- Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver amd Bowels ClEAN5ES THE 5YSTEM I OVERCOMES ' rrr& CN ' -V (TUAUCONf PERMANENTLY BOS' THC GENUINE - MAH'F D By (aui?rniaTgpSyrvp(2. td SAUrr4UDI?US5lST rmct SOt FtRCiint. 1'EOl'L.U VOH AI.I. KNOW. James Warrick came in from Antelope yesterday. 12. V. Howell nnd wife, of Fossil, are visitors in the city. .1. H. Gilltnoro nml niece came in from Wamic yesterday. .Mrs. M. Garriam left on the loAt this morning bound for Salt in. A. M. McLeod returned to his Iiouie in Goldendale by Ftage today. Harry Morris cuue up from Portland lrtet uuht, returnin;.' title morning. J. C. Mackinnon, representing tl.e Great Northern, ia in the city today. .lohn Litile who left some t me aeo fur North D.ikotu with aiiet-p, returned last nii'ht. W. 1'. Hughes came in from Warm iSprinas yesterday, leaving this morning for Portland. hio Sehanno and Mies Alma Schanno left yeaterday tnoriiintr overland fur Yakima to attend the state fair and vieit relatives. Deputy Sheriff Sexton and Constablo Hill left this morning fur i-iilem, having in charire Oiiarlie, the Chinaman who waa adjudged insane ye'terday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rlddell returneJ last night hum a wtd-iing t' ur to the bound. Tlity will take up their reel tlenee in .Wrt. Mary French's house on East Fuurth street. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Wani left over land for the Willamette Valley this niornint.', via Barlow route, where thev will visit Mrs. Ward's people, whom she has not seen lor thirteen years. Judge E. L. Freeland, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, of Heppner, is in the city visiting friends. Gene, .aa hi? friends "know him, was the Mor row county member of the last legisla ture. He will return home this eveninc. Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one cure for Contagious Blocd Poison the disease which has completely baflled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling tho poison up in tho blood and concealing it from view. B. S. S. cures tho disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease. Which waa la spots at flrat, but afterwards sprcau an over my Doay, These, soon brokeoutinto sores, and It Is easy to imagino the suffering I endured. Boforo I be came convinced that the doctors could do no good, I had spent a hundred dollars, which waa really lurown away. 1 in en tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease When I had itnlshed my nrsi Dome 01 a. o. a. 1 was Kreatly improved nnd waa delighted with the result. Tho large red splotches on my chest began to rtow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, becaino stronger, and my ap petite Kreatly Improved, I was soon entirely well, and my skin a clear as a piece at glass. H. L. MT3M, 100 Mulberry Ht Newark, N, J. Don't destroy nil possible chance of a euro by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash. These minerals cause the hair to full out, and will wreck the entire system. Blood The is pubei-v vkobtaule, and is tl o only triood ramedy guaranteed to contain no potaah, mercury , or other mineral. JBookB on the dliem alta treat- mentmn led freobySwUtSpeclfloOom. pany, Atlanta, Georgia. EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH C'orifi'ntifd from Third page. RFGibtna, Mra Mary E Michell, Mrs Mary Ellon McFarland, MrB Camille Donnell nnd Mrs Matilda Glbona. The church line been blessed with a Ladies' Aid Society ever since its forma tion aouietimo in 1SG3. The society has been a great factor in the social relations of the church. Its religious influence has gone out Into homes and comforted hearts that were burdened with sorrow and grief. It has been' a ationg tower of strength in financial needs, and has also stretched out its loving arm to tho oppressed. Surely the King of kings has enriched it with the beauty of holiness that fadeth not away. "As yo have done it unto one of the least of these ye have doiio it unto me." The church owes much to one who has passed into tho Great Ueyorid, for his intense interest in tho successes of the church anu Sui.day school. In eong and story ho was a host. Hla greatest ambition was to dunv the young and old into a field of usefulness and higher I life, and, although he made no public I profession of Christianity, he lived it just the same, I refer to the late Hon, Joseph G. Wilsoti. There are many others who have done I noble nnd faithful work for this chinch in former years; who always held its interests dear to their hearts. Thev, have been gathered home. In conclusion, above all else, this church has reason to thank God for His protecting, preserving cure, His mercies, His love, His infinite goodness in all these years; for those who have believed in prayer as well ae works. ADDENDUM. A remarkable fact is that of all those who were the pioneer organizers of tiie church, Hon. Zelek Donnell is the only one who haa passed away. Rev W A Tenny and Mrs A W Tenny are residing in Oakland, Cal.; Hon E S Joslyn and Mra Joslyn are living in Colorado Springs, Colo.; MrE S Penfield, a fresh, well-kept gentleman of SI summers, who is with us today, resides in Canyon City, this state; Mr W B Stillwell lives in Southern Oregon; Mrs Camille Donnell resides with hereon, Martin Z Donnell, in thia city. To me she haa not. grown a bit old, or lost any of the freshness of her young womanhood that she pos sesfed when I met her first in the spring of 18C3. In conclusion, the following items will be interesting. Our church, late hi the fall of 1S70, resolved to" cut itself loose from the A. II. M. society's future as M3tur.ce. From that day this church has assumed its own financial responsi- nintiea lor pastors' salaries and inci dental expense?, and has never seen the time that it would reverse its decision. In the matter of woman's eiiflr.ige, this church wa9 the first Congregational church in Oregon to accord to the ladies the undisputed right to vote at any and all eliurch electione, nnd on all questions arising in church matters. The unwritten history of the church from the close of 1S5S to the present timo ia familiar to you all, and is left in your hands to carry on in data, which will be of as great interest and value to those in future years as tho recorded events in the years passed are to you. To you, let mo eay, husband with care the details of its passing years, "1M the light stream on In its deeds of love Hie Blorious record of its virtues Wilts! and hold It up to men. Illil them claim 11 palm And catch from It the hallowed llimc." The Ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladles may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorito remedy. To get (ho true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggiet9. At a Sacrifice. Forty acres, mile from Snrague landing, mile from Carson P. O., Skamania Co., Wash. County road past place. Good box house of four rooms and bath. Woodhouse anJ other out buildings good. Young orchard, till winter apples. Sacrificed for $250, worth (500. J. K. Hiiown. Sept. 10-1 wk Fur Kent. A four-room cottage, last house on East Fourth street. Inquire on the premises. 13-lw Rupture W, T. Houser, M. I)., of Portland, epeeialiet In Hernia ur liunture. Vari cocele ami H) Urocele, will visit The Dalles and can be consulted at the Uma- III.. fA... C...lnMl.,.. OR . - Oft I cliulve. Wo euro by Klectriclty, wlth- out )llv,IJt patentB p or iMention from bn?inee, and absolutely without Hanger. Would refer thoce intereated in being curwlloO. J. Stubling, of Tho Dallee, W10 knDWa o our method. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed ryo for eale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Use Clarke A Fulk's Hosafoam for tho teeth. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. You will not have boils if you tnko Clarke & Falk's euro cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke it Fulk'a pure concentrated llivorlng txtntcts. Latest thing in cameras a:u Im proved Magazine cyclones at Dounell's drug store. l'aint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn tit the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of i chicken feed. nich-5-tf Clarke & Fall; haye received a carload j of the celebrated James E. I'attcn strictly pure liquid paints. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Ilrandy. For sale at nil first-class bars. C. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Um. Try Yerba lliiena Hitters, tho best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M 17.3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger IL-andy, For sale at all first-class bare. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Urn Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets aro Eold on n positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Dlakelcy & Houghton, drug gists. Cheater II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe ca-o of indigestion ; can strongly recommend It to all dyspeptics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. lUitler Drug Co. For wounds, burns, tcalth, Eores, skin diseases and all irritating eruptions, nothing so soothing and healing as DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chicago, saya of it: "When all else fails in healing our babiee, it will cure." Buller Drug Co. Opening of the fail and winter mil linery at the Caupbell & Wilson Mil linery Parlors from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, Sept. 10th to 23rd, "M. On this occasion will he shown the most stylish and complete line of millinery ever displayed in The Dailes. Good values in street hats, dress hats, child ren's school hats, also baby bon.ieta. Electing Notice. The Advontist conference of tho Wil lamette Valley and Eastern Oregon and Washington will hold a semi-annual meeting in their gospel tent in The Dalles, Oregon, beginning Sept. 23, 1899, holding over two Sundays. Eldkk L. G. Dix, Evangelist. "Our baby waa sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever, Al though we tried many remedies sho kept getting worse, until we used One Min ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." II. L. Nance, Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "famous little pllla." Butler Drug Co. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for thorn. Cmli lu lour cjlmchd. All countv warrauts registered prior to Jan. 1, 1310, will be paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Sept. 1-Ub, ISM. O. L. PuiLurs, Countv Treasurer. "Ilariiiiiny" Whiskey. Harmony whiskoy for family opecial use, sold by Ben Wilson, Dalles. and Tho For Suit). Twentv-three city lots for eale. From 450 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel, 8-23-1 mo. To Dure a Cold in line Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lots. All druiftriets refund tl.e money if it ia lift to cure. '.'or. Wnnteil. 10 uorrow uuu at six or ulglit per cent. Security, n liouso ami two Iota on Ninth etreet, Tlie Ddllee. Adilrosa Uky. A. lloit.s, n2G-Mlin Golilenilale, Wasli. CONTEST NOTICE. U, 8. Ia.iD Orrice.'l'iiK Daweh, On, July ll.ltKU. I A Milllclcut content allldiivit iiivIiik been filed In this office by Jiimt-s Koulk, contotiiut, uKnlimt liomeatcii'l entry No. I'JW. muilo Nov, 4th, imu. for H'X hMJ4, Mitf HW W.Sitf. yi.timn khlpU H, It l:i K, aud SWH NU'i. 8eo, U, town. hip I tf. It l.'t K, by Tlionius Jelliuys, coulesteu, In which It Is nllwd that lie bus ubandoiiod kald liact for more tliun 0 ;nontlia. Bald imilles nro hereby notlllul to uiipcnr, reMsind and otter evidence touch Ink mid alleKiitiiiii, at 10 o'closk ti. in, on Kept. I. IHcj, bef jfo tho rculttur nnd.rctelver at tho United Ktatoj laud ollleo in Tlie Dalles. Or, Tho said voiitestant liavlin; In a nrruier nflidavlt, II led July HI. t)VJ, net forth facts which tliow that alter luo dlllKvnce, ieroiial nervleool tins notice can not bo insile, It is Hereby ordered and directed that men noliee bo f I ven by duo and pror publication. I)ii-Ii JaV 1. LUCAH, ilcglitcr. OREGON Industrial Exposition OP12NS IN PORTLAND, SEPT 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural anil Agricultural Products of Oregon, Washington and Idaho in greater variety tiud pro fusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's (iientest I,nly Cornet Soloist. The l'itciUultcil FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct (rom tin; llniplio Theater, Loudon, their llrst appearance In America. A (ircut WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Aeiialhts, In their thillllng net. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. Iletluceil Ituti'f mi All l.lllcs. Transportation ADMISSION .... !.T. Cblldien under 11 years 1(1 cents Cents DONT MISS IT The Busy Store. EacU day our business .shows the people are finding out wo nro pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. NOTICE. V. S. Land Ofhck, Tho Dulles, Ore. July '. liW. otico Is hereby Riven tlmt tho order of Dc ccmberK. 1 8!) I. teninornrllv ivliliilrinvliif. from disposal, for the purposes of n bout rnllwny, tho lilinin nil lliu BUlllll siuu UIIU Wlllllll six miles of tho Columbia river, IjctHtcn Tho Dalles mid Cclllo, has been revoked by tho president, ex ceptas to tho folloivliiK descilU'd parcels; one In the NU'Uot 8eo :il, r 2 N, It II K, eoiitnlnliiK nbout four and onc-hnlf iicro.', mul the other In tho NWM.Kcc'-'l, T i N, It 15 U, coutalning about half an acre. On and after September 1, Ih'j'j, we TI receive impiicaiioiis ior any vacant Minis included OTlri l'ATTUHSON, lujlstir. Jticelver. Jtyfi i NOTICE FOK I'UIJLIOATION. U. S. I.A.ND OrntK, Tin: iuu.kh, On ,( JlinuW, IbVJ. J No'.Icc Is hereby rIvcii Unit In compllmic with tho nrovlblnii of tho act of conercss o June :i. 1378, entitled "An act for tho talu n timber lands lu tlie states of California. Orciron, Nevada and yVashlimloii territory," Charles dossou, of Tho Dulles, county of Wasco, state of Oreuoii, has this day filed In this ollleo his sworn slatement No. Ill, for the purchase of tho i . .' " ,u St nee. no. vj, in Township No. I N, raiixu No. 12 K, and will oiler proof to show that tho laud sniiKht Is inoro valuiiblo for Its Umber or itono than for BKrlcultura! pur iKites.aud to cstahlUh hlscbtlm to slid land bo i".ro ,!;.,reKl8.,,ir al"1 vct of this olllco nt SeptelnbrriWrS0,l,"U l(Ju'' U,u ,5,h,,"' uf Hoimme'sas wltnces, A Turner, W. (Jlark. Peter taia:i. O. hltmore, all of Tho Dalles, Or. Any mid a I tiersnns claiinlnir advern-ly the HbOYO described lnnds nrn tot -i,.,i t,. in,.' .1...1. claims In this oirico on or bcluro eald j.'itti day of September, itw. j, . j.tHJAS, J'J"'11 Itifihter. ONE FOR A DOSE. Hwaore PlmplM. 1'MTf.nt sh day la av,-uJL7u Flornl lotion will euro wind cliapphiK nnd aunburri. Manufactured liv Oliirko & Fulk. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -01' TJIH Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave mill are due to arrive nt l'ortlnt. OVKKI.AXD llX-l tire, Hiilem, llmu-1 Imrit, Ashland, Hue- ......mltit. I li'llPM.'vin I 7.00 1'. M. i I'rmirlMn, JMulnvc, f Utlfi A. .M. I b'H AllROlUN,!-,! l'i. I New Orleans una I I. Knot K.etilUK mid wny sta tions ; r Via Womllmr.i tori Mt.Aiwel, Hllvurton, West Bohi, llrown.t- vHle,Hprltu'l!eldand I, Natron J MiliO A. M, 1:30 I'. M Dully oxeept Klltliliiys. Dully e:coit Buti'liiyl 7::i0 A. M.i iCorvullls (stations. . inn! way n:W l'..v. iilircns train H:2.'ni. in lil.VJii, in l:,-)0u. m. iNi)i;i'i:Ni)i:.vcK i-AsyKNu:it. H: Dully (except Hnnday). 1:50 ii. in. (I.v. ...rortlmid ...Ar.i 7:W) Ji. in. Al .Me.Mintn,IIIo..l.V. SlSOp. in. i.r. .iiiueiiuiiiiuuvi.... ' 'Dully. (Dully, except wiiimay. DINING OAIIH ON OODUN ItOtlTl!. l'UI.l.MAN 11UKFCT KI.KKl'Kll? AND !:(.ONl)-01.ASd Bl-KUl'INd (:AIt Attnehed to nil Tluousli Trains. Direct ronneptlon nt Snn l'rnnclro with Orel ilentnl ninl Oriental nnd I'ueltlo mult Htemnslilp lines for JAl'A.S and CHINA. HnllliiK duteH on hi plication. IIiiIoj i.nd tickets to Knstcrn points mid I.u rope. Also.lAl"AN, CHINA, HONOI.Ul.U mil At!STn.I.IA. All iiIjiivo tr.iliiH arrive nt nnd depart Iron1 (Irmiil Centrnl atatlon, Filth unit Irving Htrwts YAMIIII.I.I1IV1.S10N. I'msciiRcr De.ot, loot of Joilerson .street. lx?nvo for Hherldnn. week days, nt 1:30 p. m Arrive at l'ortlmid, y:S0 u. m. liwc for AIUI.IM on Mmultiy, WciIiicmIiiv mid Krlilny nt M. X) it. in. Arrlvi- nt l'ortlmid, Tups dnv, Tlutrsdny and Hiitimlns it Jl'.oa p. m. M'.xccpt Hiindiiy. Kxccpt 1'iitiirdiiy. It. KoK'.l.KU, (i, II. MAl'.KHAM, iliilnuer. Asst. (i. V. .V 1'iiKs. Aat Thrnuiih Ticket Olllco, llll Third Rtrcot, where tliiuiiL'h llekets lo nil i.olnts III tho Kiisteni Ht-ites.Cmmdiiiind liuropa cm bo obtnlneJ nt lowest rates ironi .1. 11. II IKK LA .VI I, Ticket Agent, or N. WHKAI.DON r ..CflAS. ?M Butchers and FziPmePS ..Exchange.. Keep on dr.inwlit the celolirated COl.t.'MltIA UKi:it, nckiiowl. tdxiil tho lio.st lirer in Tho Dalles, nt tho usual price. Come In, try It mid he convinced. Al-o the l'iiiest hrimds of Whits, 1.1 juor nnd Clstirs. Sandwiches of nil Kinds nhvny.s on hand. 1. V V"VS. V V 1 I "i !i:ni:i!ai. .5 Wagon and Carriage Work. Floh Brothors' Wagon. Third and Mmw. Phniin 1iQ Bicycle 5 REPAIR SHOP. J AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. 2 and Machine work. iChailBsJBurc BiacKsmnns ...AND... Horsesnoers FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIlANHACTA K.NKUAL BANKING HUrflNES Lettoru of Credit Issued nvullablo in the ui 1 . r- E?8tHr" States. Hijilit Licmnije anil Tolographit rrauHforB aold on New York, OlilcHgo, Bt. Louia, ban I-miicIbco, Portland Oro uon, beattle Wmh and variouti pointa lu Oregon and WaanUmion. P oroble" tarn". m -t p0,nU 0n fv' The Latest, Tlie Beat The Most Complete ' ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAfflICA-r. uestions arcconstanlly comingup every tiajrinlltcrntiiro.artandscicnce which you wish you knew, but y u uoii't, Malic up your i mind that vou farc not going to rue cauf.lU this way very often. Whenever a new subject is brought to your atffcntiontiig in to it and learn all you can ahout it. The Encyclopaedia Britannica is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopedia fop One Dollar Cash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele Kant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when tliefirstpaymentis made. Tho Comploto Sot (Thirty Largo Octavo Volumes): No. 1. New Stylo Uuckr.im Cloth. AhrblcJ liJcoj, Extra Quality Uli;h Machine Fln f Ith Hook I'apor, Si 5 Plrst payment, Ono Dollar (Si.cojondThret Dollars (Si.oo) per month thereafter. No. 3. Half Morocco. M.irblcJ I:Ji:os, Extra Ou.illty IIIrIi Machine I'lnlsh Uooli Paper, $6o.co. First payment. Two Dollars (Sj.oo) a.nJ Four Dollars (4.00) per month thereafter. No. 1. Sheep. Tan Color, MarbleJ Elcj, Estra Quality HlL'h Machine Finish book Paper, $75.00. First payment. Three Dollarj (i.eo) and Five Dollars (J5.00) per month thereafter. A reduction of 10 per cent. Is cramed by paylnircash within jo days after the receipt of the work. ron hai.k 11 y I. C. NICKELSEN, ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run uvnry tiny txrpt Siimlny. liutt'H liet'isoimlilc. Tolephono 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. SUMMONS. r.N tiik oiitoiiiT t;oi:i!T or Tin: state J- of Oickoii, for the County of Wiueo. Chnrles 0. 1,, llenson, plalutlll', va llett'o A. llentoii, ilefenileut. , , TullettlcA. llcnsou, the abovo named defend ant; lu tho Kiimc of tho Stato of Oregmi' You aro hereby luitillcd lu nppcnr nnd answer thocomplnlntln Iho nbovo eulllltd court ana rniiMt on or befoioslx wcclca from tl.e data o( tn llrst publication of this notice, to wlts the Otli day of Heptember, istiy, ami If you full lowiip lenr and answer or otberivlso iilead, tncplaiu tt H' will npply to tho court for the relief prajfd fur In his complaint liereln, to wit that the bonds uf matiiinoliy now cxlstlm: betwwjj plnliitlll iinil icfeiulant bu dUnilvid nuever ana tliiitiibiliilliVhuvoJuilKmcnt iiKalust ilofemlanj for his cohtn mid dlsbiimiinunls mid (or ucii other mid further relief us to the (.our. mT seem meet mill oiiitlnble. , , , ., This siiiiiuinns Is imbllHhed by virtue older iiindo 11ml lKiied by lion W I- I f11'1'11"; Judiioiif tho nwivoentltlwl court, on lli.'ioy of aeptumbor. lsiw, itlrcutliiK that Mild ,lll",n !?! bo published once 11 week for 11 period id not than six consecutive weeks. ,.., scptfi.I Attorney for l'luliitw. , Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho unilerjlirnrf lias been duly Hppolnlcd by the II011. (.onoiy Court of tho thu titalo of Orciion, ti'r.n?'f" county, as adinlnistrator of tho citatum y "r" Auldliu, ilecciuisl. All I it pel sous liavlin; 1,1 rubv notlllcd to pwut iiKtiiiiai samesinie aro tho same nrmicrly verlllcd to 111c lit the otuco 01 my iittorniy, Dufur A Slenofiv, wiuun months from thodato of till notice Dated 11 1 Tho Dalles, Of"'"''; Ailmliilstratnr of tho Kstalc of Adoll'1" '''"j.'j deceased, JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ottlcoiiver Krcnch A Co.'s Hank I'Jmi.o 6. TIIKIAM.IS3.Ka0K JOHN OAVIK J' t. MCOIIR MOOltK & GAVJN, ATl'OItNKVS AT IAV' Itooiim 89 mul V, over V. . laiini H1. FHKD. v.wii:on, ....... ATTOIt.NKV.AT I.AW. ol,KaOK. 3f J 1 1 IV OOiciJovoi Vint Nut Huu.