For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, Orcitcfttlngxir Fancy VwUnj. canal, and for bsc meantime by tbei A 1 public to make possible the naviga-! 2.00C1 tion of the rivers for Ibe cheaper' transportation of the products of the 0111 Of S12fO interior country, thus developing to' a state of maturity the commerce j of tne rivers in readiness for the full! use of the larger work when that shall be completed; and, further, be! it Resolved, That all commercial. associations and all municipal and county bodies and commissions tn 1 the states interested, be, and are 1 hereby earnestly invited to join in j this effort, which if successful would ; greatly benefit the entire Pacific! coast and all the commercial and I industrial interests thereof, and that j iu,om. w J ---ianparHeaaau.csscaiieBnuareuere.ijth. pa.ronBge wWch is bestowed on j by requested to vigorously, earnestly ; tne store, it is ttie purity oi tne poous nancieu ana tne manner oi noinc oust r?7 O.R.&N. i if. Ml TAR Fat Mall U :H. p. m. TIKI JCIirDCLS. i'ROX i Salt Ijiki. IXtiTcr. Ft. F; Worth. Otuaha, Kan- Mall ms Citv. St. IjouU, 3.15 p a Chicago and F-ast. 'HBBHP W M aBBBBBBBBBBBBB . '1,'rV Ar-Rtri From, Flyer 5:t) p. c Brok MincearoUt. Paul.. Vim. ilulutd, llllwanfcte, i:fOn-lii CMcajo and Eaai. ! ,13-lnch and Motors Kindly call and examine ay stixi of lm- fcuita made irom the louts t mica to the fcuh est grate. Yon well know that a cood drug s:pu Fitox Porrt-iNn. ' 4 p.m. Ocean sreamsmps.. For San Franelco January 22, and every nve uajs theieaiter. mil? fnntnntlr nrtf tinnn ttinir ipim, I H Lhncln t-i, i tors and representatives in congress J. H. LUCI C. """I rn m an.t,n no t tt, ,.0. J ! ? P& drag, at the S p. a. : ness that makes and keeps this business. ' Ei.aunday Colurabia r.T. Steancrs.;E.bu ss , We are pleased with the result of our ef- c . To Asj,ae"lj WtT. 4 p. m. TDt DALLE", OREGON. 10 pa;; sucu an ac. as me nei ses-. prjce Weare par:icniar abont the sion of congress. ; compounding of them. Fatniday 10 p. ns. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION PKICE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 wnNiiEiiFut, cntE or nur.nnoEa A Prnnilnent Vlrslnla Editor Rait Al most OlTeu Up, hat V Brunch: HacK to Perfect Health by Clmmlirr lalr.'n Colic, Chnlera and Diarrhoea KtnifJ;. Read Ills Editorial. IkaVBaaaaMHHBBaaBaaaBaaaaaHMBI and sat. 6 a.m. WitiAUimx Rives. -t:J0p. m. Es.sutiday Oregon Cltj. Nenburs, Ex.sunday Salem way Land'J. I)1. ! hiij. KlvrEs. Jlon.,cd Orepon City, Dayton, aud Frl. and Way.lmdlci. MANITACTCP.UD II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F.-S. GUNNING, Agent, unl'G THE DALLES, OREGON SATCRDAY riEPT. 23, l&td KEUADLE PHARMACISTS. 175 SecGD. Street. THE DALLES FREE PORTAGE RAILWAY. The Commercial Club of Lewis: ! From tie Tines. UUlstilie, Vc. I suffered with diarrhoea for a Iocs time ana though: I was past being cured. ! ! I had spen; mcch time and money and J i suffered so mcch miserr that I had al-, tlOSt VVIiafc most decided to give up all hopes of re- j 1 ta.m. WiiXAMcrrr r.tvEK. 4-sop. m. Tue..Tnur, Portland to Corvallls, Tue., Ihui and Sat. and Way.LAndlugs. and SuU ton is wide awaKe and just now is i COvery and awaii the result, but notic- Tiusbing the free-jmrtage railwsy in? the advertisement of Chamberlain's question with a visor, and thev Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed? ! Should receive support all al0Df, the and also some testimonials stating how! tr,. , . ! some wonderful cures had been wronsht line, ibev sav the scheme can be . , ... , T i . - i t bv this remedy, I decided to trv it. i accomplished in one year by the A:er takin;? a ft dos j was entirulr ' appropriation of 2ij0,000, in ad- j weh" oi that trocble, and I wish to say 1 dition to $200,000 stil! remaining of .further to my readers and feliow-suffer-, the boat railway appropriation. In i ers that 1 am 3 La,e and hear-v man t(- j ....... , . . , day and feel as well as I ever did in mv wheat freight alone they claim 1 l!fe.0. K. 3Ioore. Sold bv Biafcelev 4 . 500,000 per year will be saved. At I Houghton, drngcists. a recent meeting of the club the fol lowing resolutions were adopted : Dyspepsia can be cured by usins ! ' Acfcer's DvaneDsia Tablets. One little 1 if . tu- l :-j -c t. r " ' '. ,,utK"st xue iuaiutti ui me Tablet will give immediate relief or States of Washington, Oreeon and : money refunded. Sold in handsome tin j You mant. mm, )ft Lt Rlptula daily ' Skake Uiver. Riptirla to Lew Is ton. Leave Lewito.n Parties deslriEC to tro to Henpner should iae mi , leaving ine uaiia a; p. m maklnc direct connectlmii) at Hevpner junctlou Iteturnlnp raakltisdlreetcoimecuon at Heppuer junction lth'o. 1, arriving at The Dalles at '1:15 p. m. No. SS, throucht freight, en?t bound, lioe not carry iaiieners; arrives -;i0 a. in., depnrti 3:JOa. m. No. 21, Jncnl Ireicht, carrier pafensrers, east bound: arrives p. nr.. depart S:15 p. m. No. 5, kih! bound tbroush IrelRbt, drvu not carry passengers; arrives p m., departs :SJ p. m. No. 2S, west bound local freight, carrier pas sengers; arrive 5:15 p. m., departs i:SO a. m. For full particulars call on O. It. & N. Vo.'t agent The Iftille. or adrtrew W. H. IICKLBURT, Gen las. Ast., IMrt.'and. Or, Biakeley i Houghton wfde variety as we are showing neve7 be- ' endorsinir movement E. E. Turner, Comjiton, Mo., was fore graced a single stock. Real imita- tion creton effects at ordinary prices, Good capere at cheap paper prices, Idaho at their last sessions memorial-: hoses at 25 cts ized the concress of be United Slates . DtufS13ts- Btrongly lor the Snak mountains WlIEBEAS, The CCneral nflVI2atl0n i j5an-?oTnn3 cnnnlPrWu. Rnlr n.n r n of the Columbia and Snake rivers is F rye for a lhe Wasco War(. ' now entirely prevented by the ob- bnu. tf IVIOr FlI6S structions in the Uolumbia at Ihe ihe openm? o( tht. Columbia and , cnrt of ? iies h? DeWitt's Witch Hazel tlegant designs, tasteful colorintrs, yours , "... , - a':ve aiter 'efferin'' venteen vea and ; Ior 6 sm311 Prlce al onr fiIore on i'l,rl1 i e rivers to navigation from the , . a5lLr -nnerm -vemeen .ea.. anti gtntU A,jo & fnU Hne q e ( to the ocean; J 'a ta,2rtJE, ea-dorifc - ..B. W. v ATJSE, Third St. Gunning, Dalles and Celslo m Oregon "Washington; and Wiiekeas, The removal of and CONTEST NOTICE. I ' jl-lV 2t.VlO. 1 Said ' A urScient content affidavit bavins brtu filed , : la tni orE&? br Jarnrs Kfjnlk. imt.rtjnt- ODStructlOns will, in the oninion of r ll3r1?,: honiftead entry. So. .yji;, made Nnv. , m. IJti lor eJ4..Ni!5i i Are Caught ! & SUV. :.:.:n'.i tj all parties familiar with the facts, be . nd-w'!4 Nw-4.iec,3, no-. r ' hip- , E 13 i., bv ThonidS Je3reT, contc-ittv, , wortn millions Of dollars annuallv to ln"cl: " aueseatnatne naa alwndonnd J told trct lor more tban ; months. s.iid purties Eastern Washinston, Eastern Oregon , Ie hereby notified to apiar. im& and - ' e . ctter evidence tuuenins -aid al'rilion. at lu and all of Idaho, for the reason ihat,ocJI5-a-onrPhV"i'rj: tfc'e the reamer ' and rec-aver at the United sta( land orcein (1) the paid rivers follo.v the pre- Tt,"a,i?j OT- . . . v ' 1 ' Ihe said contestant harjng In a proper Tailing lines of trade and transporta- i?',ifhv",-l"'iu?Kt f0T5b ,JCI- " ' which show that alter due dilisnce, jroria. tion, more even than do anv other e-rie n uotie can no: b muw, it i ' c" lu"u uu uui umcr ; heieoy i.rdCTfl and directed that such notice U; of the greater rivers of the countrv, ' f-.," dU6 ac1 Pr,InLUI'1H?a,lou-,. 1 and that (2) the vast resources of.'. the section named, known as the In- Administrator's Notice. '"" ",c Notice Ufcbyciven that the unrtenigned lumber and minerals, require more,a,en.$n'Jr.Pixim,';d'tfce on. tootny with molasea than vinegar, is an old ' u Court o( the the stale of Orezon, tor a-co ,. and cbenner -transportation facilities : ' "L1:7, "5 ornn""otor "f the tateof Adoipu - Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. ; Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, s nor. Seuona 8f Langlilin. Tcone 157 THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash ? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from to ?CU0 ur trillion. 'TTol6"y-ar8old."" IMPORTED 00G2I AO fronT7.llu to 12.(K) .r irnllon. fll" to yeHrs old.; OALirOEHIA BEAKDrEB f"mi JSJo to lli.U0 vvr cttllon. "(4 to 11 years old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEEK on draught, Imported Ale nut! l'ortur. and Vul Blats and Olympia Beer in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. IK Mmtllll Htllljlil.,1;., " ,,, , PORKrndBEEpiWascoWarehoijseCoiiipaoj MAKOFAcruKEMOK ! Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. j.' xjax u uixu. out utagos ,Axt&AL. AH Ijdtmitai hdVlric ol(i, salnst trtidt-ilate are breby notified to prtrsnt Tanglefoot Ely Paper and If 1 , m t atthn.i,. I ... ft. . I 1 f.. .. ui.i.. . : ,M,u;ub- Ane proposed suip-iSKTdwoTttuim&s"""" " catchw more than either. No insect Tail ray, or a ship-canal, to overcome, at The iiirt, wegon, Junes, isw. ; can resist its attraction and once within said obstructions is an imperative .'' af J'E'& . U r 3 rl r nmm V-v' Tx m w 1 . .! Js a -iicciuu ucu bcx s x ecu vjriaux oi en Kiixua. n -X m n n i ii n uurers ui d n a n u , Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. HAMS & BACON : Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o? MU.L FEEt Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendie ton Flour. JP.IF.D BEEF. ETC. Ml xecesaity for the welfare of the; country; hut as the construction of NOTICE FOK PCBUCATIO.V. either form of orks would cost from - mCE AT T'iS,S.:i; 2.500.000 to i'1.000.000 and wrmld . ;;o,1. !' hfiebr Eiven that the futtowina This Flonr is manufactured expressly lor family iisb : fcVHrv Hiirlc in vnnrnnlpnd to l1vo sntlsfdCtiODi We eeli onr i;ood lower than any house in the trade, and ii you don't tinnk bo a. M. Hr I. cuibie call and get cur pricee and be convinced. Price 5c per double sheet, fifst Rational Bank. J Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Onr stock contains many othor prepa rations for destruction uf inject life. named cttler fca fllei notice o his lulentlun to THE DALLES - - - OREGON . A General Bankinp Business transacted i ueposue rbceiveu, Hubject to eifbt reriuite many yean to complete, and , M. Z. DONNELL, Collections manSoeeods nromn, i a a portage railway will be essential : ' n I TWrZt rStSn dll? WSmH1 for use in the construction of such "i-it . Mkr, f ti4 iaiif, or., 1 J-TugglSI. ' Sipht and Telegraphic Exchange sold or t ,, ,.!,, ... ,. .. ... Homteid Kntrr No- &iit. Un tie eu .NKi,, ("- i-ork, San trancioco and po.-t- uiivc, uuii tuuiu iu uiirauiiuiu ue ana wi4 ectlon -SI, towmni 1 norto, 5(1 by the puhlic for the transfer : "Fjnainea" the iMoninx wimwea tn prove! 1 OA I WOVU lllli UU 1U 1U lllL Mff TiairiKH (() fit! I AW ire. tC I tt1C..xu a kmpa NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. I-and Ornct at Tne Vxu.ts, ir It U'ii t tirifit nrniiml Roirl nhanif.f!nn r,l e,,le' :iw.'hun, John K. Coot, William ! :.ot!cc U hereby Riven thai Iho followliitr OOat around said Obstructions, and lUwionanilChajUn Knvrwn: all of rhe Uallt nml Mttler h tllnl notice of lih Intention pnnlfl Ailv nil flif'mtv li (milt U1 nenni j.rooi in npixrtol lili claim, and COU1U easily anu CUeapi UC OUUt; JAY V. I.rc.V5, ttiatauld prrxjwlll benmle Uifoie the rest iter land, OIKUOTOKS D, P. TllOMPflOK. J.SO. S. SCRSNUS. En, M. Williams, Geo. A. Litea. U, M. Buai.l. DEALERS IN :JM kinds of Funeral Supplies one year; lepLS-li hesrlter. twimi VITALITY. LOST V'GOR i AND MANHOOD and receiver at The l)alle, Ortsoji, on huturdar, vn;Mjwtr -i, viz: and in ojieration within now. therefore, be it Ilesolved, That the senators and iJpRViTA repiesentatives in the congress of " ao mnjuj He namw the foiiowinir witnt w provo I the United States, be, and are herebv ' CuresImpotency.KightEmisdor.sand SIOT.IH'" -ulv.on I ,.' , ' ' wastiniy tuseascs, au ?nects oi ecu-, ,j k. Hail, Jame Hall, winiam Wolf and R. Alfzaniler Vance, nfTlin lallt. Or. H. E. Ko.3I3, for tbeSU HEW and SC'i HWli . 6ec. 5, and XXU Xl?t Sec S, Tp. 1 loulh, rt 12 1, 1 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Datlos, Or. xeapectfully petitioned to enact a law at the coming session of congress which shall uppopriate the sum of 4(450,000 (including the sum of ap- proxiaiately $200,000 still remaining' abuse, or excess and indls- nViffIb"w: 0,1 o( 7'fvr'x?m,l., , bCUkiUil AUUIIClUUHiUllll I blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale checl:3anr I Executor's Notice. jcoiuicb mt ui juu.h. .Notice I herebr flven that Iho nodenlicnfii By tnailfSOC per lOx;0 boxes h n Uuljr aijIntd by the honorable' in the funds anDronriated for th ' o0; with a written guuraii- cnunty, m ei:uior f the estate oi cheb J, ,UD,,B "PPropriaieU IOf tUe . te to . nd . mnnev .1 Halght. Uecaued. All ir.on havloit clalrai tKMWraliway) for tne immediate con j atmntinn nf an ill rrto rilo NEHVITA MEDICAL CO. r c- j CNnlari A Jaafcaan Ma CHICAGO. ILX. niiiuiMiii j iu uc uuiuiuie uun truction of the boat-railway or ship- Sold by Biakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. again! ald estate are hereby uotlrld to pre ent the tame, proiwrly veiltled, to me at tny office In Uallts city, OreKon, wllhln tlx month from the dale of tufa notice. UaUd thU 3th day of July, IHO. KltASK ilEKKFF.E, Executor of the ettate of fbeoe J, JNIuht. doceaMd. My -1I BBW trade Marks JEBICN8 rjaP0.'."?,!"t tMt nd d wrlptlon mat Quickly crlalri onr opinlou free wEather uventlon probahlr patentable. Comroui'lc. IliiiuttrletWconadautial. Handbook on Vittaui "'' OMet aiieiier for aeronTOU. 1'alei.U taken tbrouali unn CU rootlVs Htkii aolkr, without clianre, la tba ,ws",Te ScieHtifk Hmrkin. A. handomlf lllnttralad weekly. laraaat etr. luiaUftii of any tclentlile Journal. ViSSX . V.IiV'""""'"-!- 6oU brail newxlMim. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.