e I) c Da I ! cc CbrmikU VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1899. NO 13G PARDON OF ALFRED DREYFUS Action Was Tabu Upon Ibc Helinott uciit liy Drcyfas of His Anneal. TAKE EFFECT IN A FEW DAYS He Will fio Abroad to 'Avoid Demonstra tion Sure to Occur Upon Promulga tion of Pardon. I'AisiH, Supt. 10. Tho council of miniatura deeidtd today to pardon Captain Alfred Dreyfus, in principlo. Tim pardon will tuku (."fleet in ti few days. iJroyfus tins relinquished his upjieal for n revursul of tlm judgement of tins court-martini. "In principlu" ia nil idiom sometimes used in euini-oHiciul nnnouneumenta of fortlicotn intr notions. It euuiiib lo havu but slight hearing on the mutter, except, perhaps, hut that it umploya the fulfill ment of yurious fornmlitiea before the pardon ia actually issued, thereby quali fying the announcement of tho pardon with alight lentntivenosH. It ia not known yet whether tho pardon includes aniui'flty. Thuru is much runuuk here on the etrnnge coincidence of the death of Scht'iirer Keatner, the first champion of Dreyfus, ur.d to whom Dreyfus will virtually owe his freedom, on the very day the cabinet decided to pardon the prisoner. .Scheuror Keatnor'a death was sudden. Hu had been ill during the last few dayp, but is was not thought his illness would prove fatal. Tho announcement thai Dreyfus was to be pardoned had already been diB diluted by predictiona and tbero waa absolutely no excitement alone the boulvarda when newsboys ran along at :i:15 p. in., with the flrat editions con taining the statement that tho cabinet had deeided to pardon Dreyfus. Every one expected it and the decision met witli no opposition. TheDioltsDel Homme, socialist organ, says : "Our tuek remains the eame after us before the liberation of Dreyfus, to continue the campaign ngaiuat all those who are responsible for the lamentable afluir, and unmask tho forgers, traitors and false witnesses, even though they may ho covered with glittering decorations." It is said that Dreyfus will be sent abroad before the promulgation of hia pardon inordor to avoid demonstrations. Hknnkh, Sept. 10. The news thot the council of ministers had decided to pardon Dreyfus was received hero with intfnee excitomont. Drovfua is still a prUoner. Ni'.w Youk, Sept. 11). A dispatch to tho .Innriittl nnil AiUnrliRRr aavs ! The pardon of Dreyfus is not in tho ordinary eenso of tho term, regular, for the ieon that tlm nrlannnr'n ilnmnnrl for anneal ifl (till pending, but the situation has been placed before Dreyfus, and his menus havo been asked to induce hi in to with draw hia appeal in view of the pardon Tlllfl minimal pniuiA la n lurl nf tlm Ofifl- trill linllpi- nf umnailu allntitpil llV tllO present government, and it is the logical uuicome of the incongruous verdict. xy forum! condemnation the military chiefs aro entiafied. If a pardon follows, much of tho force rauit bo knocked out of the Dreyfus campaign, and incidentally out of foreign criticism. A campaign for the re-trial of a man enjoying full liberty can never evoke much sympathy, and the fact of the man's second condemnation by the COUrt-tnarttal muni. In n la ran extent exculpate Mercler, Gonse, Rogetand the oiuer generals. Thus the latter will not be lr08fjuLfitl. and nil nnnfam nl uteri lira nut Ilium u'lll ImahandoilBd. I'y this means the Government will come s near as poealblo satisfying the great bulk of moral opinion in France, only extremists on both sides desiring to keep P me tight. I'rnm tlie Times, lllllntlllo, Vu. I mi Herod with diarrhoea for a long time unci thought I was past being cured. I had spent much time and money nnd suffered so much misery that I had al most decided to give up all hopes of re covery and await the result, but notic ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nnil iiIbo aonio testimonials mating how Botno wonderful cures had been wrought by this remedy, I deeided to try it. After t iking a few doses I was entirely well ol that trouble, and I wish to say furtherHo mv readers and fellow-euffer- era that 1 am a hale and hearty man to day and feel as well na I ever did in my life. 0. U. Mooro. Sold by B'.nkeley & Houghton, drugiciatH. THE RECEPTION FOR DEWEY Arrangements Made For Receiving Him at Washington. AVA Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome JtOVAl (AKINO POWMR CO., HEW VOBK. GEN. ALGER OUT OF IT WiMraws From tbe Race for United States Senator. f We respectfully invite W t i n "i i 1 1 our juaay irienas xo can and inspect our new arrivals in WONDE11FUI, UUKB OF IIIAICIIIIOKA A rriiMiltmtit Virginia Editor Hurt Al moin OIvbii Up, Imt Whu Hi-ought llnok to I'nrfect Health liy Clmnilier Uln'd Hollo, Clioliira nnil Dlurrlioea ICnmnily. Ituml HI Killtcnlal. yesterday from hemorrhage of the lungs. It was reported that he had smallpox, and his neighbors were so excited and scared that none could be found to help bury him. Dra. Swinburne and Hun lock, who arrived at his place Boon after his death, made a coffin nnd interred the remains unassisted. Mr. Peck was an aspirant for the nomination of repre sentative before the Republican county convention here, two years ago, and made several epeeches throughout the county in support of the ticket. J.G.Johnson Chosen as Executive Of ficer, and Chicago as Headquarters for the Democrats. htory of a Slave. To bo bound hand and foot for years by the chains of dieeaeo is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells bow such a slave was made free. He Bays: "My wife has been bo helpless tor five years that Ehe could not turn over in bed alone. After UBiug two bottles of Electric Bitters, Bheis wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cureB nervouBneae, Bleepleesnesa, melancholy, leadaehe, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine s a uodaend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle gunranteed. Only 00 cents. Sold bv Blaueley & Houghton Druggists. 6 Meeting: Notice. Wasiunoton, Sent. IS. Arrangements for the reception to Admiral Dewey in this city, October 2 and 4, are being rapidly completed. General Nelson A. Miles, tho marshal of the parade, hna announced tho aelection of Adjutant General Corbin aa his ehiof-of-stnlT, and Major John A. Johnson, Btato adjutant- general, ai chief aldo-Ue-cmip. llio parade will consist of about 20,000 men, rfliireBuntimr military and naval, civic, patriotic, labor and secret organizations. Tho escort that will accompany Ad miral Dewey to tho capitol at noon, October 3. where ho will be presented by Secretary Long with the sword voted to htm hvconeress. will be monn'ed, and conalate of the visiting governors of tho states and thelr'staffs, representatives of the army, the navy and tho executivo branches of the government and prominent citizens at the capitol. Umatilla County Wheat. Pkn'uletox. Or., Sept. 18. VV. S. lU-HrH. the veteran miller, whose flour made Pendleton famous, estimates the tuld of wheat In Umatilla county this eeason at about twenty bushels to tho acre. Allowing an acreage ot iau, nnn .... which is believed to be a con nrvntivB estimate, gives a total product of 3.000,000 buehels. At forty live cents nnr IiiihIihI. the avernee price being paie mi nrnaent. the wheat crop of the county . i rtnn ..nii, i .fin.ono. tub crop oi iouo worth in Pendleton, one year ago, nearly double this amount, tho acreage avlng been greater, the yield better ana tlm nr!iH higher. Mr. Bvors has on honu -iuuu tons oi lilnh has been sold for ..inri. nml Is new being shipped. He has added this season 11,250 foot of flour ,.a in Ma warehouses, and now lias storage capacity for 000,000 bushels of wheat. Your Face Shows the Htate of your feeling and the p.ato of vour health ftd well. Impure Itself annarent in a pale ami sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. ir you are leeim weak and worn out und do not have a i.oaiiiiv nnnearanco you enouiu try l.-a lllnn.l Kllxlr. It Cllrea till UIOUU ntkui o . .iio....oua u imrn nhean Sarsaparilloa aim so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive gurm Blakeley & Houghton, drugglatfl. A Score at Hcppner. ,t n- Kniii. 18. 0. N. Peck, a prominent fanner near Lexlugton, died The Adventist conference of the Wil lamette Valley and Eastern Oregon and Washington will hold a eemi-annual meet nc in their cosnel tent in itie Dalles, Oregon, beginning Sept. 21!, 1899, holding over two Sundays. Ei.i)i:n L. G. Dix, Evangelist. There ia more Catarrh 111 thia section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few yeara was eupposed to be incurable. J?or a great many years doctors pronouueed it local disease, und prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore reauires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarroh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onlv constitutional cure on the market. Tt.is taken internally in doses from ten drops toa teaenoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for anv case it fails to cure, bend for circulars und testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 PERSONAL AND BUSINESS REASONS Detkoit, Mich., Sept. IS General R. A. Algur todny gave out a letter written by himself in New York September 8, in which he announces his withdrawal from the candidacy for United States senator. The letter follows : "TheWaldorf-Attoria, New York, Sept. S, 1899. My Dear Mr. Judaon: After careful consideration 1 have de cided not to be a candidate for the United States senate. My reasons for thiB determination are personal aud of a business nature. I fully appreciate and thank you and tny many other friends who offered support, and hope to be able in the future to ahow my gratitude for all that huB been done for me by the people of our Btate. I am, my dear sir, sincerely yours, "It. A. ALGER "Hon. William Judson, Ann Arbor, Mich." General Alcer declined to say any thing further concerning his withdrawal than was contained in the letter. liliinarck' Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kiudeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore, 2 Volcanic Bruitluus Are grand, but akin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleu'a Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblaine. Beat Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by tilakeiey a nouguion, drug gists. 2 Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it as a master remedy for all disorders ariBlng from imperfect diges tion." James M, Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomlngdale,.Tenn., says it cured him of iudlgeston of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Johnson in Charge. Chicago, Sept. 18. John G. Johnson, of Peobodv. Kan., todav was made the executive officer of the Democrat nation al committee. He will take charge of the work of the ways and means and press committees, and in two weeks will come to Chicago to open headquarters. Senator Jonee, chairman of the national committee, will arrive in New York October 0, and two days later ho will meet Mr. Johnson, either in Chicago or St. Louie. Mr. Johnson's eelection as tho ex ecutive officer of the national committee; under Chairman Jones, ia conaidered : triumph for the members of the com mlttee who have been working toward harmony in the party. Mr. Johnson waa placed on all the committees by ex-Gov ernor Stone, vice-chairman of the gen oral committee. He is one of Senator Jones' most intimate friends, and stands as the representative of all the factions and classes in the party. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cousrh at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, Tub Ualles, Ok ,j June SO, i Notice ia hereby given that in compltnuc with the jirovblons of tho act of congress o June a, 1S7S, entitled "Au act for tho bale o n.,,i.or I,,,,, iii tin kinlrM ol CiillfomlH. Oregon Nevada nnd Wnfhluston territory," Charles (iosson, of The Dulles, county of Wumio, state of Oregon, 1ms this day nled in this offlee bis sworn btatemoiit No. Ill, for the imrcbafce of tho lot -I und bKJ SWJi of Sec. No. 'Jy, in Township NO. 1 K, ruugo tvo. J,, nuu niu uuei iioui iu show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone man ior ugncuiiurni pui mu uiwi m ivotuhllitli bis claim to slid laud be' fore the register aud receiver of this ortico at The Dulles, Oregon, on Friduy, tliel5tbduy of September, , . . , , fi.. ri,imu ,ia witnesses. A. Turner. . Chirk Put- p.urju. n. Whllmore. nil of The Dulles. Or Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above described lands are roquestol to file their claims In this office on or before said 15th day of M,w,tBiiihir. lM'J. J. 1'. J.UU.AS, jlj-8.il Kegtster. 0 Tailor-made Suits, Tailor-made Skirts, Jackets, Golf Gapes, and far Gollarettes. ffr We take pleasure in announcing our line this V r this season the most varied and ex tensive we have yet shown. . We solicit your personal opinion. A. M. Williams & Co.! -iT -V- -U V JV I1 i V "v f PriTnrmi nnrtnii rrnriT trim inn 5i ' ? The Dallas, On. The Chfoniele, Job Pfintefs. 4n.u1 iiiiuuiiiiiiiujuju) a HW"tf:l'yjIt'l"i4""Wl'Hi"'JWtti CONTEST NOTICE. U. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.Asn Ofhck at Tiik Dali.ks, Okkoos hit nt. 11. kvjy. Notlco is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled nollro of his intention to make nimi prooi in supiiori in uis eiunu, mm that s lid prool 111 bo made before the icgister aud receiver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, 011 Satuiday, Octobr'Jl,lsW,vlz: Alexander Vauce, nf The Ualles. Or. H. K. No. 61M, foi tho ay, SK4 and SKJi SW' Bee. C, and SAU NK,U Sco ,Tp. 1 outb, rt 1'J h, He' names tho following witnesses to prwo hit continuous residence upon and uultlvatlou 'jk"it! Illill! James Hull, William Wolf nnd It. K. Wlelthiun; nil of Tho Dallos. Oiegon. scptlJ 11 JAY 1. U'UAb, UegUler. S. Land Officc, The Dalies, Ok. I juiy ii low. i A sulllelent contest ulllduvit having been tiled iu this ofllco by James Koulk, contestant, agulust homestead eutry No. 4!)3S. mudo Nov. 4th, 1MM. for &!-, Hyt, NKf 6W,feec. Sl.towu ship a a, li 13 K, nnd SVi NW',f, 8eo, 3, town ship -1 8, It 13 K, by Thomas Jeffreys, contcstee, iu which it is alleged that he has ubaudonod sulil tract for more tliuu 0 .'uouths, Suld (uirtles are hereby notified to apiieur, resioud and btl'er evidence touching said allegation, at 10 o'clovk 11. m. on Sept. I, IW, before the register aud receiver at the United Statei luud oltlcoiu Tho Dalles, Or. Tho said contestant huviug In a proper affidavit, filed July 1st. lsw, set forth fuels which show that alter duo diligence, personal service ot this notice can not bu made, It Is heieby ordered und directed that such notice bu given by due and pro(ier publication. JljlMl J AY r. LUCAS, Itcgistcr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigneil hasliledwlth tneclerk of the count court of tho statu of Oregon, for Wasco county, his lluul account as administrator of tho uiuto of John Urunt, deceased, nnd that by an order of said court mudo on the 13th d-iy of aeptoiuir, IftlW, Monday, the lith day of November, IMTJ, ut tho hour of 'J o'clock p. in. has ham llxed as thu time und the county court room in Dalles tlliv iis the place for tho hearing ol objections to said liuai uccount J. DUKK WC.VNUIK, Adiululstrutor of llstdto of John (iruui. De ceased, bept ti-il UUISKNIMIUFITKH Physician and Surgeou, Special attention given to ur;ery. Rooms 21 uud Tel. 3ii Vogt illoo