The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 04, 1899, Image 3

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oux Jflueh.
The question is not HOW MUCH TO SPEND, hut HOW TO
Sl'KNI) IT, It Is not how ctieap Suit you can got, but how pood a Suit,
jf you aro interested in those questions, then you will thank no for helping
to answer thorn. Wo do not noli cheap Clothing, nor is that which we sell
liijjh-prirt'd. It is Rood mid it costs no more thsn good Clothing is worth
You can't get as good Clothing elsewhere for as little inonev as hero.
Read These Values.
A full lino of Gents Bhick Clay Sulla in round cut, pquare cut, don-hk-hreasted
and frock. These goods aro equal to custom-made, with
r.ilf od uriil padded shoulders, hand-worked button holes and sewed tilth
the heat silk.
Our Price, $8.95.
The above nto exceptional values. Wo invito your ins pection.
A full line of Gents' Blue 'Serg Snits, equal to custom-made in
every respect, fillk faced und guaranteed absolutely.
Our Price, $10.00.
A full line r.f GentB Fancy Striped worsted Suits in nil the very lat
est colore, with single nnd double-breasted vests; equal to custom-made,
lit prices ranging from
$10.00 up to $25.00.
Wo cordially invite your inspection, nnd at the ea,mo time inform
you Unit you nre not urged to buy.
See Our Windows.
NEVER have drees trimmings been used
as much as this season. We have
selected all the new things and invite In
spection of our line, which includes very
handsome all over spangles and the finest
grndes of the new cut jets.
Now Ruchings in all widths and colors, ranging
in price from loc to $.00 per yard.
New Buckles, new Collar Clasps, new Elastic
Belts in jet, white steel and jeweled effects, price 35c up.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
Pease & Mays
he Dalles Daily Chwmiele,
Telephone Nv. 1.
Capt. Weils' speaks
At thu Vogt Thursday night.
A nice hue of sterling silver novelty
poods just received nt Daut Optical
Jewelry Co.V.
Yon can't find n better placo to bring
your work to be repnind tlian at the
Daut Optical Jewelry Co., opposite Mays
& Ctowo'e.
It lias been tome time Binco Dr. Ho!
lister vltited our city; but lie will be
with us on Friday of this week.
Mrs. Evans, mother of Lee Evans, of
Mosier, died yesterday morning at that
place. No particulars us to her death
were iccelved.
The luundry steamed up today and by
tomorrow will be running at full speed.
Now is tliu time to encourage h .mo in
dustry and cease tending laundry away
from the city.
The hoard of equalization is in session,
bit, thanks to the good work of the
iieu'SEor, they llnd little to do. No doubt,
loAi'ver, "kickers" will be making their
appearance about the time taxes nro to
be collected.
Ih'tdiui rants in many places through
out the statu are coming up in tlnir
prices when it comes to a meat ordor on
a:count of the advance in the price of
meutii. in Salem 5 cents extra is being
clmrgul on all meat orders.
Today has been a perfect day for col
lodion day, and if collections had not
lo'n so good as roported, many who aro
hut up in an cilice from ono such day
till another would have been content
"I'll the amount of suushino collected.
K. (3. I'case is moving into his elegant
new home on Fourth street today. This
' perhaps the most complete and hand
mo residence in the city and is nn
ornament to tho town. Dr. 0. D. Donne
will occupy tho residence vacated by
tho n.
In Ids lecture on "Oregon in tho Phil
ippines" tomorrow evening, Cant. Wells
"ill epcf k especially of Co. L, our homo
company. Views of the company on the
"'lug linn will bo thrown on the screen.
C nnd hear what our boys did, and
"ow they acted under fire.
If the hidUs want to see tho very
newest thing in street hate and some of
Ju very nobbiest and most stylish
Ulmmu 1 huts, they can do so by calling
"Mrs. Phillips' store this evening. She
'asjmt received the goods from San
'fanfsoc. Step In and look at them. 2t
At o'elockMast evening at the Col
JMa Hotel, H. G, Cody and Myra II.
' ughea wore united In marriage by Rev,
. Hawk. At the close of the cere-
"y a wedding supper was served and
general good time enjoyed by the moit
mu. friends of the bride and groom.
The i,iKll8 Bre tegjnn,, t0 feeJ
wy and Jack Frost will soou arrive to
take up his winter quartets here. He
visited Tygh Valley night before last nnd
bit the garden truck, but not so hard
that much damage was done, for most
of the morn tender yegctablcs had al
ready been gathered.
One week from today at 1) o'clock a.
in., the marriage of Miss Lorene Lee,
daughter of J. D., superintendent of
the state penitentiary, nnd C. II. Her
man, of Ellensburg, will take place at
the home of the brldo in Salem. Mies
Loreno formerly lived in The Dalles,
nnd has many friends here who will
join in the good wishes extended to iter.
At the homo of Dr. Hello Rinehart to
morrow evening, Prof. Lundell will re
organ'.e the Indies' -ocnl class. Partic
ular attention is given to reading music
nud part singing. Any ladies who may
desire to take up study along this line
nro invited to be present from 7 till 8
o'clock thlB evening.
Our public echoqls now number 741
pupils, nn increase of 01 over the first
day's attendance. The increaee since
the opening day has not been so maiked
as in former years, from the fact that
the bad weather caused most everyone
to return home from summer outiims
before echool opened.
Herbert Henry Payne, who died at
his father's home, in Portlatid, went to
Manila as a member of company G, Sec
ond Oregon, and owing to exposure, con
tracted the cold which caused ills death
f oin quick consumption. Ho passed
three months in the hospital nt-Mauiln,
and returned homo lust April. His ago
was '2'3 years.
, Tho committee on firo and water, to
whom was referred tho dangerous con
dition of tho old luundry building,
should endeavor to have the ruins re
moved, not nlone for the safety of all
whose business calls them in that di
rection; but becuieo It presents such a
bad appearanco and must be an eye sore
to those who pass by on the trains, giv
ing them a bad impression of our city.
Frank Whitney, who was found in n
d. d. condition yesterday in the vicinity
of Joe. Merger's residence and arrested,
was discharged this morning. Indian
Charley, tho young boy who was found
literally hid behind a bottle of whiskey
yesterday spent lust night in j i 1 and
then paid $2 for his lodging this morn
ing. Phlrmau found n minor in an in
toxicated condition last night, and tho
youthful offender was given two days in
this morning.
Not only becauee It will be a splendid
opportunity to hear tho principal events
of the Philippine campaign rehearsed,
should there bo a lurgo attendance at
Capt. Wells' lecture tomorrow evening;
but because tho speaker waB the brave
captain of Company L. It would almost
seem an insult to him who was so good
an officer and so much beloved by our
boys, to be greeted by a small atten
dance ; the Vogt should be crowded on
tho occasion of his appearance.
A geutlemun who visited The Dalles
recently said, "Everything runs to busi
ness here," and truly this must be the
case, if we judge by the opinion evident-
ly held by a little 'girl who carried- on
the following conversation with her
mother Monday when passing bv a
certain cemetery. She said: "Mamma,
is that a graveyard?" "Yes, dear."
"Well, mamma, can you read tho ad
vertisements on them stones." One of
the physicians suggested she must have
thought they advertised some patent
The sheepmen and all interested in
the sheep industry will meet in con
vention tomorrow morning nt the club
rooms at 10 o'clock. There should be a
largo attendance, as the question of
forest reserve is to be discussed and
the means to be used in order to protect
one of the greatest industries of the
state. Representative Tongue will be
' p-etont, also Capt. Ormsby, O. E. Farns-
worth, of Heppner, Mr. Legrowe, of
Wulla Walln, Hon. Williamson, of
Prineville, and other leading men, so
that the meeting cannot fail to bo ono
of much import.
Gov. T. T. Geer yesterday granted n
restoration of citizenship to I. V.
Howlund, of The Dulles, who was (1 is
cliarged from the Oregon penitentiary a
year ngo. Howland was committed from
Watco county about two jears ago, hav
ing been convicted of the crime of larceny
by bailee, and sentenced to serve
eighteen months. Efforts were made in
his behalf, and, after he had served
eleven months, his sentence was com
muted by Gov. W. P. Lord. Sinco se
curing his liberty tie has led an uptight
life and, as ho desired to be restored to
citizenship so as to enable him to prove
upon a homestead, friends interested
themselves in his case, and urged the
governor to extend a full pardon to the
young mail. The petitions were endorsed
by thu trial judo and the district
attorney, both of whom stnte that the
case is a deserving on i. The restoration
was Eeut out by mail yesterday.
Notice to Thi I'aycis,
The Council nn1 IClectric I-lcht Com
pany Still Agree to Disagree.
The Board of Equalization is now in
session, for the puipose of equalizing as
sessments. 'I his Is the proper time for
all persons to see that their assessments
are properly made and entered on the
roll. The hoard will be in session until
Saturday night, Oct. 7, 1899. Alter this
if no application for a change is made,
the tax roll will be placed in tho hand of
the sheriff for collection as returned by
the assessor. Pour. Mays,
Ocili lwk County Judge,
Tliat Joyful Vveliui;
With the exhlleratlng sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substlluee
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
Clarke & Falk have full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
bain paints manufactured by James E.
Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
The meeting of the council last night
failed to prove ns interesting ub many
had supposed it would, for Bomehow the
report had gained credence that a con
tract would bo made with the Electric
Light Co. so that we might soon have
street lights ; but such was not the casr,
as will be seen.
There wero present Councilmen
Stephens, Shackelford, Johns, Clough,
Gunning, Johnston and Kelly, and nfter
the minutes had been read and ap
proved, the report of the select com
mittee on lights, which had been in
structed to confer with tho Electric
Light Company regarding lights for this
year, wns submitted ns follows: The
company offe;ed to enter into a contract
for a term of not less than five years to
furnish not lees than fifteen nrc lights,
which must be placed in tiie same posi
tion where the former ligiits wero situ
ated. The price would bo $11 a light,
which is fifty cents more than they
offered them for last year. They further
stated that should a contract be agreed
upon, it would be impossible to havo
them In readiness beforo Jauunry 1st.
To bring the matter beforo tho council,
Gunning made a motion that the city
enter into a contract for (he same, which
motion was lost. The committee wns
then discharged, and the question of
lights for t Iiia winter is settled, contrary
to tho hopes of those who lovo not the
darknesB of our streets.
A petition wns then read from Keys &
NoIpoii praying for n ealoon license for
nine months, the same being accompa
nied by a receipt for $225 and the nicoa
Bury bond. On motion thu license was
A petition of It. E. Brooks asking for
a deed from the city for lots 1 and 2 in
block -12 in Gates Addition, was, on
motion of Gunning referred to the judi
ciary committee, ns was also the petition
of J. 0. O'Lcary for a deed to ceitaiu
city lots. , ,
Remonstrances from Mays Crowe,
Robt. Mays and French & Co., nguiiiBt
assessing certain property for tho con
struction of tho proposed sewer system,
w is read and on motion referred to the
omniitlee on sowers.
Tho recorder was instructed to with
hold all claims in favor of persons owing
the city road tax.
Tne matter of tho dangerous condition
of the ruins of the old laundry building
was brought up and left in the hands of
tho lire and water committee,
Then the question of wood for the use
of did city during the winter, wns intro
duced, nnd referred to the committee on
sheet and public property with power
to act.
Reports of the officers were read and
accepted. Marshal Hughes reported
nineteen arrests, and Recorder Gates 82
collected as flues during the month.
When the claims against tho county
wero read that of Oscar Johnson for $1.50
was disallowed, and a portion of the
bills of expressmen wre referred back on
Fruit Jars.
i One Quart
l Two Quarts
SOg per
65c per
L.y-UiVLViyiiiyi iytyiy!v:y;ynr'
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
account of their not being sufficiently
itemized. Claims were then allowed ns
follows :
N D Hughes, marshal $75 00
Geo Brown, engineer 75 00;
G A Phirman, night watchman. .. 00 00
0 J Crandall, treasurer 20 00
N II Gates, recorder 50 00
M.T Nolan, mdse 6 15
Ferguson Bros, hauling 2 50
Ward & Robertson, hauling 3 50
Henry Boyam, hauling hose cart. 2 50
1 C Nickelsen, mdse 40
Mrs E Julian, 23 meals 3-15
James Leary, pumping at Ore 5 00
Rolando Brooks, 3 cords oak wood 15 00
W A Johnston, mdse 2 90
F S Gunning, repairs 100
R B Hood, hauling 3 50
J W Blakeney, hnuling 75
.lame Like, hauling 50
Win Henzie, hauling 50
Maier & Benton, mdse 2 98
Seufert & Condon, telephone 3 00
Slovens, & Rendel, hnuling 5 G2
O J Crandall, making blue print 1 25
R A Spivey, glass 35
Chas Jones, labor 17 40
Win Morcaniield, labor 15 20
Ernest Patton, " 19 SO
TT Fannoti, " 23 60
A A Umuhnrt, " 23 SO
J Welle, hauling 14 00
Jxmep Lane, hauling 2 SO
N D Hughes, killing ten dogs 10 00
Sopt. 1. Bal. cash. on hnnd in
general fund sf3o52.CS
Reu'd during month 988.07
Warrant issued if 827.5S
Oct 1. Bal. cah in gen. fund !3713 77
i-Korr.ic you am. know.
F. W. Silvertooth is in from Antelopo
Rev. Spear is in from Warm Springs
Geo. E. Patterson, of Antelope, is in
the city.
E. N. Chandler nnd wife nro visiting
friends In The Dalles.
John McCorkle was a business visitor
in thu city yesterday.
W. A. Murchio mid wife camo down
from Wasco yesterday.
M. W. Wheelor nnd wife wero in the
city from Sumpter yesterday.
Dave Fulton and wifecimu down from
Bjggs yesterday on their way to Portkind.
Mrs. Hollis mine up from Sprnyue
Inst evening on n visit to hot- daughters
in tlilB city.
Mrs, J. T. Roynolds enmn up on the
boat from Spraguo last night and is the
guest of Mrs. M. Parkins,
Gen. Young and daughter, Miss
Geo.ia, of Ridueway, returned hut
night from n visit to Portland,
Miss Lucllo Harding, of L t Grande, is
in the city a guect uf her brother, W. D.
Harding, nt the Umatilla House.
Miss Lena Burckhardt returned to
her homo In Portland today nfter a two
weeks' visit with tho family of G. A.
John Fritz will leave on this afternoon
train for Heppuor, where- ho lias ac
cepted a position nud will make his
home. J
Richard Hinfoii, wife and family came
in from thehyliome at Bakeoven today,
Mr. Hintojrwill attend the wool growers
meeting tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Alisky camo up
from Portland yesterday to visit their
little daughter, who Is attending school
here, the climate of Portland not agree
ing with her,
Opera House
in the
An Iilustrate.1 Talk on the work of the ?tcor.d
Oregon, U. tf. V., by
Who tervcil with the regiment In the rlold Uur
liiK the (.-utile L-amimlKn, niul nho ReteJ as srn'c
iiil coiiri-sioudi;nt (or the New York Kvenlns
I'ost, ht. Louis anil Chicago
Chronicle. . '
150 Splendid Views,
bhowliiR the entire history of the icgtiucnt, In
cIuUiuk tictual battle scenes
JCo Reserved Seats.
.10 Ctint
j ,
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
liny or pent.
Construction This Is an air
tliilit heater of the oval t-hcet Uvl
tM'"i H in I'AhT UIOX l.l.N'IXtlB.
making It duulilc; ill -t. . has front
feed door, cast top and bottom and
ornamental hIok top, with grltlitlu
cover umU-nicath.
Nickeling It has nickeled mil,
namo plute and foot rtl. Wo have a
complete Mock of them on hand,
(till am) -co uur Mock befure bii lui;
l Beiii
tl a WILbON
Omceov'! 11 -t Nat. lluiu