a Boer advance in
force. General Pinions is preparing to
evacuate within twenty-four hours. Tho
People aro cjuwdlug the trains Lady
Smith." '
Still -Hope For Peace.
London, Oct. 6. Although lotlay's
news from South Adieus grave, the ad
herents otpec ittil der'.VJ hope from
the dispatches that the stage of negotia
tions is not yet past. The news is cop
trailiotory. Side by side with the an
n mncemcnt that the B.oers have occu
pied Laing'a Nek is printed a diepatt'h
from Pretoria stntfng that'the Transvaal
gjveriimont ieeued strict, injunctions to
tlie commnndante that illrltiah territory
must not be Invaded, and that Ueperal
Joubert lias issued a proclamation
tlireHtening to tlioot any man who
crosses the border. no evidence
going to show that the Burghers con
template retreating.
Up to '2 o'clock this afternoon nothing
bad arrived to cquQrm the dispatch from
Newcastle to the Daily Telegraph, ac
uouueing that the advance of the Boor
forces began yesterday. The alleged Boer
advance coincides curiously with ajnuil
taneops.telegrams from various quarters
regarding a Boer ultimntnni, and the ex
plration of the limit tin the evening. A
distinctly serious and ugly statement
comes from Newcastle to. the effect that
armed KafUrs accompany tho Boer com
munderf. This would be an absolute
breach of -tlio conditions euppoeed to
govern warfare among civilised nations,
and if true, presages scenes worse than
even the gloomiest forecast.
Wrecked In Straits of Magellan.
Santa. Monica, Oct. 5. Captain
Bowen, of tho ship Arctic Stream, from
Hamburg, reports 'that on August 11,
while, pfTStoten Island, pear the Straits
of Majellan, he saw Jhe,B;tlsh shjp Gil
ford take men from an open boat. By
signaling he learned from tlio Gilford
itttat she had reicud five piambera,of the
crew of the British steamer Tekba, .which
bad been wrecked on Staten Island
several days before. The Tekoa had been
on a passage from New Zealand to
London, wilt a number of paesengeis
and u lage consignment of refrigerated
beef. The rescued men knew nothing
of the fate of the passengers or others on
the steamer.
President Starts West.
Washington, Oct. 4. President and
Mrs. McKiuley and party, including the
entire cabinet, left Washington at 9
o'clock tonight for a hulf-mouth'a trip
to Chicago and the Northwest. Spring
field nad Quincy, 111., be passed
Friday. Friday afternoon the president
will participate in the dedication of the
eoldiers' monument at Peoria. Saturday
morning the president will deliver an
address at Galesburg, and will at rive in
Chicago Saturday afternoon. His stay
will be made there during the greater
part of the fall festiviiiee. After October
0 the president will visit Kvansville, Ind. ,
and from there wilt proceed to Mjntii
apolis to participate in the welcome to
Minnesota -volunteers, Later, the presi
dential pariy will visit various places in
the Northwest, going as far as Sioux
City, la.
Troops at Vancouver Barracks.
VANcouvsn, Wath., Oct. 4. The
troops remaining at Vancouver barrackr,
in addition to one company of the
Twenty-fourth infantry, consist of ouo
battalion of four companies of the
Thirty-ninth .Infantry, lu command of
Major John H, Parker, who recently ar
rived at the po9t,and two companies of
the Forty-tifth Infantry in command of
Captain Warrick.
Ex-Policcrnan Who Was a "Star Wit
ness" in a Murder Trial.
Cjika.v, Wash., Oct. 4. R dney Mor
rison, formerly a policeman here, lias
been adjudged insane, aud will be .taken
to Medical Lake tomorrow. Eximining
physicians report that liis condition if
apparently the result of remorse. List
January, while Morrison was engaged in
a drinking bout with a man named
Campbell, the latter became involved in
a dispute with the barkeeper, and shot
and killed him. At Campbell's trial
Morriscn's evidence waa of so exculpat
ing a character that he was dubbed "the
star witness" by his friends, The con
tempt implied by the term has worn on
Morrison, and lias resulted in his
William Wilson, of Glencoc Dead.
Hti.LsnoiiO, Or., Oot. 4, William Wil
son, of Glencoe, four miles north of this
city, died ut Ids home last night at 10
o'clock. He was born in Arkansas, May
I, 1820, and came to thlstioast when lie
was but twenty-three years of age,
bringing ids wife aud young con with
him. They were with the dret wagon
train that came all the way through.
Tho Wilsons went to Oregon City, where
Mr. Wilson procured work, Soon after
he traversed Washington county on foot,
and selected C40 acres near Greenville.
In March, 1844, be and his family moved
on this donation claim, living in a cabin
built out of polea, IU wife, died in
January, 1645, leaving him with two
email children. (Shortly after he spent
several years in the California gold
mines, and returned to Oregou in 1S50,
To Cure 14 Cola 111 Out) Uajr.
Take, laxative Brouio Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tLe money if
it falls to cure. L'jj.
1 ;
n 1 1 1 1 P
Job Printers.
Mice of Filing Final Account
Notice U hereby given Hut thp ui'iU-rtlgmri,
the uMiyiiee of J. W. Moore, II, K. Moore,' and
.1. W. and II. K. Moore, Insolvent Ut-bttiM, has
riled with tho clerk of ilu- circuit court, of the
Htatti of On von, lor Vtco county, his tlnal a?
rountSMUehaKluiv; the fame will be heard
and jumH'J upOu by toiid circuit coutt 011 the M
day of the next regular term of Mild circuit
court, to'wlt. the November, lterm thereof, at
the hour of (vn o'clock a.'ni., or aoou there
after u tho matter van be reaehed.
1)1511 I'OLK lJUrUJB, AiIgue.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
U, S. I.ANn OrncK, The lal'o, Ore.
v. , . . J"l- IWJ.
Notice in hereby given that thu order of I'e
cembers, 1MI, leiniurailly wlthdmwlim frvni
disposal, for the hi r . of a boat rulluay, thu
luLdum the houib ti le and wlibin tlx inllittof
the Columbia river, belmeii Iho lullek and
C'elllo, liaa been ruvokfd bylhu proltt'iit. ex
ceptaii to the following ilcciibvd pureeU: one in
the NWtfOf riix) 31, I' 2 ','( I IK, louWIlilUK
about four and one half rero.. aud tho other lu
tboNVU,beo-.M,T.N,'K 15 f .ooutuluiiig about
half au acre. .
On and after September I, lt0'J, we l'l receive
uiiplli'tttiom lor uiiy vacant iaiuU included
theielll, J, , lUi-Aij,
lUxiiver. lyl