1 J. WE are now showing now goods in ev cry department and are prepared for the increased trade which is coming to u.. It is impossible to enumerate all tho bar gains we have for this week. Special attention is directed to our silks and dress goods depart ment. All Goods Marked In Plnln Flfzuros. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUK.I).Y .... KEPT. 19, ISfO TtUphone So. 1. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Utc Cuke & F.ilk'tj Rosafoam for the teeth. Gent heavy cotton utiilerwenr 25c Bt Pease & Mays.' The water will again bo shut off to alght from S till 10 o'clock. There will Im) n meeting of the city council tonight nt the council chambers. See Pease & Mays' cotton underwear, 25?, dents Furnishing Goods Depart ment. Flora lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falfc. The coat of paint which has been placed on the residence ol 1$. F. La tig fi lm adda much to its appearance, and is very noticeuble from tho commanding situ ition of tho house. Tlie public schools nro gaining in numbers every day, and tho rooms rapidly filling up. Yesterday there wne again of forty-six pupils over tho at tendance on the opening day. The neat little cottngo being creeled by Harry Mahear, on the corner of I'lunhhn and Second street, is nenring completion and when finished will be oupied by W. A. Johnston mid family. Wheat teams wore numerous in tho ket l.nd today, and no one would e.tr dream that such a thought as fail ure wn ever suggested to tho farmers of the In. and Empire. It's a wet day when we of I-astern Oregon get left. . In connection with our report yester day of tho Congregational anniversary evercises, we neglected to mention two to) par "int factors iu tho church work the Y, P. fj. C. E,, which wasorganizid jn'SS, and tho Junnr Endeavor, which blnan iu mission in;97. C. Clay, who has for some time ueen day operator in tho O. R. & N. office dere, will leave tonight for TeKoa, wher. ho haH been appointed agent. II. Kwiirt, night operator, will assume Ws duties hero, whilo Hamilton Camr bH will for tho present act as night Oferator. N"v. J, H. Wood desires ua to an ounce ,0 ,he pubc Umt R8 fae w, wve for North Yakima in o few days, "e would be grateful If any who have builnegB with him, or with whom ho may havo bualnesa that he has over- oked, will call upon him at once, so that a settlement may be made. Interest has been awakened at The ,,,tH monument fund, which la m 11 should be. The I Meat contribution "iromihat order which ii constantly peieing charity which otbera know not of; but this time it was discovered 't the Elka yesterday sent $25 to ortiand as their donation to this fund. Opening of the fall ,d winter roll- ryatthe Caupbell & Wilson Mil ,,n".v Urlon from Tuaaday to Saturday Cloak and Suit Department S ? J New Jackets, New Capes, New Suits, New Furs, New Golf Shawls, New Skirts. inclusive, Sept. 19th to 2.ird, '99. On this occasion will bo shown the most stylish nnd complete line of millinery ever displayed in The Dailcs. Good values in street bats, dress hats, child ren's school huts, also baby boniete. Tomorrow the fall nnd winter mil linery opening will commence at Mrs. Phillips' millinery parlors and continue for a few days. Shu has on hand the best line of pattern hats over displayed here, having bad a large number trim med in San F'rancisco. Also a complete line of hatB of every description which will be trimmed to o-der;all styles in fall millinery, street and dress hats, children's hats nnd baby bonnets. Call and see for yourselves, as all are in vited to inspect her goods. lB-IU There has been considerable inquiry as to bow some of the prominent men in the Dreyfus trial pronounce their names. As nearly as can be learned Dreyfus is pronounced Dryfuos, though eoiuo in France call it Urnyfus. Gen. Mercier, his greatest enemy, is appropriately called Mairseeary. Labori is Lnhboree. Dcuiango, Demanzho with a nasal n. Casimir-Perier, Cnzimir-Fayreeay. The president of tho court marshal, Col Juuaust, is called Kco-oh; Judge Tues day de Ben lire puire is Ken nay de Bo-ruhpair. We havo nlwoye considered the Blue Mountain American one of our most valued exchanges and now wo find upon our table another Sumpter paper which is a model of neatness and full of news. We refer to the Sumpter Miner, a week ly paper, which began publication last Wednesday. It Is nn eight-page, four column paper, and as neatly gotten up as any newspaper wo havo seen for somu time. Should the number of advertise ments increase iu proportion to tho way they start out, the Miner has undoubt edly struck n Klondike, or a Sumpter, which are synonymous. The Cintoxicia: greets tlio-new paper fraternally and will gladly pluce it on our exchange list. Ex-Congressman Ellis, who is spend ing a few days in Portland, says he is uot trying to get the position of sergeant-at-nrins of tho house of representatives, as has been reported, tie is attending strictly to his own private business, which is the practice of law, in his old home town, Ueppuer. The position of sergeant- at-arms, however, is quite nn acceptable one, ae the pay is tho eaine as thai of congressman $5000 a year while tho duties nro more of the grand-marahal-on-parade order. The official takes the lead in the procession when the senate meet In committee of the whole, onl Le also acts as treasurer for congress, each member of tho lowor house receiving his salary through the aergeant-at-arroe. The office holds good for two years, when a change is usually made. Oregonian. We are too often inclined to over look the wonders in nature which are found at our own door and wander off to foreign climes, where we go into ccsta ciea over something not one half so remarkable or grand. For inatance, while the "Garden of the Gods" in Colo Gent's Underwear. (gTe) The Ruler of Prices has gone through our stock of Underwear. It is not a question of worth or value cost or profit every thing comes under Marching Orders issued by the Firm for this week's buyers. Don't fail to take advantage of some of these big bargains for this is the most merciless price cutting ever inaugu rated. See Windows. rado is so famed throughout the West, if the same stretch of imagination were used as we caste on the mountains which hordor our own Columbia, with the idea of finding thereon "the stage coach," "Queen Victoria" and other Scores, which have been discovered pictured in the queer formations there, no doubt all sorts of iniRgcs might be seen. Just across the river, five miles back on a road leading off of the main Goldendale route, is a curiosity which we have never before heard of until Mr. Gifford mentioned it today. It is an immense rock, which is shaped like n cabbage. From a large base estends a narrow neck about eight inches across and perhaps as many inches high. Poised on this is a huge rock, weighing tons and having the form uf a cabbage. In company with the surveyor of the new road, Mr. Gifford visited that section yesterday nnd secured a splendid picture of it. Tiie audience room of the Methodist church was filled last night with not only members of the church and League, but many friends who had come to express their regret at the departure of Rev. Wood from our city. The exercises were conducted by the Epworth Leogne and consisted of a literary entertainment, after which refreshments were served and u good time enjoyed. Exercises opened with singing, after which Miss Mabel Collins gave a recitation. Piof. Landers sang u solo, and at the close Misses Hilda Beck and Grnce Willerton Banga duet entitled "Good Bye." Mrs. S. French spoke of the wonderful influence which Mr. Wood lias exerted over the League; of the pleasant relations which have existed between that society and thoir pastor, and also of the great work which through ids instrumentality, they aru now accomplishing. In answer Mr. Wood said that he felt unworthy of all that had been said regarding him and his work in that connection ; but must say that non here could be found more willing workers and a better class of young people, ever ready to do the work assigned to them with cheerfulness. He could not estimate the help they had been to him nnd the impetus given by them. As little ns possible was said about parting and so the evening passed pleasantly. Mr. Wood cannot now tell how soon he will leave the city, nnd may remain over another Sunday. Tho LaUltfg. The pleasant effect and perftct safety with which ladles may use Syrup of Figs, under all couditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by Fur llaut. A four-room cottage, last house on East Fourth street. Inquire on the premises. 13-lw "Uariuuny" WkUksj. Harmony whiskey for family and apecial use, told by Ben Wilson, The Daliea. jl Feed rye for aale at the Waaco Ware home. tf Pease Mays. IF ESTERHAZY VISITS AMERICA What Sort or a Ilerrptinn Would Ilr Re ceive JuUcInc I'roui I'ant Ezjierleuce. If Esterhezy should come to the United States "there would be a fine op portunity for the American people to show what their opinion of such monsters is. If he attempts to lecture he should stand cn an otherwise vacant platform and face empty benches, no tirst-class hotel should be open to him. and all dec. nt men end women i-l.ouid enun him as they would a physical, as he is a moral, ieper. ielegram. Splendid philosophy, and certainly seconded by every sensible man and woman in the United States; but should the demon land ou our shores tomorrow, what would realiy be the ref nit? Unless the mass of people tieat foreign crim inals with more contempt then they do those who have murdered and tortured their own flesh nnd idood, there would be an immense crowd meet him as he stepped on American soil eager to get but a glance be he pas.-ed. Kodak fiends taking snap shots, wheu they should be taking a far different kind of a shot; foolish women carrying bouquets, wheu they should carry bruk bats; reporters eager for an inteiview regarding his opinion of Dreyfus, instead ot roasting him in every column of their journals. Would lie lecture to empty benches? We doubt it. VouId the hotels be closed to him? 2fay, verily. It would seem harsh criticism to say that such n reception would be given one who is so cordially despised by the great majority of people in the United States, for he is worse than a murderer. .And yet, what has been the casein the past? A man murders a fellow being iu Chicago, places his body in a trutik and escapes. When he is captured and imprisoned the crowd which throng to get but a glance at the prisoner is im penetrable; refined (?) women fairly Eteponeoch other in nn attempt to br the first to carry a bouquet to hitu. And coming nearer home, what do we find to be the casein our own metropo'is iu more instances than one? Wliac do tiie papers tell us is the state of a flairs nt present in the McDaniel case? While the legal fraternity are doing all in their power to bring justice out of chaos; to avenge the death of n poor girl, who has bceti foully murdered, young ladies and older women, (who should at least know better,) aru untiring in their attempts to call on him upon whom suspicion points most strongly as the foul murderer. Be he. innocent, or guilty, the confessiou lie made upon the witnees etand regarding his relations with her who had trusted him not wisely, but too well; the ono whom ho should have died rather than betray, should be sufficient to cause every honorable man to pass him by with scorn ; every refined woman to shun him as she would a viper. But such is not the case. In the face of all those things, what kind of a reception would Esterliszy (or any other hazy) receive were he to come to America? Special aale on gents cotton underwear at Pease & Maya'. 25c per garment. t tr ; 5' 5' YOU GAH SAVE JKOIMEY By buying" your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & Si- 8-. . . . ! "Harmony This brand of Whisker is cuaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by $ Ben Wilson, - a. VTliolrfalc SUuRhter or Deer. ! The Euzene Guard has the following : .justifiable conipUint to make against j the Warm Spring Indians, which we' j feel sure would he immediately remedied ' ' were Agent Cowan notified of the exist- j ing circumstances. That paper says: ; Travelers in the Cascade mountains ; bring wore of a genuine slaughter of i jdeer by the Warm Spring Indians, who j came across last week to pick hops and incidentally to hnnt enroute. A portion ; of the tribe, coming across the McKenzie . road, is reported to have kiiled 300 deer betwetn the summit and Frank place, above Leabnrg. At the place the Indians left their guns, great i stacks of hides and enoosh dritd vec- ' ison to load many pack hones, while at ! other places alons the river are to be; tonnd other lots of dried meat. The Indians coming down the Middle j Fork killed 130 deer coming over in : much the same manner. ! The Indians scatter over a section of the mouatains for two or three miles and gradually close in toward the nar- J row openiui: of some canyon, where , a number of their sharpshooters are' stationed, in this manner killing every-j tiling iu that section of the country. , It is in this manner that game is ex- j terminated, and steps should be taken at occe to suppress tuch slaughter. . . ; noie.3ie Definitions. The work of some unknown amateur humorists. Nobody A prominent woman's bus baud. Gossip A deadly gas that is often fa tal to friendship. Undertaker A man who follows the medical profession. ' Thunder The only reliable weather ' report yet discovered, j Hammock An article used as a spoon ; holder at a love feast, j Matrimonj i sort of trust for the 1 protection of infant industries. ; Marriage The fatal termination of j tho disease caHed love, i Wedding The link that connects i thoughts of love with thoughts of war. J Hopt The untiriui iffort of an old j maid to discover a mm) under the bed. Bigamist A foolish man who thinks he can manage more than one woman at a time. Meetlu; Notice. I The Adventist conference of the Wil- lamette Valley and Eastern Oregou and j Washington will hold a semi.aunual ' ' meeting in their gospel tent In The i Dallee, Oregon, beginning Sept. 23, 1S99, j holdiu; over two Suiidaye. 1 Eldeb L. G. I)iv, Evangelitt. j j I.Okt. Friday afternoon, a pair of child's ; uickle-framed spectacles. Name of L, C. Henricbsin Co. on cAse. Finder will please leave at this office and leceive reward, 19-3t Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk hare them, 1 - i a 3 3 CROWE. 4 55 GQhiskey. The Dalles. Or. ;Tii8 Dalles, Fortlaii and Astoria Navigation Co.? FSlsfeHeiktopiSDalte City The Dalles, Kood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. ToucMzg a: wsr roin'i on both tMcs of the Columbia river. Both of the stwo ttcaiccrs have Uwu rebuilt, anil are lu eicWtent haj? (or the reason of The llegulaitir I. In will piMeavor to give IU patrons tbe tet service potslbl. For Cumr.irt. Keouomy nm! Pleasure, Uavel by the steamers of The llegulutor Line. The above steair.m leave The Dullc at s a. ta. and r'ort'&hd at 7 a. mi , rnii arrive at tiwtiua- uvu iu aiutj-; i.iac lor uuiiiu ua.ua. ; Portllind odife rbe ,aU oflce Oar tt. Imxk. Court ;trvct w. c. A lla-way, Genera Azent. A wis OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at ier Hardware and Grocery dealers. com w ma i Benron r