0 l)e Dn II co 4 VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1899. NO 47 f To be well dressed at a small cost is uo 'onjrer n eerioua problem. B9 Ulank Boucle Jacket, $4 50 I). It. Heeler Jnt kct, made nf Rolf clotli, with plaid back; lnrse fancy jiciirl button, . 00 1 7a3W.V.- iTJi W 1 1 We sell Ladies' High-grade ; Outer-Garments ! minus part of the usual hTgh-grnde 1 I prices. j Black Astrachin cloth ; eilk lined, $10 00 FALL EXHIBIT 1899 Jailor-made Suits, ?apes, Jaeets, pur Collarettes. An exposition of style; and a cordial invitation to all to come and see, OTYLE the firf t consideration with dressy women ia embodied in tvery garment iu this superb etock. Style stands for much. It includes perfection of fit, workmanship and material for how could a garment be stylish if it did not posses these attributes? Wear our garments and be dressed in style. Uo not expect to pay more, however, than you would at other stores. (Brown, plaid back; $5 00) i In Astm-I an 4.,W Sheared Co ley, satin lii ing. 0.00 Aetrnchnn, black satin lining 7.00 Coney $2.00 nnd $2.50 Tailor-mode Suit; Venetian cloth in brown, blue, mode mid black, Rutin lined jacket; skirt braided tonicotiect $13 75 (Black Boucle, silk lined, $8 50) Chinchilla, trimmed in elec tricseal $8.50 Fur Collarettes; tab', tails, satin lined; $8.50, $10, $13.50, $15, $20, $25, $30. Ta'tlor-mado Suit ; made nf fine quality jray homespun; doiilile-breaMud Klton Jacket, lined throughout and faced with b'klnner satin ; new shaped Bcal loned tonic skirt $20.00 i Tailor-made Suite; Venetian cloth, IIavan.i,iuode, black and navv $10.00 Tailor-made- Suit ; blue mixed Mi'tontit ; new style skirt $3 50 Hush Capo; collar edited with An b'oiaFur.. $2.25 Winter and Colder Days ro coming on mpldly, You cmi readily nollco It In the. early inoriilnir. "What dOiiK It hUKKVkt?" Warm Wraps r nnd tint the 11 wo to buy tliuin U ripe. Tailor-made Dress Skirts. Plaid Skirts; new shapes, new colorings $4, $5, $0, $7.50 Newest shape habit back tkirt, Oxford Cloth,very stylish $3.85 A. M, Williams & Co, Black Boucle, trimmed with cloth straps, collar and front eded with thlbitFur 4 D0 Golf Capes, Ladles' fiolf Capes-Price? 15, $5 05, $7.50, $10, $12, $15 Misses' Golf Capes, 12 to IS vis Prices 43 50, U, $11 50, $7 50 Ohildrene' Uolf Capes, 4 to 12 yrs-Prlcee. $3.25, $3.05 4CCfCMCIfCttCfVfCtk'l Plush Cape, handwnr'y 'iraided; collar Aim urn i uuq i, rn ti, nnno k and front edged with tuiolt fur: 18 inch . M. WILLIAMS & CO., The Dalles, Or. length; 80 inch sweep $4.00 Black Bsucln, collar and front eJjed with black thibit fur $3.00 17 Leave Your Purse at Home If yon nro not ready to buy (or to como and bco will prove it RrtMt t em iitiillni. lliitdonut put It oil' ton 1 iik, tun mnl.u wuir huUviimi uhllo tin' u-sxutmeut Is loinplelu, Seal Plush Jacket enlHr o( Martin or A trueliuii Fur S2oand'$30. A. M. Williams & Co.