The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 29, 1899, Image 1

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fit t)t Hulks
NO 44
Is How Face to Face With Tbe
The Transvaal is an Alfy Excitement
at Pretoria It is Believed There
V Xo Escape From War.
Ixi.vdon, Sept. 28. Tlio decision of the
volkertind of the Orange Free Stale to
jjiu with the T rannvnal in the event of
lioHtilitieB, although fully expected, is
the leading news today and will naturally
FtifTen the Boero' independent uttitude.
The raad'a resolution has made the
brotherhood of iirmB between the Trans
vaul and the Orange Free State, of which
hitherto there was only a strong pro
bability, un nbsoluto certainty, and the
Jritinh will hnvo to face the situation.
The yolksrand resolution was as follows:
''Having regard for the strained state
of nlHiirs thioughout the whole of South
Atrial, which has arisen in coneequenco
of the differences between the imperial
government of Great Britain and the
. government of the Trnnsvaal, which
threaten to lead to hostilities, the cal
amitous consequence of which to the
inhabitants will he inmcasurable.
"Huing connected with the Transvanl
by the closest ties of blood and confed
eracy and standing in mere friendly re
lationship witli the imperial government,
and fearing that should war break out
hatred between European races will be
born which will urrest and retard the
peaceful development of all the states
and colonies of Africa, und develop die
trust of luture;
"Feeling that a solemn duty rests
upon it, of doing everything possible to
avoid ehiddlngof blood j
"Uonnidering that the Transvial gov
ernment, during its negotiations with
tlu imperial government, which have
txtended over several months, has made
every endeavor to arrive-at a peaceful
solution of the differences raised by the
aliens of J,he Transvaal and taken up by
the imperial government as its own
caiiHe, which endeavor have unfortu
nately had only this result, that British
troops were concentrated on the border
of the Transvaal and are etill being
strengthened ; therefore be it
Jit-solved, That we instruct the gov
ernment still to use every means to
maintain and insure peace, in a peace
ful manner to contribute towards the
solution of the existing difficulties, pro
vided It be deemed uot violating the
honor and principles of the Fre) State
ud the Transvaal and the wishes of the
ministry to make known its opinion that
there exist no cause for war, and that
war against the Transvaal as now under
taken or occasioned by the imperial gov
ernment, will morally be war against the
whole white population of Africa, and
in its consequence criminal, for come
what may, the Free State will honestly
mil faithfully fulfill its obligations tow
ards (ie Transvaal by virtue of the
political alliance between the two re
publics." Intense excitement continues to pre
vail at Pretoria, whore apparently it is
believed that there i no escape from
Htorjr of a 81va.
To bo bound hand and foot for year
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tell how such a
slave was made free. He Bay: "My
wife has beeu so helpless lor Ave years
that she could not t urn over in bed alone,
After ueiug two bottle of Electric
Hitters, ehela wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This eupretue
remedy for female disease quickly cure
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dlwy
epulis. This miracle working medicine
DaVA I . Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovu BAKiwa Powata co., t york.
i9 n codsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Ouly
60 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Ilouuhton
Druggiste. ' 6
Prevented n Irdgedy.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy und saved two
lives. A frightful couch had lone kent
her awake every night. She bad tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grow worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, und sho writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest i. nil lung troubles. Only 50c and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drugstore. 6
Prominent Indian Killed.
Noutii Yakima, Wash., Sept. 27.
Louis Ambrose, an Indian about thirty
years of aue, was run over by a wagon
and killed near Fort Simcoe
night. Ambroso wue one of the mctt
prominent young Indians on the reserva
tion, having been educated at tho Car
lisle school. Considerable mystery sur
rounds bis death. Ilia father Etates
that he has been unable to ascertain who
drove the wagon that passed over him.
woMiimmi. vviiK or diahishoka
Robbed a Stage and Planned to Wreck
a Train.
Pexdi.eto.s-, Or., Sept. 28. Two moro
boys, collectively weighing 2G0 pounds,
and tbe oldest being but twenty-four
years old, were brought before John
Hailey, United States commissioner, in
this city yejterday, charged with robbing
the United States mails last Friday night
uear Westfall, Malheur county. Their
caes were continued for a week. From
tho admission made by the mother of
one of them, and the fact that she gave
up to the officers $GS0 in greenbacks
which ehe had received from them as
the fruits of their highwaymen's attempt,
the commissioner belieyed them deserv
ing of being held to the United States
Xi I
i'iUUUBV 1
Prominent Virginia Kriltnr Haul Al
most Olveu Ui, liut VnH Hrouclit
It nek to I'errect Health by Cliumlier
lulD'a Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea
Itemed'. Head III Editorial.
From tlio Times, lltllfctille, Vn.
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cured.
I had spent much time and money and
Bufl'dred so much misery that I had al
most decided to give up all hopes of re
covery and await the reeult, but notic
ing the advertisement of Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and also some testimonials stating how
some wonderful cures had been wrought
by this remedy, I decided to try it.
After taking a few doses I was entirely
well ot that trouble, and I wish to say
further to my readers and fellow-sufferers
that 1 am a hale and hearty man to
day and feel as well as I ever did in my
life. O. K. Moore. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
A Lucky Dog Catcher.
Abtoiua, Sopt. 27. Astoria's dog
catcher, Jim Petty, left this evening for
New York, city, to .assist in settling up
his uncle's estate. He received n latter
from the lawyer of the estate enclosing
a draft for $300, and stated that the
share coming to him was one-seventh
of property valued at $730,000.
John Bai clay, twenty-four years old,
and Forest FarrenB, twenty-one years
old, the prisoners, maden pitiable figure
in the court, and tho officers scarcely
had the heart to pursue them with the
law's retribution. They did not appear
to be capable of attempting bo Eerious a
thing as holding up the stage, and loot
ing the mails, and when was added to
the specific charge of the robbery the
fact that they had planned the daring
scheme to stopping and going through
the Oiegon Short Line train at Ontario,
ditching it first, and then compelling
the passengers and the express agents to
give up the wealth In their possession,
the case aseu red really ridiculous pro
portions. With no beard on their faces,
and to all appearances absolutely inex
perienced in tho world, there was noth
ing suggestive of the fierce highwayman
in their demeanor.
There is more Catarrh in t hi
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctor pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, und by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
tube a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
ouly constitutional cure on the market.
It is tHken internally In doses from ten
drops to u teasnoonful. It act directly
on the blood and mucous surface of the
ytem. They olfer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonlals. Address,
F. J. Chunky & Co,, Toledo, O.
0F"Sold by Drugtflsts, 75c. 7
For wounds, bums, scalds, soree, skin
disease and all irritating eruptions,
nothing o soothing and healing a
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.Kmma
Bollee, Matron Jinglewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it; "When nil else fall
in healing our bablee, it will cure."
Butler Drug Co.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, runuing and fever sores,
Ulcers, Bails, Felons, Corns, Warte,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns; Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Ouly 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. 2
There's always hope while there's One
Minute CorgU Cure. "An attack of
pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape
and I was near the first stages of con
sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com
pletely cured me," writes Helen Mc
Henry, Bismark, N. D. Gives instant
relief. Butler Drug Co.
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 2G
to Oct. 20, the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co, will make a round trip rate of
$3.25, which will aleo include two ad
mission coupons to tho exposition.
Tickets will be good going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
' 3, on Thursday. Sept. 26th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thureday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday nlifht following the Wednesda
or Thursday on which ticket is soM
25-1 in
W. T. Houser, M. P., of Portland,
specialist In Hernia or Rupture, Vari
cocele and Hydrocele, will visit The
Dalles and can be consulted at the Uma
tilla House from September 25 to 30 In
clublve. We cure by Electricity, with
out laying patient up or detention from
business, and absolutely without danger.
Would refer those lutereeted In being
cured to C. J. Stubllng, of Tho Dalle,
who know of our method.
Taken by MacMnr After Halt an
Dear's Fighting.
Americans Marched Over Trenches and
Took the Place, but Found it De
serted American Casualties Five.
Manila, Sept. 28, 10 a. in. Generals
MacArthur, Wheaton and Wheeler, with
four regiments and a battery, advanced
at daybreak this morning upon JPorac,
about eight miles northwest of Bacolor,
in Pampanga province.
Manila, Sept. 28,3:30 p. m. General
MacArthur entered Porac after half an
hour's fighting. The American lots
was slight; the insurgent loss is not
known. The enemy fled northward and
when the Americans entered tho town
they found it practically deserted.
The attacking party moved on Porac
in two columns. The Ninth infantry
with two guns from Santa Rita was com
manded by General Wheeler, and tho
Thirty-sixth infantry under Colonel
Bell, with one gun accompanied General
MacArthur from Sin Antonio. Botli
columns struck town at 0 o'clock and
opened a brisk fire, which was repl'ed
to by the enemy for half an hour. Then
the insurgents fled, and the Americans
marched over their trenches and took
possession of the place.
Just before the fight Smith's com
mand at Angeles made a demonstration
by firing artillery up the railroad track.
Liecumb reported one casualty, and
Bell reported four men of his regiment
wounded. The artillery did not lose a
man, killed or injured.
Porac is situated fourteen miles from
Bacolor, and has a population of 8500,
Farm for Sale.
Price $1800. $1000 dow n ; balance on
reasonable terms.
Two hundred and eighty acres in
closed, one hundred and twenty acres
deeded land, good title; between fifty
and sixty acres in grain and meadow;
good house of seven rooms, good barn
and out buildinge. School house on tbe
place; well of water ou the porch ; creek
runs through the place ; 400 bearing fruit
trees, good gardens ; forty stands of bee ;
good assortment of small fruit. This
farm is well improved, four miles from
Dufur, four miles from Endersby.
Reasonable terms. Apply to Ben
Southwell, ou the place, on 8-Mile
Kodcl Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
becaueo its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing eo, "Tho public can
rely upon it a a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N, Y.
At a Sacrifice.
Forty acres, mile from Soraguo
landing, mile from Carson P. O.,
Skamania Co., Wash. Good box house,
four rooms und bath. Outbuildings good.
Two acres young orchard winter applee.
Land all good, and easily cleared. Five
or six acres sediment, soil very rich.
Sacrificed for $250 ; worth 1500. Don't
spend timo writing, come and tee it.
J. K, Bhowm.
Itlmnarck' Iron Iserve
Was the result of his splendid health,
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are uot found whero stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you wunt these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body, Only 25 j ut Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
designed by and the product of
their cujtom WiWSMm department, which,
for exclusive UeffaesaM styles and high
grade workmanship, ranks foremost in America.
Every lady who wishes to have a perfect gown
or skirt, strictly up-to-date and different from
anyone's else, at a price no higher than asked
for ordinary ready-to-wear garments, should
leave her measure with us ana make selections
of cloth and style from over a hundred samples
of suitings and dozens of fashion plates, repre
senting all the newest American and European
effects. Prices within the rejeh of everybody
and prompt deliveries guaranteed.
Sample Books and Fashion
Plates may be seen in Ladies'
Suit Department, upper floor.
I A. M. Williams & Co.
8 jntnft nfrTmrtTmMfrrm S "firm frnrirrl rnrnn nrrnrn rfrfnffTTTVrTTTr
Job Printers.
Notice Is hereby kIvimi tliut tlio uniler.ltfiicil
him llleil will) ttocierk of tliu count court of
llio btulu d( Ori'Koii, (or Wmeo county, liU
lliuil account na ii.lnilultratir of Ilia otuto of
Joint (iriiuti ch'ccMMil, mill Unit by hii order of
bHhl court Hindu on tlio l;ltli iHy of Scptointur,
IK)'J, Mniiilny, tliuiitli day of Niivcmlior, IWJ, tit
lliu hour of '.' o'clock . in. linn Uwn lined h tlio
Itiuu Hint lliuootiuty court room In l);ilk' Clcv
u Hie iiliicv for tlio IivuiIiiic ol objection to ui
llliiil iiicoimt J.fiUKr- M CAN 1)1 10,
AitmlnUlrutor ot L'tUlu of Joint linuil, Do
1'iuti. bt'it!U-ll
Notloo la hereby kIvou tluii I.. (', IIciiiiokIhiii,
iu1mhilliiitor of tliuustntu of Albert Ullery, ile
t'ousoil, Iihd tiled bin ni'coiint for lliuil m' 1 1 le
nient of hul. I e.tnto unit Monthly, tliu litlt any
of November, isut), ut 10 o'clock In tho fntviiikm
of hu til iluy hu lnvn ct by lion, Hubert My,
county Juilnool Whm'o county, OrtKon, for hear
liiK olijit'lliins to the siinie.
llHtcil netuinher 2M, IMO
Hipl.M It I, U. Hknnkuiun,
Suhtcribo fur Tliu Chruniclo,