The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1899, Image 1

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    1) c D n I! cg
NO 42
Rcacltcil New York on His FlaShii Two
Days Ahead.
When the Identity of the Olympia Was
Made Out, Passengers on the
Steamer Monmouth Cheered Vo
ciferously Admiral Dewey, Who
Was on Deck, Alone Acknowledged
the Cheers.
Nr.w Youk, Sept. 2G. Much to the
Biiniriao of every one in Hit)) city the
Olympia, with Admiral Dewey oh board,
arrived off Sand Hook lightship at 5:55
lllie morning. The Olympia sailed from
Gibraltar September 10i There was a
heavy ami on tlio sea,' nnd at first the
nmrino ohRurvers were inclined to think
the vbshoI sighted might bo the Chicago,
Kear-Admiral Howison's flagship, hardly
believing that Dewey would arrive two
daya ahead of time. The doubt wbb eoon
cleared away, tiowever, and as pausing
vessels recognized the flagship from Ma
nila hay, there was n continuous blowing
whistles in salute.
One ot the first large vessels to sight
the Olympia was the passenger steamer
Handy Hook, of the Sandy Hook line,
which left Atlantic Highlands shortly af
ter 7 o'clock, for her New York dock.
The flagship came up to the lower bay
and anchored inside Sandy Hook. As
soon us the anchor was dropped, an or
derly hub Hunt ashore with dispatches
from the admiral and other officers, lie
said that the ship had iiad a pleasant
trip across the Atlantic, and all on board
were glad to bo home again. The Olym
piad crew were put to work imme
diatolj clearing ship. Many email ves
sels begun Bailing around tho lliigehip
and the number wuu augmented con
stantly. Tim admiral's early arrival was a mat
ter of great concern to the city authori
ties, who aro arrunging for New York's
official welcome. The secretary of the
reception committeo went to the City
Hill early, and at once issued a call for
a meeting of the committee. Secretary
Foster said that he could not forecast the
committee's action, but thought it prob
able that it would go down to' the Oly
tapia Una afternoon and meet the ad
miral. ,
Mayor Van Wick hurried to his ofhV,
where he found the following telegram :
"Olympia arrived this morning. Will
go to Tompkinevllle tomorrow.
The mayor authorized calling together
of all the city's committees, and tele
grams were sent out calling on members
of the plan and scope committee, and va
rious other committees to meet as quick
ly bh possible at the City Hall.
Tin- Sandy Hook steamer Monmouth
passed the Olympia early this morning,
anil those on board of her were the first
to see Dewey. One of the Monmouth's
passengers suid: "We saw Admirol
Dewey quite plainly. He stood alone on
the quarter deck of the warahlp. Fitteen
feet behind him stood eight pf his officers
in uniform. The admiral alone of all
the men on board the ship acknowledged
the cheers of tho passengers and crew
of the Monmouth. He raised Ida hat,
continually bowing and smiling.
The ship looked in fineitrlra condition
after her long voyage, Imt the exterior
f her hull was seamed with a rusty
Arrested On Overland.
IV.nui.kton, Or., Sept. 25. J. Barclay,
Kd 24, and Forest Ferrous, aged 21,
were arrested today on the overland pas
eilger train at thin nnlnr anil held nunc!
iK the arrival ot Sheriff Huntington, of
J'ker City, who telegraphed Sheriff
Hlakeley hero. They are wanted for
holding up the stage between Ontario
VA I Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
nnd BurnB. Doth disclaim knowledge
of any reason for their detention. Bar
clay had a bulldog pistol and $50 on his
person, and Ferrons had $15. They had
no baggage nor anything to connect them
with tho stage hold-up. Sheriff Hunting
ton, when told the men's names, tele
phoned in reply that they were tho men
wanted for the hold-up. These men are
supposed to lie tho ones who plunned to
rob the Oregon Short Line train at
Ontario. No more particulars are known
l'levriiU'il ii Irngcdy.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awako every niht. She had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Diecovery. Ono bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine alBO cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of l'nuumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only 50c nnd
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles freo at i'.lakeley & Houghton'B
Drugstore. 0
Narrow Escape from a Horrible Death
McMinnvim.k, Sept. 25. At theMiller
hop yard, near tliis city, Sunday last,
Mr. L. E. Walker, of this place, while
saving his wife from a horrible death,
was severely burned. Tiie lady was
preparing dinner over a camp fire, when
her clothes were caught by the blaze
and she was soon enveloped in flames.
Mr. Walker grabbed the burning dress
and tore it off his wife, nnd saved her
from injury. His hands and arms are
both burned to a solid blister.
There iB more Catarrh in tiiie section
of the ountry than nil othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
tobe a. constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarruh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
oulv constitutional euro on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops toa teasnoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure, bend tor
circulars and testmoniais. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drngglste, 75c. 7
Child Burned.
Dallas. Or.. Sept. 25.. Yesterday a
small child of Frank Kliever, living three
miles north of Dallas, was seriously
burned by pulling a dish of hot grease
from a table. The grease entered the
eyes, nose and mouth, but the child
may recover.
Story of a Hlavn.
Tobe found hand midfoot for years
bv the chains of diseaee is the worst
form ol slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife has been so helpless tor live years
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Blttors, sheis wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This supreme
rained V for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting ana dizzy
epells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Everv bottle guaranteed. Ouly
50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton
Druggists. . , 6
At n Haorlllcu.
Forty acres, K mil" r' Snrague
landing, )i mile f" Carson P. O.,
Skamania Co., Wash. Good hoi house,
four roomsand bath. Outbuildings good.
Two acres young orchard winter apples.
Land all good, and easily cleared. Five
or six acres sediment', soil very rich.
Sacrificed for $250; worth $500. Don't
spend time writing, come and see it.
.1. K. Biiowm.
Major General Brooke Is Soon to Leave
Cuba, and It Is Said That He Is
Slated to Command in the Philip
pine Islands.
New Youk, Sept. 20. A special to
the Times from Washington says:
Coincident with the near approach of
Admiral Dewev, the rumors about Gen
eral Otis' recall have been revived. It
is the general report that his recall has
actually been decided upon. There has
been a rumor lately that General Brooke
was to leave Cuba shortly, and as it is
now said that a major-general is to be
sent to the Philippines, there is some
disposition to regard that as General
Brooke's future berth.
The basis for all this gossip seems to
be the report that Admiral Dewey lias a
poor opinion of General Otis. This re
port has lately been revived and re
peated in a number of way. It is gen
erally believed that the admiral will
have much influence with the adminis
tration, and his views bn the Philippine
policy will be anxiously sought. A
strong Impression prevails that when he
gives his opinion it will not be favorable
to General Otis.
There is to be a conference at the
White Houee shortly after his return, at
which the president will meet the ad
miral and tho Pbilippiue commission,
and what is said at that conference may
resultin some alterations in the military
policy in the Philippines.
A J'romliient VlrgluU Editor Had AN
uiont Glveu Ui, but Was llrouglit
Mark to I'erfect Uealth by Chamber
laiu'a Colic, Cholera auil Diarrhoea
lteineily. Itead Uli Kdltorlal.
Trom the Times. HilUtllle, Va.
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cured.
I had spent much time and money and
suffered so much misery that I bad al
most decided to give up all hopes of re
covery and await the result, but notic
ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and also some testimonials stating bow
some wonderful cures had been wrought
by this remedy, I decided to try it.
After taking a few doses I was entirely
well ot that trouble, and I wish to say
further to my readers and fellow-sufferers
that 1 am a hale and hearty man to
day and feel as well as I ever did in my
life. O. It. Modre. Sold by B.akeley &
Houghton, druggists.
There's always hope while there's One
I Minute Copgh Cure. "An attack of
pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape
and I was near the first stages of con
sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com
pletely cured mo," writes Helen Mc
Henry, Blsmark, N. D. Gives instant
relief. Butler Drug Co.
W. T. Houser, M. D., of Portland,
specialist iu Hernia or Rupture. Vari
cocele and Hydrocele, will visit Tho
Dalles and can be consulted at the Uma
tilla House from September 25 to U0 in
clusive. We cure by Electricity, with
out laying patients up or detention from
business, and absolutely without danger.
Would refer those interested In being
cured to O. J. Stubling, of The Dalles,
who knows of our method.
Amiable Intention of Agoinal as Re
ported dt Two English Sailors.
Men Will Be Released Todaj or Tomor
row Lieutenant Gilmorc and
Yorktown Party to Be Held Some
Time Longer Filipinos Wish to
Clothe Them.
New Yokk, Sept. 20. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says : The two
Englishmen who assert that they were
ship'wrecked in a small open boat near
Bigaa, at the northern end of Ltizm,
bring a message from the insurgent gen
eral, Pnntela, that fourteen American
prisoners who are now held at Tarlac
will be released on Tuesday or Wednes
day. The delay in releasing the prison
ers, as promised several days ago, i9 due
to the fact that the Filipinos wish to
furnish the men with new clothing when
they set them free.
The Englishmen stato further that
Lieutenant J. C. Gilmore and the cap
tured boat's crew from the Yorktown are
still at Bigaa, but will be released later,
in accordance with the decision of the
Filipino congress, and the subsequent
decree of Aguinaldo providing for the
surrender of all American prisoners. The
admitted purpose of the Filipinos in thug
fieeing the Ameiicans is to impress
foreign powers.
The Englishmen eay that Lieutenant
Gilmore and his men are not being
treated well. They are only receiving
twenty cents a day each for rations.
The released Englishmen assert that
three Americans who were taken prison
era have accepted commissions in the
insurgent army.
The Filipino authorities sent word
that no trace can be found of Captain
Rockefeller, of the 19th infantry, who
disappeared in April, and was supposed
to have been captured.
The railroad biidges in insurgent terri
tory haye been washed out, and tho in
surgents are having difficulty in supply
the troops in tho immediate fiont of the
American line.
On the way to the American lines the
Englishmen were taken on a wide detour
away from the insurgent front, and were
thus uuabie to 6ee the insurgent forces,
which are reputed to be strong.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. ' -
"Our baby was sick for a month witli
severe cough nnd catarrhal fever, Al
though wo tried many remedies she kept
getting worse, until we used One Min
ute Coueh Cure, it relieved at once and
cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because Its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
isor ders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes ull
eruptions of the skin, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blukeley & Houghton,
Clatke & Falk have a full and com
p'.ete Due of house, cairiage,-wagon und
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
designed by HGRHH ana" the product of
their custom WrSBSm department, which,
for exclusive UtaSdH styles and high
grade workmanship, ranks foremost in America.
Every lady who wishes to have a perfect gown
or skirt, strictly up-to-date and different from
anyone's else, at a price no higher than asked
for ordinary ready-to-wear garments, should
leave her measure with us and make selections
of cloth and style from over a hundred samples
of suitings and dozens of fashion plates, repre
senting all the newest American and European
effects. Prices within the reach of everybody
and prompt deliveries guaranteed.
Sample Books and Fashion
Plates may be seen in Ladies'
Suit Department, upper floor.
A. M. Williams & Co. X
Job Pointers.
Notice is hereby given that tho uuderslKiicd
has tiled with the clerk of tho count court of
the btate of Ori'KOii, (or Mateo county, his
final account us administrator of the ottato of
John Urant, deceased, ami that by an order of
suld court made on Ihy l;ith iliy of .September.
lhW. Monday, ttieiitliday of November, lhW, at
the hour of '.! o'clock p. in. has been llxcii a the
tlmo und tho county court room In Dalles I'liv
u the place for the hcutlUK ol objections to said
Una! account J. flUKr" McANDIK,
Adnilulstiator of L'sUto of John (Irani. Do
ceased. fcept'.U-ll
Notice Is hereby given that I (', lloiiuenhuli,
administrator of tho estate of Albert,
has lllel his account for llliul settle
ment of said cstHto und Monday, tho titli day
of November, Ib'.iD, at 10 o'clock in the forcnoo i
of said day has been set by Hon, Hubert .Mays,
comity Judge of Wasco county, Oregon, for bear
lug objections to tho same.
) hi ted September .id, 1WJ
Kept. '.I II I.. C. IlKNNKdllAN, lor.
.Sub:cribo fur The Chronicle,