VOL. XIT THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1899. NO 137 DREYFUS LEAVES HIS PRISON CELL sum Walls and Bars Are How MM Him. DEPARTED FOR NANTES TODAY At Three O'clock This Morning He Left the Jail Where lie Had Iieen Con lined Since His Return From Devil's Island. I'enke.s, Sopt. -0. Curtain Alfred Dreyfus at II o'clock this morning left the prison in which lie had been confined Kinod hia return from Devil's island, nnd proceeded to Verna, whore he took n train hound lor Nantes. His departure was completely unnoticed. M. Virguie, chief of the eeerct service, and M. Dureault arrived at the prison after midnight, bringing the urder of the aiitiiiterof war for the release of Droyfiu. DrnyfiiH walked from the prison to the boulevard La Enne, where ho enterul a waiting carriage and was diiven to tho Verru station outside of the town. Mat thieu Dreyfus met him nt the train, and accompanied him to Nantes. While this dramatic turn in tho Drey fus drama was taking place all Kennee slept, ami the departure of the iamou.s prisoner of Devil's island was no more noticed than that of an ordinary trav eler. Will Not Go to Folkestone. Nkw Yor.i:, Sept. 20. A special to the World from Paris says: Captain Drey fus, iu his present condition of health, will not go to Folkestone. The report that Mine. Dreyfus and Maitro Labor! visited that resort in search for quarters for Droyfds is false. Tho destination of Dreyfus is carefully withheld, and is knim-n only to a few relativer. Even tho friends who fought for him keep quiet through u fear of a leakage. Drey fus' weak health needs warm climates. Doth Libori nnd Deruungo were seen by the World correspondent. Each dis claimed any intention of going to Renues to see Dreyfus before hia departure. M. Lbotieald: "The pardon can only be accepted asj a preliminary to a future vindication. Our appeal is not yet with drawn and ifj possible it won't be. At any rate, tho fight will not be with drawn." Vuur laca Shows the utate of your feelings and the state of your health ad well. Impure b'.ood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearanco you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures nil blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and eo called purifiers fall; knowing this we eell every bottle on a positive guarantee. HUkeley A Houghton, druggiste. Supposed to be Smallpox. Sai.hu, Or., Sept. 10. A cise of eup pored smallpox developed in Salem to day, and na a result a lodging house and resident are quarantined tonight. Mrs. Win. Ratteraby, who has been employed a chambermaid in the lodging house, is tlie victim. The case is a mild one, imtover fifteen people are imprisoned in the two places, by order of a doctor employed by the health And police com niitteoof the city council. Story if a Hlnve. To bo Lound hand and foot -for years 1V the chains of disease is tho worst term ol slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such ft elavo was made free. Ho eays: Mj!y wife hoa beeu so helpless lor five years that she could not turn over imbed alone. After using two bottles of Electric 'Utters, shois wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures uervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, R OVAL BSOLUTEIvfeuRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Win v3 Eontf headache, backnche, fainting nnd dizzy' spells. This miracle working medicine is n codsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Dlakeley it Houghton i Druggists. 6 J . . ., . I Coming to Portland. ' ! Omaha, .Sept. 19 Abner MoKinley. i l.rnthnr In Pruaiilont M..k'lntr nnm. pnnicd by Mrs. McKinley nnd daughter 1 Mabel ; Colonel William K. Brown, of j New York City; Wilbur Endsley, of John?ton, Pa., and Ilayburn C. Smith, of Philadelphia, spent the day in Omaha, en route for an outing wlueh includes Denver, Manitou, Salt Lake, Portland, Victoria, nnd then south to San Fran-' sisco and Los Angeles. The party left for Denver this evening. I WOMIEUFUl. CI.'KU OF 1)1 AKIMIOICA iV I'riiinliiriit Virginia Killtor mint Given lint Wn . ....... ... " lti'iiie.b. iumiiI iii L'liiiori.ii. itoki uiu (imn, u.usuiii., n. I snflered with diarrhoea for n long! time ami thought I was past being cured, j I had spent much time and monev and ' suffered so much mleery that I had nl- j ...f u i,nnoa (ro.'.iiinute iofgn L.ure. "An auacK oi coverv and await the result, but notic it... flio niK-i.rtisnmi.nt (if Cliunihcrlnin'( Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Demedy and also some testimonials stating how , .. rr....!..rf.,1 PnrMA hmlWn wrmifl.t. by tliis ri'iuedv, I decided to try it. After taking a few; doses I was entirely i well ol that trouble, nnd I wish to say further to my readers nnd fellow-tnfTer- ers that 1 am a hale nnd hearty man to day nnd feel as well as I ever did in my : life. O. Ii. Moore. Sold by B.nkeley & Houghton, druguists. Colonel John I). Miley Dead. Washington, Sept. 19. Colonel John D. Miley, inspector-general of volunteers, died today at Manila. The information reached the war department in a cable gram from General Otis. His death was due to cerebral meningitis, nttondant upon typhoid lever. Colonel Miley'e rank in the regular army was Oret lieu tenant of the Second artillery. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put ' together, nnd until the last few years ( was supposed to be incurable. For a . great many years doctors pronounced it , a local disease, and prescribed local : remedies, and bv constantly failing to , cure with local treatment, pronounced j itinnnrahlo. Science has nroven catarrh i tobe a constitutional disease, and there- - - I fore requires constitutional treatment. Hairs Uatarraii uure, innnuiaciureu iy t. J.Cheney &Lo., loieuo.unio, is me oni coiisiuuiiuiini uuiu uii uic in... It. in taken internnllv ill dnses from ten drops to u teaanoonful. It nets directly on tho blood and mucous surf.tces of the aysteiu. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Semi lor ; circulars and testmonials. Address, 1 F. J. Cheney Jc Co., Toledo, O. I Sold by Druggiste, 7oc. j Will Teach Spanish. Astobia, Sept. 10. The school board has decided that Spanish shall be taught in the high echool in the future if any of the students desire to learn it. It will be optional to take it in place of one of the classics. Principal Payne, of the nigh school, Is a good Spanish (cholar. UUiuarok'i Iron Jurve Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energy i are not found where atomach, liver, i Kllluro t.iiv wwnw.w I you want these qualities and the success they bring, ueo Dr. King's New Life I klndeys and bowels are out oi oruer. ii ; Pills. They develop overy iwwer oi brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton'a drugstore. Kelly Was an Old Pioneer. Bakeii City, Sept. 10. Dan Kelly, the man who was found dead in a cabin Baking Powder a co., tw vgo. near Bridgeport, was buried near the cabin today. Mr. Kelly was supposed to have been dead at least six weeks when found. Deceased was 57 years old, and a well-known pioneer, in this section, having resided here since 1S07, and during his stay in Eastern Oregon . .. . ' , , followed the occupation of a proepector. Volcanic Eruption Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cures them ; nlso old, running ljnd fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a bos. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dlakeley & Houghton, drug gists. - j Smallpox at Presidio. J fcAS H'.ancisco, Sept. L'U. iliere ere iinii ai i now two well-developed cases of small llriiuclit 1 nnx tlli fnnrtpen Busnpcted cases in the nnarantine hospital at the Presidio. The leases are in charge of the general hospital, and the officials are using most strenuous efforts to prevent an epidemic, ttreiiuous eUorts to prevent nn epi The developed cases are all suspects from the Thirty-first regiment. U,WJB "u,e li,crc pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape , i nnd I was near the first stages of con- gumption. One Minute CoBsh Cnre com- P,Bie,y Bl,reu Ulr' ttr,lcs aviKU Jlc Henry, Bismark, . l). Uivri lnani reliei. Butler Drng Co. Aced Connie Injured in 2 KunaxraT. j Goi.dendale, Wash. S?i:. 2tf. S. P.. ! Darlnnd an wife, and aytd couple, were thrown from a buggy yesterday by a runaway team. Mr. Darland's right arm was broken just above the elbow joint. It is feared that Mrs. Darland is injured internally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it as a master remedy for all disorders arising from imnerfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. Taku Glacier Shattered. Seattle. Sept. 20. News has been received from Alaska to the effect that the front of the Taku glacier was shattered by a recent earthquake. Thous ands of tone of ice were precipitatel in to the sea. C Qlmd ",avinK the endorsement 0f s i...:t ,i ,v, ,hi.; flMIIlITIlL 1111 PILIUliC 11 II VA HID Ul(UIVni 3i It 'digests what vou eat" and lV o6itivev cures dvepepsia. M. A. Ketron, I Dloomingdale, Tenn., says it cured him , jj- . f . fi. 6tnn(i,nc. of indigeston o Butler Drug Co, t. h. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured of piles by DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve after suffering eeventeen years and trying over neniy remeuies. l-nysiciuns and surgeons endorse it. Beware ot dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug to. At Swcrlct. Forty acres, mile from Sorague landing, s mile from Carson P. O., Skamania Co., Wash. County road past place. Good box house of four rooms and bath. Woodhonae an! other out buildings good. Young orchard, nil winter apples. Sacrificed for $200, worth tr.nn l k' .,n-v tfJi't V - V Sept. 10-lwk DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma- nertly cnre chronic constipation, bilious- ne8B( nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse anu regulate the entire system v. t - M - v Small, pleasant, i "famous little pi never gripo or sicken llle." Bmler Drug Co. i nfAnnnoln il ri lu. mirufl by using One little Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold .in handsome tin bases at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. , I WILL WANT TO I FAYF NOMFiS We resPectfully invite lw i d avail our Lady friends t0 call i Tweuty-Fiys Hnnerea Peopls Anxious i to Come Out. TRANSPORTA TION FOR FEW Only Three Steamers Will Leave Before the Season Closes Lack of Fuel and Shelter As a Rule All Have Plenty ol Money to Pay Their Fares. Washington, Sept. '.'O General Sbaf-1 ter has sent to the war department a copy of o dispatch which he has received j from Major P. H. Ray. It is dated St. Michaels, August 31, and is as follows: "I find at Anvil nnd along tbe beach between 3000 and 3500 people. Fully j 2500 people will be compelled to leave I ' there oefore the close of navigation,' owing to a lack of fuel and shelter From all I can learn there will be but three steamers here to return before the season closes. Unless the people can pet away there will be creat suffering and prnbatdy loss of life, which it wii! be impossible to ameliorate. "As a ruleallliave plenty of money to pay their passage. I, therefore, snjges: that the transportation compniiies be , wa.rne'1 oi the condition oi affairs, and , liie treasmy department be atbed to order cutters there as late aE possible to f ajeet any emergency. Sbsiter says he has notifitd the trans portation companies of the amount of patronage they can expect if they have ships at Fort St. Michae's'to bring tbe people down. Moki Tea positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A 1 delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a pir fect complesiou, or uiciipv refunded. 25 cts. and 50cts. Blakeley it Houghton, druggists. Meetluff Notice. The Adventist conference of the Wil lamette Valley and Eastern Oregon nnd Washington will hold a semi-annual meeting in their gospel tent in The Dalles, Oregon, beginning Sept. 23, 1S99, holdiug over two Sundays. Eldek L. G. Dix, Evangelist. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the ' wor8 c0'd ! e ,ours, 0T? refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. BlaLelej - Houghton, druggists. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The dau.es Or. ,i June a), lsw. I Notice is hercbr given that in comjlUne with the urovislpim of the ct of congress o June s. l. intltk-d "An act for the sale o timber lauds in the states oi California, Oregou, Nevada and Washington territory," Charles Gosson, of The Dslle-s county of Wasco, state of , Oregon, tins' tills day tiled in this orUce Ms I sworn statement So. HI, for tbe nurcbaseof the ; lot J and sK1 V' of See. No. 2i, in Township j No. 1 S, range Xo. l'J K, and will oiler proof to show that tbe land sought Is wore valuable for IU timber or stone tbau for t.gricullural put- lore the register and receiver of tbU orllce at ; xises, nnd to establish UU claim to s i;a lana oe- The lialles, uregon.on rriaay, jne loin aay oi i-epteinber, IssrJ. ..,, I ffo names n witnesses, A Turner, W . Clnrk. i Peter Kagaa. O. Whittnore, ail uf The Dalles, Or. Ai-viindall persnns ojnimiug adver"-ly the above described lands aie teqnestel to tile their I , claims in UiU .incc on or i .tfmbor, b5y. beiore saw i.'itn oay oi i Jljs-it itegi.ter. iitemtr. nvj. ,i, i . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L.iNi Office at The Dau.es, Oregon nipt, 11, lM'. i Notice ii hereby given that the tullauing nameil settler has riled notice of his intention to make filial proof in si:ptort of his claim. Mid tbatsilil prool will beinuae U-fote the teclster and rcetlver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on stutday, UctulMrMeWiVlz- Alexander Vanrr, ot TIih I)nllr. tlr. II. U. No. :.U3, for llie i i-V. and K!4 Wli See. ft, and Nif4 NEJi Tp. 1 outb, r! 1J K, W M, Ho names the following wltiusscs to prove ht continuous residei.ee uk)ii and cultivation of said I .nd, viz J it. Hall, James Hall, William Wolf and It. K. W Ivkham; all of 1 he IMlos Ougnti. sepllS tl JAY 1". LL'CA?, liegtster. " ori -J -n cnonf rvnT 4 XS. Tailor-made Suits, Tailor-made Skirts, I Jaekets, Golf Gapes, and far Gollarettes. s t Se? , w k pleasure in announcing OUT line this -i ', : tulS Season ZHe mOSt Vanea ana eX- tensive we have yet shown. 4? We solicit your personal opinion. g A. M. Williams & Co. S 3 5 a No ii 5 3 ,35 Si JrimjriipiJiiiiiir?ij?jjTnrrrn jJTliiiiiiiTJiiiiiiTiiiriiiiuiiiiiiiriTiriTy CONTEST NOTICE. I sn Orrirp Tiiv ihilf. Or i ,Ind office, Till DAIXE,, or. A sufflcient contest affidavit having beeu tiled iu this otllce by James Koulk, contestant, loialust homestead entry No. Ai. made Nov. ' iiVi,, Yi ?v raud !Vw. 4NXV s 'S ship as. 1. .13 t.. nua N"i.evc. J. town- snip s, i. is r., dv jnonias jeorets, comesiee. in iblch It is .UW-ed that be ha. aUndouo.1 : tract (or morc t,mu 0 mouths, Said parties BK. hvtci,y notified to uptar. resjwr.d and ttor evidence touching said alleilloa, at li o'cloak . in. on rj.t. t. 1W, befote the register and receher nt the Vetted State land oiticeiui Ihe Dulles. Or. The iuld contestant having in a proper nmdavlt, tiled July 1st. Is'.', set forth facts m bleb show that alter due diligence, petunia! sen ice ol this notice au not be made, it is hereby ordered and directitl that such notice be vlven bv due ana nroir nutillcalton. jljlS-il JaY y. LUCAS, Ktnlstcr. now Q nrnTTCil C "in jmuiiimimmuimuimimmiiui. AS I 33 2m m if lis J f The Chronicle, The Dalles, Or. Job Printers. I is IS :1 jiaE ; NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. 1 , cornels nereoy given mat ttie undershjiie.1 , bus tiled uilh t.eclerk of thecounl ourt of . u,n. ..7 .:.V..., ' . " ..yu".,.,. ! io(I1 Grant di.si ini i?&nJX?jU?'!&.W 1rwL l"f-he ith d.y of N.ivember, 1W. at the hour o 2 o'c .jck n. ni. M.i,Mn ni - ih. .inltf .,.,, ,,.. ii,,,. .7,,, i.. i.iri7.7i.i7J "S "f.'?"" if""V .i . " c. 'j .T ' UK .,' uii. me.Juni J.IiU' rr MCAUIK, Admluls rator of Kstito ot Jobu (itmit. I' "- - --- - jQ"' (iKlSBMJOUFrKlL Pliysieiau autl Sui'njeoii, 5ocisl attention given to surjery. Rooint 21 and 22, Tel. Vogt Bloc