fiot fioua jVTueh. Tho quMtlonB not HOW MUCH TO SPEND, hot HOW TO SI'HN'l) IT. It Is not how ciieap a Suit yon can get, bat how good n Suit. If you uro Interested In theie questions, then yon will thnnk ub for helpinir to uiiBwor thorn. We do not sell cheap Clothing, nor is that which we sell liluh-prired. It is Rood and it costs no more than good Clothini? is worth. Yon can't Rot as good Clothing elsewhere for as little monev as here Read These Values. A full lino of Gents' Black Clay Suits in round cut, equare cot, don-lili-hruaRted Bnd frock. Iheae goods are equal to cuBtotn-made, with r.iie ml and padded shoulders, hand-worked button holes and sewed nlth tlm bust bilk. Our Price, $8.95. The above are exceptional values. We invite your inflection. A full line of Gents' Bluo Sergr. Suits, eqnal to cuBtom-made in every reepeet, silk faced nnd guaranteed absolutely. Our Price, $10.00. A full line of Gonte' Fancy Striped worBted Suits in all the verv lat est colorB, with single and double-breasted vests; equal to custom-made, at prices ranging from $10.00 up to $25.00. We cordially Invite your inspection, and at the eatno time inform you Unit you are not urged to buy. See Our Windows. Dress Trimming Department. m NEVER have drees trimmings been used as much as this season. We have selected all the new things and invite in spection of our line, which includes very handeome all over spangles and the finest grades of the new cut jets. RUFFLING. New Euchings in all widths and colors, ranging in price from 15c to $.00 per yard. BUCKLES. New Buckles, new Collar Clasps, new Elastic Belts in jet, white steel and jeweled effects, price 35c up. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. Pease Mays r Y f Jason's pmit Jars. One Quart Two Quarts 50c per dozen 6Sg per dozen MAYS & CROWE. "Harmony" CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles. Or. The Dalles Daily Chfoniela, TUESDAY OCTOBER 3, 18ft) Telephone No. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Cipt. Wullb' HpoiikB At thu Vogt Thursday nlpht. A nice lino of sterling Oliver novelty goods jiiHt received nt Daut Optical Jewelry Co.'e. T V 1 ft t ... vmw i. i.rown wnB tnle moraine nj jointed mlmlnietrutrix of the eBtate of Patrick Drown, deceased. You can't find u better place to brine your work to be repaired than at the Daut Optical Jewelry Co., opposite Mays !: Crowu'fi. The court house cupola line been painted 11 light drab nnd looks "way up," wliilo painting certainly improves the lice of the town clock. Miea Kuiuia Croighton, daughter of David Orelehton, la very ill with ap pinuieitis at her homo on 8-Mlle. At liet reports eho wns somewhat better. From the bize of the immense range which Maya & Crowe shipped to the Silver King mino yesterday, it must take more than gold to Bntiefy the hungry miner. Truly civilized men cannot live without dining. D. W. Vaime has been confined to his home for thu paBt few days, having been mrcatened with typhoid fever. Dave jloem'i appreciate being shut up in the "oiiso this beautiful weather, and we trust he will soon be about again. Miea Muybol Mack lias accepted tho position ua stenographer for the Eastern 'CKon Land Company and assumed her ''"tics today. Miss Mack is considered very lino Btonogi apher and that com pany i fortunato in securing her Beryices. !' the Indies want to see tho very "owcat thing i street hats and some of the very nobbieet and moet stylish "limned hiito, they can do so by cilllng "Mrs. l'hillips' storo this evening, film ';wjJl received the goods from San nclaco. Stop in aud look at them. 2t At the homo of Dr. Belle Kinohar.t to morrow evoiiliijf, Prof. Lnndoll will rc jJWnV the ladies' vocal data, l'artio Wratleutiou is given to reading music M pnrt Mnglng. Any ladies who may re to take up study along this line o Invited to'be present from 7 till 8 Ot''ock tomorrow evening. r 0Pl'ar'(i8 D"wey, one of the Admiral's w VfP,UB nbkt!d whel!lt.r Ul0 A(. " rIwaa n Democrat or Kepubllenn. "'"out an instant's hesitation Mr. ujwuy replied : "Win-. l.u'a a Bn.ii.w. , of cuurae. lWe iwove been H Ke "I'wn, but he's never beon a pol "'C'iinever dipped Into politics." Don't iiiIhs Cnpt. Wells' lecture Thura y evening t the Vogt. If anyone can naphic deenrlptknof camp life, in I'"1 cvor'Uiing in connection tZ. ' ,,,w,,,,e llgo, it lithe ?0 U A,dBd b tereopticoo ie8, his "talk ' . h ....... !.... not mi . . . " W"M Tickets are oa Bale by the Butler Drug Co. for 00 cents. Noah wns undoubtedly n great fiuan cier, eays an exenange, uecause He wa successful in floating etock when the whole world wns in liquidation, but in too line oi nnance, woees was by no means his inferior, because he wrb "in the swim" amidst the bull rushed Pharoah's daughter also found a little prophet in the same place. jiiu great international vacut race vt hich was to occur between the Sham rock and the Columbia at New York at 11 o'clock this morning, and which had caused intense interest everywhere, wbb declared off, at least for today. No par ticulars were received, excepting the fuct of the postponement. It is likely however, that it will take place to morrow. Wheat teams of all sorts and condi Hons are lined up in the East End to day, about 4000 bushels being brought in each day. Somewhere in the neigh borhood of -100,000 bushels will be hauled to this city this season, while 330,000 bushels was last year's haul. The warehouses are paying 54 for No. 1 and bi lor JNo. 'J, wliilo oil lor ISo. 1 is the price at the mill. Tho Methodist people nt Arlington have enlarged their church ond fitted it ui) at an expense of S1G00. Sunday the new building was dedicated and $804 raised, the amount required to liquidate the debt being $780. A large number was in attendance and Rev. Spaulding, who preached the sermon, was assisted iu the service by Presiding Elder Warner and the pastor, Dev. Edward Baker. Tiik Ciiito.sici.u has no desire to favor ono industry more than another. What ever its opinion may be on either side its columns are always open to the dis cussion of tyiy aud all subjects which a-e of public icterost. Therefore, wo publish today a letter from M. J. Anderson in answer to A. A. Bonney's communication regarding tho forest reserve. Lot any who have opinions re garding the question nt Issue feel free to express them in Tiik Ciikonici.i:. CANAL PREFERABLE. Notice to Tux I'aytnw, intensely interesting. Tho Board of Equalization is now in session, for tho purpose of equalizing ub sessments. '1 bin is the proper timo for nil persons to see that their assessments are properly made and entered on t lie roll. The board will be In session until Saturday night, Oct. 7, lSU'J. Alter this if no application for a change is made, the tax roll will be placed in the hand of the sheriff for collection as returned by the assessor. Kout. Mays, OctlMwk County Judge. Invlit'tl to ll There Tliuinilaj'. Thursday afternoon Is the date flxod by Mrs. Marie l'eriano for tho opening of her fall and winter hats. She bus a large stock of hats trimmed in the latest styles the season affords, and her street hauare Just tho thing for this year. All the ladles are Invited to call and seo them. Such Ir the Opinion ur Good Engineers on the lloat KhIIvth)' Oueetlon. The report of Captain W. W. Harts, who has chorgo of government works on the upper Columbia, has been sent to Washington for the month of August. This report, among other things, shows the terms and contractentered into with the O. It. & N. Co., relative to a right of way for the boat railway at Celilo. As lias already been published, the O. It. & N. Co. agrees to allow the govern ment to so straigiiten the tracks of that road as to enable the engineers to con struct a boat railway at the point named without having to cross the O. It. & N. tracks. It is thought that the government will approve this contract, and that the O. It. & N. tracks will be straightened so as to make a right of way for anything the government may decide to build at that point to aid river traffic. There are many who have studied the question who do not think a boat railway will ever be built at The Dalles. Most engineers who are familiar with the country at that point do not think a boat railway would be practical. In fact, moet engineers are of the opinion that a boat railway at any point is a very impractical tiling. For this reason there is some talk of the abandonment of the boat railway idea. A man wiio hits given the subject considerable thought says that a canal is the proper thing at The Dalles. It is ids opinion, however, that the govern ment would not care to go to the heavy expense of a canal, until it was an as sured fact that the river traffic of the upper Columbia would justify the outlay of bo much money, for canals are expen sive tilings. This man suggests that a portage rail way be constructed at this point, and in this way allow the trallic of tho river to developo. If in a few years it shows that tiiere is sufficient business to justify the building of a canal, then there will be no trouble In getting the appropria tions through congrefe, Telegram. Ilvr. lliixvk Mil do Welcome. had felt for them ; of the regret at part ing with Mr. Wood and the anxiety which all bad concerning the man who should be sent here this year, and ex pressing the belief that the All Wise One had overruled and that Rev. Hawk was the right man to upbuild the church. He then gave the new pastor the hand ofJChristian fellowship, and prayed that his years here would be Buccesful. Mr. and Mrs. Hawk were then intro duced to each member of the audience separately aud at the close of the friend ly intercourse all adjourned to the room oeiow, wnere taoies were Eet anu ice cream nnd cake served. Before parting, Rev. Hawk made a very happy speech and sang a solo. He said he appreciated the welcome he had received aud came with the firm pur pose to not only endeavor to bulla up the church spiritually, but to fill the pewswith those who were not church going people. He believes in form to a certain extent, but is Methodistic enough to believe in enthusiasm and the old timo religion. Hie object is to save souls. Mr. and Mrs. Hawk aro most genial people, and no doubt his pastorate iiere will prove of great and lasting benefit to the church. VKOVLK yOU ALL KNOW. If Rev. Hawk, the new pastor of the Methodist church, does not feel perfect ly at home and welcome in his new charge, It is not because tho members and friends of the church did not do their best to express their cordial greet ing laBt evening at the church. A large number was present, and although the program was not carried out as intenued on account of the abeejice oi somo who wore to take part, it was sufficient to express the feelings of those who repre sented thu membership. The audience olned in several lively songs and the choir rendered two very pretty selec tions, Win. Mlohell, one of the oldest member, gave the welcome address, tellln of the changes which had taken place since he joined tho church here thirty-six years ago, and mention' ing that in that time nineteen ministers had served the charge here and of the esteem and love which the membership M. A. Thorburn came in from Kings ley yesterday. Mr?. P. G. Daut left this merning for a short trip to Portland. J. H. Tabor and wife, of Granite, Or., are visitors in the city. N. Whealdon was a passenger on No. 4, hound for Spokane on a business trip yesterday. J. L. Cowan, agent at Warm Springs, passid through the city yesterday on his way to Portland. Mra. II. W. French went to Portland yesterday, where she will visit her mother uud sisters. F. N. Jones camo in from his ranch near Shernr's yesterday and left for Portland this morning. Otto Yaisli, one of Cross Keys' sub stantial farmers, came in from that place yesterday on business. Taylor Hill, who went to Pendleton to deliver some sheep, returned yesterday, and left for Prlneville this morning. Rev. nnd Mrs. I). V. Poling left yes terday afternoon lor Walla Walla, where they will visit Mrs. Poiing's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Sewall, who have been visiting relatives here, re turned to Portland on No. 1 vesterday afternoon. G. C. Blakeley went to Portland this morning, where he will attend the state Pharmaceutical convention now in ses sion there. Mrs. Qninn Doane and little daughter, who have been tho guests of Dr. anil Mrs. Doane for ten days past, returned to their home in Spokane last evening. K l KurtZygent for the Pacific Ex press Company, left last night for u visit iu the Snake' river country. Dur ing his absence F, II. Williams has charge of the office. Mrs. Geo, Brown and sister. Miss Kelly, returned last night from a few weeas outing at winu river not sprinat. Tbey report the visitors at that place (till coming and going and campers even now on the grounds. Dr. and Mrs. Jamea Sutherland left on last evening's train for their homo in Spokane. They were accompanied by Geo. Ruch, Jr., who will spend a few weeks with his sister. Ernest Jensen, who has made his home in The Dallea for so many years, will leave this afternoon for a few days' vieit in Hood River, after which lie will accept a position with Fordo & Stokes, the leading grocery and hardware deal ers. Being nlways genial nnd ready to lend a helping hand in any enternriee, Ernest lias a host of friends in Ttie Dalles, and their good wishes go with him. Married. In this city, Mondav, Oct. 2, 1899, at 8:20 o'clock, at the home of Elder Clif ton, of the Baptist church, who per formed the ceremony, M. F. Coberth and Miss Ina Head, both of thiscity. The groom has been engineer at .the Diamond Flouring Mills for several years, while the bride has been a resident of Tho Dallea for about a year, having come here from Nortli Carolina. During the winter of 1S07 Mr. James Reed, one of tho leading citizens nnd merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck his leg against n cake of ice in bucIi a manner as to bruise it severelv. It became very much swollen end painrd him so badly that ho could not walk without the aid of clutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a linlf gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until lie begau using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is un equaled for sprains, bruises and rheu-J matlsin. For sale by Blakeley A Hough ton Druggists. l'or ShIv, Will take one-half in trade for po tatoes, chickens, flour, poik, hay, etc ond or third grade wheat, or a No, 1 bicycle: Ond span of good young horses, well broken, good life; weight about 1050 to 1100 pounds. Call at Du fur & Menefee's office, or addrets box 710, Tho Dalles, Ore. OcCl lw Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs, Mary Bird, Hnrrlshurg, Pa,, on tho life of her child, which site saved from croup by the uso of One Minute Cough Cure, It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. For lU-iit, A nice four-room house, convenient to high scliool j $7.50 per month. Enquiio at N. Whealdou's office, !i Ut MRS. OlilVm W. MORGAN, TUDIO AMI ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. VOGT Opera House THURSDAY, OCT. 5th. Oregon in the Philippines. An Illustrated Talk on the work o the Second Oregon, U. ij. V., by CAPTAIN HARRY L. WELLS,. Wlio tervcil with tho regiment In tho lleM tlur Ihk the entire campaign, anil also nc-liil as bwt lnl coart;ii)oudent fur tho New York Kvcntnt; 1'ost, M. l-ouls Ulobe-Deinocrut mid Chicago Chronicle. 150 Splendid Views, Shnu liiK tlu entire history of tho regiment, In eluding actual battle scenes. ADMISSION No 1'escrvcd Seats. SO Cents I - - Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. -00. 0-.00" ConstrnctlonTlils Is nn nlr light htuitur ( tlm nvnl sheet steel lIe; It lm I'AhT lliO.N M.N'INiiH, iniihlni; It iliirnble; uhi h front feed ilnor, rust lop mid bottom mid ornaiiietiliil suing top, with gilddlu cover nmtoineutli. Nickeling It 1ms nickeled urn, liinno pltito mid foot ruils, Wu hnvu 11 complete stock of llicm on luind. O'lll mid see our stock before bnj Ing elsewhere. piaie & Benmn PS IT Office UNTINOTON 11 S WILSON NTiNOTON Jk WIIJSON, TIIK DALI.Kri, OUEUj.N ov'i I I 'st NmI. JUtU 1