!" ,i. i )c Dalles Clpimfcte. VOL. XII THE DALIES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1899. NO 46 i- - .1 To be well dressed at a small cost h no h nrr a serious problem. F'ullllllllllBiTT We eell Ladies' High-grade Outer-Garments minus part of tiie usual high-grade prices. I). II. Kecfor Jarkct, lnudo of Rolf clotli, with plaid bnck; large fancy ioarl button , .. f JO) LA wt lllnck Itouck- Jt-.cket, ti 00 mmmm Black Aetrochnn doth ; eilk lined, f 10 00 FALL EXHIBIT 1899 Jailor-made Suits, apes, Jackets, pur Collarettes. An exposition of style; and a cordial invitation to all to come and see. OTYLE tho first consideration with dressy women is embodied in i very garment in this superb stock. Style stands for much. It includes perfection of fit, wotktnanship and material for how could a garment be stylish if it did not posses these attributes? Wear our garments and be drcased in style. Do not expect to'pay more, however, than you would at other stores. (.Urown, plaid back; $5 00) i InlAstra-ban $4-00 Sheared ( o iey, taliti lit lug. 5.00 Aetrachau, black satin lining 7.00 Coney $2.00 and $2.50 Tuilor.made Suit; Venetian cloth In brown, blue, mode mid black, satin lined jacket; skirt braided tonic eflect $13 75 Chinchilla, trimmed in elec tric seal 48.50 Fur Collarettes; t!s, tail?, satin lined ; $H.50, $10, $13 50, $15, $20, $25, $30. Tailor-made Suit; made of fine quality gray homespun; double-breasted Klton Jacket, lined throughout and faced with Skinner satin; new shaped seal loped tonic skirt $20.00 11 iS ft v Bll E Tailor-uuula Suit; bluo mixed Metonet ; new stylo skirt $3 50 I'lushCape; collur edged with An gola Fur $2.23 Winter and Colder Days ii ro coiiiIdk on rapidly. Ynu run readily notice It In tlioeiirly nioriilnv. "Wliutdoi'n It bUKKfttV" Warm Wraps mid tint tho Hue to buy thorn U ripe. Tailor-made Dress Skirts. Plaid Skirts; new shapes, new colorings $4, $5, $0, $7.50 Newest Ehape habit back tkirt, Oxford Cloth.vory Btylish $3.85 i t Golf Capes, LidltV Golf Capes Prices $6, $5 05, $7.50, $10, $12, $15 Mlsies' Golf Capes, 12 to 18 vra Prices si 3 50, ((I, sjfl 50, $7 50 Ohildrent' Golf Capes, 4 to 12 yre Price $3.25, $3.5)5 BBf A. Id. Williams & Qo, Black Iioucle, trimmed with cloth straps, collar and front edged with thibltFur N60 t lvMVOrMffMtJJ Plush Cape, handsomely braided; collar A M WILLIAMS A. CO The Da lino Or 1 'ronl eilgeu Willi lliiuil lur; IH inch A, M. WILLIAMS fit LU I Me uaiioe, or, H length; SOdnch sweep $4.00 (Black Boucle, Eilk lined, $S 50) Tailor-made Suits; Venetian cloth, Havana mode, black and navv $10.00 Leave Your Purse at Home If you uro tint rcmly to liny tor to emtio anil H'O Will plOVll U ! Ii'" I temptation, lluutu nut put It oil'. Seal Plush Jackot rolUr of Murtln or A truuliiiu Kur yftir'.'W; $20 and $30. II A.M. Williams & Co.