For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcrcostlu cr l"i.:icj Vesting. "mm .4? 1 Kindly cull nml cxnmlne my stock of 1m ported anil Domestic Woolens. A line stock to select from. Suits made from the lowest prices to tno high est grade. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. THE DALLES, OltEGOX. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY 0CT0I5ER 5, 1899 which was of little value, because it was not printed for six or eight years 'after the census was taken. The imports of Africa amounted during the past year to $-100,000,000, of which 18,000,000 was furnished by the United States. The exports for the same time were $!J.")0,000,000, of which the United States took $10, 000,000. The Jlritisli colonies in Africa imported goods to the value of $101,000,000, while the exports were over $1:32,000,000. The South African Republic, or the Transvaal, imports over 101,000,000 and the exports are ;Jf4,000,000. VIEWS OF THE IDAHO BOYS. The "anti" press and speakers have Leen saying, '-our soldiers in Luzon nre lighting against their convictions; they are opposed to expansion in overwhelming numbers; they sympa thize with Agtuualdo, and their hearts are against this unholy war." On this belief the "antis" have been building expectations of a reaction 3n public sentiment when the volun teers returned. They have been saying that every home-coming soldier would be a missionary in their cause. They are to suffer here a severe disappointment, because the return ing volunteers believe, almost to a man, that tne united Slates snouiii whip the rebellious Tagals to a finish. They differ somewhat on the question of ultimate disposition of the islands, but there is reuson to believe that a large majority stand for their retention. A special correspondent of the Spokesman-Review was aboard the boat which carried thirty-three re turning Idaho volunteers from Har rison to Cmur d'Alene Cit', and obtained a symposium of their views, which was published in Tuesday's paper. Twenty-live of the thirty three declared for permanent iclen tion; only Dvc spoke against that course, and three qualified their statements, one saying "the United States should arrange some way for the people to maintain their own government," a second saying "stay with the administration until the war is ended," and a third declaring that we should "conquer the natives first and then decide the question." Atkinson, Lent- and disciples wiir extract small comfort from the re turning volunteers. I'rnvenletl II 'lratreily. Timely information given Mrs. George Lane, of New Str.titsvillc, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two Urea. A frightful couch had lone kept her awaku evary niht. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grow worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured .Mr. Lonpof n severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof oi the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing nil throat, chest iiud lung trouble. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. " Trial bottles free at lllukelcy & Houghton's Drugstore. (5 At u Saorlllco. Forty acres, .j mile from Snraeue landing, . mile from Carson J'. O., Skamania Co., Wash. Good box house, four rooms and bath. Outbuildings pood. Two acres young orchard winter apples. L "A all pood, and easily cleared. Five or sis acres eediincnt, soil very rich. Sacrificed for $250; wortti $500. Don't eptnd time writing, come and see it. .1. K. Ukowm. A good drug sign. r- p You well know that a irood drug sign is the patronagu which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of dolus; busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the lesult of our ef forts to supply the best druses at. the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIAIJLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES Just What You oaant. 0.R.&N. l.T ton Kvt Mall 11:10 p. m. TIME CIIKMILK. KllOM IUI.I.F.S. AtlUIVK KltOM, Hpol nito Flyer 5:49 1. ui. 8 . in. S i. m. K.N.biiiiiliiy Saturday 10 p. in. nit l.ukr. Denver, Kt, Knt Worth, Onmliii, Kim- .Mali his Cllv. St. l.miU, 3:15 p in Clilriifjo mill Knt. . Wnlln Wnllii. Hroknni', Stoikiini llniU'Hi'OUs, m. nun, njiT. tin lu tli, .Mllunukre, .ri:(HJu. ui Clilcasu imu I'.nsi. From Portland. Occiin 6teiinislilis. For Kan Fnmcikro Jiinuar) nnd every live ilnys tlictenttcr. Cohitiililn Uv. Steamers. To Astokia and W'ny , Ijiiullngs. Kx.Buiid'ayiorcKim L'lty. "NewliercJ Kx.hiii'ulay I Stiiem .v ny iaiiu 4 ji. m. 4 p. m. Kx.Stitidn I 'a. in, 1 Wil lam'ttk and Yam- :i::;o i m. Tm-slrmr.i him. Itivxi. :loti.,Vnl and ';tt. I Orcpoii City, l)nytonri and l-rl. ana wny-ijuunng.'-. On. in. Tiie..Tliur,, and Sat. During the winter of ISO" Mr. James Reed, one of the leadinp citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that ho could not walk without tho aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing (-avii any relief until ho besran using Chamberlain's I'ain Jbilm. This brought almost a complete euro in a wei k's time and he believes that had be not iifed this remedy It'n leg would have bad to be amputated. I'ain Balm is tin equaled for epruinp, bruises and rhen mati'in. For sale by Ulakeley,& Hough ton Druggists. for Sale, Will tako one-half in trade for po tatoes, dickens, flour, pork, hay, Etc ond or third grade wheat, giod wood, or a No. 1 bicycle: One hugy, one span of eo d young b irse?, well broken, good lifo; weight about 1050 to 1190 pounds. Call at Dufur & Menefee'a of fice, or addrecs bos 710, Tho Dalles, Ore. Oct3 lw MiM New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper priceB. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. More Flies Are Caught Chester H. Uroun, Kalamazoo, Mich., saya; "Kodol Dyspepiia Cure cured me of a eever c.:u of indigestion ; can strongly recommend it to all dvspeptics." Digasts what you eat uithoutaid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Riuler Drug Co. The grandest thing we saw in all the West were the people of the West. After all, it is the people who make a country what it is that is, they mcUe it great or smull, gen erous or mean, inviting or repelling. HearU arc more than mountains, mind more than scenery and wel come more than climate, As time rolls on wo may forget the hot and -dusty desert, the charming valley, the rushing rivers, tho foaming cata racts nnd the mountain crags, but time will not last long enough to dim our memory of the hind and generous treatment we received from our Western friends. Quincy, Illi nois, Journal. Acker's Knglish Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cte. Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. Restores VITALITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD mm w Director of the Census Merriam has recently had several conferences with the president in regard to simplifying the census of next year, say the Spokesman-Review, it is taid that there will be a reduction in the number of useless questions asked, The census of 1800 was in some jretpects a cumbersomo record which gave not only the population of the country but alto a lot of information HERVITA Cures Impotency, Niht Emissions a.nd wasting diseases, all effects of eelf- abuse, or excess and India- frntlnn. A iiori'n inn io. null blood bulkier. I3rini.fa the pink glow to pale cheeks an' restorers the fire of youth By mail JSOc per bo?:; boxes I lor .$-.50; with a written pimran ! teo to euro or refund tlto money. I NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clintor. & Jncitson Cts., CHICAGO, ILL. j ! Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ., It artlflclally digests the food and nlds' .nature in strengthening nnd recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is tho latest discovered digest- uiuuu ionic, no oiner preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, JNausea! SlckHeadache.Gastralgla.Orampfljanq allpther jMults of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C DeWItt Co.. Chicago. Butler Drug Co. The Dalles, Oregon, "SS l.v Kipni;n daily WlLLAMETTK UlVKIt. I'drtiiuiil to corvulllb, unci Wny.Uinillii!!. SNAicr I'.tVEn. l!lrlii to l.cwlston. I ISO ji. in. Tno,, I Inn ami .-at. I.CAVR I.KW1S-TON daily l'nrlics ile'liinc to 0 to Ilouiinerslioulil iiiko i, iiviiviiik 'lie imuos nt :. . in in i k 1 iik direct connections tit lieppticr Jiuictloii KcturiiltiK nmVliigillri-cicoimection nt Hciipner junction ultli.No. l,arrliiiK nt Tho Dalles nt 1:15 i'. in. No. &', throught frcicht, enst bomiil, does not cany iiaeii)(;r!); arrlvw 'J;iO a. m deparU 3:lu. in. No, 'JI, local Ireinht, carries pasieitKcrs, east bound: arrives l;yiii. rn deimrls .S:l,ri i. m. No. lil, est bounil throuyh frviUt, docs nol carry ' luiMttiigcrh; arrives i:I.rj in., departs J::) p. m. N'o. '2.1, ivest bound local freluht, crrici pas seneers; nriives 5:lo j. ni., departs H-cOa. in. Kor full particulars call ou O. It. ,V N. t'o.'f agent The. Ualles. or addres W..II. HUltl.lll'UT, (Jon Tils. Aat., l'orlluud, Or, F- s. Gunning, with molasses than vinegar, ia an old saying, but Tanglefoot Fly Pap9r catches morn than cither. No infect can resist its attraction and opco within its power the tormenting possibilities of that insect are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Oar stock contains many other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. URfLE Bf?OS. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LauaUiu, 'Phone 15" TlefioiuiiaPaciisGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF JIANUFACTUKKltSOK Fine Lard and .Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. ETC. tl)"lnoli Motor.l and Motors .MA.Ntll'ACTtllimi IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATOES AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. unlit) F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON THE DALLES STEAHVI LAUNDRY. Dewey whilo wiisli? Yos, and wash whito. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. Tim Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some pooplo think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. C. J. STUBLING- Who'localo and Retail Wines, Liquors and ?igars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from U.76 to iflS.OO per uallnri. (5toTf7 yearn UI.)J iMPORTFiI) 00GNA0 from 7.()0 to JflH.OO per eallon. (11 to L'0j;t;arH old.' 0ALIF0KNIA BEANDIL'S boin l.'i.'.T) to Sti.CO i cr viillnn. (-1 to 11 yrare old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on ilraubt, and Val Klutz and Olytnpia 'Ueor in lmttlcH Imported Alii and 1'ortur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Compa ny J.H. HCIIEMK, l'rctlilcat. 11. 31. Hea. , CusliU'i (iKNKItAL Blanks ...AND... Horsesfioers Wagon and Oarrlage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tiiird and JeffornD. Phous 159 1 Clarke & Fa Ik baye received a carload of the celebrated Jaraea E. Patton otrlctly pure liquid palutu. First National Bank. THE DALLHS - - - OREQON A General Dunking DuainesB transacted DepoaitB received, subject io Kiylit Dra.'t or Check. Collections iriado and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. KiKbt and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, Ban Francisco and. "ort land. DIRBCTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jho. 8. Hciibnoi:. Eu. M. Williams, Oko. A. Likhk. H.M. Bkau.. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters ton Flour. W'a eel! our poods lower tl call and uot cur prices and bo for Seed Grain of ail kinds, for Feed Grain ot fii kinds, for Rolled Grain, an kinds for Bran. Shorts, TmivtSo for "Byers' Best" Pendle- This Flour is manufactured expressly for family udo: ovorv suck is guaranteed to give satiemoiinri. mu any house in the trade, and if you don't think w UUI1VIIICCU. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats DHAbKUH IX fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Cra&dall&Bwget UNDERTAKERS fp EMBALMERS Tho Dnllos, Or. Robes, BdPial Shoes Etc. TRDE MARKS LESIONS rrfTT CoiVRlQHT& Ar.. A nrono eenrtlnu n tkel cli mid detcrlnl Inn m&r qiiloklr Mi'orUiln our opinion free whtilier h i iiiventlon It iirobnblr iiAtviiiablo. CuiiiiiiuiilciC. Hunt utrlctljr conSileutlal. 11 nnd book on I'nUiuta iciit free. OMeit numiey fur lerurliiK jiatut. Iaii.u i Ukeii tUrouli iluim L (ft. receive Wria( notice, without cbirue, In Iho tvv"u Stkmifk American. A handomelr illnitrated weekl'r. J-nrueit fir. .rautlon of any efentlda Journal. Teruii. (3 IS!,,V2Sr1t,' L lkiid rll peideilri. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared, to supply every body with Bread, Pies "and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. : ' .... GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer.