Acts gently on the bneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System f i C DEL-3 .3 nB.cSJ ,rx tualCoNST'PAt.on 1 8 unw nrnn,tkirxiTiv PERMANENTLY DUy THE GENUINE MAN'F'O By Gu8vrniaTgpSyrvf(2. roj SU E ill DR'JOGCTi FITXI 50i MR SCTTU. EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AclTertlsetl Letter. Following is the list of letters remain iiig in the posloflice nt The Dalles nn called for September 21, IS99. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: Brown, Iiilly nigging, Jtlenet, Haldwiti Howard, F A Hoenel. t h B.mer, G H Bull, .Mack Conen, W V Grain, II M Crawtord, K Cubbler, Geo C.uiipton, .1 G Clialmer.j. D Carroll, Coniadore dune, .1 M Dunn, Bros, Dickey, Walter Floues?, F B Fisher, Bessie F.innini:. Eva Gray, Frank Grime?, Ileiirv Hull, It L Hansen, Mrs C !one, .) .tines .Jones, S Jones, Sig Johnson, A McCoy. J Nelson, F Pickens, L F Ki-'iihuifKy, F P ttigas, Sidney Smith, Joseph St Clare, L Shoquesl. Robert f-anlell, Ella (1) Williams, Frank Wicks, J Albright, J Bird, Muni B.istron. Gas Ceartl, P.'itck Cotton, J P IWCKAOE3. Freeman, William Fanin, Frank J Ltn-kv, J S G'Deil, C P Simmons; Carrie E H. II. BlDDELL, P. M. Rupture W. T. Houser, M. D., of Portland, specialist in Hernia or limmire, Vari cocele and Hydrocele, will visit The Dalles and can be consulted at the Uma tilla House from September 25 to uO in clusive. Wo euro by Electricity, with out laying patient 8 tip or (Mention from business, and absolutely without danger. Would refer thoso interested in being cured to C. J. Stublimr, of The Dalles, who knows of our method. From a G. Am Rm Man "My attack of miller's Asthma was very bad, I was afraid to lie down at night for fear of smot heri n g. I couldn' t get my breath. Xio matter u an tno doors ami windows in the house wero open, it seemed as if there was no air and that I must surely tniother to death. Mr. W.B. Long, of this city, called my attention to Acker's English Itemedy for Tii roat and Lung Trou bles. I thought lit tle of it but bought abottlointhchnpe that it might help mo a little. It gave mo wonderful re lief, andthosecond bottlo cured mo completely. My re covery is permanent, too, for ever since I navo not nan tno sugntcst return of my old enemy. I consider Acker's English Remedy by long odds tho best medicine in tho world for hacking toughs, asthma and bronchitis. It completely masters thoso stubborn dls eases that many peoplo wrongly supposo to bp incurable. If sufferers will just try a sin-. kiu Mumc, wm prove every word 1 havo .- mid,- und more too." (Signed . ) , . joiin I). Elliott. Commander John Megarah Post, No. 132, Portlum!, Mich. Sold at 25a, CQc. and $1 a bottlo, throughout the United States und Canada: and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d.,4s.6d. Ifyouaro not satisfied after buying, return tho bottlo to your druggist, and get your money back. i . n't authority the aixn guarantee. CW, JL MOOA'HU fc CO., 1'rvjtrUtort, Ai A'tw York. FOH StLE HV ,-Blalieley '& Houghton. Continued from Third page. manned work in this church as its recognized pastor. Shortly after his nrrivul, the church people found it necessary that a parsonage should be provided for tho pastor, and steps were taken to that cud. In tho spring fol lowing, a contract was let und n good residence built nt n cost of about $1 100. A few years nftcr Rev. Gray arrived it was found that tho old edifice would have to bo repaired at a considerable, cost, or a new one built. Mr. Gray ascertained that Mr. 0. S. Savage would sell two lots ofT the property on which ho lived for $3000. At n meeting of thu board of trustees it was decided to close the purchase which could be made on very favorable terms. Tho title having been acquired, plans were examined and finally one was adopted for n house that had a seating capacity of about 100. Mr. Gray's ministry was a very suc cessful one. During his pastorate the chinch flourished and "grew like tho cedars ol Lebanon." His excellent wife' took her place in tho Sunday school ns a teacher. If the prayer meetings were without a leader in the singing, Mr. or Mrs. Gray filled the place. Tho prayer meetings were generally well attended, and were always an evidence of the spititual growth of the membership. Mr. Gray's pastorate was unfortunately brought to n close in July, 1SS7, by a partial paralysis of tho vocal cords, to the deep regret of the church and people. November 7th Rev. R. V. Hoyt, of Cheney, Wash., having received and accepted a call from the church, filled tho pulpit for one year, after which Rev. W. C. Curtis, of Richmond, Maine,' having been called April IS, 1S3S, to the pastorate, came out at an early date and began a faithful ministry. A very short time after his arrival, on the 2nd of September, 1S82, a disastrous firo with other losses destroyed the old church, and many a sigh was made as the old bell struck one in its fall, as n part ing knell to its perishing home. Tender were the memories that clustered around that old sacred edifice. It was there that many pligtited their niarriuire vows be.'oie its altar; and it was there that many were born into tho kingdom of our .Master; it was troni tliero that some of its faithful members and loved one? wero borne out through its portals to the Silent City. Tne society being left roofless fell back onto first principles, though not in the old court room, but ttie new. In this room the church worshipped until January 27, 1SS9, at which time the new and beautiful church edifice, ericted upon the property purchased of the late Jii'lge O. S. Savage, was dedicated. This magnificent building was built by contract. The specifications providing tor art glass windows, inside finished in wood color, and seated as this audience room is today. Thofnruishings were neat, the entire rooms being carpeted with in grain carpet, and a hundred chairs for the annex, costing, including grounds, $lo, 000. The lectern, made and presented to the old church Christmas morn, by Deacon Samuel L. Brooks, was saved from the burning buildings of ISSOand 1S91. This new house was built and completed, lighted and furnished throughout, and dedicated in October, 1892. Great honor and praise is duo the first building committee, who had the hercu lean task of raising the funds, procuring grounds and building the First Congre gational church building in a town unose morals wero far Iroiu tho ways of trutli and righteousness. In referring to these gentlemen, Mr. II. P. Isaacs is living in Walla Walla, I believe, and is a very prominent man of Eastern Washington. He owns extensive flour ing mills in his city, and also in the thriving little town cf Waico. The other two, Messrs. Andrew Clark and J. M. McKee, hayo long since gone to receive their great reward. Couc'uded in tomorrow's issue. For Kent. A four-room cottage, last house on East Fourth street. Inquire on the premises. 13 lw Caili tu Your Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 181'G, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. 11th, 1899. C. L. Pmtairfl, County Treasurer. "Harmony" wiiUlinr. Harmony whiskey for family and pedal use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl For Suit). Twentv-three city lots for sale. From $50 up, Inquire at Columbia Hotel, 8-23-lmo. To Oura it Cola in One Day. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine" Tab lets. All druggists refund tLe money if it fail to cure. 25c. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at tho Wasco Ware house. I' Uso Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the teeth. Use ChukoA Falk's qulnino hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. You will not have bolls if you tako Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated fhvoring xtructs. Latest thing in cameras a:o Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your house with paints that nre fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nu:h25-tf Clarke & Falk have received u carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For salo at all first-class bars. C. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. MI7-3tn. Try Verba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17-:im Drink Warren's Puro Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bare. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17 Hm Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., savs: "Kodol Dvspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can 8'rongly recommend it to all dyspeptics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. For wounds, burns, scalds, sore?, skin diseases and all irritating eruptions, nothing so sojthing and healing as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.Emnia Holies, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chien'jo, says of it: "When all else fails in healing our babies, it will cure." Butler Diug Co. Opening of the fail and winter mil linery at the Caupbell & Wilson Mil linery Parlors from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, Sept. 19th to 23nl, "09. On this occasion will be shown the most stylish and complete line of millinery ever displayed in Tho Dalles. Good values in street hats, dress hats, child ren's school hats, also baby bonaets. A WORLD OF TROUBLE. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND. SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural anil AirMnral Products of Oregon, Washington nud Idaho in greater variety und pro fusion than ever beforo. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's ( l-mly Cornet H0U1IM. The I'ncirunllcU FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct from the Kmplto Theater, Ixmiloii, their llrst appcanmco in Ainerlcii. W'lmt Ouvc the Economical Apart ment House Muniment Csimc of tilt! IllUUH. The manager of the apartment house, n well-fed, well-featured, well-dressed man, was standing in the main door way of his establishment, which, by the way, is owned by nn out-of-lcwn cap italist, who is not the incht generous provider in the world and insists upon the fiat being conducted upon the most economical lines. The manager was not happy, however fair he may have uppenred to the eye, and he heave.', a long-drawn sigh as 11 friend ap proached and greeted him, bays the Chicago Chronicle. " WI111 t's wrong?" inquired the new corner. "Oh, we've nil got our troubles," was the vague nnd lugubrious reply. "You oughtn't to have any." "But 1 have, just the same." "What, for instance?" "Well, I'm worried hick because I haven't got an elevator boy." "There shouldn't be any difficulty in removing that trouble, I should sny." "There ig. I've tried 40 and can't get one to suit." "You must be very hard to please." "It Isn't that," sighed the manager. "I'm all right, but It's this way. The old man insists on having the elevator boy wear u uniform and he furnishes it. Uniforms money, nnd when the Inst boy retired he left n brnnd-new uniform, nnd the old' mnn won't get another. That's the rub. I can find plenty of boys of sufficient intelligence, ample experience, industrious hnblu, good moral character uml fine address, but I'll be darned if I can get one that the uniform will fit, nnd there you have it. Now what the dickens nni I to do? Ain't that enough trouble for uny one man?" Floral lotion will cure wind chapping nnd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Fried HtufTvn F.Ktt. Boll eggs 20 minutes; put them im mediately into cold water; when cold remove the shell: cut them in hall lengthwlsu; carefully remove the yolk; rub them very Hmooth, To nix boiled eggH odd one teuKpoouful of iiielted butter, one und 11 half tiibli-spoonriilH of very finely chopped hum or tongue, sill t nnd pepper: fill the hollow of eiich white, having the Kiirlnec level; pre.s.i one half to another; dip In egg, then in crumb?, then in egg, then In cnnulm again; fry In hot. deep fnl; remove, drain on a piece of paper, iirninge or. 11 hot plutter; nerve with erenin banco innde with one tubluHpooiiful of but ter melted, one of flour; cook together; udd one cup of milk, salt nnd pepper; let It boll five minutes. Chicago Times-Herald. A fircut FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed AeiialMs, in tlittr tlirlllitiK nets. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astounding l-'eats. lledticcil liute nn All Trim pnrtiiUoii I. hit's. ADMISSION .... C'ciitd Children under 12 years, 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! The Busy Store. KacU day our business shows the people are finding out we are piiiliiny to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd Inst, hut not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. SUMMONS. TN THK CIltCUIT OOIJIIT OF THE STATIC -- wi uii'kuu, ir inu Luiimy 01 usco. Charles G. L. Ileiibon, plulntiiT, VH HctUo A. Beiifon.dcfewlcnt. To llcltlu A. lkntoii, the above named defend- ant: In tho Name of tho Stnto of Oregon: Yon arc herehy notified to apiiear and answer th(, rnrntiliilnt In tit.. bili'ii ...i.1i...i ,.... . ' 1 ...w ...fw.w wii.,i. uijit 111111 euuko 011 or bcfoio hlx wttki from tho date of the nrsi iniuiieaium 01 iriis nniire, lo-wlti thu bill day of H'ptemlwr, lSW.nnd if you fall lo mi up. pear and answer or otherwise plead, thuplniii tlll ttlll apply to eho court for Hie relief prayed for In his complaint herein, to wit; that thu bV".l?.,.'' m'l'bii;"y .now oxMIng between plainllll and defendant bo dissolved forever nnd that plalutlirhavoJudKiiicnt wfulnst defendant for his cost and disbursements and for stith other and further relief as to tho Court may eeem meet and equitable. This summons is luibllshctl by vlrtuo of an o.-der mado and slxiicd by Hon. W. I,. Ilrad-lmtf, JudKO of Ihoabovo entitled court, on thcdday Of Setlti-mlu.r. l0 llr t.tifn. tlw.t u..l.l l ....v... ...... nni. IIIIIIIIUJ1 bo published one-11 week for u period of not less Pit til). W. WII0N. fcep'c-l Attorney for l'lalntlir. Knowledge 1 boiled down, pressed to gether is what you gGt n the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNiCA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you vant quickly, and vou can ru, upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannlca for One Dollar Cash unci the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leavo and urc duo to arrive nt l'ortliu w LiAHE BOS. (IKNKlt.Vl. NOTICE. U. S. hANn Omen, The Dalles, Ore. I ' , July i, Jbw. rsotlco is hereby given that tho order ol Do ccmbvr 8, lb'JI, leiiiiMirarlly withdrawing from dikposal, for the purposes of 11 boat railway, tho lahds on tho south nldu and within klx miles of tho Columbia river, between Tho Dalles and tclllo, has been revoked by tho pretidfiit, ex. f.ept?...,.'i ,,UV '0'lnK deseilbed parcels; 010 in the NWUol eo 81, V 2 N, H 11 1;, contalnlm.' l")it. (our and one-half neroy, and tho ml er In UM uu fan?1' T 1 " 15 m,'i,",!Vi,.,;,,(;r.,?.ep,Vmbc IMS.wc will receive i ' ";, ' ' "' """i iKims included OTIH I'ATTUHSON, ileal ver. J. 1'. I.IIIIAS. lUuUter. Jly.'ii I Administrator's Notice. i..?Si,,eo i.1'----!'- Blvtii that tho underslKiiwI has been duly iipxiint by iho lion t" m,tv Court of tho thohtuio of Oh'koi r W, 11 county, us administrator of the e. Wo m dr. Jlfil,,V' '---. All pvisons having elalins Kulnt Mldettato am herthy notlllt-d to present ho amo proK,r y yerlllwl to nit- it tin 0 ico I y """. Dufur & ilenefee, wlth slx months Ironi iho ilato of this notice. Dated at 'iho Dalles, Oregon, Juuufl, la-j-j. ,' OVi:itI..VNI K.-l I press, balcm, itoi-u- , I luirg, Ashland, riau- I I .7 nn p m J lamento, Ogdeii.San ! 7.00 1 . JI., rncitc, Mojave, f ; U:i; A. M ; I.os Angolos.Kl ram. 1 Now urloans nud I ! I I Kast 1 1 1 m llOboblin! "ltd way tta-i J.JU A., 1 :SU i'. M ( Via Wootlbura for ) , n-iiv iJIt.Angol, Hllverton, , Dully , t Wt-Kt Kcto, llrowns. , uxcopl smi.i. I ville,!iprliirflo!d und ! huud.iys auriuayH jinm J , 4, , ICorvallls and way) i-..rji'i . I.. 33 A. it., 8t,lt0ns 'J J-Ol.-V. H. H WI k Floh Brothers' Wagon. 15 6: Third and Jelrin. PhQiic 159 ;,r.yi-Tajei.Y.ailxrTvxTlitIitmj B(aGKSi((s ...AND... ifsesfn Wagon and Cnrrlngo Work. 'J INDKl'KNDKSCi: I'ASSKNOKU. Kxpress train Dally (except buudayj. W R (I.v I'ortland r.) h:-n,m -Ua a a H a 7:S0p.ui. )Ai...McJIintivllle..l.v. 5;.'jOa,m ninWlilH a:)l). m. (Ar..liulepondcncc..l.v,) I:.7)u. in. I w m i Daily. IDaiiy, except Hunilnr. DINING CAH8 ON OdDKN i'.OUTK. I'UI.UfAN 11UPKKT HUKI'KIt? AND HKCOND-C'I.ASS HI.Klil'INLS OA It Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Han l-'rancltro with Orel dental and Oriental and I'acillo id nit steamship lines for JAl'A.N und CHINA, falling dates or: ii plication. Kates and tickets to Kastcrn points nntl Ku mi. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU mil AU8TKAI.IA. All ntxivu trains nrrlvo at nnd d-jpnrt Irt-ti Oraud Central Station, Fifth nud Irving streets YAMH1I.I. DIVISION, l'ttifcnger Deisjt, foot of Jerlerson street. R-nvo for Hherldan. week days, stl:S0. m Arrive at i'ortland, 'J:30 a. in. U-ave for AIKI.IK. on Monday, Wtslnesdar nml i Friday at 8:Si o. m. Arrlvt' at rortlaud, Tut- uav, inursuay una uaturaaj tt.cua p, m. Except Sunday, Kxccpt Katurdny, U. KoK.'-i-Klt, (i, II. MAItKIIAM, Manaiier. Asst. (I. V. ii I'ass. Ant Through Ticket Odlrc, 131 Third street, whcic through tickets to all points In thu Kaatcru HUtes, Canada nud Kuroo can bo obtained at lowest rates from J. I). KIUKLANI), Ticket .Vgent. or N. WHKAI.DON. REPAIR SHOP. ..GHflS. Bute he ps and Fortmeirs ..Exchange'.. wlgwl tho btist beer In Tho Dalles, nt tho usual price. Comu In, try Itand be convinced. Alio tho Unest. brands of Wines, Ll-iuor and Cigars. Sondrjuiehec of all Kinds always on hand. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. Look and Gunsmith, nnd Machine work. nharlRR Biirnhtnrf.oppKion: ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every ilny except Sunday. Utiles Keaeoimble. IDIO(Jlluiiu i w a nATFS. Prop. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ottlco over French & Co.'s bank I'hone C, ' tiik DAM.U8, OltKfJON J' r. MCOltK. JOHN (UVIN iMOOJtE & GA.YIN, ATTOIINKV8 AT LAW. Itooms 8'J and 10, over U. S. Und Ollleo. JtflKU. W.WIUON, -1 ATTOItNKV-AT LAW, Till Hill Do tluiiil Ottlco ovei First Nat. liVnk. "mo U H IIUNTINOTOII II II WIUOM HUNT1NUTON & WUJjiON, TII V Ittl I UJ l.ll It.l.U Ottlceovr r,t Nt. Hank' "n,"'I'B FRENCH & 00., BANKERS. rilANBAOT A KNF.KAIjBANKINH II0HINK8 Lottora of Credit lasued nvalluble In th .. . . Kl" .vrnh - D,n.1. ,""Hx, """vt Chlvao, xmnsierB boiu oh n V," .'i,,7i Ore 8t. Louie, Son FnuicUco, 1'or tlond W Kon, Seattle Woali,, and various poiau In Oregon and Waaliiputon. . Oollectiona uib-Jo at all points on m oruble terms. ONI FOR A POtE. Itmava PIbipI, PrsreBt llllldii.iiun., I'urlly tliuilloud. Vrn llAiUelinl lpeini, null A iiiuTnint nt tha bowels cll tl7 ' "tt'.'ST. fyrbMltli. TbiiiiltbrarlH)norilotai .FJ.TJf fl.ic5y.i.i, wo wll null "nn okl3!l tic. UultX ht diugilsta. OR. 60SANX0 CO. FW r d is Onr baby .was lek lor inonlli .Uverflmu8l.:ond crrl,Mr, t moduli wnirieu iiiiuiyit - getting wore, until we uhm! One utoOouKh.Cure.-H relieve. t once cured hor in fw cluye." Co.