I IN M War will be Declared Between England and the Boers. It is a question of time only. We have troubles of our own. WE HAVE DE CLARED WAR, not AGAINST THE BOERS, bul against our NIGHT ROBES. The fact is, wo are overstocked ; greatly overstocked; and if you look in our windows you will see wo have enough NIGHT ROBES to supply an army, and tiiey must go. If you need anything in this line, this is your chance. READ THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Gents' Heavy Twill Night Robes, all sizes; usual prieo 7oc now 35c dents' Extra Heavy Twill Night liobes; all sizes; usual prico 8c now 50c Gents' "Fruit of the Loom" Muslin, embroidered front; all sizes; usual prico $1.00 now 65c dents Wamsutla Muslin; embroidered front and cuffs; usual price $1.25 now 75c Gents' White Sateen; embroidered front and cuffs; usual price $1.50 now 90c Gents' Pink, Blue and White Sateen; embroider ed front and cuff's; usual price $2.50 .. .now $1.50 We carry a full line of Pajamas and Slumbering Robes. SEE WINDOWS. N. 15. Wo nr.- still giving one of those tle gmit Watches with any Suit or Overcoat. New Fall Jackets, New Tailor-made Suits and Skirts Out of the ordinary. Offers to awaken and stim ulate early autumn buying in this, the greatest fashion center of Ladies' Outer Garments. The New Jackets, Imported Kersey and Covertf", new sleeves, lined throughout with heavy Taffeta and Satin, new dip, notched effects, seams double stitched and strictly tailor made. Colors black, blue, tan, castor and mode. Jiang, inc in price from J(C.OO to !f22.50. Separate Skirts. Special drt-ES Bkirts in beautiful plaid Venetians, Cheviots and Serge ; habit back or plaited, extra quality lining and findings. Perfect in fit and finish. New- Silk Waists. TafTeta and Satin, new sleeves, tiimmed with cording, tucking and fancy stitched detached collars, Price $3.50 and up. All Goods Marked In Plnln Figures. Pease & Mays Jason's pmit Jars. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Til U Its DAY - . - SEPT. 26, ISf 0 Telephone No. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Yon can't find n better place to bring your work to be repaired than at the D.iiil Optical Jewelry Co., opposite Mavu & Crowns. Higgs "Ttill me what your wife said when you got home from tho club last niclit." .Jiggs "But I can't, old man, I've only mi hour to spare now." l'rof. Daut calls your attention to your eyes. The coming long evenings, when tliu eyes are used so much will require the services of u scientific optician. Call and sen him. Oppobito Mays & Crowe's. Tlie little steamer "Klickitat," which lina linen plying between Hood Kiver and White Salmon, was takeu down to Vancouver yesterday to take the place of the Vancouver ferry boat, which is buing H'pmred. Although much better results would have accrued had the state fair been lield later m the season so that more farnierfl cuuld have attended, the finan cial rceult was quite satisfactory and u surplus of miAl was realized. Homer Davenport attended the trial of Un-yfiiH, and has been making some com put isoiiH of the heads of Dreyfus and Murder not much to the latter's credit. Tho pictures indicate that Dreyfus is a Kentlenmn and Mercier a brute. The horse which was stolen from K. 0. H'siuatrick at Tygh Monday wat found wandering around in tho East End of town this morning and taken UP- U was minus saddle and bridle, ntl no clew whb obtained us to how it got here. The Indies of the Calvary Bwptiet 'biircli will give a watermelon social at 'lio residence of Elder C. P. JJalley, near tbu fair grounds, this evening. Among tbu miiHicul selections will be the ren 'itioii of that touching melody "Carve aterruelon," Tim Uegulutor was very late in reach ,n ,llu ('utk lust night, the delay being Muted by loading cattle at Lyle,' which were bought by Wood Bros, from A. UerUchi of that place. When going up the gangway some of the cattle took a notion to take a bath and thus held the "out back until they were got out of the water. j" nu action concerning the owner of property on the river front, wrderlnu on Mill creek, wherein J. C. J"Ulu Is plaintiff and Dalles City de eudant, and which was decided in favor mallei City In our circuit court, an P"a has been taken from the decision j tlie tapremo court of the state. H, I . 11 U "ttorneyr the plaintiff M Dutnr & Menefee lor the defendants. Capt. if, l. Weill, of Company L. Iiai "ecu delivering a lecture throughout the atu regarding ixperlencfs during the Philippine campaign and particularly those of Company L, which haB been greatly appreciated and well spoken of by tho papers. Dalles people will be glad to know that the captain will visit our city on tho evening of Oct. 5th and speak in the Vogt opera house. He will bring with him a stereopticon and g've views which will add, much to the in terest of the lecture. Among tho stereoscopic views of the Philippine enmpaign is one especially interesting to Dalles p.ople. Sitting up on the embankment .f the fifth trencli at Malabon is Ed L?mison, looking as natural as life, but gazing complacently at two dead Filipinos lying in the trencli. Tho picture is a perfect one, and gives nn idea of the horrible scenes which become so familiar to soldiers. Earl Sanders is agent for these views, and will begin delivering them tomor row. Misfortune seems to be following Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, who are now in P.ortland, Mr. Johnson having been son to feel encouraged. in the hospital there for some weeks. l'JJbout twenty-Ore of their most in Sunday their little daughter, Irene, wlirf timi is about !) years old, was playing at the window in the second story of Mrs. Johnson's aunt's residence, when she fell cut. She was very badly hurt, her face being severely bruised and her arm broken in three pUces. Jt is not how ever, thought that sho 1ms suffered any internal injury, but that she will get along all right. The shock to the parents-was very great, especially to Mr. Johnson, who is just able to walk about ii little. A canuou waB shipped to tills city, from Portland, last night, and will be placed in position under the direction of Mayor C. P. Bishop, today, to bo bred in honor of the arrival of Admiral George Dewey, on American soil. Tho govern or's otlico will receive notice, by tele graph, from New York city, the moment tVdmiral Dewey sets foot on land, and, upon a signal from the capitul, tho can non will be tired in an admiral's salute seventeen guns. It is expected that the reception to t lie admiral (and he will hud at that time) will take place to morrow, and not only New York city, but the capital of every elate, and nil tho latge cities throughout the United Status will celebrate his lauding at that time. Salem Statesman. f-haniko is a euro go, iinJ articles of incorporation wero filed today in tho clerk's office by XV. h. Moore, II. F. Latighlin, K. O. Peae, D. M. French, VV, Lord, II. A.'Moorti and J. W. French. Tho capital stock.iB la be $48,000, divid ed Into 480 shares vA if 100 u ehare. Tho Immediate townswe contains 309 lots. The object, among oilier things, ia tho acquiring, platting d laying out of one or more town&Ues in Wasco couuty; constructing and maintaining water works and weetrlo light plants; the carrying on of insurance agencies etc., 'And now as to the name of the new townslte, aboAit which much has already been said. JVhile Mr. Hcherneckau was a respacted jcitizen of that section for oine years and a very popular one also, it would seem that as J. II. Ward, father of Tom Ward of our city, was the second oldest inhabitant of that place, having settled there in '0U and remained seven teen years, it would have been better to call the new town Ward. Uut, "what's in a name?" County CleikKelsay line just returnei'. from a trip iuto tho Antelope country, and through Sherman county. He visited the famous Silver King mine, on Tiout Creek, near Antelope, and tells us tilings are lively in that section. At the little mining town of Ashwood they aru building a two-story hotel, have a bank, a general merchandise store and saloon, beside many houses, barns, etc., which go to make up such a town. At the mine tltey have a large amount of rlcii ore on the dumps nnd are shipping it out by six-hoise teams to More. A great deal of machinery for operating the mine lias been purchased and is now on tho way. Prospectors are numerous in that section and while prospecting is yet in a crude state, everyone has rea- VISIT OF IDAHO'S SOLDIERS. rtmnetl Through Our City Laitt Nlclit ami were Mt lly a Large Crowd. tlmate young lady friends were invited by the Misses Jtuch to sitend last even ing witli their sister, Mrs. Sutherland, at their home on the corner of Fourth and Court streets. Witli music and guessing games the hours were very pleasantly passed, Mies Alma Schmidt carrying; home a pretty umbrella plant as a proof of her superiority over the oliiers wiien it comes to her. aptness ii; suiting the names of trees to tiie an swers given. Afterrefrpshmer.ts, an amusing game was played w hich brought the Initials of the guests names into prominence and puzzled tiieir wits to answer the questions with only words which began with those letters. Some of tho combinations were comical in the extreme, particularly those in answer to tho question, "V)iat is your opinion of woman's BuliYagi'," and it was remark aole to note the number of young ladies who seem to have no tendencies in that line. It is ealdjthe gentlemen friends of the ladies played even by enjoying a stag party at the homo of one of their number, but as we have heard no ac count of broken furniture or arrests in consequence, we judgo the eocittl function was postponed. The I.udlts. The pleasant efl'ect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it tluir favorite remedy. To get the true aud genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggists. Aii luvltatluu to Everybody. The grand opening of the "Oregon Saloon" will take place Saturday even ing at 8 o'clock, Free lunch, consisting of fresh pig, spring chicken and roast buffalo, with many other things, will be served during the evening. A good time la assured. Kkvs & Nki.son. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars, O. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-Sm, It doesn't take much advertising and very little urging to get a crowd out when such nn occasion presents itself as tliat of last night, when the Idaho soldier boys passed through the citv. stopping at tho Umatilla House long enougti to get their Etipper. There was, therefore, a very large crowd gathered when the first section of the special train pulled in at about 7 o'clock. The Commercial Club band struck un a lively air as they stopped in front of tlie hotel, and the loud cheers which went up from tho crowd was rather a surprise, coming from a people who are generally undemonstrative. I5ut our j people appreciate the soldier boys from every etate, and are not slow in telling about it. Everyone who has kept up with the history of the recent war knows what a brave record the Idaho regi ment haB made, and the idea of having the members in our city, if but for a short time, was enough to awakeu en thusia'sm. . There were about 140 on the first section, and 250 on the seond, which reached here at 11:15, many of their men having dropped off between Sun Francisco and Portland. A number of the officers had their wives with them. A good many of the men had taken lunch on the train and did not care for supper, but tlnse who did seemed more than pleased with tlie fare which they re ceived. The last section did not stop until they reached the depot, and then but for a few moments. They were a nice looking lot of men, and made themselves very sociable with our people, who gathered in the otlico and on the walk outside to greqt them and many to search for friends. It would ben strange thing if among so many men who have just been given the liberty of civilians, a few were not overly hilarious, and so among them were two or three whoso snirits were overflowing with wo might call it patri otism, the fighting propensities of one still predominated aud he was about to Hi.bl oiinvt. ..in. m.... 1... I n n' v mini m my uiiu.-t-, uij ne Filipino or not, mil refused to have his tight questioned. Tho ladies, conse quently, disappeared hastily; but he was finally taken to the car after ho had succeeded in smashing one comrade'o face. Company I had a mascot in tho shape of a cute little Japanese pug dog, whose iiame is "Taps," and who seems as much of a favorite as Company l.'s mascot ; but we doubt if ho has as good a record. The boys say it has seemed ac (in terminable time since- (he Oregon boys left Manila and they will be delighted to reach home and greet friends once mote. A SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCES. Karl Handera Cllvtia Ilia Audience Hume Idea of (lie rtililpilue Campaign, Patriotism is not waning in The Dalles and the regard which our people have for their soldier boys, as well as the In- One quart Two Quarts Sue per dozen G5o w tim i MAYS & CROWE. "Harmony" CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HANI) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. Or. terest taken in their heroic deeds in our , behalf, was evidenced last night when, j in spite of the many counter attractions, such a large crowd gathered at the Con gregational church to hear Earl Sanders speak on the recent campaign in the Philippines and the experiences of the Oregon boys. Aa a general thing it is impossible to get even a moderate sized crowd to attend a lecture in The Dalles, but last night was an exception. The people were met at the door by James Elton, Harry Fredden, Fred Ken nedy, Senaca Fonts and John Cooper, former members of Company L. The boys were attired in their Khake uni forms, and acted as door keepers and ushers, also explaining to tho audience tlie curios which were displayed during the evening. There were also a num ber of "our boys" in tho audience. Earl was also attired in his uniform and presented a soldierly appearance as he took the rostrum and was greeted by hearty applause. All had been anxious to hear the story of tho war from the lips of one of our own boys, and it was a . pleasure to listen to the speaker, who possesses elocutionary ability which added much to its rendition. Begin ning witli tho time the Oregon boys' left Portland May 10, 1S93, lie reviewed the entire campaign and their experiences until they lauded at San Fianeiseo on July 14th, 18U9, giving his listeners a better idea than they could obtain in any other manner, but leaving out the political side of the Philippine question entirelv. which no ono expected oi cared to have discussed at such a time. ! Is will bo impossible to go over tliei ground which the speaker covered in! his address, and which was so interest ing to his hearers aud made them leave the church well satisfied. One must hear it tj appreciate it. Two splendid musical selections weie given by Kev. Poling, Prof. Landers, . XV. I.undell and II. Xorthrup; one at tho opening and tho other at the close j of the lecture. He Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. sirs. Hegulator (fi Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way vioiii't- on both tides of tho Columbia river. liotli of tho iibovt; steamers hare been rebuilt, and are In e.ieeller.t (han fur the htoii of 1'.. Tim l(pculiiiir Line will endeavor to give Its patrons the best M'tvleo islule. Tor Oomrort, Kctiiiomy iiinl lMpnrtiiro, travel by the hteaniers of Tlu llcculutor 1lhO. The above steamers leave The Dalles' at S a. in. mid I'ottlaiid at 7 a. in., and arrive at destina tion in uinpl'i time for tmtgiiiiig trains. Portland Olllee. The Dalle Ofllco Oak St. Doek. Court street W. C. Allaway, Uonem Acnt. Watch this space tomorrow. Something' that will interest ALL. ii 1:1 r Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. Construction This is an air tight heater of the oal .heet steel tlo; It Inn CAST UU1N l.lXINliS, making It datable; aU lias front (cot door, east lop iu.it bottom and ornamental swing top with gliddlo cover underneath, Nlckellntr-lt has iitekclcl urn, name platuinul foot rail., We have a complete stock of Ihein on hand, iixll and tee our sleek In fore bu l"o vUcwhere, piaiei & Benion .1