For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antlng, Ovcrcnntln- rr Frnct Vctlng. i- . y Kindly call and examine my stuck of Im Tortctl und Domestic Woolens. A line stock to dcct from. Euits made from the lowest pricjs to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. THE DALLE, OllEGOX. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. suBsciarxioN i-iuce. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 MONDAY - - OCTOBER 2, 1S99 WE AXE BUILDING SHIPS. "Work has begun at Newport jas on two 18,000-ton steamships for the Pacific Mail. A few days ago at the Union Iron "Woiks in San Fran cisco the keel wis laid for a large merchant steamer, says the Spokesman-Review. The events are notable for the reason that the vessels at Uewport News are the largest ever contracted for by an American ship building firm, and the Union Iron "Works' ship will be the largest ever "built on the Pacific coast. In most countries the building of a merchant marine is reflected in the navy. In this country the process has been reversed. The work of re placing obsolete wooden naval ves sels with modern steel cruisers began seventeen years nco. The vessels first built are still in commission and serviceable. In the Dewey parade Priday could be noticed the Chicago and Dolphin, two of the ear)y vessels of the new navy, and while they are not equal to some of the vessels recentl3' put in commission, they are splendid specimens of marine archi tecture. The beginnings were small, but year after year new und better war ships were added to our fleet until now the United States constructs the best cruiseis, gunboats and battle ships in the world, and four or five immense shipbuilding establishments have been created nnd are doing a prosperous business. j When the reconstruction of the navy began there were British naval experts who told their countr3'men to look nut for the nppearance of a rival m the world's shipbuilding. The majority of Englishmen said we were not to hi; ferirnrf. ns ire linil nnt . ; ujuiicjo .m u e.euenet;, in armor plate manufacture. But' the experts were rielit. More than I ,. -..i , i i , atructed nnd the building of over one hundred authorized. Moreover, we have built cruisers for Japan, and a battleship and other vessels arc "being constructed for the govern ment of Russia. The progress mnde in this great work of navy building has stimu lated the reconsliuclion of the mer chant marine. Large orders from the government for a period of seventeen 3 ears have put several large shipbuilding establishments on a solid foundation. Capital has been attracted to the business, splendid bodies of shipwrights have been organized, plate-making plants and steel woiks have been improved, and the new nnni eins nro nionnrprl fft i"1 tonic. No Other preparation me new oonteins nre piepared to approach it in efficlencyIt in build merchant steamers the equal of stantly relieves and permanently cures any otu,r in the world and far more ?fa. ttch" cheaply than could have been done ten or Of teen years ago. Already two magnificent Atlantic liners have been built and now fly the Amcricnn flag. Two more bnve been ordered by the same company, and with the beginning of the Pacific Mail leviathans and the lr.ying of the keel of the Pacific merchantman nl San Francisco there is reason for en tertaining thV'hopc that the work of rebuilding the American merchant marine is well under wa'y, and that the work will continue until we have once mere taken a prominent posi tion as leading ocean carrier of the world. The only man the Democrats have elected president since 1850 will de liver college lectures next year, while a supporter of Weaver's wild eyed platform in 1S92 will do the talking for the Democratic partj'. I'revonttMl n Iriifi-eriy. Timely information given Mrs. George Loup, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented n dreadfui tragedy und saved two' lives. A frightful couizh had lung kept her nwuke every niht. She hnd tried many remedies nnd doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this umrvelons medicine nlso cured .Mr. lying of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Sneh cures nre positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing nil throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1 00. Every bottie guaranteed. Trial bottles free at .Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 6 Epworth Leaguer Will Fight. Chicago, Sept. 28. Fred O. Brown, president of the Epworth L-ngue of the Chicago northern district, has enlisted fcr service in the Philippines. He left his home this ufternoan-for Fort Meade, Pa., where he will join the Forty seventh regiment of volunteers. Story of u Sittvu. To be bound hand and foot for yonre by the chains of disease is tho worst lorm of slnvery. George D. William?, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He snys: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, eheis wonderfully improved and able to do hpr own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine h a trodsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle gunranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by Blnkeley & Houghton Druggists. 6 Mrs. Holbruok Dead. Poirn.AND, Sept. 30. Mrs. Ma-y W. Holhrook, president of the L-tdies' Kelief Society, for thirty year", died to day, aged 70. Mrs. Holbruok was widely known for her philanthropic work. Volcuntc Eruption); Are grand, but akin eruptions rob life of jjy. Bucklen'e Aruic.i Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Bjils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, CI 'Ibiains. Best Pile cure on earlb. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 ctj. a bos. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. y Fire at Grant's Pass. GrtAXT'K Pass, Or., Sept. 29. The most destructive fire in the history cf Grant'e Pass began at 12:30 today, in tha Palace hotel, a two-story framo j bui ding on the southwest comer of Fifth and Front Btreets. The totnl loss is wth ,n,nrance 0,000. ; ' P baby was Blok for b month with tevero cou'h and catarrhal fever, Al- though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse, until we usad One Min ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance, Co. "Harmony" WlilsUey. ' Harmony whltkey for farni'y and special use, eold by Ben Wilson, The Hal' s. jl Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids .nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthelatestdlicovererldiiest- SlckHeadache,Gastrafla,Oramps,and uuuier rBfluiutuiinperroetaiffeatien. Praparvd by E. C DWltt Co., CblMgo. Butler Drug Co. Tiie Dalles, Oregon. CutmtVIYALI-nr, LOST ViQOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy.Nlpht Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and mats crction. Ancrvo tonic nml blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks anr restores the fire of youth. By mail Oc per box; O boxes lor $12.50; with a written guaran tee to euro or refund tlxo money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson St&, CHICACO, ILL, Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. A good drug sign. t You well know that a eood drug sign is the patronnge which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this husincsB. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugB at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Stieei. THE DALIES Just What Yoa uaant. New ident in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety us we are showing never be fore uraced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, youra for a email price, at our Btore on Third street. Also a fall line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. More Flies Are Caught with molasses than vinegar, is an old saying, but Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches more than either. No insect can resist 1 9 a. traction and once within its power the tormenting possibilities of that insect are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains many other prepa rations for destruction of insect life, M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. Executor's Notioe. f.'otlce la hereby Riven that tho undemlKiiHl linn been July niHiliiteU by the honorable Couiily Court o( the HUte of urtKun, (urWutco county, us executor of the CHtuto of fhebej, lll2lit, ilectunwl. All lK.-r.oim ImvlUK cillui agsiiiHt iinld ustiitu nre hereby notltlt-d to pro Dent the name, properly verlllvd. to me ut my olUco In Unlles city. UieKon, within tlx inoutbi from the diiluof tbU notice. Duliil this 6th day of July, 1C1W. J-'UANK WKNEfEf. Executor of the citato of 1'heU, J. Halirht. ftERVITA if"! Ill i iletenwd. Jy -ii 0R&N l 1 T TIME SCHKnULK. AttlltVK 1011 FltOH IHM.K8. FHOK. Fast Suit Uifcr, Pcnvcr. Ft. Ft lnll Worth, Ouinlin, Knn- Mull 11:50 p.m. phs City, St. Louis, 3:15 pm ClllCllRU lllltl l'.HHt. Bi.oknne Wnlln Wnlln, Bpokimc, Simkniio Fiver illnm-apolls. ft. I'nul, Flyer. 5:10'p. m. tin lu tli, .Milwaukee, Ji:noii. in ClitcitEi) anil Eitat, S p. m. Fkom 1'oitTi.Axn. 4 p. m. Oconn Steamships. For Sun FnmrlH'o January '.'2, nml every me ilnya thereafter. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex.Suuiiiiy Columbia liv. Steamers. Ex.buudn) To Aktoma nml Wny Bnturilny J.uudliis. 10 p. m. Co. m. Willauettk Kivi:n. 4:sop. m. F.x.Suuilay OrcRnn City. Ken-berg, Ex.auudny Snlem A: Wny Laud'n.- T. m, !wiu.amittk and Yam- 3:30 n.m. Tiics.Tlmr.l niLl. UlVEits. Mon.,Wcd nnd but. Oregon City, tiny ton f nnd Fri. I nud Wny-ljindluRS. i 0 n. m. WitLAMitTTK 4:30 p. m. TucTliur, Portland tn CorviilllsTue., 1 hur nnd But. mid Way-Umdlngs. nnd fint. i ! SKAKE KlVEK. I.EAVK I.v tllpmln Klpurtu to l.cwiston. I.kwiston duiiy j dally ! I I I'tiriles tleiriiic to en to lleimner Miould niKcro. -i, lenvmg 'ine Dunes ai fi:si p. m milking direct eoiiiiectlons at lleppner Jiuictlon Keturtilng lnakingdlreetcouiieetion at Heppuur junuUou with No. 1, arriving at The Dalle at C15 v, m. No. 1, throtight freight, cast hound, does nut curry jmssengers; arrives -:50 n. in., depurr 3:J0 n. m. Hn. '.'I, local freight, curries pau'engers, cast bound: arrives 4 :so p. in., departs h:15 p. m. No. -, v.est haniul through freight, dues not enrry pnsseugers; arrives h-.lO 11 in., departs u:no p. m. No. 'i'l, west bound locnt freight, carries pas sengers; nrrives fi:15 p. m departs b:C0 a. in. For full particulars cull nil O. It. & JJ. Co.'s agent The Xfttllca. or address W. H. IIUKI.ia'itT, Gpu I'ns. Agt 1'ortlund, Or, p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Seuoud & Laibliii. Tiioiie 157 Muiia Packet PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTUREK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JE1F.D BEEF. ETC. J. B. KCIIEMK, l'rwildcut. H. JI. I1KAI. , CtlHlilui First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buaineee transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Hicht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, San Francisco and port land. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Scjiknck, Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbb. H. M. Bball. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks JriinMB pulcKly Mcertnlii our opinion iruo wliotlier a". Iiiveiitlon probably Dijtwitobie. Coniniuulr tloiwiitrlctlrcoiiaileiitral. IlarnlUmkon I'atoiita I'ntei.U 1 Uktin tlirouiih Munu A Co. rclV Uncial notice, without cbarue, lu tho Sdcminc Rmtrka. A handtomalr lllnatuUM naku t ..... .1. iiilntlou of any clentldo lournal, Tarnn. U a ly.'.!""1'. BUby.4UawidealVrC (IS-lnch Motor. JIAXtfFACTUItKIJ II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and particulars furnished 011 application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, unM THE DALLES, OREGON THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey wliito wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed ai the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such thai .people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. . THE -DALLES, OR. C. J. STUBLING Wholesato and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHI8KEY from $2.76 to $0,01) per millon. (TiTTfiTyearH 1 oTriTj " ' ' ITEp0p6NA0Jrotn ".IH) to li!.(K) OALirOESIA BEAKDIES Ir'oin j:V-'5 to ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTMFIA EEEE on draught, and Vul Imported Alo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Was co Ware house Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?11 kinds, Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Xld Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr J1"8 I,'our 18 manufactured expressly for fundi J vtx. UB(i. overv sack is Kiiarnnteexl to give satisfaction. Yi a sell onr poods lower than uny hoiibo in the trade, and If you don't think so call and ifut cur prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. Grandall DEALKIiS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funepal Supplies PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. and Motors per gallon. to 'M yearn old.' JO.db per pnllu'n." H to 11 yearH old. Hlutz and Olympia Beer in bottlen & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc.