Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System r tnriMI1ltl'ilLi BUy THE GENUINE - MANT'D By (aujvrniaITgpSyrv. rca sau eif u cr-jssct!, rr.u sot f is enut. l'KO 1'L.K IOB ALL KNOW, Frnnk Fulton is down from Biggs. A. J. Dufnr was in from Dufur today. Claud and Eva Heislerare in the city from liuftir. Wm. Furre, town toduv. of Canyon City, is in Misa Fearl Taylor came in from Anttilupe yesterday. Mrs. .tf. a. Hurst left this morning for her home at dalem. Miss Anna Ltnj left the c'.ty yesterday on her wav to spend her vacation in Seattle. C. L Shnttuck, of Hillslioro, arrived in the city last nUht and left this morn ing for the intetior. Mrs. S. E. Coon, Leslie Con and M. K. Brown were visitors in. the city yes terday from Grss, Valley. C. L. Ireland, who has spent the past week in I'ortianii, is in the city today on ma way to nu nome at Jioro. Troy Shelly and daughter, Miss Anna passed Hirudin ttie city vesteruay on their way to the Valley overland. Roy Grimes will leave on this aftet- n ion s t nut fur rorest Grove, where he wi.i niMiu take up Jus studies at the uni ersity. Messrs. Henry Shuck, C. I!. Walking and Go'ald Pan ton, stuukmen from Billingp, Mont., are in The Dalles 01 business. MisiGr ace Smith arrived in the citv last niyht from Pendleton and will re main much of the winter assisting in me mtuinery stoie. Mits Sarah Stalton, of Salt Like, ar rived in the city yeaterdav and left this morning for V arm Springs, wiiere she Will resume ner duties as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cram returned last night from a weddinz trip to Port land. They will make their home at W. S. Myers residence for the present. Rev. Spear accompanied by hia son I.vle, came in from Warm Snrinns vester. diy, and left this morning for Po'rtlind, where the young man will attend school. Miss London, telegrapher for the Western Union, went to Portland this mornina to spend her vacation. During her alnenco Peter Nickelaen will take charge of the olhce. Albert Huckahy, who during his va- cmoit uas ueen mail carrier between t da place and Hartland, left this morn i ig to resume his studies at Pacific Uni versity, Forest Grove. Mr and Mrs. M. Melnnls and family trnveu nome last nignt Irani their surr- mer outing at heaview, Long Death. inov report the weather as perfectly do Jigiitiu-, particularly during the past weeK. D. V. Main, of The Dalles, Oregon, has purchased thi-G nder place at Home Valley, ami will make his future home in bkaraanta county, meanwhile ye ed itor will retire from the farming busi ness. Pioneer. S. R. Smith, who is thoroughly con versant with the early history ofTho Dalles, having been a packer from hero into the interior in the early 'CO 1, is in town from his home at Pendleton, anil will remain about a week. lIMmurck'rt Iron fieive Whs the result of bin splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy Hre not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bo we I a are out of order, II yon want these qualities and the success they bring, tue Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop overy power of bruin 11 ml body. Only 25e at Blakeley & Huiighton's drugstore. '2 Clarke & Fall: haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patten utriclly puro liquid paints, I ( o-l I. I few I Kmft Ifc-W if r-rr-t-i.iiixiiv BUSINESS LOCALS. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. uich'25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale nt till first-class bars. C. J. Stublins:, agent, The Dalles. M173m Try Yerba Buemi Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublinir, agent, The Dalles. M17-3U1 Try Yerba Btiena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was fiired of piles by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians anil surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripo or sicken "famous little pills." Butler Drug Co. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to gitfe immediate relief money refunded. 9.1 . ia rtnrl nfl nlq liliilritloi' X' Druggists. LAWYER'S ODD CLJJ5KT. lie Dill Not Want Advice, Hut Paid for the Privilege of TulkliiR for One Hoar. A junior member of a Dearborn street law firm, reports the Chicago Tribune, tells this story .of one of his lirtrt clients: "I lind just been appointed junior member of the firm and relieved the older members by looking after the minor cases. One day a well-appearing' man called at the ollice and inquired if 1 could give him an hour of my time and what would be the cost. I told him, and he neeenlctl the terms, hut added: " 'This is not to be a consultation. I do not want advice or assistance. X knew perfectly well what 1 am going to do, but I wnut to talk. I have no friend to whom I can unburden my self, but if I pay you to listen I shall have a right to talk to you freely for the time agreed upon.' "I agreed to this strange proposition and appointed an hour at noon the fol lowing day. The man came promptly, and I took out cigars nnd told the oflicc boy we were not to be disturbed for an hour. " 'Mind, the man said, 'I don't want you to interrupt me. I am paying you to listen.' "Then lie began. For one hour he talked as one who never in his life had unburdened himself to n sympathetic listener. I listened without saying a word. When the clock struck one the man ceased talking, paid his fee, took up his hat nnd walked out. "Six months later, looking over the daily paper, the story of a suicide at one of the hotels attracted my atten tion. The name was that of my talk ative client. I have always believed that if he had had some one to talk to again he would not have committed suicide." HER PENCIL GAVE HER AWAY. Thin Girl Ilctrnyed Her Calling by Wen rl tin It In Her Ilulr. A girl nttired in n white Marseilles suit that had a tailor-made finish walked down the aisle of one of the theaters one niht recently with the nlr of a princess just in from her Hiiminer palace. .She was accompanied by u young man who hnd nn opulent appear ance. The girl sank into nn orchestra chair, adjusted her glass, and tried to look bored, while her escort glanced nt the boxes, says the Chicago Inter Ocean. The women in the row back of the two imposing young persons seemed to be impressed. They studied the braid ing on the girl's white Eton jacket, nnd ftirilively admired the scarf on her sailor lint. They whispered improving comments on the summer costume. Then the curtain went up, nnd the girl removed her headgear. when one of &a ,aek ofYheglr, rni, i,...,it,,.. i.i.. i,,i ,.. ...,.,,.. 1 i " "Cash!" There was a piercing scorn in Iter tone that rnndo it carry. The girl in white heard it and spasmodically nut her right hand up to the coil of pretty blonde hair. Then site flushed ft painful crimson. Stuck among the shell hairpins was a hit of k-ad pencil with a piece of .oiled rubber in the end. The horrid women whp hnd envied her as the possible daughter ot a millionaire hnd guessed thut she was ti clerk iri'n downtown department-store. A FATEFUL RIDE. Hovr Lieut. McI.niiRhllii, n Recent Fever Victim, Prevented a Ilnt tle In Porto lllco. The death of Lieut. McLnughlin, of the signal corps, who died of yellow fever tit Santiago, recalls n dramatic in cident, in which he was one of the prin cipal actors, during the campaign in Porto lMeo. Lieut. McLaughlin had charge of a squad which built n telegraph line along the route of the American ad vance on the night of August 12. The signal corps men could not keep pace with the advance of the infantry and artillery, in coinund of Gen. Brooke, and when the latter faced a line of Span ish intreuchments the telegraph Hue was two miles in the rear. At one o'clock of August 13 the mes sage came to Lieut. McLaughlin s sta tion that tlte peace protocol had been signed. There was no way to get to Brooke but ride it, and the lieutenant, accompanied by an orderly, started to make the trip. Mounting his horse, he stnrtcd nt a gallop, and his ride will go down in history as one of the most dra matic ever made on a Held of battle. When he reached the lines of infantry that were supporting the artillery he was told that the guns were about to open fire on the enemy, and, realizing thnt he hnd to be quick or the battle would begin, and knowing the conse quences of such action after the proto col, he sank his spurs into the horse and went on, leaving his orderly, who was mounted cn n mule, far in the rear. 'Still on he vtent, and before 1:30 o'clock lie reached the artillery bat talion, and found tien. Brooke standing beside one of battery B's guns, while the gunner had his hand on the lanyard ready to pull. The message was delivered, the firing prevented, and what might have been a terrible battle stopped. After the campaign closed in Porto Rico Lieut. McLaughlin was sent to Cuba, and was in service there until his death. Philadelphia Press. THE WEST VIRGINIA "SOUP." it Involves u Kissing; Hue and Spread, nnd Orlliu;tcil Dur ing the Wur. A novel custom, started in the days of the civil war, prevails in the eastern West Virginia. At Shepherdstown they have a picnic called "soups." Uaeh per.-.on invited brings n dressetl chicken, the host providing the cgctnbles. Poultry nnd vegetables are placed in large kettles holding from ten to twen ty gallons, and the combination is cooked over open fires for several hours, or until it is reduced almost to n jelly. Pepper and other seasonings are introduced. The girls and young fellows stir the sou) with long-handled spoons, keep ing up a march or walk around the ket tles as they do fo. When a girl's spoon clicks against the spoon of n young man he is at liberty to catch nnd kiss her. Of course, there arc many lively skirmishes, and" a great deal of fun in the game. When the soup is done it is ladeied out into plates and eaten. It is said to he delicious. The custom ewes its nnVm 1 puny of Htonewall Jackson's men who ! were recruited in that pert of the state These ex-eonfeds keep up their or ganization. They have a reunion once n year, nt which they celebrate with n grand "soup." It is said that a "soup" properly got ten up should be made of stolen chick ens, but the veterans had to give up foraging after the war and make n compromise by going around in squnds and robbing each other's roosts by mu tual understanding. X. V. Hun. Latest tiling in cameras are Im proved Magazine eclonee at Dounell's , drug store. 1JA' STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French 4 Co.'h Hunk I I'hoao C, THE DAM.E4, OltEGON Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflcially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthen intr and reenn. Btruotlna the exhausted digestive or- muo. iti3iMumi.euuicovereaaige8fr- ant and tonic. No other preparation ASSSS&iJlt Dyspepsia. Klftt.lllAnPA. KnilF NtAm.nk Vmidun SIckHeadache, Oastralgla.Oramps, and all other results of imperfect dltrestlon. Prepartd by E. C. 0Wltt A Co., Cftlcogo. Untler Dm Co. The Dalles, .OrtKon. ONE FOR A DMEi PILLS nnanro Plmploa, Praiut Illllrjrj.rii.. I...rif. .....Ill (JuraiI.,liVl.,:,'i '.f. iiuiji a .n.i..'"."r."sv.,..Ti"'. m Itwn " "MiSir Sprci&;s?T:ii ra; OREGON ktrial OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural and AnicHllural Products of Oregon, Washington and Idatm in greater variety and pro fusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's (Ire.itest l.:nly Cornet Soloist. The Unequalled FLORENZ TROUPE ot Acrobats, direct from tliu Kmplto Thentcr, London, their lltst iipiwirunuc la America. A Great WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Actiiilltts, in their thrilling nets. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. Itcilucvil Itutes nil All I.llM'h. Tritnxportiit I'm ADMISSION ... Children under 11 years iii C'l'llt 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! - 3 URJiE BROS I UKXEHAL 1. Wagon and Carriage Work. '! Fish Brothers' Wagon. 'jj Third aui Jefferson. PIioeg 159 1 Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machlno work. Charles Burchtorf,om.ffl: The Busy Store. Eac'j day our buainess shows the people are finding out wo are pushing 10 the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd lost, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Exposition 8Iecraits ...AND... WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD EOT? or ONLY ONE The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire ranrc of human knowledge. M M s gE?4sK est as? m m finiN in 35 jQj j -ifjsl J 11 ' If rm" """ """" -""l"'"1" ,rl" -rzix tt-zt: srrsr - ps ll IB 1(1 ill II I fe 52 -f Sag gag ikg icg gsgjsgpigj 1 J Y pjr w gg- 5pS rr 3 Ifl i llig' The entire set with Guide -i- an(i case delivered ti Aft LI upon payment of only H w H Ujp Balance payable in small moiuiily payments. Workmanship and material the The product of the largest and best The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER is the best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has not ' FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK T1IK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd tire dim to nrrlvc at l'ortlai LEA VK. OVEUI.ANI) KX-l , pm-i, bnlcm, Hose. ' i bn r, AslilxnU, Bac-1 i riunento, Oiilcn,Siui ' 7;oo r. M.J rriiiicuiD, Jioiave, ( SiiJ A.M. Uk AliKCt I'uko, Kuw UrltrtiiH anil I I K J lltOMjljiirg anil way ota ItlllllH f Via WiKxibura lorl I I Mt.Annl, Hllvorton, i Wet bclo, llrriwiiR- vlllcSprliigUciaauil I I Nutruu 1 MI30 A. M. i:30 I. Ji iMIIr I'Xfi.flt Dally VXO!)t Huiiilny l8tuiilajr. 17:30 A. M. U.'orvulllH idtatlotu. . Blirt wayj L0I.y IMJKI'E.NDKSCK I'ABiKNOKR. Kxpress tralD lifflp. in. cl.v, ...rnrtlanil....Ar.) SiZla.m H:30 p. III. ;i'."i. w. .Mciiinvuie.,l.v. &:.V0h. m na vieiiueiicu l.v. 4:60 a. m. Dally. fDaliy, except btnidnr. MNINU (JA 118 ON OUDKN itOUTK. 1'UM.MAM I1UKKET HI.EKI'KHS AND BKC0.ND-CUS8 Ul.KEI'INO CABb Attached to all Through Trains. . Wrrot connection at Kan r ranclnco with n-i Itates Mid tickets to Katcrn point ami Ell AUHTIUIJA ' UlllA' a"NOLIJ1",J r fi!!i'v'.e r.,,.1"". "rrlvo nt m,i lept from Oraud fcutral Htutlon, Filth and Irvw. atreeU VAMIUI.I, HIVI8ION. I'auciiKer J)ei)t, foot n( Jetteron alroet kliu?0 .'W R)""li"'- week day; Arrivuuti'orilmid.UiaOa. m. Af . ,h "t ;-'. m. Arrive at I'ort and, Tin iIhv, T hurulay nd Baturdaj it8:05p. in. 'Cxcept Sunday,, "Except Haturday. , (i, II. MAKKHAM, AkHt. (1. K. .V I'avn IdI Tlirflllirh Tlftkof lHlu. la. .in. i.j . mioiiKii tickeu ',ii point,, ln thoitorD or N. VVJ(vi.il0,y.llKI'AN,' TICket . .f.-v ill. luiru .inwi. wnnM. V t. MCOItK, . JOHN GAVIN M00p & GAVIN, A'IT01!Ni:VB AT I..VW. ... """""5 al"' i"."vyr i;. B. iJind onicc. IIIKD. W.WII.ON, ArtOICS'KV.AT LAW, OBIeuovw rim .Vat. iZl MUJUl U'JU0N' DOLLAR usc& best known to the book-making art. equipped book factory in America. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. 7 ..CHflS. FW- Batchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keopn on draught the eclchrati'il COI.UMIIIA ltKEIt, nckniml i-dxwl the beat beer In The I lulled, Htthoumial price. Come In, try It ami be convinced. AIo the KltH'it hrnnd ot Wines, 1.1 jtmr and Cigars. Sonduuiehes of ull KInda alwaya on hwJ. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, ltateg Reasonable. Telephone 201. W, A. GATES, Prop. FRENCH & CU, BANKERS. .ituiTH ritANHAOTA KNKKALBANKimi i.u Letters o( Credit Uaued avallahh' in the Eastern States. . 2i..i. c...t.nn. ami T euraplil Transfers sold on New York. CI chko, St. Louis, Ban Francisco, I'ortlaiidM Urj Kon, Seattle Wash,, and varlutie points n Oregon anu wmiiiiibuhi. . Collections wade at all H"1' 0,1 ' orable Urins. n a UUNTINUTON HUNT1N0TON ib WU.BON, , .... Tim Office ov'r rti Nat. Han