Cloak and Suit Department i New Jackets, New Capes, New Suits, New Furs, New Golf Shawls, New Skirts. W K arc now showing new coods in ev ery department and aro prepared for the increased trade which is coming to us. It in impossible to onuincrale all the bar gains we have for this wcok. Special attention is directed to our silks and dress goods department. Gent's Underwear. The Ruler of Prices has gone through our stock of Underwear. It is not a question of worth or value cost or profit every thing comes under Marching Orders issued by the Firm for this week's buyers. Don't fail to take advantage of some -of these big bargains for this is the most merciless price cutting ever inaugu rated. See Windows. All Good!) Mnrkod In Plnln Flfruron. Pease Mays. YOU CRfi SAVE JVIOflEY By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & CROWE. UTSTlSUX LTj-Y lyiTl IfXtiJ Rie Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDXKSOAY - SKIT." 207 1809 Telephone No. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The first step in crime id tho Inst slop in happiness. A cracked character, liken broken cgf, can never bo mended. Tlielisli wheels uroatill In tho rivur, bat where, oil where aro tho Hah. Thu Aikn.H.n.. .1.... ll.l 11... u:uciuii-u any iimi cuuumuiiu iiru mu lime aa in 'SU miry u fish worth speak- iog about The Lord and l.nughlin mlilition to Dil.'ei City wna laid out by Surveyor Goit yesterday. J t in Hituated between brewery crmlii and Jnukaim street, nnd la cm ot tin- moat honutiful spots imng iniblofor residence proporty. The UiiiioNici.i: line discovered that there is still another project on hand to ilirta payiiijj industry in Tlio Dalles; kntin tlio light of paat experience, wo deem it bcit to suy ib little ua noadble bout it until it "pagaea over." Thiaiiltirnoon at 2 o'clock ntthe real deice of l 0. Haimen, Juatlco C. E. Bynl united in marriage Harry F. Hiik'ttand Kmtnn M. Grnpper, both of Uwi Hivur. The witnesses were Mra. SeltioMcCuno and Mra. PourlKyan. Djfur has always been noted for tho intereat taken inXeducatipflal matters here, and Iter euhoblthla year starWd Monday with apleiidrroBpeota. tfh&e faoVjr clulity pupils iinMritU&prTncP frtlp of It. n. Allarywith Geo. B'own nnd Mrs. Rebecca "Wilson ne The in tho largest wool deal ovor consumated west liv a wool grower waa cloaed ' Mountain Homo, Idaho, Saturday, hen Kobort Noble sold hia olip of over W.OOO poundB to Charloa K. Kelsey Co. for $ir0,000 cash. The wool waa TOascil for the account of Theodore D'vif,oISt. I.ouia. Eifl Simlura lias chosen tho Congrc Wfoial chinch aa the placo for doliver H Ma lecture on tho Philippines nnd "Perienees on tho battlo Hold. Tho will bo one week from tonight. It oe moat interesting to hear ono of h, own boya mil of those thinga which JJJwonof so much moment to the We notiu Unary at the Cuciphull & Wilaon Mil linery Parlora from Tuesday to Saturday ineluBive, Sept. 19th to 25rd, "Ji). On this occaaion will he shown tho most Htyllsh and complete line of millinery ever displayed in Tho Dalles. Hood values irt street hatB, dreas hats, child ren's school hats, also buby bon.ieta. Tho office at the Umatilla was today adornwUjvith one of Gillord'a large aiiied picturea oTH-IIoodf Somebody had a birthday, butjttneed to acknawloOKe tho fact until ho diticoveredXilfat theJ picture was intondadftfy(he a birthday Ptp send hia name, written on a card, to 1111 nviiliAHnn 41. nn.l. Will i awhiiW mufc no- - .nnra are advortiaed in Dallas for ""I people, Tll0 po8Uni,Bter flt that Jk a practice of posting our liZ i "8t ,n tho office tuoro. Would '"R good Idea for potmB8tor " o pnbua,, t,1Blr l8t alfl0( M aQ 'Cmes. 0lBCnu8ed l,y teUuUarHy l0"'e n cuso of ovoHon reported by the wT: A K,rl Immed plln,4Mary" imJ " , , ' ,,ruPped the r" whon ahe to to ?ibe?mo Mi8B My- A. ahe bo the v. , "U(1l1,1 ft eoeia, r changed Mi ai " ' B,,d ,,"le(, her ,elter8 M 'not ,llt I1 year B 8,18 married lli,MBt?.r0,Bp1 d "'"K of the 'fall and w,,lter ,. ui ft. TCever mind, Judd, yon're not old yet ; and tho Chro.siou: hopes you'll have many happy returns of the day J and atill grow younger. Tho ladies were out in full forco last ovenlng and gave no hint that hate were goiiiK out of stylo aa they thronged to the openings at the I'hillipB and Camp bell & Wilson millinery parlors. It aeema early for winter hate, but the ealea were large, and one could tell a married from a aingle man yesterday by tho expres sion on their facea aa they paaaed and aaw the bevy of ladies Ineldo the em poriuniB of fashion. i f M. J. Anderaon, wJm'th-'8evoral oilier Dufur people, iaTnTeiested in the auinmer fallow machine, ia aail to havo struck o good thing. Keeentlyn con ference was held with the representative of a large hardware firm in the East, and a royalty of $7 will nodoubybe obtained, with tho assurance of one thousand be ing made the tirat year, $5000 tho second, vaud bo on. Tlieee gentlemen aro to bo congratulated on their auueeae. Julius Friendly, a prominent Elk, baa furnished uroom in St. Vincent's hos pital at Portland, for tho benefit of members of Portland lodge, No. 142, who may bo ill. It ia furnished in llrat clasaBtyie, with nil modern comforts. The alatora placed nt Mr. Friendly 'b dis posal room 04, one of tho moet pleiuant in tho hospital. An Elk remarked that it would pay to become eiek In order to onjoy auch luxuries and comforts. Tomorrow the fall nnd winter mil linery opening will commence nt Mrs. Phillips' millinery parlors and continue lor a few days. Sho line on hand the boat lino of pattern hats ever displayed here, having hnd a largo number trim med in San Francisco. Aleo a complete lino of hats of every description which will bo trimmed to o-der j nil styles in fall millinery, street nnd drees hate, children's hats and baby bonnets. Call and see for yourselves, no all nro In vited to inspect her goods. 183t Yeatordnv afternoon, while II. K. Campbell, n plasterer, was repairing one of the rooms lu the Slrahnn-Pearco block, ho found h jr containing the body of an infint preserved In alcohol. The jar waa 111 u pnper sack nnJ whs on the ceiling oi uie ruum v room and wns dUcQvered whUereplasteNI ing tho celling. .e Jaryhad evidently been placed-inlta position by reaching in from the wood room where a apace was uncalled. The coroner was notified, nnd after examining the find concluded that an inquest would bo useleaa nnd the mystery could not be unraveled, as the jar and paper sack bad the appearance of being there for somo time. Albany Herald. Gov. T. T. Geer Monday received a novel request from the Concord Woolen Millc, of Atlanta, Georgia. The com pany states that it is making an exhibit at the Georgia slate fair, and, for a novelty desires to display, with it ex hibit of goods, the signatures of nil the governors of the stntes and territories in the union, nnd Governor Geer is asked A conned of Home Stealing. h placed in this display. The governor answered the communication promptly and incidentally mentioned the fact that Oregon is one of the best in the sister hood of states. It is not likely that Senators Foster and Simon will be able to accomplish anything toward commuting the sentence of Private Dainpholler, the Vancouver boy, who, with Private Conitue, was sentenced to death for nssnulting Fili pino women, since it is said that the president has fully determined not to interfere in the execution of the sentence. The sentence of the court martial will be carried out aa soon as the proceedings and findings in the two casea can be reviewed nnd approved bj him, unless there should bo some irregu larity about the proceedings. Still another boy ia missing from Portland, he having been eent from Goble to attend school there. Sunday night he disappeared from Mrs. Carter's boarding house and has not been seen since. This morning Murehal Hughes received a letter fiom the chief of police telling him to watch out for Edgar Fowler, who is 13 years old. He was dressed in a brown mixed suit, with knee trousers and an ordinary school boy jacket. He wore black stockings, tan shoes, a pink shirt, a navy-blue tie with small white dots. Tho boy was unusually quiet and well behaved, and it is not believed possible that he could have run awoy, although this soems to be the only tenable theory of his dis appearance. Tho agitation regarding the improve ments necessary to a pure supply of water tho year around in The Dalles, Iiiib again somewhat eubslded, and yet our water commissioners still aro debat ing tho question and endeavoring to aolvo the problem to the best interests of all concerned. While It la not likely Hint any steps will be taken to extend the receiving pipe thlB fall, W. J. Roberts ia now in the city, nnd in com pany with the water commiesionerB, will this afternoon make atrip to the Mesplle place, on Mill creek, nnd estimate tho cost of putting In a pipe to Wlcka at the forks of the crick. When the cost has been determined the commission can then plan in moro systematic manner for making improvements which .will be of inestimable benefit to the city, for the water tupplyof any towo Ib often considered more than any other lealure by people who ure luoklng at it with a view to locating. Mr. Huberts has been engaged in superintending the putting in of u gravity ayatem at Fossil. The Walla Walla Statesman has the following article concerning a man who is quite well known in The Dalles: "Rev. W. H. Sherman is a popular Baptist preacher at Baker City, but his fair name was recently besmirched. He waa mixed up in a horse stealing scrape. What do you think of that? "On Sunday, August C, Rev. Sherman preached nt the Baptist church in this city. He engaged a rig to go out in the country, on Sunday, but later informed the liveryman thit his trip was put off till Monday. "Monday Sherman got tho horse and buggy, and started out. And they haven't beard since from either the horso or tho driver. Rev. Sherman was tracked to Baker City ; but he, with con summate gall, denied the allegation that he had the horse. In fact, it is said he went farther than simple denial, and called our own sheriff names (good names, all culled from the scriptures.) Mr. Kees was only doing his duty in try ing to catch a hoiso thief, and how was he to know that a Baptiet preacher didn't have a hankering after other peo ple's equine possessions? "It Is evident that there are two Sher mans. Though it has not been learned for what denomination the Shearman who took the horse holds forth In the pulpit. Tim Ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladiee may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of tho package. For sale by all druggists. Fur Sule. Twentv-three city lots for sale. From $50 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. 8-23-1 mo. "Harmony" Cllhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. EARLY HISTORY OF THE CHURCH mi,n Tlnllnn Bntiflonrl onrl Aotrm'n I hid uaiiuft, luiuauu ami iiuiuiio Navigation Co.' Historical Sketch of ConsrecntlonalUm i lu The Dallcn, AVrltten lly 8. L ltroukR anil Delivered at tho Fortieth Annlvorsary. For Kent. A four-room cottage, last houso on East Fourth street. Inquire on the premises. 13-1 w Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets aro sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. Ono lltllo tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for tho teeth. WHS. OLIVIA W. MORGAN, 0TUDIO AND . ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. The Dalles, formerly called Was-coupum--forty years ago, wns an infantile town of scarce 400 inhabitants, when Rev. W. A. Tenny, the pioneer preacher of Congregationalism, .stepped ashore from off the little steamer Hassalo at the "Gate City" of the Inland Empire to be. After a few days survey of he placo and its surroundings he found that tlio religion of the day, for the majority, was everybody for himself, Being a frontier town the revolver and Bowie knife were the eeat of justice outside of tlio courts. The roughs were in the ascendency so far as court justice was concerned. Need I say that his Satanic majesty reigned in what today is our beautiful city, with its church spires pointing heavenward? A bravo man was Mr. Tenny to face such a condition of affairs. Ho saw, after hia arrival, the awaiting oppor tuuity for active work in this Godless field. Tho better class hailed this herald of the cross with favor. The Master had called him to "Go! and preach the gospel!" With this com mand he came to bring Rood tidings to tho people. Tact, patience, pereeverence ami forbearance were requisites he posseseed. Zsalous work was com menced at once in the mission on which he was called. Days, weeks, montha passed. Evidences of his labor was un seen. He thought "Wo do not know It, but there lies Somewhere, veiled under evening skies, A garden nil must sometime tee Bouiewheru lies our Uetluemene." Mr. Tenny had secured from tho county court tho privilege of using the court room for church purposes until such tiniH as circumstances would allow u better place. Undernoath the audi ence room was tho jail, which was j filled most of tho time with criminals of various classes. I am told that during religious worship, vaporingscf profanity and villianous songs mingled with the sacred exhortations from tho minister's desk, and during tho season of prayer the mocking "aniens" would be heard from thu inmutej below. With all these discouraging features, Mr. Tenny preesed on in the work. Ab time passed on he concluded that steps must be taken toward the formation of a church society. After consulting with Messrs. E. S. Joslyn and E. S. Pentield in regard to thu matter, it was decided to move in that direction at once. This encouraging conference resulted in Mr. Tenny making a call for a meeting of all those interested at the next Sabbath's morning service. At tho stated time the uctlng pastor prefaced his Invitation with 9 prayer, and asked that nil those onnected with thu church assemble at hia home on the evening of the 17th of September (present month) and form ulate and complete an organization of the First Congregational church of The Dalles, The following members ap- CoiiffMHif on Fourth page, sirs. Regulator ( Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way rein's o lotU tides ot the Columbia river. Both of tho above stenmcrn have been rebuilt, and ure In excellent Imi for the .season of 1KW. Thu KeKiilntnr I.Iiih will endeavor to give its patrons the best service jxjssible. For Comfort. Kcoiiimiy ami I'leHHUre, travel by the btciimcra of The .Regulator l.lnu. The above steamers lenvo Tlio Dullc at 8 a. m. and I'orthind at 7 a. ni., and arrlvo at destina tion In Hinplj time for outyoIiiK trains. Portland Olllce. i'ho Dalles Olllco Oak St. Does. Court btreet W. C. Allaway, Genera Agent. oio wood m OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at lllaier i Benion Hardware and Grocery dealers, M,1