The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
dneys, Liver
amd Bowels
. nr r Ly I UMLLT,
w' ...iff 05
S f -lT I
res su eim tmiiwti era set fts Km:
rilOl'I.K YOU At.I. KNOW.
John Thocia? c.uie down from Wasco
It. B. Siuuott went to Portland on the
early morning train.
II. Glenn went down to Snmsne this
niurniin: to s-eo what the pprinrs are likn
down there.
P. Conroy, of Grade, left ttis morning
for Portland, where lie soes to receive
treatment for rheumatism.
Presidiii" Elder Warner ivent down to
Whit: Salmon this morning, where he
will nolo service tomorrow.
Having spr.nt thu summer nt the hot
eprinva at bpragttt, . J. Hosforu it
turned last night on Ins way to Moro.
Geor::e Campbell was a passenuer on
thu this morning bound for Eiurenu,
wtiere lie will continue his studies nt the
Jud'jn W. L. Bnuhhaw went down to
Ponluud yesturday to join Mis. Urad
ehaw and Cliuton, who havu leturmd
irom their trip up the Valley.
Rev. D. V. Poling made tho trip to
Wasco yesterday, wliere lie eamr at an
entertisinment laet niuht. II u will re
turn on this afternoon's train.
J. E. Sherar, of Cross Keys, returned
ymierdav from a trip to Wyoming,
where u i wont aotuu timrj einc witn
Iup. He is on hit? way home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hadlev. and Mr?
II. A. Uadiey, caim tip last nijht from
tho lint ciirinsrJ at Slir.tulU'. here tiinv
have spent the pummer. They will leave
lor their home at Moro this evening.
Mai'ir J. S. Booth came up from Port
laud Thursday and returned this moin-
lttt', accompanied hv his mother, Mrs
M. Booth, who has been vnitin with
her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sharp, near the
Mias Gertrude Holmes, of the Holmes
unsiness College, camo up from Tort
land last evening on business connected
with the college, and will return tomor
row afternoon. She is a cuest of Mrs.
-G. C. Biakeley while in thu city.
Clint Allien looked a little "hlno"
this morning as lie bade his friends
''good bye" at tho dork, bound for Van
couver barracks, from whence he will
leave iu a few days for thu Philippines,
Ho was accompanied to Portland by his
mother and sister-in-law, Sirs. Chan.
At Arlincton, Saturdiy, Sept. 10th, to
juev. ami jirs. t. u, iMcaeisen, a eon.
Ch In Your Ctiecka.
Allcountv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, 18H0, will bo paid at my
officii. Interest caaftiw after Sept. 1-lth,
WW. C. L. Pnnxipu,
Countv Treaanror.
DoWitt'e Little Early Kieers perma
nently cure chronic constipation, bilioue
nese, nervousness ami worn-out feeling;
cleanse nnd regulate the entire system.
Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken
"famous little pills." Butler Dru Co.
Harmony" WllUkey.
Harmony whirkoy for family and
Hptcial use, toU by Ben Wilson, The
UMlta. jl
'Opening of the fall and winter mil
linery nt the Oauplwll & Wilson Mil
linery Parlors from Tuesday to Saturday
inolneiv, Sept. l'Jth to 23rd, On
ttiiv occasion will ho shown the most
Mtylitb nnd complete lluu of millinery
yer liiplayd in The Dalles, Good
value In atreet hats, dress hats, child
cn' (school hats, also b.iby bon.iets.
Actor'd Englhh ItemeJy will etor
ouh ut any time, and w iil cure the
worst jcold In .twelve. Iinnr, or money
refunded. 1.2o ets. ami 50cte.- lilakeley
.& Jiiclnon, dfiiwlate.
Christian Science meeting in uninll
K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15.
01! f ton, pastor. Heatilnr services nt 11
a. tn. and T::?0 p. ru. Younj; people's
meeting at 0:30 p. m. Snuday Echool
nt 10 u. in.
St. Paul's church Ror. Geo. Leslie,
pastor. Holy communion nt 0 u. in.
Morning prayer mid sermon at 11 a.m.
Evening prayer and sermon nt 7;o0 p.
I in. Sunday school at close of morning
Christian church, Ninth and Court
streets, Rev. G. Rushiup, pastor
j Preaching: morning nnd evening, at 11
! a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school nt 10;
I Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Thursday evening.
Morning subject "Will Morality Secure
Eternal LifeV" Evening "The Will ol
(jonareyational church corner Fifth
Hnd Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Morning service nt 11 ; Sunday school at
12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. in.;
Endeavor, 0:30. Evening
isirviVe 7:30. Mornimr olfertorv will he
aung uy Mrs. Butler
Methodist church, corner Fittti ami
gton streets, J. II. Wood, pastor
Sunday school in the moruins at 10
fcervtces at n a. m., anil at i :du p. in.
' Cla?s meeting at 12:20. Junior League
tit 3:30 p . ui. Epworth League at 6:30.
U-:e Clarke Jc Falk's IloHafoam for the
Use Clarke.!: Falk's quinine hair tonic
.o keep dandruff from tho head.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke A: Falk's sure cure for boils.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Latest thing in cameras aro Im
proved Magazine cyclouea at Donuell's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Xebra&ka corn nt the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all bars. C. J
Stubling, agent, Thu Dalles. M17-3m.
Try Yerba Buena Bitteis, the best
toriic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubliug, agent, The Dalles.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For sale at all llrst.clos3 bars.
C. J. Stublmg, agent, The Dalles.
Drink Warren'e Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all Ant-class bars. C. J.
Stublins, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Curea heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dvspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. -5 ets
and 50 cts. Biakeley & Houghton, drug
Chester U. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
says: "Kouol Uyspepsia (Jure cureil mo
of a severo case of indigestion ; can
strongly recommend tt to all dyspeptics."
Digests what you eat without aid from
the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler
Drug L,o.
For wounds, burns, scalds, soree, ekin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing so southing and healing as
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salvo. Mra.Emma
Bolles, Mutron Englewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else fails
in healing our babies, it will cure
Butler Drug Co.
Vulcanic Kruptlona
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica fcalto cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Haude, Chilblains. Best Pile cure cn
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Biakeley cc Houghton, drug-
Rials. y
Kodol Dye.oepaa Cure is n scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and thu medical
press. It "digeits what you eat" and
poii lively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketrou,
Bloomingdale, Teun., says it cured him
of indigeston of ten years' standing.
Butler Drug Co.
aiuetlUK Niillcu.
The Adventist conference of tho Wil
lamette Valley and Eastern Oregon nnd
Washington will hold a semi-annual
meeting in their gospel tent in The
Dalles, Oregon, beginning Sept. 23, 1899,
holding over two Sundays.
Eujku L. G. Dix, Evaugeliat.
'Our baby was sick for a month with
severo cough and catarrhal fever, Al
though wo tried ninny remedies she kept
getting worse, until we twed One Min
ute Cough Cure, it relieved At once and
cured her iu a few days." B. L. Nance,
Co. i
A Once Fnmnoi Veasel Tliat la Now
I'aed na n Sen Oulnc
Coul IlnrKe,
A vessel which was once a famous
steamer, but is now a commonplace
umimlni innl linrcc. is ill DOrL loadllUT i
for a New England port. The Dcssouff
was built for tlic klieillve or M,vpt in I
1564 nnd named the Denton. At that
time she wn.s considered onu of the j
fastest and most beautifully appointed 1
vessels alloat, and the Ichndive enjoyed j
her immensely for awhile. But he got i
tired of her nnd in 1S79 William 11.
Vandcrbilt bought her to transport tho
obelisk from Egypt to Central park,
2ew York. Lieut. Commander Gor
ringe took command of her, having
been detailed for the purpose by the
S$iJamU says th
The obelisk, which weighs 100 tons-,
was far from the shore line, and buried,
besides, deep hi sand. It was alto
gether too heavy for ordinary ma
chinery to be used, and it was carried
down on immense platforms with can
non balls under them for rollers. Then
it was placed in n crib Used on n pon
toon. The pontoon and ship were lifted
in n graving dry dock, head on to each
other, and when this had been accom
plished a hole 20 feet long and 12 feet
high was cut in the starboard bow of
the boat below the water line. Through
this the great stone was rolled into the
hold of the ship on a. groove having an
improvised ball-bearing attachment,
also made of cannon balls. Inside the
obeIi3k was braced along the keelson,
and stout shoring lixcd about it to make
it immovable. After everything was
made shiivhape and the ribs and plates
were replaced at the bow of the steamer
she finally set sail for Xcw York on
June 12, 1SS0.
How an EntcrnrlMtriK lciinj-lMjnln.
Hoy In LnyliiK 1' ronmliitlon
of a Fortune.
Thomas "Minizcr, a 14-ycar-old lad of
Conshohockcn, is probably the most
energetic youngster in Montgomery
county, says the Philadelphia Kecord.
Through his own devices he earns !.
n week, and only works on an aerage
of six hours a day. His business is meal
carrier. About three months ago Tom
my called on the employes of the differ
ent mills and offered to carry their
meals for 15 cents a week. As many
of the mills are running night and day,
his offer included suppers as well as
dinners. Mcst of the employes were
paying 25 cents n week for tiie same
service, and the'boy's offer was prompt
ly accepted. At first Tommv was able t
to carry the dinners in a large express I
wagon, which was hauled by a goat,
but as he steadily gained customers it j
became necessary to get a largo push
cart, which lie fitted up with shelves, j
His business finally increased so much
that he had to hire n horse and wagon. I
His customers now number 130. j
In order to give general satisfaction j
Tommy starts out with the dinners nt
11 a. in., and delivers those that are
farthest away. He then makes a sec
ond collection at 11:15 o'clock and, as
these customers work in mills near
their homes, the boy managed to have
all the dinners delivered by 12:05 noon.
His weekly collections average 010.50,
and a3 he pays 51.50 for the use of the
horse and wagon it leaves $15 clear,
which is more than some of his oldest
customers earn in the mill.
One of the Moat Iti-mnrknbic Affair
of Honor Ever Placed
on liccortl.
Letters from Buenos Ayres give de
tails of a remarkable duel, of which the
famous Italian fencing master, Chev
alier Pini, was the hero. Pini recently
opened a school of arms iu the Argen
tine republic and, having been subject
ed to some criticism by n local journal
ist, told the scribe in his own frank,
pleasant way what he thought of him.
Iteparation was demanded nnd pistols
were the weapons selected. The con
ditions of the meeting were singular.
The adversaries were to be placed back
to back, nnd at the word of command
were each to take 15 steps forward and
theny to turn nround nnd lire simul
taneously. On the ground the men
were placed as arranged nnd, nt the
given signal, began to march forwnrd,
one of the seconds counting the steps.
Pini had only made live strides when
he heard a report nnd the whistle of a
bullet pest his ear. He turned nnd
saw his aihersary with the hmoking
pistol in his hand. Pini, in n furious
rage, dropped his wenpon, rushed nt his
mini nnd gave him u hound thrashing
with his fists. The seconds took sides
for their respective principals nnd a
general melee went forwnrd until some
gendarmes arrived. Pinl's adversary
then took to his heels nod hasiiot since
been seen.
VIclorln'M Letter to Napoleon.
An autograph letter from Queen Vic
toria, addressed to the emperor of the
French, dated Osborne, June 29, 1855
(in French), was old recently in Lon
don. The letter, which denlorca thn
ministerial crista nt that time rxiatlnir
nnd apprehends others to follow, as
sures the emperor thut no change of
government would ever compromise
that good understanding existing be
tween uie two countries. The nrlce
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER. 28, 1899.
Micoltoral and Acriculmral
Products of Orepon, Washington Hnd
Jdiilio In nreattir variety nnd pro
fusion ttmn ever before.
America's Urentcst Ijiily Cornet soloist.
The I'licipiallcd
of Acrobats, Ulrcot Irom the Kmplrc Theater,
lnilou, their llrst aicarancu In America.
A (irest
Unsurpassed Acrlatl'U, la their thrilling acts.
A Season of Great Surprises and
Astounding Feats.
Kctluceil lliitcs
mi All
Trail !iiirtilliii
MZ. Cunt
Children under Vi rctirs, 10 cents.
I Store.
Eacli day our business shows
the people nve finding out wc
arc pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
G. F. Stephens
Second Street.
V. S. Land OrncE, Tho Dallo, Ore,
Jnlv ".5. inn.
Notice is herehr clvcn that thu order nf lie
vemlwrH, lb9l, temporarily wlthdnuvliiK from
dlHal, for the purpoxes of r bruit railway, tbo
laiids on tho totttli ahlo and within lx mile o.
mc L-oiumDia river, wiwecn 'llio Dalle.s and
t-'elllo, has been revolted by tho president, ox
rcntav to tho following deserllMl ruirceN: nnd in
the HWjfof Kwiai. l' 2 N, It 11 K. contalnins
nmiot iour aim one-nan nvruf. ana uie oilier in
HioKWM.gcc'Jl, T J N, It 13 f.coutaiiiliig ubout
ball an acre.
On and alter September 1, ISM, we will nclvo
fliipiiiiiioiia tor uny vacuni ninns ineiudetl
theielli. J. P. I.IJl Ari,
OTIS I'ATTIlltSON, Itecl'tir.
Itttvlver. Jljvc I
nn 1 1
Vemnn PIuipIm, Prfent BII I
Ourollu'honlUi1i..ui. 9-.
am t,, dragguta. Dfj. SOSANKO CO.PIJa. hi
' I Beautiful Skin.
Jj!(Iles,l( vou dmlre n trmuprcnt, clear mid
freuli tonipl';.li)ii ubo Dr. lloiirdoii'H French.
Areinc i;oinpizion aicrf. 'JJiclr cl!ect in
luiplr inajilcal. poseliii; tho wizard fmcli
In producing and premvliiK n benutiliil trans
pureiicy and iwllucld clearness nf complexion,
shapely contour ot form, brilliant oe, wift
mid mooib min where the revernuexlits, Kven
thu cutrteat and mnit reputilvo kkln, marred by
freckles, moth, bluelilieuda. plmplui, vulgar
rulne.s, vullow urid muddy kkln araiairmaiient.
ly lemovwl, mid a dcllelouily clear and rellned
coninloxion minred.
PrleopcrtmllUix,McenU larKobox, II, or
Ms arire boxen, I.V bent to any mMreiiH ..t
iwtld and under pull) wrapimr upon receipt of
tbe above amount. Writ for freo circulai'
The Parisian Drug Co.,
J31 Montgomery fit.San Kranclkto Cat
Floral lotion will euro wind chapping
anil (unburn. Manufactured by Clarku
& Falk.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Traits leave and ro uue to nrrlve at l'ortlai
: OVKUI.AN'I) r.x-)
liur,t, Ashland, Hao
lai.unt'i. 0dn,Srtll I,
Kiauel'W, Mnlave,
IsAtiL'tlei.Klf'.uo. I ,
T:W P. M
3:15 A.M.
I New orleanii and I
(, J
.. in.iMiijine awi way
J,'llnli ;
I f Via Woodlmr? for)
I Mt.AiwI, Sllvertoii,
a:S) A.
1:30 T. M
v-st fcelo, Jlrown-
vllle,riprli;eCuManU 1
.Natron J I
I7-A j ' ('rynllls and wayl 5:fl ,.
I, .SUA. 31. (stHtmH (I
INDKl'KNDKNTE I'ASSKNGKtt. Kxprcss train
Dally (except Sunday).
t:Wii. m. (I.v Portland ...Ar. 3:2."n. m
7::M.m. J.M. MiiMltinvllle..l.v.S fiiMa.m
8:S0p. m. (Ar,.llideindeuce..l.v.) 4:Wn. m.
Dally. ID.iiiy. except huudar.
Attached to all Through Trail".
Direct connection ntsan miurlftco with Ott-.l mid Oriental and Paelllc mall iteaiiuulp
lluea for JAPAN and CHINA. B-ttlltitr dutet on
at plication.
Kutes and tickets to Kaiteru points mid l.u
rottc. Abo tAl'AN, UHl.NA, HONOLULU unc
All at.nvo trains urrlvo nt nnd depart Iron
llruud Central Station. Klftti nnd lrvins atrccte
PnwenKCr Deji-Jt, (;t o! Jedcrsnn street.
Lenve lor Sheridan, week ilnyt, at lift) p. m
Arrive at Portland, u:80 a. in,
I-eavc for A I It LI K ou Monday, Wednesday nftrt
Krloay .itUiu. bi. Arrlv' at Portland, Tue
dav, Thursday and Satunlnj u "M p. m.
Kxccpt Hunduy. "Kxccjit Saturday.
P.. KkK'.UMi, (i, H. MAUKIIAM.
jlmmcr. Asit. (i. P. v l'a. Act
Through Ticket O.tir'c, 13-1 Third street, whetc
throuch ticket" to all pointi In tha Kaslerr
Stitci, Cnimdannd Kurope can be ohtalueit ut
lowest ratch from
.1. H. KII'.KLAND, Ticket A?cnt.
I ..GjlAS. BM.
and Farmers
Kk;p on draught tho rek'lirntrd
COl.PMltlA llKIIK. r.eUliov.'l
" wlired the Ijest bwr in Tl Dalles,
atlheiiMial price. Come In, try
It and he rotivlw'rd. Ato tho
Klnct brands of Wines, Ll juor
and Clears.
of all Kinds ahvnys cu linnd
Wagon nnd Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mer'nn, Pnoue 159
Lock and Gunsmith,
and Machine work.
Charles Burchtorf,oPpS.H,!:
Letters of Credit ieoued avallablo in tho
Easturn HUtte.
Hlullt Exchmuce anil TnlMranlt
Truuslers sold on Now York, dliicajro,
bt. Louis, Hun Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Beattlo Wosli,, and variouH point!
Collectlona uindu ut nil nnlnt nn .
Bicycle (
oroblo teriuH.
The Latest, The Best
no nosi complete,
areconstantly comingup every
day inliterattirc,artandsdence
which you wish you knew, but
you don't.
Make up your
imind that yen
jare not going to
Cbe caught this
way very often.
Whenever a
new subject is
brought to your
it and learn
all you can
about it. The
Britannica is the reliable source
from which clergymen, profes
sional men and women, schol
ars and educators everywhere
draw information quickly. It
lias been the standard for over
a hundred years. You should
not miss the opportunity of
securing the
fop One Dollar
and the balance in small monthly
payments. The entire Thirty (30)
Volumes with a Guide and an ele
gant Oal: Book Case will be deliv
ered when thetlrstpayment Is made.
Tho Comploto Sot (Thirty Lurzo
Octavo Volumes):
No. 1. New Style Huekr.111 Cloth. MirHed
Blgej. Extra Qiullty High MiChlns Fin
'.' Ish Ucok Paper, 55 1.
First p.iymsnt. One Dollar (Si.ooiar.l ihrcc
Dollars(Si.oo) pqr month thereafter.
No. 7. Half Morocco. MarbleJ Upi, hitra
Quality High
Machine Finish lieu!!
First paynent, two Pollars (Si.ool sol Four
. i'a
IJOllara 151. oc) par nonni increauer,
Ho. 1. Sheep. Tan Color. MarbleJ lilc,
Bxtra Quallty'lllnh.Machlne Finish Iicok
First payment. Thrse Dollars (i.oo) anJ
Five Dollars (S5.C0) pcrraor.lhtherjalltr.
A reduction of to per cent. Is f;r-.ted by
paylnccaih within 30 days after the receipt
at tha wurlc
Will run t'viiry day oxcept Sunday.
Kates' Reasonable
i W. A. CATES, Prop.
rx Tin: ciiicuit court ok tiik state
J- of Orexon, for tbo County nf Wuteu.
Chnriea O. L. lioinon, plalutifl',
Ilett'n A. Iiciuon, defenilcnt. ...a
To Ilettlu A. IIviimhi, the iibovo nuinw Mtva
ant: In the Nniiicnf tliuHtatoof OreKnii'
Vou arc hereby notltled 10 apia-ar udtitvcr
tin-fomplalnt In tho iibovo enlltleil Brt
cauo on or befnro lx week Irom tl.o dteot trie
llmt publleatlon of this notli-e, to-vlt: the.Mli
day of t-eptembor, LSVJ. mid If you fall towfp
rear mid iiuntvur or otherwUii jilead, thepl"T
tllfwlll apply o die court for tho relief PWW
for In hl complaint herein, to wit. Ibat ttw
bondii of inatilmony now oxIatlnK liewewi
plallillirand oeliilidant be iIImoIvhI loieuT ana
that plalntttriuivo JuiIkiuciu uKUlint ileremwnj
for Ilia costs and illsbuneimiuu and fur ucn
other nud further relief uh to tho Court my
Kevin meet nnd eiiillalile. ,. . .
This MimmoiiH is publlshiil by virtue ot ii
older made and sinned by Hon V U Hrndinjji
JiiiIko of Die uiKivo entltleil court, on the in on
nl seplemlHjr. ihua, dlreetliiK that wt'1 !'""." L?:
bo ublMied once u week for u erlod of not ie
tbmi lx coiiH'CUtlvo week.
KltKD. W. H
septild Attorney for I'lulnim.
Office over French & Co.'s llniik
l'hoiio C, Till: DALLES, OUEGON
J)11' lKIHKNl)HKrKIl
Physiciau and Surgeon,
8cUl attention given to aurrery.
RoomaaiandW. Tel.M VogtWoo
OIUeoov-'i Flrat Nat. llailk
joiin iiavik
Iloonu SU ami 40, over U. S. Unit Olllco.
ITtUKD. W.WILHON, , , ....
i nr.
: Wood
Sow s
Ottlco ovi FlrM .Sat. Una.
realized was two guineas.