The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 18, 1899, Image 3

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    WE arc now showing
now goods in ev
ery department and are
prepared for the increased
trade which is coming to
us. U is impossible to
oiuunorale all the bar
gains wo have for this
week. Special attention
is directed to our silks
and dress goods depart
ment. All OoocIb Mnrkocl
In Plnln Fltruron.
rhe Dalles Daily Ghroniele,
MONDAY - - - BEIT. 18, 1810 I
Telephone No. 1. !
. . I
Everybody is invited to attend n J
sitermelmi partv at tlx; Uhristhui I
church tonight, where you will liu (illi'il
chuck (nil of watermelon for JO cents.
Tho Sherman county Observer given
oitonie first class ml vice concerning; ,tho
project of bridging the river for Hit
portage roud. Wo publish it on tlio edi
torial Head it.
This evening a reception will be given
toIhv.J. H. Wood by tlio moniburs of
tlie Mpwortli League in tbo audience
twin of tin' chinch. All inuinborH of
tbeclmich and eotigrcgutinn nnd Irionds
o'the league aro invited to bo present.
August Kranlz hns lentcd tbo Inde
pendence Vn Side, lor ono yenr, nnd
Titli Hnriicu lltirnt'tt, lormurly of En-g-w.will
conduct that pupor during
ibat time. H. C. I'entliind, owner of
the West Side, will publish tlio News at
There is but slight improvement in
Hieriin nf fall salmon. The traps am
"loliig fairly well and cntch nearly all tbo
"loon ik'livurcd at tho canneries,
i'iiliermen do not look for increased
"'cliea until about tbo ilaih inatnnt.
Tlio Ilutltir Drug Co. have just re
Ivlaimw Hlock of wall paper nnd in
'"Iwtoirnkuroom for it, thoy nre of
'"ing paper of all grades t prices that
"II surprise you. Call nnd examine
S'!H Hie umtriiuoiiial market ie lively
J maniacs nro titkln pluco dally.
jft license was granted toEinnm
pCob3ei Cluie. Nelson, and Ctiua.
wen mid Anna Carrey, tho latter
tJowe Irani Kiugaloy.
;L. I'lilllips, county troHBtirer, has
We another warrant call including all
Weml prior to .January 1, J8U0, Lo
I. iCV clutur tlm" lierotufoio, and bo
'iironH that those holding same will
WHBttlioinnna get their money.
Yesterday was u lively day for tho
"ftor. .Saturday evening nt 8
shoKft for Lylo with h load of
-el' d made two trips that tiiKht.
.nlay B1U Uo m(,0 tw(j tr,p(j t(j
binding with Bhcop. They nro
Kof i "kL'' K,"m, 0,)ncollor of tho
thii , . 0reK"t nrtlvea in tho city
ill "! y ",,a wl" vIsit Friendship
,J il.t. At tin close of the regu-
v4m' ft ucu,lti(,' wl be given him
Itj,!,, '1 wouibere mid tholr families,
nST. bUt:'rH" vUitlnic members
'" io uo
1 present.
C.nf1,ll,u winter mil.
it t nt n,i. . ..... ....
""MV I'a.l , """ "TIIBUH Hill
WiIm b m Tufi,t,y to Saturday
'CL:. '''I 101,1 10 .'W. On
Hr dSS. C0.",,,lM,e ,lM 0( wwy
M,ed l The D.Ue.. Good
r ia.i ."'i'"ui wiison Mii
and Suit
New Jackets, New Capes,
New Suits, New Purs,
New Golf Shawls,
New Skirts.
values in utrout bats, drees hatB, child
ren's Huhool bata, ulso baby bnn.tets.
Vu are inlormud that Deacon Caleb
1! rook a has been very ill of inflammation
of tbo stomach nnd kidneys for the past
two weeks, at his hoinoneyon miles frum
tho city. Mr. Jirooks is now 7(S yenr of
one, and it is therefore feared ho will
not survive eueli an illnoBH, although be
was somewhat improved yesturday.
hast Saturdiy .John Quirk, an old
settler on lower lo-Milo, died at bis
home place of parnlysin, after n week's
illness. lie leaved a wife nnd four small
children. Tho funeral took place at
Dnfur yesterday, Ho was about I5 yeais
of age and una well known in that vi
cinity and by many in The Dalles with
whom ho had business dealings
Many have expressed a desire to hear
from our boys rcpirdini; life in the
Philippines nnd tbeir-exporiencos in
battle. They are soon to have tin oppor
tunity, us Earl Sunders is uinkinK at
raiiBements to deliver a lecture on the
27th. Tho place where it will be piven
has not been decided upon, but will be
Kivon Inter. An admission of 'Jo cents
will be charged, r.nd J5 cents to
If over thoro was :i class of people who
have an eye to business it is tho patent
medicine companies, who aro certainly
"up to snull'" as tbo saying is. It takes
a person with a hardy constitution and
strong nerves to even go through the
ordeal of rending some of their ads,
which would make well people turn
sick. For instance tho new ad. for
"Celery's Coin pound" a nerve meilicino,
id harrowing in tho extreme, and calcu
lated to give all who peruse it ingrowing
Tomorrow the fall nnd winter mil
linery opening will commence at Mrs.
Phillips' millinery parlors nnd continue
for a few days. .Sho has on hand tho
best lino of pattern huts ever displayed
here, having bad a large number trim
med In San Francisco. Also a compUito
lino of hats of every deEcrlptlon which
will bo trimmed to o-dcrjall styles in
full millinery, street and dress hats,
children's hats and baby bonnets. Call
and 8t!o for yoursolvep, as all aro In
vited to inspect hor goods. 18-!it
Judge Mays this morning recelvod a
tolognun from Sunt. Paine, of tho In
sane asylum, announcing tlio death of
John Stocking, who wns committed to
thitt institution eomo months ugo from
this plncu. Many will louiombor him as
tbo old gentleman who conceived tho
idea of building a hotel on Third street
and commenced tho structure out of old
tin caim. Ho wns In poor health when
committed and it was not thought he
could live long. Ho came hero from
Sherman county, nnd not knowing of
any relatives, Judge Mays answered tho
inquiry regarding tho disposition of tho
body by telling them to bury him at
The Methodist congregation was do
lighted to again have Kuv. Wood occupy
the pulpit yesterday morning. Having
preuuhed his farewell Horinoi) previously
and received Ills appointment elsewhere,
Gent's Underwear.
The Ruler
of Prices
has gone through our stock of Underwear. It is not
a question of worth or value cost or profit every
thing comes under
issued by the Firm for this week's buyers. Don't fail
to take advantage of some of these big bargains for
this is the most merciless price cutting ever inaugu
rated. See Windows.
ho informed his congregation that bud
bo anything ngainst them for which bo '
desired to censuto them, now would I
seem to bo the acceptable time; but in j
bis heart was only the kindest feelings, :
winch would ever remain. He
preached a ephndid sermon, which only
intenbilied the regret of his members at
purling with such an ablo and beloved
paetor. Itev. Hoekins, who is to bo
stationed at Moro, occupied the pulpit
tin the evening.
A few davB binco word was received j
Hint two soldiers of the regular army i
had been sentenced to be hanged on tl.u I
Philippiin Inlands for aesaulls on native i
women. That Gon. Otis had recom-1
mended the execution. Ono of them was j
Goo. JJ. Dainphofl'er, son of a prominent i
brewer nt Vancouver, and well known j
there. He enlisted m the Sixteenth I
regulars; served in the Cuban campaign j
mid his regiment was afterward sent to
Manila. His father has petitioned
Senator Foster, who is now at Washing
ton, and Senator Simon to endeavor to
have the sentenced commuted, either to
a life sentence or to interpose as much
ns possible in his behalf. They have
signified their intention of so doing.
If any ono has nn idea that advertis
ing in the Cnuo.vici.i: dues not pay, and
that its columns are not rend outcide of
the stnte, we would refer them to Dad
Butts, who is constantly receiving
letters of inquiry from different suites
concerning Ids' real estate ads, This
morning ho received a letter from a man
in Essex, Iowa, concerning i farm ho
has for sale, This is still another proof
of tho interest Jnstorn people nre taking
in Oregon. We aro also reminded that
every column in the paper is pnrused
when a slight error occurs in a reading
notice or in an ad then every reader is
euro to see it. So if you wish to let peo
ple all over tho United States know you
live In America, just tell tboni eo
through tho columns of the CiuiONici.i;.
The children were very Eiicceseful in
their entertainment given for tho monu
ment fund nt tho homo of Gonovieve
Fish Saturday afternoon. Tho parlors
were well filled nnd Mrs. Fish wb com
pelled to borrow chairs from tho neigh
burs that all might bo comfortable.
Every child did his or her part well, and
the cko walk, in which nil participated
was "too onto for nuylhing." Most of
the little ones hud a good deal to say
about how their costumes were arranged
and they were all right. As a result of
their ell'ort8 $11 will be added to tho
fund, much more tlmn has been raised
by any llko entertainment in Portland.
Tho children are very proud, and little
Harold Fish informed a friend that they
were to furnish tho money to build the
entire monument which would bo as
tall as the Catholic church steeple, ho
thought, and have nu eagle on the tip
Man's life is full of crosses and temp
tation. He comes into this world with
out his consent and goes out against his
will, and his trip between the new
eternities Is exceedingly loeky. Tho
rules of contrariness abide with him
Pease Mays.
during his trip. When ho is little the
grown girls kiss him nnd when he is
crown the little gills kiss him. Jf
bo raises a check he is a thief and
n fraud nnd Is avoided like a Dago with
the seven-year itch. If ho is poor he is
n bad manager ; if ho is rich he is dis
honest j if he is in politics it's for pie j if
he is out of politics you do not know
where to placo him and ho is no good to
his country ; if he does an act of charity
it is for policy; if he won't give to
charity he is a stingy cuss and lives only
for himself; if he dies young there was
a great future ahead of him ; If he lives
to a good old age he has missed his
calling. He is introduced to this world
by a doctor and to the next by a funeral
director. "
.No! nun. JiiculiHen Wt'diluij;.
At 12 :30 o'clock today nt tho homo of
the bride's mother, Mre. Henrv Laurctt
son, on the hill, Mies Junma Jacobsen
nnd Mr. Chas. Nelson were united in
mnrriago by Rev. I'oling, John Jacobvcn
and Miss Corn Hansen acting as best
man una bridesmaid.
Only the closest friends of the con
tracting parties were present.
The rooms had been very prettily dec
orated and tho ceremony was performed
beneath a floral wedding bell of white.
The brido was gowned in white swiss
and carried a laiije bunch of La Franco
roses, the gift of her friend, Mre. Chas.
At the closo ot the ceremony when
congratulations had been given, one of
the most generous and palatable of
wedding dinners was served, while the
best of good will prevailed.
Miss Jncobsen has spent tho most of
her life in Tho Dalles nnd is known to
bo u most worthy young lady, who will
no doubt make a model wife; while Mr.
Nelson is a young man of whom every
one speaks well, having by his industry
and worth made for himeelf many
friends. Hois now mate on tlio steamer
Regulator and enjoys tho implicit con
fidence of his employees.
Tho young couple left on tho after
noon train for Portland on n wedding
trip, carrying with them tho good wishes
of their friends.
The l.uclU'.
Tho pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use Syrup of
Figs, under nil conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of tho package. For sale by
Nu Water Tunlshl.
Tho city water will be shut off between
the hours of 8 p. in. nnd 12 p. in. to
night. "llurniouy" Whlnkey.
Harmony whiekoy for family and
special use, sold by lien Wilson, The
Dalles. jl
Paint your house with paints that nre
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk
have them.
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
houio. tf
By buying your FRUIT JARS
from us. GET OUR PRICES.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles5 Or.
The Iay Spent Mofct Plrafinutly In lie
dlliliK liu- Pufct and Itejululng
in I'lesent I'Tosjiei'lty.
'How amiable are Thy tabernacles,
0 Lord of Hosts," was the sentiment of
tho meuiLers of the Congregational
church and their friends yesterday as
they celebrated the fortieth anniversary
of the church and Sunday school at The
Dalles. It was a pleasant day to all as
they recalled events that had happened
during the years which had passed since
the church was organized.
Rev. D. 15. Gray was the only one of
the former pastors who could be present,
aud it was very fitting that he who
preached the termon on tho twenty
fifth anniversary tliouid be present to
conduct the eeiviee yesterday morning.
He chose ns his text tho words "For the
kingdom of heaven is as n man traveling
in a far countiy who called his own
servants and delivered unto them his
goods." He said by way of introduction
that one fact impressed him particularly,
and that is that Jesus Christ trusted
his duciples. A sure way to destroy u
man is to distrust him; to trust him is
to elevate him. This truth holds good
first in the family, in society, in the
nation. The speaker emphasized the
Inct by many illustrations. Secondly,
this truth is verified in tho church,
which thought was elucidated at length.
The text and tho many hut lis taught
were handled in a lucidly analyticil
manner, and every listener teemed much
impressed; so much so that throughout '
the day many favorable comments were
made regarding the excellence of the
Mr. Gray made very kindly mention
of tho church here, nnd his pleasant
relation witli it during his pastorate.
Ui ali-o congratulated Rev. Poling on j
being p.istor of such a society, and said .
they would not fail to love him, as they i
had loved their former pastors. He '.
epoke feelingly ot the familiar faces
which were missed by him, but said he
was thankful that others had come to
lilt their places. 1
The second eervice the Sunday school
annlveisary was a delightful one. The
exercises were led by the present supei-
intendent, li. S. Huntington, and many '
former officers were prect-nt. A pleasing
feature was that C. J. Crandall, who '
was chorister for years, led the singing, '
and his wife, who as Miss Lulu Djunell
was organist, presided at ttie organ.'
Messrs. Poling, Crandall and Landers
also sang an oM-tlmo Sunday school
E. S. Peufiold, ouo of the eailieet
Continual on Fourth juvjt.
The Dalles, Fortlanj ani Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Keffiilator (S DaHes City
Dully (except Sumtav) between
Tho Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching nt way poin'i- on both tides of tbo
Columbia river.
lloth of tlio nbovi ttcmners have been rebuilt,
mid are in excellent thupe for the senson of liVJ'J.
The KfKUlatnr Line will endeavor to give its
patrons the best bcivlcu possible.
l'or Com Tort, Kconoiny mill l'leiiHiire,
tiavel by tbo stuimeus of Tho llt-Kiilutor
I. Inn.
The above steamers leave Tho Dalles nt S n. in.
nnd I'orllunii nt 7 u. m.,iind arrive nt destina
tion In Hinpl'j time for outgoing trnins.
Portland Olllee. The Dulles Otlicfj
Ouk St. DooU, Court .Street ,
W. C. Allaway,
Ueiiera Aecnt.
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
Hardware and
(irocjry dealers.
r 5 -ryc ' 1
'J! I
H 41
per & Benton