--it VOL- XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1899. NO 48 i- -i To be well dressed at a small cost is no longer n serious problem. mis: : Cutis' T. 1!. Reefer Jnckot, miide of Rolf cloth, with jilnlil buck; huge fnncy pearl button, fj 01) Black Boucle Jacket, $4 50 We sell Ladies High-grade Outer-Garments minus part of the usual high-grade pricee. Black Astrnchin cloth ; eilk lined, $10 00 FALL EXHIBIT 1899 Jailor-made Suits, ?apes, Jaelets, pur Collarettes. An exposition of style; and a cordial invitation to all to come and see. OTYLE tho first consideration with dressy women is embodied in i very garment in this superb stock. Style stands for much. It includes perfection of fit, workmanship and material fur how could a. garment be stylish if it did not posses these attributes? Wear our garments and be dressed in style. Do not expect to pay more, however, than you would at other Btores. (Brown, plaid hack j $5 00) V In Astrakhan $4.00 Sheared Co ley, catin lit ing. 5.00 Aetrachau, black satin lining 7.00 Coney $2.00 and $2.50 Tailor-made Suit; Venetian cloth in brown, blue, mode and black, satin lined jacket; ekiri braided tonic efiect if 13 75 (Black Boucle, silk lined, $8 50) Chinchilla, trimmed in elec tric seal $8.50 tl4 Hi Fur Collarettes; tain, tails, satin lined; $8.50, $10, $13.50, $15, $20, $23, $30. Tailor-made Suit ; made of fine quality gray homespun; double-breasted Klton .innltHt. lined throuulumt and faced with Skinner satin; new Shaped scal loped tonic skirt $20.00 Tailor-made Suits; Venetian cloth, Havana, mode, black and navv $10.00 Tailor-made Suit ; blue mixed Metouet ; new stylo skirt $3 50 Plush Capo; cjllar edged with An gora Fur $2 23 Winter and Colder Days nrocmnltiK inpMly. You fMii iciiclf Iv not Ira 'It in tliot'iirly monilntr. WluitUosbltbiiKKi'otf" W arm . W raps U mid tlir.t tho time to buy tlieiu la ilpe. Tailor-made Dress Skirts. Plaid Skirls; new shapes, new colorings $-1, $5, $0, $7.50 Newest shape habit back fckirt, Oxford Cloth.vury stylish $3.8o ; Golf Capes. A. M. Williams & Co, Black Boucle, trimmed with do i straps, collar and front edged with UiibitFur 1-1 ou ladles' Golf Capes-Prices 5, $0 05, $7X0, $1(1, $12, $13 Misses' Golf Canes, 12 to 18 vs Piices 3 50, 30, $tt 50, $7 50 Childrenb' Golf Capes, 4 to 12 yre-Prices $3.25, $3.95 A. M, WILLIAMS & CO., Tho Dallas, Or. $ Black Bouclo, co'lar and front e:led with black thibit fur $3.00 t Plush Cape, handsomely braided ; collar and front edged with tlnbit fur; 18 Inch length; 80 luch sweep $-1.00 Leave Your Purse at Home K you i'o not riMcly to buy (or to eoiao anil ten Mill jinivu a nu-.it tt'llllltlltl'MI, lliitlunot I'lltlt (ill t03 I ux, but innku our n'liotton uhllo tlic aortmeut U tomi'lt'tu. Soal Plush Jaokat collar n Martin or A triictuiii Kur coUtl," $20 and $30' A. M. Williams & Co.