VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1899. NO 134 LOCAL NEWS F J iolbirilics Bive Natives at Cavlle Every Possible Consign. NATIVE CLAIMS PRIZE MONEY Colored Hoys of the Twenty-Fourth Have Taken Up the V hitc Man's Iturden People of Celiu Restless .mil Threaten Trouble. W.UilMKCiTO.V, Sopt. 10. Eight COpil'A ot tho Aiuuricaii, a nuwBpapiir publifilied at.Muuilii, mtuivod lit tlio war dupart munt, contain niHtiy inti-'rcBting itcnie re garding tlio proci'aa of eventB In the l'iiilippini!!', which have huen omitted from reulur preHH dispatches. Although Cuvlte Iiuh liuen in tliu pos session of ihu United States longer tlnin any town hi the islands, and is still prac tically under military rule, the district commander and the provost marshal lave givuii thu people every eonees:lon which the exigencies of theservicu would permit. Nativoa uru allowed to remain ontheKtreets until half-pnetO o'clock at night and In other ways they ei.joy omre liberty than do their brethern in Manila. Kimplio'to Sntiianingo, u native of Cn vite, has filed a claim with the United States authorities . for prize money in connection with the capture of a filibus tering expedition. It seems that lie furuislied the information which led to the eumire of thu steamer Don Jose and email schooner, both loaded with contraband artiules lust spring. The "White Man's Ilurdon" wliicb lias lieeu carried by thu volunteers and regulars in the Philippine islands for over a year, is now being shared by some of the black boys of the United States. A sergeant in the Tw enty-fourth infantry slid thu other day when saluted with tho quaitian, "Whut are you boys doing here?" "Why, boss, we are here to take op the white mou's burden." According to u special dispatch the people of Cuba are restless and threaten trouble. Although they seem to be pttceful, ills thought to be through fear alone. The establishment of a public alms house and a home for incurables at Ma nila is being strongly advocated, not only as a very necessary charity, but as a means of protection for thu American and European population. It is also "commended that tho jails be enlarged fortius accommodation of vagrants who reabhi to work, but who will not do so. Good results are shown in the Manila Public schools system. Tho total number of Pupils enrolled in that city during Jalywao 1170. It is noteworthy that jrentsara expressing particular Interest in tho study of English and the'progross king made by mny pupils is a matter of great family pride. HALF A MILLION'LOSS Particulars of the Fire at Lincoln, Nebraska. Likcoi.s-, Nob., Sopt. 10. Fire, which Woke out hereoarly this morning, caused of $500,000. It started in the "Hi black, occupied entirely by prlnt '"id spread so rapidly through iHilldlug that it was soon apparent "tructuro with all its contents would " total loss. From thore It spread to HmoiiIu tomple, Metbodiit church M Webster block. Jteri rU' ,mll,,l"K occupied by wZl , book nd Jib printer, lo9a on building and slock will l 0 mm, also by a branch of wwern Newspaper Union, and the OYAL Pure Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OYt OAKIHO POWPCB CO.. MCW YORK. Nebraska Independent Printing Com pnny, whose printing plants were entire, ly destroyed. The Masonic temple, which stood ncross tho alloy, was a three-story brick, with high tower. Itesides the Masonic lodge which lost everything, the building contained the city public library of 10,000 volumes, the Woodruff Priming Company and the Evening Post, tlio loBCes being practically total, and amounting to $150,000. St. Paul's Methodist chinch, one of the most beautiful in the city, una totally destroyed, entailing a Iosb of $25,- 000. The losees on smaller buildings and the contents ot others not Hated in the foiegolnir will bring the total up fully to $500,000. woNincnrt;i, cukk or imakiuioka A rriiiiilnrnt Vlrclnlu Kdltur Iluil Al- miiNt Olvnn IFi, hut Vh It roll Rill JIhi:I( to I'trrcrt Health by Cliiiinlir lniu'ii Colic, Cholera, unil Dluritioeu Ki-uicily. Kniil Kdltorlul. rnmi the Times, lllllstilie, Vh. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time iiiiil thouuht I was past being cured. I had spent much time and money nod suffered so much misery that I had al timet decided to give up all hopes of re covery and await the reeult, but notic ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy and also some testimoninls stating how Borne wquderful cures had been wrought by tliH remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well ot thnt trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-suffer ers tbut I inn a hale and hearty man to- lay and feel as well as J ever did in my ife. O. li. Moore. Sold by Biakeley it Houghton, drueu'lsts. Will He Ably Defended. Pi:mi.i:ton', Or.. Sept; 1(1. E. L. Minis, who is confined in the county-jail awaiting trial for minder, is to be ably defended. He lias wealthy relatives in 1'ennepsee, who will cjuio to his refcue. One of the lending lawyers of that state will be brought here to neeist the local attorneys who huve been retained by Minis. O. L. Mitr.s, an extensive wholesale merchant of Tennessee, and brother of the prisoner, was at one time agent for the O. U. & N. Co. at Meacham. Rich Gold Discovery ou Kettle River. Vancoimtk, B. C, Sept. H5. Three Americans have reached here from Kettle river, lllty in ilea in the interior from Grand Forks, B. C. Their names are Harry Donogh, Harry McLaren and Thomas Ranche. They announce they have discovered enormous copper and gold deposits on the cast and north forks of Kettle river. When the news spread at Grand Forks a stampede followed. The three Americans say that they have staked all they can hold, and their find ib no longer a secret. Tho specimens arc tlio finest gold-copper specimens evir seen here. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to lie incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science ha? proyen catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in dnees from ten drops ton teasnoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollarB for any ease it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 Greatest of All ".Every one in San Antonio, Texas, says that Acker's English Itemedy is the greatest thing ever put up ior coiiki , colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and consumption,. 1 Lave been using it over lour years for all forms 6f throat und lung trou bles, anu nuve j ui iu uumu uiu .; ...!.... It r..M..,l VV'.i havn four llttln rillPM 111 WUUIU .4111-v , i, ii ..... w J...M.. n.i.l liiWll.l. Will IW1P I llllVft ever lost u night's sleep because of throat trou bles among vno euuureu. x uuvza wui. mum a ..l... r.....llu mm tint ArkerH lllllll uny uvyui it.".. j English Iteiucdyisjustascffectivefor grown up people as ior inn yuiHiB. IV WIIB IU SU straight to the place where, tlio troublo lies ton iiiroai aim iiruiiuuuu mi-oiiu & .....it ..I l.....1u tin i lrrllnli.il tissues!. loosens up tho phlegm and mucus in tho I H.I.... ...... .10 ..nlnlu Mill IHTVI'M. illVlL'- orates the constitution and stops the cough ing. JW.V ailVICO 10 paieiHB ia ill injp - n linlMn lll I llll llllUSII. It W 111 1)0 II COUSUlUt aafuguanl against croup' (Signed) r. u.ziiMMr.ii.M.ri,f3mi iviiiuuiw, at .1 I...IIIa lliriiiii.liniltllllllTllltlMl ItOltlll SWOit WT' l.llll ft I. nvin.1 ...... - - - Utet ami CAimUni iimllii KiibIuiiU. nt lu.Sil.. sa.o.l.. r"TTT 1...1 niiur iniv uir. ri lurn tho bet Uo o our druUl una gut your uioiiey bacK . IVnHior(Aciiwi';nrfliii. '. 11. UQOh'tM '0 J'tviirlifort, Am Ju 1'OH HA I.K II v Biakeley & Houghton. Rich Strike Reported. Jacksonville, Or., Sept. 10. A rich strike is reported in the Gold Standard quartz mine of Kubli Bros, and E. B. Watton, of Portland. The new discovery is in a parallel ledge a short distance from the Standard. Five hundred dol lars was taken out yesterday, and there wa3 a large amount in eight yet. Vuluunlc Kmit iinm Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleu'e Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boile, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, BrulseB, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only '2b cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Biakeley & Houghton, drug gists. 2 For wounds, burns, scalds, soree, skin diseases and all irritating eruptions, nothing so soothing and healing as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chicago, says of it : "When all else fails in healing our babies, it will cure." Butler Diug Co. Kodtl Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon It as a master remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." -James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, X. Y. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and tho medical press. It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomingdalp, Tenn., says it cured him of iudigestou of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., siivs: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured mo of a stvere ease of indigestion ; can strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics. " Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. "Our baby was sick for a mouth with severe couith nud catarrhal fever, Al though we tried mauy remedies she kept getting worse, until we used One Min ute Cough Cure, It relieved at once ana cured her In a few days." B. L, Nance, Co. To Cure H Cutrt iu Out limy. Take Luxdtive Bromo Quinine Tab- lete. All druggists refuud the money if It (ails to cure. Hoc. PEACEFULSOLUTION IS HOPELESS President Kngn Reply Will Be Aii?- tting Bill satisfactory. BOERS WILL STAUNCHLY RESIST Orange Free State Has Agreed Definite ly to Unite With the Transvaal in Opposing tne British Assistance Will Be Material. London, Sept. 16. Indications from all sources point to extreme gravity in tho Transvaal situation. Pretoria ad vices emanating from a Boer source say the Transvaal reply is uncompromising, and preparation for staunch resistance :e proceeding continuously. Another Pre toria special, dated September 15, Bays the situation is now regarded as all but bopelees, until Gieat Britain retreats from her position. It is now definitely stated that Orange Free State has agreed to unite with the Transvaal in resisting the British claims. Of all the numerous, channels through which South African news reaches London, not one gives the faintest hope that the Boer reply will be favorable, the majority taking the view that war is extremely probable. The First battalion of Northumberland fusileers, 900 strong, acd detachments of the army service corps sailed on the steamer Gaul at 2 p. in. today from Southampton, cn route to Natal, amid great enthusiasm. The men appeared in splendid condition and openly anxious for fighting. Gen. Sir George Stewart White, who is going to ommand the troops in Natal, sailed witli his staff on the Tamil Castle from Plymouth. Jtlamnrck'it Iron Nrivo Was the result of hie splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Biakeley & Houghton's 'drugstore. 2 There's always hope while there's One Minute Coi'gb Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape and I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough Clue com pletely cured me," writes Helen Mc Heury, Blsmark, N. D. Gives instant relief. Butler Drug Co. SUMMONS. Fur Iteul. A four-room cottage, lust house ou Cast Fourth street. Inquire on the ireinlsee. 13-lw TX THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THK STATE J- of Oregon, for the County of Wutco. Cliurkb G. 1.. HeiiBim, jilttliitllt', vs Mettle A. liciuon, defended t. To nettle A. lU'Ubon, the nbove mimed defend ant: Iu tho Ntime of the State of Oregon: You aro hereby notltled to iimn-iir and answer the couipluliit in thu uhovo entitled court mid cause on or befoieMx weckb from tkodiiteof Hie first iiubllt'iillou of this notice. to-vltt tho tith day of September, lS'jy, und if ou full to to up pear und Miibuer or otherwise plead, theplalu tllt'uill upj'ly to (lie court for tho relief prajed for In hta complaint herein, to wit: that the bonds of mutifmoiiy now uxUlitiK between plaiutltl'nnd defendant be dissolved forever und' that iiluiiitill'hitvu Judgment against defendant for his Costs mid disbursements and for suih other und further relief us to tho Court may seem meet nud eipjttiible. M'IiIh hii Minimis 1 imhliHhpd liv vlrtup nf nn otder Hindu und signed by lion. W, I.. JJrad-iiaw, Judge of the alKivo entitled court, on tlio 2d day ot September, WJ, directing that said summons be published once u week' for a period of not less than six consecutive -weeks. J-KED. W. WILSON, beptO-I Attorney for 1'laliitill'. NOTICE. I'. S. I.su Ornce, The Dalle, Ore Notice In hereby Klven thut thu order of Do ccmbers, lbtil, tem)rurllv vithdniliiK from disposal, for Hie furpuses of u bout inUuiiy, Ihu lands on the south hide und within six mllen of thu Columbia river, belwien Tlio lullcs und Celllo, has been icvuked by thu prciidrlit, ex cept u to thu following dckciibcd parcels: one In thu M'of see HI, f i N, It 11 E, containing iibout four and one-half ncro, und the oilier iu IhuNW.U, acc'.'l, T "J N, it 13 E, containing about hall ii u ucie. On und after September 1. 1WJ, we ui'l receive iiiuillculloiiM lor tiny vacant lamia included tfieieln. J. V. i.Ui'AS, OTIS i'ATTKHSQN, HiglMer. Recti er. Jly.Gl We respectfully invite j our Lady friends to call i H and inspect our new arrivals in Tailor-made Suits, Tailor-made Skirts, Jackets, Golf Gapes, and Far Gollarettes, We take pleasure in announcing our line this j this season the most varied and ex 't tensive we have yet shown. We solicit your personal opinion. ! A. M. Williams & Co. I ''rrnnTfrTTrTrrTTrTTTfiTf 'OS The Dallas, Oit. The Chronicle, Job Ptintets. CONTEST NOTICE. U, S. Iu.nd Okfick, Thk Dalles, On. ) July II, WJ, ! A suttlclent contest nfllduvit having been tiled in this o 111 co by Jainvs Koulk, contestant, against hnmesteud entry No. 4'J.M, mudu Nov. 4Ui. 1MI.I. for SJi, tiWJj, N V.i SWJi.see. ai.town. hlpUS, it 13 K, and Ni .NW'i.Kec, a, town ship 1 6, R 13 E, by Thomas Jcllicys, conlestee. In which it la allegeil that he hus ubuiidonod said tract for more than ti .month. Suld (mrlles uiu hereby notilkd to appear, resiaind unit tiler evidence touching said allegation, at 10 o'elo'ik 11. in. on bept. I, IsW, before tho register and receiver at the United Stated hind olllco In Iho Dulles. Or, Thu buid contestant having in u proper ulilduvli, HUM July 1st. set forth fuels which show that ufter due diligence, personal service ol ihu notice can not be inudv, it Is hereby ordered and directed thut such uollce be given by due and proiier publication, jl)IC-il' JAY f. l.l'CAS, Itegister, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given thut tho underalgneil has Hied with tuuulerk of the count court o( the btuto of Oregon, for Wasco county, his lliial account as administrator of thu oitutu of John Urant, deceused, and that by an oritur of bald court mudu ou thu Pith d ly of soptuinbjr. INK). Monday, tho fith day of November, ltM, ut thu hour nf 'J o'clock 11. 111. has luen il mi us tint , tlmu und tho county court room In Dalles I'ltv 1 11s the pluco for the hearing ol objections to said ' I liiliil mcouiit J, DUFF M oANDIK, 1 Adnilnlstrator ot Ebtutu of John (Irani, I'o- eeuseu. tiept:o-U j-jif ut:i!juNJ)i)Kf rtcn Physician and Siu'a;oo, &leeial attention given to bureery, Roouik 1 uud ii, Tel, JiS 'ot Uloo HI fas ft