The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 05, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the ystem
rca sit EYAiousaijTi ruct tot tin Kmc.
ninny Wool-Grower l'renent, Who Lis
ten to Cnpt. Ormsliy mid Other,
Aim Join In tlm Discussion.
A nieetin? of the State Wool Grower?,
Association wits held in thft D.illes
Commercial and Athletic Ciuli parlors
this morning and quite a number of the
members were present, also many others
who are interested in the forest reserve.
An informal session was held and many
gave their view9 upon the gubject and
were of the opinion that something
must be done, and at no late date, to
save the sheep industry of Oregon.
Representative Tongue w is in atten
dance and stated that the Oregon dele
gation at Washington was unanimous in
fihthit; the sheep exclusion ond forest
reserve extrntion act. He also said
that most of the apposition met with
was fro'ii representatives who had no
sheep industry in their respective states.
Mr. A. A. Bonriuy stated that for the
past liehas not noticed
that sheep in the mountains have de
creased the water supply in the creeks
one bucketful. It is true, he stated,
that many who are continuous to the
creeks use the water for irrigation,
which naturally decreaees the volume,
and in many cases this shortness or
drouth of water is laid to the sheep.
Several more uave their views, after
which President Geo. A. Young called
the meeting lo order and said :
" l"ne object of this meeting is to have
n free ditcussion of the best means we
can adopt to prevent the threatened
action of the department in excluding
sheep from the Cascade mountains. The
eitualion before us is serious ami each
of you is nw much Interested in having
the .matter wisely terminated as the
other and I want to hear a free expres
sion from you all.
"We have called this meeting because
our stcck interests are threatened with
destruction and I am anxious to impress
upon you all the gravity of the
Holl call was dispensed with, after
which, in the absence of Secretary Fred
V. Wilson, acting secretary, A. 11.
Thompson read several communications
from representative people, who ex
pressed their regret at not be int.' able to
be in attendance, hut would lend their
support to the cinse.
4Japt. Ormsby hurt a very important
document to read before tho aeeembly
but owing lo the absence of Hepresenta
live Wlllianuon, who Is much interested
iu the subject, tlm meeting adjiiirned
until 1 p. in., when it was thought he
would arrive from bin home it l'rine
ville. AFTMtVOON 8K8MO.V.
Tho afternoon session Jwas called to
order at 1 :-!5, and Keprtstntatlve WIN
llameoin being pteseut, the chair called
on Capt. Orniihy to preient his views
Hud fjcls.
Ho said a in on; other things tha',
sheep will not go in thick underbrush,
u, id that in Oregon nnd Washington,
where high timbor abounds there is no
nourishment for flocks. Tho fires started
by eheepherdera does not create pastur
age for the following year nnd that tho
vitality of tho land is virtually destroyed
for six or seven years. Also that tho
odor of tho black dust and burnt timber
coining hi contact with tho wool would
lessen the value; also during these fires
the sheep would be iu jeopardy. Again,
it fa claimed that when tho sheep aro
driven to tho lower lands the tires are
started, but as this occurs Into in tlio
fall after tho rains are started, there is
but little reliance to bo put in this
There would be no advantage what
ever for the setting of thesj fires and in
each case would-be a detriment. In re
gard to the damage done to the forest
gro'vth it has not bsen found where
sheep will eat n shrub or cone in the
mountains. When tho sheep aro in
winter rpiarters and the snow is deep
there is n possibility of them nibbling
the shrubs and cones but never on tho
f.tll range.
Relative to the dnmago done to tho
water supply the following are facts not
figures. Sheep are taken to the hichest
mountain ranges during the summer
and cross and recross the mountains but
principally where they aro desitiute of
timber. Snow falls on these ranges, but
mostly on the exposed places and when
the weather turn9 warm the evaporation
is greater here than in districts with
heavy timber consequently the sheep
are charged with causuni: the snow to
melt and making a scarcity of water.
Since Augii9t 1SS7 to August 1897 the
supply of water has not been kss than
when the sheep were not taken to the
higher altitudes in earlier years.
In regard to sheep destroying irriga
tion and causing a scarcity of water,
there are in tho Cascade rangj two bald
mountains, one of which is crossed by
sheep, while the other is not . and the
vegetation and snow aro identical on
each. There Is but a small atrip of re
serve in Eastern Oregon that is creating
all this disturbance between stockmen
and citizens. Fighting among your
selves will not accomplish anything, but
is retarding progress alieady made, and
is affecting the whole leserve.
Uetween the sheepmen, the cattlemen
the ranchman and the government I
have a nrettv hard time of it. Never
theless I shall endeavor te do justice to
each and all. I believe in a special
license to grnza on the reserve and that
stockmen should rec;ive them for a
stipulated sum. They could then go
and return at pleasure and would be
sure of their grazing ground and couli
protect themselves from all comers,
and thus, to an extent, would be respon
sible for the same to the government.
Should the sheop be restricted they
would be sent to the butcher, for the
lower lands would not furnish sufficient
nourishment for them to subsist on.
It is not for us to talk of our troubles
but for a remedy.
The leasing of land in severalty to
stockmen is the situation or you will
have to go off the reservation. Can the
land bo leased? It can be done with
the government aa with the N. P. rail
way, who leases its grazing land tostock
men, the only trouble would be an ac
curate description of tho land.
The secretary of the interior at present
has no authority to lease' the land but
we would have to apply to congress. A
law should be passed by congress au
thorizing the secretary of the interior to
lease the land to stockmen for grazing
purposes and in that way tho matter
could be remedied.
Judgo Mays was then called upon and
stated that this opposition among our
selves should not exist and that If tho
reserve was closed to tho sheepman that
industry would be ruined. He intro
duced the following resolution which
was unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That the chair appoint a
committee of four, which with himself
shall bo a committee to act upon all
matters that may como up before said
committee relative to the grazing upon
government lands of whatsoever kind,
and also to properly lay tho matter be
fore our representatives at the national
The president appointed tho follow
ing committee: Chairman, J, N. Wil
liamson, Priuevilie; A. A. Bonny, Tygh
Valley; J.N. Burgess, Bakeoven; If. C.
Rooper, Antelope.
The above were the proceedings up to
3 p. in.
MRS. OlilVlA W. MOfpH,
Third Street, between Court and Waih
ton Streets, The DaUvi.
Uso Clarko & Falk's Hosafoam for the
Feed ryo for sale ot tho Wasco Wure
houeo. tf
Use Clarko & Falk'e quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from tho head.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarko A Falk'a eure euro for boils.
Clarke it Falk's tlavoring extracts nrc
the best. Ask your urocer for them.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extrude.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
nnd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarko
& Falk.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazino cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For salo at all lirst-class bare. C. J
Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17-:!ni.
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon nnd
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little
Tablet will give inimeiliato relief or
money refunded. Sold iu handsome tin
boxes at 23 cts. Blakeloy & Houghton
Aekcr'd Dyspepsia Tablets nre'sold on
a positive guarantee. CuresJIiu'irt-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little I
tablet gives immediate relief. '2o cts. I
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Iluughton, drug-1
Millions of dollars, is the value placed I
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which sho saved
from croup by the uso of Ono Minnie
Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds
nnd throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are auch that it
can't help doing so. 'The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
Nutlet) to Tax I'uyern.
The Board of Equalization ia now in
session, for tho purpose of equalizing as
sessments. 'Ibis ia the proper time for
ail persons to sec that their assessments
aro properly made and entered on tho
roll. The board will be in session until
Saturday night, Oct. 7, 1SU9. Alter this
if no application for n change is made,
tho tax roll will be placed in the hand of
the sheriff for collection as returned by
tho assessor. Rout. Mays,
OetlMwk County Judge.
That Joyful l'etlns;
With thoexhilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, ia unknown to the fewwho have
not progressed beyond the oltl-tinio
medicines and the cheap siihstituee
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Bu the genuine.
Manufactured by tho California Fife
Syrup Co.
llliiiHrck'M Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. U
Cutli In Your Check.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, lSt'li, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th,
1890. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Horse fur Hale.
A good four-horse tea.n, and colt five
months old, harnees, good farm wagon,
and spring hack. A bargain. For par
ticulars address, C. II. Lutiiku,
Ocl3-lw Hood River.
ltooin ami Hoard for Tivo.
Two persons can obtain room and
board at a very deeirablo place in the
city, centrally located, by applying at
this office. 4 It
To On re a I'nln In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tub
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it faila to cure. '2m:,
Thousand nrn Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, tho most effect ito euro
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, wo have pro
pared a generous trial sizo for 10 cents.
Oct it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BROS., 50 Warren St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of tho worst kind
ever since n boy, mid I nover hoped for
cure, but Ely'H Cream Balm neeius to do
even that. jinny acquaintance!! havo used
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Wurreu Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm ia tho acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contains no cocuino,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
SO cents. At druggists or by walL
Admiral George Dewey
Will rccclvo tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. lit
nest, that waa ever accorded to au American
You will flml n comptoto biography of thla great
hero, Including his brilliant victory over the Span
ish licet iutho great, authorltattvo and up -dato
work of reference, tho
New Werner Edition of the
This is tho only encyclopedia on tho market that
mentions Admiral Dowcy. It gives tho dato ot his
birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho part ho
took in tho Civil War; how after tho War ho was
employed on tho European station; In tho Naval
Academy; his riso to tho rant of Commander nnd
President of tho Board of Inspection and Survey;
his command of tho Aslatlo Squadron: how on
April 27th ho lea Hong Kong with his Equadron,
found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, ot Manila,
on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad
miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and
Uow on March 2nd, 1STO, ho was created full Ad
miral. It t peaks of him as a strict disciplinarian,
an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and
huntsman, and socially a good club man and a
general favorite. It tells of his marrlago to Sllss
Susy Goodwin, n daughter of tho "fighting gov
ernor" of Now Hampshire, who died in 1S72, leav
ing a son, George Goodwin Dewey. c
Governor Theodore Roosevolt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of the Oregon
and scores of other noted personages not oven
mentioned in any other Encyclopaedia rccclvo tho
eamo attention iu this edition of tho
Encyclopedia Britannica
It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi
ago ; of General Henry ns Governor-General ot
Forto IUco; of Aguinaldo'a declaration of War
against tho U. 8.
of human knowlcdgo and progress, wherein Infor
mation is mora easily found and acquired than in
any other book or encyclopedia in tho world
I. C. NICKELSEN, Nonci:.
U. S. Lanij Ornce, Tub D.w.lks, Or., j
.lily 11, MM. j
A mfilclcnt contest alllrlavit finvlMK been Hied
in this olllco by James Koulk, ronlontant,
uirulust hniuestr.'ul entry No, PJ.W, made Nov.
4111, IMU. forSUHWVj.MiKHWU.nif. ttl.tnuii
ship .18, It 1,1 E, nnd sV'4 SW'4,nw, :t, town
ship I Si, it 13 K, by Thomas Jellioys, contostee,
in .which it it aliened that lie has abaiiilDiiod
said tract for mure than 0 :noutlis. Said parties
ru hereby notified to appear. rcMxind anil
cllcr evidence touching said ulloifatlo.i, ut 10
o'cloik ii. m. on kept. I, before the register
and receiver at the Unite I HUtoi land olllco in
The Dulles. Or.
The said contestant having in n proper
affidavit, Hied July 1st, WM, set forth facts
which show that niter duo diligence, iiersonal
service ot this notice can not be made, It Is
hereby ordered nnd directed that Mich notice bo
given by duo and proiwr publication.
JljlE-ll JaY 1'. I UCAS, Iiegister.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice in hi-reby glvsii that tho undersigned
has been duly upoluted by the Hon. Comity
Court of tlm tho litalo of Oieuon, (or Wa-eo
county, us ttdmliiiatrator of the eatatuof Adolph
Auldlus, (icccjiwl. All pel tons having claims
ugaliibtHiid estate are hereby nntllled to present
the same properly veillliil to me at tlm oitleo of
my attorneys, Diilur ,t .Mciiefee, within six
innnihs from thudatu of this notice.
Dated ut The Dalles, Oregon, June S, ISM.
Administrator of the Estate of Adolph Agidlus.
deceased. 7.11
u. s. Omen, thk ham.kk, o ,i
June a), isw. j
Notice Is henby given that in compliant
with tho urovlsinus of the net of congress o
June 3, 178, intllled "An act for the sale o
limber lauds iu ibo states of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington territory," Charles
(ioosoii, of The Dalles, county of U iitco, stile of
Oregon, has this day filed In this offlcc his
sworn statement No. Ill, for tho purchase of Ihu
lot J nnd hU UYi'A t Sec. No. 2y, In Township
No. I N, range No. 12 E, and will oiler proof to
show Hint the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stono than lor agricultural pur
poses, nnd to establish his culm tosild laud be
lore the register and receiver of this olllco at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of
Beptember, lhW. '
Ho names as witnesses, A.Turner, V. Clark.
I'cler rnga;i. (J. Whltmore, all of Tho Dalles, Or.
Any and all persons clslmlug adversely tho
above described lands are renuestel to II lo thtlr
claims In this oinco on or before said 15th day of
September, Isw. j, p. ujcah
i')8'11 iteglttcr.
Physician and Siii'eon,
Hpecis.1 attention given lo surgery,
ttooms 21 and 22, Tel. an Vogt llloo
I'or Hunt.
A nice houge, convenient to
high echool j $7.50 per month. Knquiie
at N. Whtaldon'd office. 8 3t
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 28, 189.
Horticultural anfl Apciiltoral
Products of Orepiin, Vnehlii"toii and
Idaho in reter variety nnd pro
fusion than ever before.
America's Greatest I.ndy Cornet Soloist.
Tho L'uciiialU'd
of AnrnhaH, direct from tho Kniplio Theater,
lAitdim, their llrst appearance in America.
A (irciit
Unsurpassed AciialMs, in their thrilling acts.
A fk'iiEoii of fireat Surprise!! and
Astounding Feats.
ItPiliiveil Kilter on All Tritnpiortiilloii
A1IMIHSION .... S5 C'l'liln
Chlldteu under 12 years, 10 cents.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THK
Southern Pacific Cornp'y.
Trains leave and arc due to arrive nt l'ortlat
OVKlthAND i:.) ,
prcs, balem, Hose-' j
liurg, Ashland, Hue-1 '
ramenlo, Ogdcn.tian L
Francisco, Mojave, ! li;l," A. JI
I.os Angeles,Kl f'aso,
Nev Orleans and I I
Knst 1 i
7:oo r. M.U
n:a) A. II,
Uoscburg und way fta-l
f Via Woodbnrn fori
I Mt.Angcl, Hllvertou,
West Bclo, Ilrnwns-
I Natron j
1:30 t ii
ki iCorvallis nnd way ..
..TO A. St, Jsllltl(IUM '( .1.-0I.J,
INDKl'KNDKNCK l'AHSKNOKlt. Kxpress trail.
Dally (except tiuuday).
llMp.m, (l.v. ...Portland ...Ar.) 8:2ft n. in
7:;ip. m. ,i McMlnnvlllo..l.v. fisttiu, in
8:30 p. in. (Ar,. Independence.. I.v.) 4:fOa. m.
'Daily., except nuiular,
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection athan hraucisco with Occi
dental and OileuUil and I Vol lie mall tea null 1 1
lines for JAl'AN and CHINA. Hailing dates on
Hates and tickets to Katterii iiolnls and Ku
rote. Also JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU uii(
All abovo trains arrive at and depart Iron
(Jraud Central Htatlon, Fifth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, foot of Jettcrson street.
Leave for Hherldnn, week days, t 4:30 p. m
Arrivu at l'ortlaud, 9:!X a. m.
U-avc for A I It 1,1 F. on Monday, Wednesday and
Kri'tay atH::iia. m. Arrtvo at Portland, Tura-
unv, inursuay ana saiuruai ua:uop. m.
Except Hunday. Except Haturday.
It. KoK'.idilt, (I, H. MAKKIIAM,
Mnnaaer. Asst. (1. F. Ot Pass. Ant
Through Ticket Ofllcc, Ml Third street, whore
uirougu ncaeu to an oints in tliu has tern
Htates, CaiiHilHaud KuroH! can bo obtained at
lowest rates from
, J. II. K1HKLAND, Ticket Agent.
or N. WHKALlio.V.
and Mnohlno work.
Charles Burchtorf,p..SoH.!:
iiU,,moT Pimples, PruTsat I'll l m
A laorwunnt ,,f tu, iJoKlTTSST'"!"
Wood Saw
Will run every day except S.imUv.
Hates Iteaeonablu.
Tolophono 201.
W. A. OATES, Prop. J
I ..GflAs. m.
and Farmers
ciiViiriir!!? -ssasa!
ciiged tho licit beer In Tho Dalles,
at tho usual price. Come In, try
It and he convlncei), AIo tho
Finest brands of Wines, Lhtior
nnd Cigars.
of all KluiU always on liaad.
KncU day our business shows
tlic pooplo nio fiiidiiif; out wc
nrc ptibliing to tlie front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, fintl
last, but not least, buyers who
know their liuaiuess nnd buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
The Dalles. Portland and Asrt
Navigation Co.'
Dally (except Sundav) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Casoade Looks,
and Portland.
Touching at way pointu on both side" ol"
Columbia river.
Ilolh of tho above steamers have been KtoljJ;
and aro in uxccllont lino fur tlm season i w
Tho ItHBHlutor MiiwlllciijUavorWglvei
patrons tho best servlcu possible.
For Comfort, Economy ''" .i'Sw
truvol by tho steamers of Tlm ltgun
l.lne. ........
Tho iteamcrs of tho HeKiilator "a "'ill1 jlh
ullts ut 7 u. in. comiiienclin; i'inl me w
Portland Ollicc.
Oak Ht. Dock.
flio JJiillcs ODee
Court Statl
W. C. Allaway,
tieiiera Al'-
FRENCH & 00.,
Lettera of Credit lasuet! available In tf
i DIhI ULl
,oa tern nnu. ..-hic
Tronifurfl old on New
St. Louie,. Bon Franc
;on, beatue wasii,, '
i uregon anu wbbiih'by;"' DD tT
nnlli.ilnn uindo at ull lioInW on
oreble tariuB. -
?UK,). W.WIWOH . ,
Kegulator Dalles City
UOioo ovfil Vint Nat. Usui:.