Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System 4B,TUALCONST'N 1 un nrniii kirtrrtu PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE MAN'F'D By (AUlvRNIAjlGYRVP TOi Hit Kill OflCCSiSTi FEU 50t fHKTIlL 1'EOFI.K TOU AM. KNOW. James Blakeley went down on the boat to Portland thin tncrriing. A. M. McLeoii came over from Gold etidalo on a business trip today. C. M. Cartwright and C A. Van Houten CJine iu from Hay Creek today. Will H. See, one of the employes nt the Warm Springs agency, is in the city today. F. H. Hurl! urt, cashier oi the Arling ton bank, is in Tho Dalles today on business. Oscar Kelsay came down from Fossil yesterday, aiui will attend school in The Dalles this winter. Mrs. Allien, mother of Capt. Alden, ia in the city from Portland, the tjurst f Mrs. Isaac Joles. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Johnston are in from Dufur to lay visiting frienJs and also on business bent. Miss Mattie Saxon came up from Portland last night, ami returned to her borne in Uolueridalu'touay. Mr. and Mrs. F. R.Anson arrived in the citv vtsterdav, returning to their home in Salem from IViiieville. Mrs. A. Iiurckhardt anil daughter, AIiss Lena, came up on the boat last night and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G A. Liebe. Mrs. Harry Morse, who lias been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i)e lit) 11, le't tins morning 'or her liouie in Portland. Miss Nettie McNdal returned last night from U-.r trip to Portland and ha again resumed her duties at the I). P. & A. X. office. J. P. Mclnernvand W. H. Eutta left tliia afternoon for Antelope, the former on business connected with the Urogan Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury ana potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing i. severe aching of the bones. B. S. 8. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Cant. O. E. Hushes, tho popnl a r railroad conduotor, of Columbia, 8. C, bad an experi ence with Rheumatism which convlnoed aim that thero Is onlv ono euro (or that painful dig. case. He says: "I was a great Batterer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I could set no permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physician . I took aboutadocen bot tles of your 8. 8. 8., and now I am as well as I ever was Inmy life. I cm sure that your medicine cured me, and I would recomnien ditto anyone uttering- from any blood disease." Everybody knows that Rheumatism Is a diseased Btate of tho blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates tho trouble. Blood The being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to tho very cause of tho disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mulled free by Swift Specific Oompuny, Atlanta, Georgia. SS'Orl r p r f l . I I 1 T. estate; the latter in hopes of improving his health. Miss. Francis Mann, a niece of D. J Cooper, who spent a da)' with her rel-, H.nrel untl biyneil the compact: Erae Hliveehore two weeks aijoon her wavtO( g Jo9 F g PenfleW William teach in the La Grande echools, has J ' ... . . . been fortunate enough to secure a gov- Sllllwell, Key. . A. Tenny and eminent position in Unalaska and Mrs. 'lenny. This perfected the organ passed through the city yesterday on her; z,,ton. Mr. Z.-luk nnd Mrs. Cnmille way to assumu her new duties. r)onncn aml Mrs. Mary Jo?lvn not BUSINESS LOCALS. j being in town at tho time, were n- 'ceived into fellowship nt a meeting a Uie ClarkoA Falk's quinine hair tonic i very short time afterward us charter to keep dandruff from the head. members of this the First Congregational Yon will not have boils if vou tako i church of The Dalles. Clatko . Falk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarko A Falk'e pure concentrated flavoring extracts r , . . , T Lateat thing in cameras are Im- proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nich25-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James . Pat ton strictly pure liquid paints. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For eale at all first-class bars. C. J Stubling, agent, Tiie Dalles. M17-3m. Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. Ml" 'lm , Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, Datu nf nit rat .r.lti ea linrQ l"V .T Stubline, agent, The Dalles "M17 3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best j tonic. For sale at all Orst-class bars, j C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles, j M17-3m j E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was: cured of piles hy DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years nnd trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "famous little pills." Butler Drug Co. Dyspepsia can bo cured by tieing Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. There's always hope while there's One Minuto Coi'gh Cure. "An attack of pneumonia -left my lungs in bad shape anil I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com pletely cured me," writes Helen Mc Henry, Bismark, X. D. Gives instant relief. Butler Drug Co. At a Sacrifice. Forty acres, mile from Sorague landing, mile from Carson P. 0 Skamania Co., Wash. County road past place. Good box house of four rooms and bath. Woodhouse ani other out' buildings good. Young orchard, nil winter apples. Sacrificed for $2o0, worth $500. J. K. Buow.v. Sept. 16-lwk Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich says: "KoJol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a etvjre case of indigestion; can strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics.' Digests wiiat you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Uo. To Cure a Cold ID One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. Cain In lour Cbeckt. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, loio, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th, Ibtw. u. L. rnu.ut'8, Oountv Treasurer. For wounds, burns, scalds, cores, skin diseases and all irritating eruptions, nothing so soothing and healing as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.Emma Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery, ChicKO, says of it: "When all else fails in healing our babies, it will cure." Butler Diug Co. "Uarmoiiy" Wlilikay. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The lUllee. 1 Feed rye for sale at the Waeco Ware house, tf Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Rupture W. T. IJouser, M. D., of Portland. specialist in Hernia or Rupture. Vari cocele and Hydrocele, will visit Tho Dalles and can be consulted at the Uma tilla Home from September 25 to HO in clusive. We cure by .Electricity, with out laying patients up or detention from business, and absolutely without danger. Would refer those Interested In being cured to 0. J. Stubling, of The Dulles, who knows of our method. EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH Continued from Third page. Tlio following day (Sunday) the regu lar church services were held in tho court room at the nsual hour. The I SLTVIUtD UVUitU Willi till I II I Ul'nklUII Ultw after which a scriptural lesson was ead from the 17th chapter of John's gospel, and following this the old familiar hymn, "A Charge to Keop I Have," was sung. Prayer was offered by the acting pastor and thou the sermon was preached from an appropriate text, ''Ye tare the l.tght ol the Moriti, to the church and people. At the close of the discourse the accustomed announce ments were made and an invitation ex tended to all those who professed their faith in Christ to remain and join in the celebration of the Lord's Supper. The hymn "Witness Ye Men ami Angels Now" was sung, and benediction pro nounced as the closing act of :hu First Congregational church organization at ,The Dalles. . , , xiiu U'liui uiiunee:t prater iiieuiiuga I'CHl uii a inn t:vuiiiu?, uguui ly at the pastor s house. Although small in numbers, they were imbued with Christian fervor, gaining strength from week to week us spiritu .1 builders of the church of Christ. Frequently Mr. and Mrs. Tenny and Mr. Peniield were all that were present. Ttie musical part of the prayer meetings fell on Brother Peniield nlone, as neither Brother Tenny nor his excellent wife could sing at all. It is presumed, how ever, that they possessed enough musical ability to hum a lullaby whenever an occasion required it. The church shed n fresh influence upon the people niter its organization, and an interest showed itself in the small community from which pome eisrlit or ten were added to the record prior to the close of the pastorate of Mr. Tenny. From tho first, churrl financial support was an unknown quantity, ropuiarity uui not prove a barrier against the needed want for proper support. In other words to keep the wolf from the door. Providentially a call from tho Forest Grovo church c.une to him, and, after due and prayer ful consideration, he accepted tho call and bade the little church farewell, late in the summer of lSGl. iiiu nine hock was ten without a leader until tho early apring of 1862, when Uev. Thomas Condon, of Albany, having heard of the vacancy, came and took up the work left hy its founder. Mr. Condon, after n short sojourn in the embryo city, found it absolutely neces sary that a house of worship other than the old court room over the jail should be provided. On the 12th day of July, 1802, Nov. Condon called n meeting of the church people, to meet him at his residence to diecass tho subject of erecting a church edifice at an early day. Mr. H. P. Isaacs, a prominent citizen of the town, was very enthusiastic, as was oho Messrs. Andrew Clark and J. M. McKee, in the matter. Although the popula tion then was hardly 700 soule, thay conceded that $11)00 could be raised from the people for that purpose. They felt that the people would be generous and do tho right thing. They were not disappointed. After some discussion and deliberation, Messrs. H. P. Isaacs, iinurew iiarx anu j. ai. were appointed a building committee with authority to purchase grounds and be gin work as soon as practicable. They found it difficult to get material to pros ecute the work with rapidity. However a building 30x50 was begun, and en closed so that in tho early part of Jan uary, 1803, with a rough floor thrown down, improvised benches, and nn old box stove to warm the building with, the church peoplo were gathered under their own roof. The summer and winter of 1863 and 1804 saw the building finished inside and out ;the seating was done by Messrs, Hogue and Abrams. The seats were made of cedar, shelacketl and varnished ; the pulpit was nn elaborate piece of workmanship, and wan presented to the church by Col. J. H, Itlckel, a very prom inent personage of transportation fame. The colonel was not strictly a lellgioue man, yet was a warm friend of tho ciiurcii and pastor, Mr. Condon, Concluded in tomorrow's issue, Moki Tea positively euros sick head ache, indigestion -and constipation. A delightful herb drink, liemoves all eruptions of the tkin, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte.-and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticnltnral and Airicnllnral Products of Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho in greater variety and pro fusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America-!, Ure.itest I.ady Cornet Solo 1st. The I'tiniuiillccl FLORENZ TROUPE ol Acrobats, direct Irom the Kmptro Theater, London, their first iiicnrmicu In America. A CS rent WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Aerlallst;, In their thrilling nets. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. Ileillicetl ltiltel nil All Linen. Traniitrlutloii ADMISSION .... 2r (JontN Children under 12 years, 10 cents DONT MISS IT! The Busy Store. EacU day our business shows the people are finding out wc arc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. SUMMONS. fN THE ClItCUIT COURT OK THK STATE -- ui uii-koii, lor mo uounty oi waco. Charles G. U. Ilcnson, plalntlir, vs Hettlo A. Beiiion, defendetit. To llettle A. Ikiibou, the above numctl defend ant: In the Namoof the Statu n( Onimn! m are hereby uotlllcd to appear and answer tho complaint In tho above entitled court and causoon or bcfoio tlx weeks Irorn ttodatuof the I I'uoiicaiiou oi inis notice, to-wit: the Clh oypieinuer, iwj, aim u you laiilocoap near and answer or otherwise uli.u.i , ii,, tltr will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In his complaint herein, to wit: that tho '"ammony now oxisiim; between Plalntlll and defendant bu i11m,oIvh1 fnrmi.r .. ...i that plMlMlffhave Judwnciit axalnst defendant luriim nnu aim umuunemeius and or Mich other nnd further relief as to tho Court may teem meet and cutiitahlc. This bummoiiN Is- published by virtue of an Older made and klmicd by lion W. I,, llrad'haw, JtidKo ol tho aoovo entitled court, on thu art day of September, iwj, directum that wild summona bo published once a week for a period of not less 1UUU BIA VUUftVCUUYO WeCKH. . KltKI). W. WILSON. MPMM Attorney for i'lalutltl' NOTICE. V. S. I.ANn OrriCK, Tho Dalles, Ore. July as. Diw. jnoiico is Hereby given that tho order of Do eemoer , ihui, temorariI)' wlthdmwiiiir from uHai, lorino purposes oi a boat railway, tho :r '"V "" wiwnn ix miles of the Columbia river, between Tho D.illea and Celllo, has been revoked by the preUdpnt. ux. 5Pl i"..1.'! '"''K deneilbeil parcels : ono in tho NWjfof See 31, ' 2 N.RIi'e, ,nta ,iVB ?.b0L,,t..?0Ur"rto"c-,1"",,cru'',"id tho other In UoNWM.Bceai, T a N, II 15 K, containing ; ibout HHii hi i Here .Vi8".' ltM. sl,tIno,'' 1. l&'A we will receive Y l taeaiil IHIIlls included J. 1'. l.IIOAH. U1IH l-.VTTKBSO.V, ilea er. Receiver. Jlyio i Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby glvtn that tho uiideriliriied has been duly upolntwi by tho Hon Coiiiiw Court of tho thu htalo of o county, as Hdmlnntralor of tho otatoof Adoii. Agldius, deccaseii, splint al(U-tato are hueby notllle. S iVmi t Ifio ismo proiwr y yerlllwl to me at tho o lei f my atlormyn, Dufur A Slenefee. with x months ftom tho dale of this notice All peuons having claims Datulut Tho Dalles, Oregon , Junes. idM. A,',,J.,,",(,r 01 ,,UJ K' "t AdolpJi i Agldius. dctcantl. Ml Knowledge Concentrated upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave and are duo to urrlvc at 1'ortlaL OVKltl.ANI) K..) press, Huluni, Hoe-1 bun;, Ashland, Hiio-1 rum en to, OKden,Hau 1, Francisi-u, Mnjave, f 7:00 V. Ji. 0.15 A. SI. UMAiiKCiva.r.iriiHO, ; Nuw Orteuux HUH ( Kast J A. SI. Ho'Lburc and wuv tu itions I 30 1'. Si fvlit Woodbura lorl I 5It.AliKcl, Hllvurton, j Dully Wont Hclo, llrnwnv except vlUcripriiiKtluldaml Buudityit. iKiitruu J , Dally except Sundays 17:30 A. SI. ICnrvallis stations.. and way) 0.M..i;i INDKl'KNUK.VCK I'AHSKXfiKlt. Ksprcss train Dally (except Sunday;. 1:60 p. m. (I.v Portland r.) 8:25 a. m 7:3)ii. ni. .t .SIcSllnnvllK'. .I.v.f fitttia.m 8:30 p.m. (Ar..Indepemluucu..Lv.) i;.'0a. m, Dally. fDany, except btllidny, D1NINO CAKH ON OODKN ROUTE. 1'UI.UIAN HOKKET SI.KKl'ERS AND SECOND-CI-ASrf HI.KKl'ING (,'ARt; Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at San Krancleco with Occi dental and Oriental and l'.iclllc mall itcamshlp lines for JAl'AN and CHINA. Sailing dates on ar plication. Rates hud tickets to Eastern points and Eu ro ik.'. Also JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOI.UI.U anc Australia. All above trains arrive at ami depart Iron Urand Central Htatlon, Klfth and Irving streets YASIH1M, DIVIHION. 'ateengcr Deot, foot of JeUcrmn street. U'live for Hhcridan, week days, st 1:30 p, m Arrive nt i'ortlaud, 9:30 a. m. U'avc for AIIU.IE on Slondny, Wednesday and Friday at 8:35 a. m. Arrive at I'ortlaud. Ti dav, Thursday and Haturdaj it 3:05 p. m ue- Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. KwK'.l.ER, (i, If. .MAKKHASI, 5lauwer. Asst. (. K. Jit faas. Ast Through Ticket Ofllcc, 131 Thlnl street, where through tickets to all olnts In tho Eastern Htates, Canada and Europe can be obtained al lowest rates from , J. 11. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHEA1.DON. 7 MRS. Ffinw.. Buteheps and Fapmefs ..Exchange.. edged tho best beer In Tho Dalles, at tho usual price. Come in, try Hand be convinced. Aim the Hnst brands of Wines, Minor and Cigars. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllco over French A Co.'h llauk l'ono THK DALLES. OREGON r r. McoHE. JOHK (1AVIH MOOJtE & GAVIN, - A1TORNKY8 AT LAW. Rooms SO ami 10, over U. S. Uud Olllce, ?ItED, W.WIWON. A'ln-OUNKY.AT LAW, Otticcovei Klrst Nat. IlViik. """mw- B H HUNTIWOTON m.nM HUNTINOTON & W1IAON, A'nOMNKYH AT LAW. Doiied down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can relv 3 BROS. (iKNKKAL ...AND.. is Wagon and Carrlago Work. Flan Brothers' Wngon. Third ani Mewn. Phone 159 !l AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. Lock and Gunsmith, nnd Machine work. Charles Burchtorf,np,.j: ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, itatea Keaeonitblo. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A JtNKRALlIANKINO llUflNW Letters of Credit ieaned available In tb Eastern States. Bight ExohMge and, SPMSf Trawlers gold on New York, V"?' 8t. LohIb, San Francisco, lftlandUJ icon, Seattle Wash,, and various points In Oregon and Washington. . Collections made at all points on W orable terms. ONE POII A DOSE. TUraiva Pimples, PrTent ni Hon Putlljr t iu Illooii, liira linadaob suit OrspopiU iino iU5ilolin suit UrsiMDil. "T7S fVrliMlth.nirntlthtri(riBuorilot;nIlT,B flue luii, wh will mail inpi ri-p. or foil bo lor fcc. UaUlf drugf Ut. OR. B0SANKO CO. fhUI. "Our Uaby was sick lorn month severe cough and catarrlml fever. though w tried "'''yrt'l,ie,V0' Twin getting worse, until wo used On iJm ute Cough Cure,-lt rrtlevet ' ""J' cured her iu a few riaye." H. UB eianis Horsesnoe K Cy M r t t t.vT.y. t t. Wjjtlatlyai ell uxti Bicycle j REPAIR SHOP. J PILLS OUlcc ov'i' MtNat-liVuT VMAMti WKU0S Ou. t