t M VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1899. NO 139 She m(dlmhxmkk. Royal Makes the food more delicious end wholesome Kovn otKwia Mwoen co., new vonn. FIGHT IS TO BE CONTINUED Zila Says TBat Drcyte fill Be ViniicatcS. STRUGGLE WILL GO ON Honor of France Before tlie World Is at Stalic His Defenders Will Exact Rehabilitation of tltc Condemned Less fur His Sake Than for the Sake of France. Xeiv Yokk, Sept. 22. Tho Journal find Advertiser prints a dlfpatch from Paris giving tlio full ttxtof Emilo Zolu'o letter, ii portion of which is as follower "D'ar Madame: Your husband nnd thoso who defended him hnve been ex posed to thu vilest iiiHulte, und even to bodily iiiHiiltH. For my purr, these are organs btiluiiKliiK to tlio 'gutter press' . and iiion po tainted with nioriil dirt that I have otruek them from uiy life, from ; my meinorv. For me they are no more. J 1 have driven them us completely from my thuiightH ub if I neyor had swallowed tlioni. It h such forgclfulnesa of atrocious insults tlmt I recommend to tlio innocent man who hits eufl'eied tlio wrongs. Ho is eo muuli apart, ho far above them nil that they should not be iihlo to reach him. May he uoino to life again, under your care, uud under the clear sunshine of universal ayinpathy shown for hrr. I'eaco bu to the marl yr who line Biiuh need of repose, am! around him now in retreat may there ho nothing but love and caresses. Ah for ue, mudaine, we shall continue to fight. Wo ehali to morrow go on with the strugglo for justice just ns Btornly us we pursued it yesterday. Wo ehall exact rehabilita tion of the innocent less for tlio sake oi him, who has already bo much glory, than for Fiance, which would w-suredly be killed by this excess of infamy. Our tk will brt the regeneration of France in the eyes of the universe, which will take place when the infamous judgment has beon quushed. A great country can not live without justice, and ours will 'erualn in mourning just as long as the ttahi is leveled at the holiest jurisdiction and the violation of .the primitive rights shall remain. "The soclul fubric crumblea when the guarantee of Uw no v-.tger exiats, and there is in this violation of right eucb an element of insolence, bravado and im pudence that wo cannot ignore it. We cannot bury a body secretly without showing our shame to our neighbors. The whole world has eoen and beard, and it is before the wholo world that reparation should take place. To do sire a France without houor is criminal." CRIME OF A JEALOUS MAN Killed His Wife, His Brother and Then Himself. WAi.la Wama, Sept. 21. Undor the brow of a hill a few hundred yarda from the elate penitentiary, a triple tragedy took place between 2 and 3 o'clock this nlternoou, resulting in thu death of one woman nnd two men. It was one of the Baking Powder most terrible crimeB ever committed in this city. 0. B. Byland arrived here yesterday from Pomoroy, Wash., in search of his wife, who, at the instance of her mother, Mrs. Kilgoro, had deserted him. She came Kevcral weeks ago, since which time she lias been living with her mother and Grant Byland, a brother of 0. B. Byland. The latter learned of the situa tion, mid in a fit of jeuloupy nnd hatied he determined to kill them all. , He procured a pistol, and went quietly to tho hous.o where his wifo and brother were. Upon being refused admittance, he shot his brother through the heart, who ran out of the house and dropped dead. Not finding MrB. Kilgore, he turned on his wife, whom he chaBod into the vacant lot buck of the house. When a abort distance behind her he shot her in the back. Although bleeding and weakened from the wound, she arose from the ground, and a terrible struggle ensued between hutbnnd and wife. For several minutes they zigsinged over tho lot, he shooting and striking while ehe made a det'perato attempt to wrench tho pietol from him. She niraiu fell, and, after nhooting her in the face, mutilating it beyond reeognition, tho husband lay down beside his wife and shot himself, blowing the top of his bead ofl. l'rttvttittctl u 1 riiKvil'. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of Now Strait svillo, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful couth had long kept her uwako every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worte until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine aleo cured Mr. Long of a severe attack oi Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the iiiatchlets merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c nnd $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 0 Klickitat Stock Rauch Soli). Goi.ucndalk, Wash., Sept. 21. James A. McOumber.of Morrow county , Oregon, has purchased the Virginia Crooks Crawford stock farm, situated on Camas prairie, north of the Klickitat river. Mr. McCumber expects to engage in tho cattle business. He will raise alfalfa on 100 acreB of his new purchase. He has water in abundance, which lie eun Utilize for irrigation purposes. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was Biippoued to bo incurable. For a great many yeais doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore required constitutional treatment. Hall's Cativrrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chenev & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is tho oulv constitutional euro on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drons to a teasnoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the aystem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, 0. 'Sold by Druggists, roc. i Otis Becomes a Catholic. Ni:w Vohk, Sept. 21. Apropos of the charges of vaudallsm in Catholic churched lu the Philippines by American soldiers, a correspondent of the Times calls attention to the fact that in a recently published book issued ly a Paulist father a list is glveu of "Ameri can Converts from Protestantism," in which unneara tho name of Colonel E. ' S. Otis, United States army. Clarke & Fulk'a flavoring extracts aro the best. Ask your grocer for them. SAYS THAT OUR HEAD IS TURNED GdMi Slim Wills TM Dewey Is Ofcrestimalei. ASKS WHAT DID THE HERO DO Answers the Question Himself by Say ing That He Shot to Pieces, at Long Range a Lot of Hulks acd a Few Hundred Spaniards. Toito.vro, Ont., Sept. 22. Goldwin Smith, writing in a local paper, says: "Nothing could show the extent to which the bead of Columbia bad been turned by the war more than her adora tion of the hero Dewey. What did the hero Dewey and his comrades do? They sat in almost perfect safety and destroyed at long range a line of helpless tubs, with Rome hundreds of the poor Spaniards who manned them, and who alone hud any opportunity of showing heroism on the occasion. So perfectly secure did the Ameiicans feel that thev abjourned to breakfast in tho middle of their sport. There was among them a single casualty, and had they all gone tiger hunting one casualty at least pro bably would have occurred. "For this, however, Dewey is declared to be the equal of the great seaman who conquered in the terrible days of Abou kir, Copenhacet, Trafalgar. If he were so inclined he might probably be elected president of the United Statee. "Cauada canuot poEsibly take part in the celebration of Dewey's triumphs without an evidence of discourtesy tow ard Spain, a friendly nation, which has done Canada no wiong. Spain, let it bo remembered, though deprived of hor possessions in this hemisphere, is still a Mediterranean power, decayed at present, but capable of restoration. Tho British government will hardly thank the Cauadian Government for making her un implacable enemy" Your I'ucA Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker'a Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseaaes whore cheap Sarsaparillas and bo called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Jilmuvrck'H Jron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeya and bowele aro out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 At a Huciitlcu. Forty acres, )i mile from Sorague landinir. if. mile from CarEon 1. V., Skamania Co., Wash. County road past place. Good box house of four rooms and bath. Woodhouse and other out bulldinua good. Young orchard, all winter apples. Sacrificed for $230, worth $500. J.K. Bhown. Sept. 10-lwk Rupture W. T. Houaer, M. I)., of Portland, specialist in Hernia or Kupture, Vari cocele and Hydrocele, will visit The Dalles aud can be consulted at the Uma tilla House from September 25 to 30 in clusive. We cure by Electricity, with out laying patients up or detention from business, and absolutely without danger. Would refer those interested In being cured to 0. J. Stubling, of Thu Dalle, who knows of our method, A Page A. M. WILLIAMS & CO., THE DALLES, OREGON, Ladies' Flannel Waists. & 350. Plain shirt waist, made of all wool flannel, in black or navy, full pleated back, lined, sizes 32 to 40, $1 25. 251. All-wool flannel waist, in red, blue and black, with five rows of black soutache braid across front, full pleated back, deep yoke lining; sizes 32 to 4Q, price $1 50. 252. Ladies' waist, made of all-wool flannel, three clusters of narrow braid on front, new style collar trimmed to cor respond, full pleated back, deep yoke lining; in black only ; pizes 32 to 44, fl 75. 255. Ladies' waist, made of best quality all-wool flannel, narrow tucks headed with soutache across front, made in red with black trim ming ; sizes 34, 30 and 3S, ?2 75. 254. Ladies' waist, made made of mercerized sateen, in black only, " (1 five clusters of fine tucks on front, collar, yoke and sleevea; pleat" ed back, lined through out; sizes 32 to 40, ?275- 25S. Made of best quality flannel, in red, navy and black, with three clusters of diagonal tucks headed with black braid, new style collar trim med to correspond, deep pleated back ; sizes, 32 to 33, price $3 00. 260. Ladies' black alpaca waist, newest shape, pleated back, clusterof narrow tucksin front; sire 32 to 40, 83 00. If you have friends living at a distanco from thecity, mail them a copy of our catalogue, Free of charge. A. Mail-order House. Htory if a Sluve. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease la the worst lorm of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells bow such a slave was made free. Ho says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years i that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bittere, slieis wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supremo remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervouenesF, xlceplessnces, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy Spells. This miracle working medicine h a u'odsend to weak, tickly, rundown people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists, U Clarke & t'alk have a full and com plete Y.na at house, carriage, WHgou aud bain puluta manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, WWconaiu. Mokl Tea positively cures tick head ache, indigestion nnd constipation. A delightful herb drink. ItemcvVs all eruptions of tho tkln, produelug a per from our Fall and Winter Catalogue, seasons 1899-1900, now being printed. Showing a few of the season's favorite styles in LADIES' FLANNEL WAISTS. 253. Ladies' waists, made of extra quality flannel, lined through out ; four clusters of soutacho braid in contrasting color down front, newest shape collar, pleated back, in red, medium blue, dark blue and black ; price f 3 00. 2G1. Ladies' waist, in bright blue mercerized sateen, front trim med with 7 nnrrow diagonal tucks headed with white sou tache braid, collar and cuffs trimmed to correspond, pleat d lwok ; si7.os R2 to 3. f. 25. fect eomplexlnu, or money refunded, 25 cts. and 50cts, Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Ti Cur a C'ulil in One Iluy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2.V. There's always hope while there's One Minute Cot'gb Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs In bad shape aud I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com pletely cured nie," writes Helen Mc Henry, Bismark, N. D. Gives instant relief. Butler Drug Co. fur hiilu. Twentv-three city lota for sale. From iaQ up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. 8-23-lmo. Kodul Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because Its ingredients are such that it can't help doing to, "The public can rely upon it ns a master remedy for all Isor dera arising from imperfect diges tion," James M. Thomas, M. 1),, in American Journal of Health, N. Y. 81 256. A novelty waist, made of best quality all-wool flannel, in deep electric blue, front trim med with black horculea braid and small black buttons; sizes 32 to 38, prico $3 50. 259. Ladies' waists, mado of the best imported mercerized sateen, trimmed with clusters of narrow tucks producing yoke effect in front, and 8 rows of tucks runningdiagonal, pleated back lined through out; in Prussian blue ; Hires 32 to 3S, price 3 .r. leave their address and we will & Company, The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. J.anu Orncs, Tin: ihi.i.f.k. Oa ,( Junoui, lhiW. I Nnllpe Is hereby given that lu compll'ino !UI lilt) iiu i.iniia oi inu wt ifiiKi-'" June 3.1S7S, entitled "An uet ior thu mle ( JIllIU il 1013, I'llllllVll ' .HI "'I III" hiiip tlml( i hauls in ihe Mutes ut California. Ongcm, Nevada nnd Washington Urritiiry." Charles llOkMJII, (IJ l III! I J 1 1 IV5, I (HI II I V III iillWli, lilo ill Okkuii, I""1 this day Hint in this uHiee his buiiru ktattfinout No. HI, for thu lurclmkuot the lot land hKr( SW'i of Sec. "Joi 'J'J, In Townhli No. I N, rungo No. Vi V., a.id Will oiter proof ti ihow that the land kou-jhi u moio valuable fur lu timber or .tone th.iu lor i:gih-uluiral vur iioh'v, and to e-.tubll.-h hioel.ilm to Mid laud bo tore tlio register aud letelver of thi otllro at 'I ho Hallet., (lre;on,on Friday, the 1Mb day of September, IbW. Ilu name ui witnesses, A. Turner, W . Clark. I'eter Kagaii. U. Whilmore, all of Tho Dalles, Or. Any and all persons clatmlug adversely tho abovu describee, lauds ato requebted to tlio their Chilian lu this otllce on or before bald 1Mb day ot l . l. I M.ll (H'litember, IbW jlyo-ll .1. 1'. l.ttOAS. HtgUter. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Noticed hereby given that tho underilci ol has Med with t loelerk of the county court ot tho ktato of Oregon, for w useo county, hb llnal iicrouni i aduilnlatiatnr of tho eitato of John (iriuit, deceased, and that b an order (it said court Hindu on the Nth d'y of septombr. low. Monday, the Olh duy of November, trtW, at tho hour of a ireloeU p, in. bus been lUed as thu Mm. mill fhiwiiiititv nourt room lu Irnllen I'tlv as the place fur tho hoailns ot objections timid Dual account. J. UUKK .HOANlUfc, AdmliiUtiator of UtUlo ol Johu (irmiii ceased. eipt.0-li 11 ' 4 I si