el)c Dalles Chrxmkle, vol. xir THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1899. NO 49 r raw MANY RECENT ENGAGEMENTS Mir of Americans Who KillGi or INSURGENT LOSS IS VERY HEAVY General Olis Reports Progress of the War in the Philippines Robber Itntitl K.vtcrniinated Brigands Were Operating in the Western Portion of the Island of Negros. Wabiiimito.v, Oct. 4. General OtiB toduy catilud the wnr department the followingnocountof recent sharp engage inctitB with insurgents : "Miuillii, Oct. 4, Captain Pooro, Sixth infantry, attacked an intrenched rolibor bund in WoBtern Negrus, on October 1. Lieutenant Grubbp, Sixth infantry, was killed, and Dr. Shilluck and three imliHted nun Blightly wounded. Twenty of the enemy wore killed, In cluding tho two lending robbers. Twelve rifles mid a largo eupply oi nnuminition mill HtoruB were captured. Captain I'oore's action 1b highly commended. "Tliu insurgents vst of Bncoor nnd linns, island of Luzon, atlticked tho line of communication. Gitptuiu Bogardus Kldride, Fourteenth infantry , was killed. Iiioutonnnt Burgees, Fifth ar tillery, was wounded, and u number of enlisted men were killed. Tiiu wounded number ten or twelve. A full report whb not received. The enemy whb driven west nnd Hauth with u reported heavy loss. "Vestordny tho enemy attacked Calamba and were driven oil' bouio dis tance into tho country. Our caBunltiea were two enlisted men killed and seven wounded. Bixty insurgents wore killed, but thu number of wounded is unknown. "During n Fourth cavalry reconnais eanco yesterday at San Fernando, in the direction of Santa Ann, nnd Arnyat, one man wns killed. Thero were no . other J caaualtioB. Tho insurgents were driven ofTwith considerable loss. "Threo men of tho Advanced picket post out from Snn Antonia nnd Santu Ititn, west of San Fernando, were killed yesterday by bolomen, a remit of care lessness nnd overconfldenco in the natives." Views of an Ecclesiastic. Ni:w Youk, Oot. 4. Armv Secretary HOW CHARLES W. BABCOCK Proprietor Lyoeum Shell Oyster Parlor, of Rochester, Mm Y. Obtmlnetl $2,000 Ufo Insurance Policy. "My business as proprietor of the Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, s.s Main street, Rochester, N. Y., writes Mr. Charles W. Bnbcock, "was so confining that my lungs bocamo affected. My doctor told mo I'd have to leave the store uim go 10 work at somc tliingoutdoors. Ho said my lungs were in bad shape, nnd I knew it Justus well as he did. The trouble had been growing on mo for a long time. Like most other people, 1 tried to make myself believe tho trouble was not in the lungs. I cnllod it stomach trouble or ner- Vniu' .1 ! .. 1 - , . . . 1 T ...no winunicr, uui x kept coughing, Huitting c!s along. I lost in weight, tailing from 140 to 115 pounds. Somehow or other. I got hold of Ack- for Throat and LuTig Troubles, and after taking it wcordiug to diroctlo na ,1 wm as well as any man fn New York State. I was Tiealthicr and stronger than be- ore I took the cold which came so near killing me. I nw h W ,P?j tn pounds more than ever. After recovering, I "PPyfui'Xcover policy. When tho doctor began examining mo, I was afraid lie W. t my 1K8 had once been affected, but hodWn't. I passed all right, ana was pronounced in a first-class condition. If that isn't 1 roof of tl 10 most post vo kind that Acker'8 English Remedy is a great medicine I don k v ow what you call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My addrcsb is gi cu auovo. Anyouo who wishes may writo mo personally about my case. Sold at asc., 50c. nnd 81 a bottle, throughout tho United States and Conjjdn; and i England," at is sd.Tss 3d., 4a. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, "turn tho bottle to your druggi3t, and got your monoy back. We authorize the ahove guarantee, jr. II. IIOOKM CO., li-oprktort, For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Royal 4BSQM)fEiytoRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOVl BAKINQ POWDER CO., HEW VOBK. Peyton, of the Brotherhood of St. An drew, who had just returned from a stay of six months in tho Philippines, de clares that the United States has "45,000 drunken rakes end Ramblers" in and around Manila, and that religious pro Kress is quite out, of tho question while American soldiers nro there. He says tho Roman Catholic priests have made up with tiio Tubals and arc losing no tnno and sparing no money to tell the Filipinos that tho Americans now in Manila have made that city it "bell hole" to a civilian. Story if a Sluvn. To bo bound hand and foot for years by tho chains of disease is the worst lorm of slavery. George I). Williams, of Manchester, Mich., ttlla how such a slave was mndo free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless lor live years that she could not turn over in tied alone. After ufing two bottles of Electric Bitters, she, is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female difieaeeB quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine i9 a godsend to weak, sickly, rundown people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. C Big Attendance at Spokane. Pi'okank, Oct. 3 Ten thousend peo ple passed through the gates of tho Spo kane industrial txiositiou on this, the opening day. Paid admission at the gate numbered 82712, and in addition to these wore 800 schoolchildreu admitted to sing the opening ode, and form n liv ing flag, and those admitted on Eeason nnd exhibitors' tickets, and nil the em ployes. Thero were 3000 more paid ad misuion than on the opening day of last year. Tho president's band from Can ton, O., supplies the music. The ex position will continue to October 17. The "Plow Hoy Preacher," Rev. J. Klrkman, Bello Rive, III., eays. "After Buffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It is nil that is claimed for it and more." It cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Dewey Detached From His Ship. Wamiinuto.v, Oct. 4. Admiral Dewey went to the navy department early to day and had a talk with Secretary Long it AViisisL mmm it mm 1 1 n 1 s rr3EH FT iir.TT -z- m mm r in 1 r n 1 1 1 1 11 1 - - Baking Powder over the plans for his Immediate future. The secretary promptly informed Dewey that the department was willing to give him perfect liberty to do as he pleased. The admiral was, therefore, at his instance, detached formally from the Olyrnpin after this date. He will tele graph tho executive officer at Tompkins ville, to haul down his flag today, and thus will terminate his connection with tho cruiser which for more than two years has been hia home. In accordance with projects already planned, the admiral will go to Vermont Monday as the gaest of W. Seward Webb, of Burlington. Later in the day the admiral called on the president to discuss the Philippine situation. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe disenses put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he incurable, lor a great many years doctors pronounced it u local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrii tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally 111 doses from ten drops to a teasnoonful. It acts directly on the blood and iuucoub surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for nnv case it fails to cure. Send for circulars und testimonials. Address, F. J. Ciiexev & Co., Toledo. O Sold by Druggists, 7oc. 7 No Market for Wheat. Pe.ndleto.v, Or., Oct. 4. Farmers are complaining that there is no market for wheat. At the present time practically no sales are being made, and the growers are waiting tor tne market to assume shape so that the buyers will begin their usual inquiries for grain to purchase. It is yet the general view that fifty cents would cause an immense amount of wheat to move at once, and that if such a local market were quotable upon any given day, hundreds of thousands of bushels would immediately change hendsin this country. Your Vacn Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health ad well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. President Favors New Department. Chicago, Oct. 4. President McKlnley, according to Colonel Elliott Durand, who has just returned from Washington as the representative of the National Busi ness Men's League of Chicago, favors the establishment of a department of Industry and commerce to be represented in the cabinet. "The president has promised to consider the proposition," said Colonel Durand today, "and we are hopeful of success." "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a wonder ful medicine," says W. W. Maseingill. of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also feei thankful. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. It cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E, R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., eays, "It relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. I TRAGEDY AT SALT LAKE Chief Engineer 0'Mclveny, of Oregon Short Line, Killed. Salt Lake, Oct. 3. John C. O'Mel veny is dead and Captain J. F. Mills, formerly lieutenant-governor of Idaho, and recently connected with the Second United States volunteer engineer regi ment, is in the hands of the state authorities, as the result of a tragedy which occurred here late this afternoon. O'Melveny was the chief engineer of the Orecon Short Line railroad. He was in bis office about 4 o'clock. It ap pears he was alone when Mills entered. The latter had made application recently for work in O'Melveny'a department, but had not been accepted. Ho fired three bullets into his victim, and then dropped thu revolver, and quietly walked to General Traffic Manager Eccles' office, and in the most nonchalant manner in formed him of what he had done. He said : "Mr. Eccles, I have shot Mr. O'JLel veny. I told him this morning that I would do so, and I have kept my word." Police Officer Lincoln appeared 011 the ecene about this time, and said : "Are you the man who did the shoot ing?" Mills said that he was, and ho was at. once put under nr'est. O'Melveny was shot while writing nt his desk, and the ink has scarcely dried on tho paper before we was dead. Volcanic Eruptloug Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bueklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running nnd fever sores, Ulcers, Bjils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruisee, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Oiily Ho cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. "J Telegraph Through to Dawsou. Skagwav, Alaska, Sept. 29, via Seat tle, Oct. 3. The Canadian government telegraph line was completed to Dawson yesterday. The Dominion line reaches from Bennett to Dawson, and the wires of the White Pass & Yukon railroad cover the distance between Skagway and Bennett. The first message was to the minister of public works at Ottawa, On the 10th of December, 1807, Rev. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "After resorting to a number cf so called 'specifics,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheer fully recommend it to the public. " For. sale" by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. McCulloch at Astoria. AsTouiA, Oct. 4. The United States revenue cutter McCulloch, formerly die patch boat of Dewey's fleet, arrived here at 11:30 a.m., and will leave up for Portland tomorrow Morning. For the Oregon Industrial Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 20 to Oct. 20, the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co, will make a round trip rate of $3.25, which will, also include two ad mission coupons to the exposition. Tickets will be good going on train No, 1 011 Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every Wednesday thereafter, and for tra'n No. 3, on Thursday. Sept. 23th, and t very Thurrday thereafter to and including Thursday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will be limited for return passage to ixpire the Sunday night following the Wednesday or mursuay on wlilcli ticket is sold, 25-J 111 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physiclaus and the medical press. It "digests what you eul" and positively curesdyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloouiingdale, Tenn., says it cured him of iudiveston of ten years' standing. Butler Di ug Co. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk hove them. There is not a taste that cannot be suited, because the variety embraces every stylish weave and pattern, every fashionable coloring. Here are a few of these new dress goods beauties'. Handsome new Black Creponnes, with blister and brocade effects; by the yard $1.00. $1 25, $1.50, $2.50 By the 4 yard pattern, exclusive styles, yard $2.00 Zibalines, tufled plaids; .'IS-inches wide, in the prettiest, new fall colorings, shown for the first time at per yard 75c Scotch Cheviots, gray mixtures; we don't know of another goods as good for tho money ; especially nice for travel ing wear; width 40 inches per yard 03e Pebble PoplinB, beautiful effects in this popular novelty ; 3S inches wide, .". . per yard 35c Fancy worsted novelties; an immpnse variety including all the new shades and weaves, 30 inches wide, at per yard 50c Pattern Suits, Embroidered Robes, of Venellun cloths, In purple, hunter's Rreen, royal blue, steel grnv, nnvy nna wood-brown, total pattern, plain nnd embroidered, 7J..J yards, per pat'ern 823. 50, t J 837.50. We invite you to lo k at thess goods. CLOAKINGS. Golf Cloak! rigs, plain or plaid per yard J04 Boucle Uioaklncs, beautiful It inches wide, ner vard 4ff completeness of our Lining and W 4ffe Trimming stocks, which contain jjt everything that is new and desir- A able. lA. M. Williams & Co.! 1 i i , 1 ? f - 1 1 ? .. I i f -It h it if "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B. Keoner, Holslngton, Kan , of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Butler Drug Co. Autumn Dress Goods A Superb Assortment. The predominating feature of this Dress Goods stock is the vastneEB.the completeness of it. backs, 5S inches wide, $3.00 and $4 75 two - toned eUects; 50 $1.50 and $1.75 r(fT IV to n i The Tho Dalles, Chronicle, Job Printers. JJ A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. OMce over French & Co.'s bank I'bone B. THE DAI.I.KS, OHEdON Clarko A Falk have on sale a full Una of paint and artist's brusuee.