The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 02, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
1 i U"" nrrikj Akirfcmv
(aos?rnia Tg $yrvp(s
Mrs. M. Parkins left this morning for
a sliort ttip to G.tsuaues.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Cook were pas-
Eensrers for Portland touny.
Tioe.o? Oaks, the most gonial of all
genia' tr v lini: men, is in town.
Chne. Cinrke eaine up from Hood River
2 earerduy and spent the day in the city.
Leslie Butler came up Saturday even
ing from Portluud and will return to
morrow. Mra. M. T. Nolan returned Saturday
nigbt. from a two weeks' visit in San
Mrs. Alden returned to her home on
the Sound today after a few weeks visit
wiili Mrs. Joles.
Mrs. D. M. French and Miss Bessie
wire pa'sercers for Portland on this
morning's truiu.
Miss Kathryn Sargent went to Port
land this morning, where she wi'l at
ti ml the exposition.
Mr . P. P. McCully came over from
Guldendale yesterday on a visit to her
parents in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Dygert, who have
pp"iit the paet few days in the city, left
today fur their home in Portland.
Mr. JiT3. Teal, who has been the
utiest of Mrs. E. M. Wilson, left this
morning for her home in Portland.
Mr. and M'P. Chas. Nelson arrived
home Sa unlay from a wedding trip to
Anuria and various places in the Valley.
Hon. and Mrs. F. P. Mays and family
and Mr. and Mra. Edwin Mays returned
to their homes in Portland by boat this
miming i
Albert Holm an , who has tilled the
position of stenographer for the Eastern
Oregon Land Company, left this morn
ing for Portland.
Mr. Oscar liiusoll. of Monmouth, who
for a few days past lias been the guest
of Mr. and Sirs. Jay P. Lucas, departed
on the boat this morning for bis home.
Mr. and Mr-i. J. H. Templetun, of
Prinevilli', accumpained by the Misses
Margaret Glaze and Ethel Liggett, came
down Saturday, and will leave on this
afternoon train for Portland to attend
the exposition.
Polk Maya left last evening for his
home in Wallowa county, leaving Mrs.
Mays and the children in this city for
the winter, Mr. Mays having puichased
the Fowler properly on the hill, adjoin
ing Ilobt. Mays' residence.
Miss Emma Uoscoo at rived in the
city on last evening's train from her
home in Victoria, B. C. She is the
guest of Mies Alma Schmidt. It has
b en many years Htnce Miss Emma left
The LUlles and her friend i will be pleased
to greet her again.
lioy. and Mr. Andrews, of Weiser,
Idaho, spent yesterday in the city on
their way to California'. They were de
lighted with The Dalles and expressed
the opinion that a people were favored
who had their lines cast amid euch
pleasant surroundings.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Q. Kothrock will
leave tomorrow morning for an extended
trip abroad. Most of the time will be
ftpwit in Pario, where Mrs. Kothrock
will take lessons in painting. Mr. Roll),
rock will be absent about ids inonthe,
but Mrs. Kothrock will remain in Paris
fo- about eighteen months. Spokane
Review. Former students at the acad
emy here will rein1 tuber Parry Kothrock
as one of the brightest pupils of the
II. S. Soule, of Suule Mros., piano
tuners and repalrere, Portland, and
successor to W. S. Geary, if in the city
for a short time only. Orders left at
Jaciibseu'i) or'l. C. Nlckelseu's will r
o ive very prompt and careful attention,
20 lw.
HiK SiitMiiiei Soldiers Captnrerl
From Americans,
Insurgents Have Arrested One of Their
Generals, Charging Hint With
Treason Many Rebel Soldiers
Are Deserting General Garcia Is
Ready to Surrender Insurgent
Forces in Eastern Mindanao.
MAnila, Sept. 30 Fourteen Ameri
can prisoners, all .'ulisted soldiers, have
been delivered up by tho Filipinos. It
is reported from Ilo Ho that the insur
gents have arrested Viarayan, a general,
charging him with being a traitor.
Tribal discord, it is added, is growing.
Many rebel soldiers have revolted. Many
European prisoners are escaping in the
Ready to Surrender Mindanao.
Washington, Sept. .10. The war de
partment haB received the followine from
Manila: "Adjutant-seneral, Washing
ton Communication dated September
IS, from General Garcia, commanding
all the insurgent troops in Eastern
Mindanao, expressed a desire to turn
the country over to the United States
and to surrender the insurgent army."
Transport Sails for Home.
Washington, Sept. 30. General Otis
cables fromManila : The transport Ohio,
with three officers and forty-nine men
ot the Nevada cavalry, and 215 di
charsed men sailed yesterday, via Hong
Kong nnd Guam. Two men of the
Nevada cavalry are in the hands of the
Says Aguinaldo Is Winning.
London, Sept. 30. The Times publish
es this morning long extracts from a pri
vate letter from Manila, dated August
21, whose writer asserts that Aguinaldo
is uetting the best of it ; that the Ameri
cans are making no practical progress;
that Aguinaldo has regained hie influ
ence over the village?, and has lately
obtained a lot of money, with w iiich he
is endeavoring to forment disturbances
in Maniuos.
One Man Burned to Death.
Spokane, Wa3h., Sept 30. A Cascade,
B. C, special to the Spokesman-Review
fuye :
Cascade received a terrible baptism of
fire last nigbt. Alex Arvall was burned
while heroically tryingto save others.
The property loss is about $33,000; the
insurance $4450. The burned district!
covers a solid block in tho heart, of the
town. Six hotels and one cigar store
were burnsd in an hour. All the burned
buildings had sleeping occupants, some
of whom escaped only in ecanty attire.
Arvall was imprisoned by falling walls,
and before he could be rescued a sea of
flauee swept over him.
On the 10th of December, 1807, Rev.
S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church,
South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted
a severe cold which was attended from
the beginning by violent coughing. He
says: "Alter resorting to a number of
so called 'speclfica,' uenally kept in the
house, to no purpose, I jurcliaBcd a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which acted like a charm. I most cheer
fully recommend it to the pu'jllc." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton DruggintH.
Displayed a Flag of 1861.
Ckntiialia, Wash., Sept. 20 Yester
day, as the Dakota regiment was pass
ing through this city, the stars and
stripoj of 1801 floated liom a hastily
erected flagstaff at the residence ot E.
L. Baker. This flig was made by Mr.
Baker's mother for the Fourth of July,
1801. It is probably tho only '01 flag in
tho county.
"I wish to express my thanks to tho
manufacturers of Chamberlaln'ij Colic,
Cholera mid Dlarrhcej Remedy, for
having put on the market such a wonder
ful medicine,1' says V. W, Masaingill.
of Beaumont, Texas. There are many
thousands of ntothors whose children
have been saved from attacks of dysen
tery and cholera infantum who must
ulto feel thankful. It is lor (rule by
Blaltoley & Houghton Druggists.
Any one wanting firet-cloee butter the
year round inquire at this office. 23 ttilvv
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house, tf
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and nrtiat'e hrushee.
Ufc Clnrko& Falk's quinine linir tome
to keep dandruff from tho head.
You will not have bolls if you take
Clarke it Falk's euro cure for boils.
Clarke & Falk'e flavniing extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Asli your grocer for Claikeifc Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring ixtracts.
Latest tiling in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones ut Donnell's
drug Btore.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. uich25-tf
Clarke & Falk have rcceivedia carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
Dtrictly pure liquid paints.
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete lhiB of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure tho
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
Houghton, druggist.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma
nently cure chronic, constipation, bilious
ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling;
cleanse and regulate the entire system.
Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken
"famoiiB little pills." Builf r Drug Co.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets' are sold on
a positive guarantee. Curesjheirt-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
saye: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
of a severe case of indigestion; can
strongly recommend it to all dvspeptics."
Digssts what you eat without aid from
the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler
Drug Co.
Prof. Daut calls your attention to your
eyes. The coming long evenings, when
the eyes are used so much will require
tho services of a scientific optieiar.
Call and see him. Opposite Mays &
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the tkin, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley it Houghton,
Tiiere is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to he incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, "pronounce'd
it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh
tobe a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to u teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 26
10 Oct. 26, the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co, will make a round trip rate of
$3.25, which will nho include two ad
mission coupons to the exposition.
Tickets will be good going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, 'and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
o, on Thursday. Sept. 28th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thursday, Oct. 26th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday niulit following the Wednesday
or Thursday on which ticket is sold.
25-1 in
Your 1'uch
Shows tho state of your feelings and the
state of your health ad well. Impute
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sareaparitlas and
bo called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley it Houghton, druggists.
There's always hope while there's One
Minute Cot'gh Cure. "An attack of
pneumonia left tny lungs in bad shape
and I was near the first stages of con
sumption: One Minute Cough Cure com
pletely cured me," writes Helen Mc
Henry, Blsmark, N. 1). Gives instant
relief. Butler Drug Co.
At 8orlllo.
Forty ncrep, !u mile from Snraguo
landing, mile from Carson P. O.,
Skomanla Co., Wash. Good box house,
four rooniB and bath. Outbuildings good.
Two acres young orchard winter apples.
Land all gpod, and easily cleared. Five
or six acres sediment, soil very rich.
Sacrificed for f-'oO; worth $500. Don't
Bpend time writing, come and see it.
J. K. Bkow.m.
For wound!", burns, scalds, soree, ekin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing so soothing and healing as
DeWitt's Witch Hwzal Salve. Mrs. Emma
Billies, Matron Englewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else falls
in healing our babies, it will cure."
IIu tier Diue Co.
Kotlil Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
becati'e its ingredients are audi that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it nB a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., m
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was
cured of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo after suffering seventeen years and
trying over twenty remedies. Physicians
and curgeons endorse it. Beware of
dangerotiB counterfeits. Butler Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
press. It "digests what you eal" and
positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketrnn,
Bloomingdale, Tenn., flays it cured him
of indigeKtnn of ten years' standing.
Butler Drug Co.
Tor Hal,-,
Four good horses and "Newton" farm
wngon, good as new; all together, or
separate. One horse io stallion, 4 lab!
May. Addies?, C. II. Li'thi:k,
2G-ivk-(huv Hood River.
Dyppepsda can lie cured by using
Acker'B Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will givo immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 ctB. Blakeley & Houghton
CubIi In lour Clu'Clis.
All countv warrants registered pricr
to Jan. 1, lSt'6, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th,
189'J. C. L. Pim.ui's,
Countv Treasurer.
Tn Oure a Coin in Onii liny.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 251'.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke
& Falk.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at nil flret-clnr-s bars. C. 'J
Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-!!m.
Be Dalles, Portland, and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sits. Keg
Daily (except fiundny) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching nt way point on both tides of tho
Columbia river.
lloth of tho nbovi! steamers huvo been rebuilt,
and lire In excellent blmpu fur the season of iwj,
Tim Knciilntur I.liif will endeavor to kivo Its
jmtrons the best servlcu possible.
For Comfort, Knonomy uml I'li'iiHiin,
truvol by tho steamers of The Iti-culutur
Tho ulmvft Ntf'limnrM lrnv( Tlir. I l.illr.L ii , Q fi ...
nnd I'ortliinU nt 7 n. in,, mid iirrlvo nt destinu'
nun in tiiuiiv unic ior outgoing muiis.
I'ortlnud Olllce. l'Jio Dulles Olllco
Oak bt. Dock. Court btrect
W. C. Allaway,
Genera AKunt.
Ofllco over French & Coh Hank
Physician and Surgeon,
Bpeclal attention given to surgery.
Kooms 21 and 22, Tel. IBS Vnirt Hloc
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby ulvtn that tho uiidersluned
has been duly uppolnted by the Hon. t'onuty
wuuitiii win uiu muni or ureirou, lor Watch
county, as udinlnistrator of the estataof Adolnli
Agldlus, dcceaed. All persons havliij: claims
UKuliist saldestute are hereby notified to present
tliomiinopriirerly yerllleil toincutthu olllce o(
my iittornfjB, Dufur A Jlciiefee, wlthl i s U
months from the date of this notice.
Dated ut The Dalles, "''i,!'"!
dwel'sed.,r,lt0r l ,l10 mMSl A'h ABltJhWj
II T I n 1 II fit I
uiator Mies tits
' Wagon and Carrlago Work.
g Fish Brothors' Wagon.
I; Third aM Jcffcwii, Phone 159 1
Kac'j diry our business shows
tliu people sue finding out wo
arc pushing to Uic front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, nnd
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nnd buj
foi Uic people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and arc due to urrlve Ht i'nrtlat
press, Unluni, Hoso- ' j
burr;, Ashbitid, Hue-1
riimcnto, Ok1''",Sui ! I
Kriinolseo, Mnjuvu, ( D:l," A, M
l.os Ant!eIe.s,Kl 1'iiao,
New orlcium unil i
Kiist I
.CO 1 JI.
':w A. M.
Itosebiirc nnd wiiy tu-i
j linns 1:30 1. ai
rVIii VoiHlhiir fori
.Mt.Aniriil, bilvurton,
Hlindiivs vin,niiriiifiieu mm i
I i-iunjn
17:30 A. il.
stations .
uml wiiyj ls.E0
INDKl'K.VDi:N'('K IMHSUKGKK. Express tratr
Dully (e.xeopt bunilny).
USOp. m. (I.v. ...I'ortlimd ...Ar.) 8:"n.rn
7:30 p. tn. J.Vi .VuMlnnvlllc. .I.v, J CifiUa, in
8:3up. m. Ar.. independence.. l.v.) -1:60 u. in.
Dully. (Dully, except hiinunr.
Attached to nil Tlirout'li Trillin.
Direct oonneotlon ut him hrunelscn with Onei
dental und Oriental mid 1'acllle mull stfiirnshlti
lines for J AI'AN und CHINA. KuIUiir dates on
u plication.
Dutes Mid tickets to Eastern points uml Eu
rope. Also JAl'AN, china, Honolulu am
All til KALI A.
All ubovo triilnn urrlvo at und depart froir
Grand Ccntrul Btatlou, Fifth and Irviui; streets
l'niseriKcr Depot, toot of Jortermn street.
U'ave for Hherldan. week dayu, st 1:30 p. in
Arrive at l'or tlunil, y:Xu a. in.
Iave for AIKLIK on Mouduy, Wednesday and
rbliiy ut ::!.' a. in. Arrlvo ut l'ortluuii, Tucs
iv, Thursday und Buturdaj it 3:05 p. m.
Except Bunduy. "Except Saturday.
K. Ki. KKlKH, (!, ir. aiAKICHAM,
alunaii-r. Asst. O. F. .'i 1'ass, At
Through Ticket Olllce, pit Third street, where
throUKh tickets to till points In the HusterD
Htutes, (.anadaand Kuroui eun be obtained ut
1 tuest ratus from
V f, MCOItK.
Dooms 80 and 10, over U. S, Und Olllce.
Notice. Is hereby Riven thai L. (1. llunnenhaii,
admlnls rator of the estate of Albert Ullery, He
eeaCMl, has Hied his account for final settle
ment of said estate and Monday, the nth day,
of November, Ih'JU, at II) o'clock In tho foronoo i
I?.1.". ! '.'' '""I !VU" kut ""';',t Mays,
county Judge of Wanco county, Ongon, for hear
Dm objections tntlHiHamo. H "
Dated Deptemb.-r 2:d, 1W)D
Stl't-'J H L V. Hkmnkoiiak,
iiomovo pi,pi(, prn..nt mm mm
lnc !., Wll will Hiiii .aSfJ.1? PWilokro.To cun
;wieA W?.??- -i'
Wood Saw
Will run evory ilny PxpcptSomlav
Uittt'8 lU'iieoiiiihlu.
Tolephono 201.
W. A. CATES, Prop.
.chas. m
and Farrmcrs
Keeps on draueht the eelcbrntnl
COL'U.MIIIA IIUEU, nckiimvl!
edKed the best beer In The Dalles,
ut the usual price. Conic In, try
It and be convinced. AIo the
Flni'st brands ot Wines, Ll-iunr
and dears.
of all Kinds alwnys on hi'.riil.
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Horticultural acfl Apiciilliiral
I'rodur.tB of Orrctm, WneliltiL'ton and
Idaho in "renter vnriety nnd jiro
fuslon tliim ever before,
America's Greatest I.mly Cornet Soloist.
The l'tieUiiUeI
of Acrobats, direct from the Kmpiro Theater,
Loudon, their appearance in America.
A Great
Unsurpassed AcilalMs, In their thrilling acts.
A Seueon of Great Surprises nnd
ABtoutuline; FentH.
Itrilunud ltutes on All Transportation
AintlHHION .... K5 Ceull
Children under 1.' year?, 10 cents.
Lock and Gunsmith, L
and MftchlnoworK. r
Charles Burchtorf. .,.i-iStJ
Lettern of Credit isiiuod uvallubla in tb
KoBtern Statee. ...
Sight Exelmngo and X g&o,
TraiTBftirH nold on New tk.0WM
St. LouIb, Sun Francisco, l'wi&
con, Soattle Wnflh,, and various P
In Oregon and Washington.. ( y.
orable terms.
OfUce ovei First Nat. llinK.
Industrial Exposi