s VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1899. NO 45 SHALL IT BE PEACE OR WAR On Nature irtte Elitist Propsals fin Best He Settlement. SAID TO BE VERY SEVERE Include Payment of Indemnity to Great Jiritaiii for the Sending Out or Troops, Disarmament of theTrans vaal Forts, Admission of British Supremacy and Other Conditions. London, Sept. 20. The meeting of the British c ihinct, on whose deliberations practically hangs war or peace In South Alrien, begun at 1 o'clock this afternoon. President Kruger'a reply to the InBt note of the imperial government lias now tieun received and will ha the pivot of to daj's discussion. The cabinet adjourned nt3:15 p. in. The ministers were heartily cheered ly the waiting crowds. It is Haul, from Boor sources, that Sec retary Cimmberlain'e proposals, as sub mitted to the cabinet, include an in demnity for the cost of Bending out troops, diearmanent of the Transvaal forte, the suppression of Dr. Leyd's lega tion, judicative and legislative independ ence for judges, the equality of English and Dutch language?, und full and com plete admission of the supremacy of British interests throughout South Africa. A hi 10 force of police was Btationed about Downing street, but nerfict order was maintained. In the meantimo dispatches flora the Cajn! continue the story of militury activitj in Transvaal, Natal und Caro Gjlouy. The Doers are concentrating in the country contiguous to Natal, where the llrst outbreak of hostilities is likely to occur. Largo contingents of burghers aro conveying from various parts in this probable battlefield. The excitement continues at fever heat. The commandant-general has is sued a notice calling commanders to as semble at a specified spot on the Natal border. Commanders from Krugersdorf, whose burghers checkmated the Jameson raiders, will embark in trains for the frontier tonight. There is great activity at the war offices at Pretoria. The artillery reserves iiave been called out. Arrangements to defend the frontier are now cauiplete, uud the work of equipment is proceeding rapidly. The burghers are congregating in the towns ready to join their eom mauds, which, however, have strict orders not to approach too near the frontier, and to avoid collision with the British forces. The Boer forces are lathering at their bases of action, a short distance from the border, at Hairysmlth, Volkesruat, Vrybid and Bremorsdorph. R AVil . Baking Absolutecy "Pure Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOVU BAKING POWDER CO., HEW VOHK. crowded around the doors of the building. At 10 o'clock a meeting of the directors was called and prompt action was taken, suspending all business. Operators were unable to explain the tremendous jump, and it was the common belief on the floor that the wires had been tapped and that a gigantic swindling game was on foot somewhere. Private rabies were going to Liverpool by the dozens seeking information. While the telegraph wires were bringing news of tho advances a1, Liverpool, private cables to prominent local cotton firms were bearing the news that there had been little or no change from yester day in the Liverpool market. This at once aroused tho suspicions of the oper ators, and caused a hasty meeting of the directors. The action of the directors in ordering a suspension of business checked the panic, but only temporarily allayed tho excitement, and there is suppressed anxiety to know the solution of the puzzle. The directors officially announced later that today's suspension is due to fraud. Operators estimate that the loss suffered here on nccountofthe swindle will amount to more than $100,000. THE COTTON EX CHANGE SUSPENDS As a Result of Gigantic Swindling Operations. Nkw Oki.kanb, Sept. 20, Intense ex citement prevails on the cotton exchange here, and the directors of the exchange have met and suspended business, The New York market is closed today, apd the only quotations this morning to guide local investors were from Liver pool. The market had ecircely opened when the operators bad become parr, 'yxed by advices clicked from over the ocean. It showed futures jumping Id h'aps and bounds. In half an hour re ports allowed that tho Liverpool market had jumped nearly a cent. The whole exchange went wild, and the excitement spreading to the street, multitudes Story of u Slave. To be touud hand and foot for yearB by the chains of dieease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells bow such a slave was made free. Ho says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, eheis wonderfully improved and able to do her ow n work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cureB nervouBiiejs, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a codseud to weak, tickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 00 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 6 One Transport Sighted. Astoiua, Sept. 2S. The government transport City of Kio de Janeiro nrrivid off the river thi6 morning. A pilot was put on board hi the afternoon. Owing to a thick fog, which prevails along the coast, the transport will remain outside during the night. Advice of a Druggist "It is proper, I think, to let others know about the popularity and virtues of Acker's Knidisb Remedy for Coughs, Colds and Uou- xiimptlon. From tho moment I began hand linglt.ltBoId rapidly, and the suloa keep grow ing all the timo us fast as people find out what a re markable preparation It Is. The satisfaction It gives ia u ni vcrsal. Our best cit- Tllttli IlUA if and say it is tho best thing for throat and lung troubles they ever saw. Mr. 8. H. Cul ver, ono of our prominent townsmen, says Acker's English ltcmedy Is the only mcdl cluo that helped his chronic cough of many years' standing. At first it save relief, and now, after taking a few bottles, he Is wholly cured. I buy It by tho gross ut a time, and my soles aro larger on this ono modleino than on any other In my store. It is u great pleasure for me to feci that while l am prosper (ng I am also doing so much good to the com munity in soiling such a .grand medicine." (Signed It. It. Donalds, West field, N. Y. Sold alJKc.fiOo.nnd $1 nbottlo, throughout tho United States und Canada ; and In hug- and. at Is. Ud.. b. 3d., 4s. Ud. If you arunut satisfied nftor buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. 11V aitthortxc the ttboie puaranlcf. W. a. 1IOOKHH it CV Proprtiton, tew lork. i row h.vi.k uv Blakeley & Houghton. "i 1 Not Reed's Kind. Pouti.and, Me., Sept. 28 Amos L. Allen, formerly private secretary to T. B. Heed, was nominated for congress by the first Maine district Republican here, in convention today. In his speech of acceptance, he came out squarely in favor of supporting the president in prosecuting tho war in the Philippines. The Democrats of the first district nominated Luther F. McKinney, of Bridgeton, for congress. WONDERFUL, CUKE OF DIAIUUIOKA A Prominent Virginia Editor Had A 1 moM Given Up, but Wa tlrought Hack to Perfect Health ly Clinmlter lalti'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed'. Bead Hli Edltoilal. From the Times, Hillstllle, Vu. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cured. I had spent much time and money and Buffered bo much'mieery that I had al most decided to give up all bopeB of re covery and await the result, but notic ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful cures had been wrought by thi3 remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that 1 mi) a hale and hearty man to day and feel as well ns I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Ex-Senator Wilson Robbed. Noktu Yakima) Wash., Sept. 9. Ex-Senator Wifson Wednesday night lost his watch and $100 in money to a burglar. The senator and Assistant District Attorney Claypool were guests of Court Meyers, a leading citizen. The thief, afier taking Mr. Wilson's valu ables, departed without disturbing any one else. Tho officers have found no clue today. Prevented u Irauedy. Timely information given Mrs. Gaorge Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy uud saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Dispovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures aro positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest uud lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. 0 ' Prisoners Soon to Be Freed by Filipinos. Manila, Sept. 29, The American authorities are arranging details for the delivery of the American prisoners at Angeles tonight or tomorrow. A Filipino general mid hie aide-de-camp and sec retary will accompany them to Manila The insurgents have been instructed that they may send a representative to confer with Major-General Otis. The regiments are resting at Porac. E. E. Turner, Com p ton, Mo., was cured of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and Burgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Rupture W. T. HouBer, M. D of Portland, specialist in Hernia or Rupture, Vari cocele apd Hydrocele, will visit The Dalles and can be consulted at the Uma tilla House from Septemhyr 25 to HO in clusive. Wo cure by Electricity, with out laying patients up or drtt'iitlou from business, and absolutely without danger. Would refer those interested In being cured to O. ). Stubllmr, of The Dalles, who kuows of our method. SHOT HIS WIFE AND HIMSELF Waller Clyatt Dead and His Wife Wonniei. MORNING TRAG EDY AT ALBINA Indulgence in Liquor, Is Thought to Have Been a Powerful Contribut ing Factor in the Motive. Portland, Sept. 29. In a jealous frenzy, probably intensified by liquor, Walter Clyatt shot his wife and then sent a bullet crashing through hia own brain, dying instantly. The tragedy occurred Ehortly after 1 o'clock this morning, at 364 Russell street, where the Clyatts resided. The dead man was a plumber, and lived with bis wife in the rear of his shop. The woman is still alive. Dr. Hamilton, who attended her says she may recover. Miss Habercettel, who lives with her parents at No. 339, across the street from the scene of the tragedy, and Miss Lenora Horton, who lives at 302 Union avenue, were aroused by the shots, in quick succession. A moment afterward a woman, attired in a black robe, reeled across the street to the Habercettel gate and said something about a revolver. Miss Horton thought fiom the woman's strange actions that she must be in liquor. The Habercettele, however, eoon saw something eerious was the matter, and helped her across the etreet to her home. "Give me some morphine!" ehe ex claimed brokenly. "Walter wanted me to follow him, and I want to do so." People who went to the Clyatt houeo noticed a pitcher of beer on the table. The dead man, they lenrned, had also called at a near-by saloon for a flask of whisky, but it was not given to him. Hence it is thought that over-indulgence in liquor was the direct cause of ti e tragedy. The woman, who is at St. Vincent's hospital, told her story today in a some what incoherent manner. Sbi said her Belt and husband had been to the expo sition. When they came home, Clyatt got eome beer. He kept repeating to her that they would go to Hades together. She thought he was only joking, as he had often made such remark. He would not undrees or go to bed until she blew out the light. There was no revolver in the house. He said he wanted some tobacco, and would go to the house and get it meaning his mother's house at Sacramento street aud Union avende, near by, where live his several brothers and sisters, When he returned ;e crawled over to tbe rear part of the bed in which Mrs. Clyatt was lying. At the some moment ho placed the revolver against the back of her head and fired ; then turned it upon himself. One of the three shots he fired missed its mark, There's always hope while there's One Minute Coi'gh Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape and I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com pletely cured nie," writes Helen Mc Henry, Bismark, N. D. Gives instant relief. Butler Drug Co. 0. R. & N. Shops to He Moved. Si'okank, Sept. 28. The 0. It, & N. has bought thirty-three acres of land at Winona Junction, in Whitman county, on which it will establish carshops and division and dispatcher's headquarters, The shops now at Tekoa and Starbuik will be removed there before January 1 next. Prom Winona five divisions will he established, ranging from 102 and 138 miles. The place is having a great boom, Kcdtl Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such thut It can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it as h muster remedy for ull Disorders arising from im perfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M, D., in Ainiilciin Journal of Health, N. Y. MM. AT HALF THE PRICES CHARGED BY FANCY TAILORS, WE MAKE AND CUT TO YOUR OWN MEASURE, IN ANY COMBI- NATION OF STYLE, CLOTH AND LINING, SWELL CITY TAILOR-MADE SUITS and SKIRTS designed by HMMf and the product of their custom WfSfSSm department, which, for exclusive mmSmM styles and high grade workmanship, ranks foremost in America. Every lady who wishes to have a perfect gown or skirt, strictly up-to-date and different from anyone's else, at a price no higher than asked for ordinary ready-to-wear garments, should leave her measure with us and make selections of cloth and style from over a hundred samples of suitings and dozens of fashion plates, repre senting all the newest American and European effects. Prices within the reach of everybody and prompt deliveries guaranteed. Sample Books and Fashion Plates may be seen in Ladies' Suit Department, upper floor. A. M. Williams & Co. Litt- - Uft -r -.Jt- - JV r -A- V vfl -Ar 't i I f 8 't 't The Dallas, On, The Chronielc, Job Printers. i Mil lllauiarck't Iron Ieiv Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will und tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kilideys und bowelB uro out of order, ij you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr, King's New Life Pills. They develop very power of brain und body, Only 25o nt Blakeley &. Houghton's drugstore, '.' NOTICKOP FINAL SKTrLK.MK.Vr. Kolleo W liOK'lij" given that I.. l Hnmiciliaii, mtminlttiiitor of llio olule of Alliort 1'IU'iy, do cujtM'iJ, litis lllol hi ucroiiut lor Until Mtlle meui nf unlit t'ktntu niut Minuliiy, llio litli duy eUipvtfmlK'r, lit 10 o'rlm'k In tliu foroiiixiu sflliil dtiy Ims lii'i'ii ict liy Hon. KuUtI Murv, comity JmlH'cof Wiik'ii county, Oit'Kun, (or near. ini objection, to tho kium. Uuttil pi'ii'iul)vr S.'il, Itth). Slpl.M 11 I, V. IlKNKKUIIAN, AUuilllUlrutor. Subtoribc for The Chronicle.