fyVvv-vvvvv vvvvvwvvvv v vvvv i3 p. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1899. 25 fop One Dollar. FIRST of the Season. FIRST in the Field. ! FIRST in the Interest of our Customers. Our Inaugural Sale. Flannels Populaire For Ono Day Only. 25 YARDS FOR $1.00. See Window Display. It may seem strange to those accustomed to the usual way of doing tilings to talk about reductions at the beginning of the season. Nevertheless Saturday next brings to our cus tomers a chance to buy goods for less than we have sold before. The Clothing Department is Right in line wide open and ready for business; ready to save you the nickels that go to make up the Almighty Dollars. For ono da' only we will give a reduction in this department of 15 per cent, off and you can never realize the purchasing power of money till you visit us. Nowhoro else in the country can you buy as good value as you can of us. You are standing in your own light if you pass us by. We do not want your money unless we can give you satisfac tion for it. No "hot time in the old town" these nights, but Saturday there 11 be a warm tunc in the daytime at our store when the crowds rush for the bargains. A Few Words About Hatology, We have placed on this sale the most popular and best Hats of the season Roelofts and Manhat tan Hats. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. Pease & Mays. YOU CRJi SAVE JVtOEY By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & CROWE. f?fff?;iii.i.tlyiyi.y 66 99 The Dalles Daily GbttMuete FRIDAY - SEPT. 15, 18(0 Telephone No. 1. dV. Oysters Sorvod In ovory S yluat A. KELLER'S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. De on hand Tonight J riclny ) Sept. 15th. At the Hunk iiud Ladder bDj B' dance. Feed ryo for s.Ue at tho Wuscd Ware house, tf Don't forget tho ealo of Flannel Tojiu. linat l'easo & Maya. Twenty-five yards for $1 Is remarkable. Siturday'a ealo. Sue 1'enno und Mays. Contentment has one advantago over noney; .peoplu aon't try to borrow it Irom you, The Weat Side, a weekly paper pub by K. 0. l'entland in Ii-.dopen-'"we, will soon ho moved to Dallae. A0ciftl will bo L'ivon hv tint iiumiherB ''tha U. H. church Friday evening, for benefit f the poor. Allure invited "'"end ami asaiet in tiie coiiuuendablo tork. No. 1 tho "ii.Kulixr" west-bound train W not reach here till 0 o'clock tonight, "wenimieh timoia madouu. na she ib J'x bours late. A apodal has however, 'wn put on, which will be here at 4 :80 IIa6 any move been mado bv Dulles Wple to assist in putting tho road to r' Mlliu i,y tho way of Warm Springs lq 1 tillon- We have hoard of Wf.aud yet teamsters into the city D.Cn!rt,U,llv wultntlnst it. Leta look it pand MwUttlioro ie in it. J1 intensified fueling regarding tiie rejuweme waii demonstrated last night ,.?'re8,dut ' our city became bo ",u""c in hia demonstrations on tomorof Third and Court streets lie the lnu ., . fo ttua morn was arrested (r riutnrhl peace mid finnri r, i.t. hrM. . K"",y n,iu Pi the lino "'nhnnduo excitement. dJ.,'.w),0BUc"d the Hook and Lad- la mini,. ,Kht ,lt,ho Vot will bear rof 1 1 , 10 t,ntrunco will be at tho 'lied i A"' wuo may hoye Cb , r nt l " Plce- No doubt 'number will be pre.ent. a. SisL' ,i,orni,, Mr- 0' NiI,,pV,,wl tl,rouK 'y on MploZS oa UivBr fro,u wadding Ur,,Tk'ne- Mr.Shurleliainejn. 'u flrui of Bhutto & Weir, of Arlington, and his bride wbb the widow of tho late Kev. G. V. Barnhart. They Were married at Spokane on the 7th. Saturday tho 10th doesn't mean all month, but means one day. Flannel i'opulaira at Pease & Mays. Mies Taylor's kindetgarten Btarted out with bright prospects this week, a large number of littlo once being in attend ance. It is a pleasure to watch the children going and coming perfectly happy in the prospect of school, which the kindorgartuera have made most at tractive by tho methods of teaching adopted. Tho senro alout the crops being badly hurt seems to have been all scare. One farmer near Centerville who had calcu lated and brought sacks for n twouty busliel crop found himself under the necessity of hustling bucks for an ad ditional twenty bushels, his wheat yield ing forty bushels to the acre. Golden dale Sentinel. A letter received by friends from Cluis. Johnson, who ie at tho Good Sami'i itan hospital in Portland, says that ho is now ablo to sit up, but that it will be at least two weeks before ho will be ablo to be about the building. His Dalles friends are pleased to learn that Mr. Johnson is improving and will bo glad when they can again welcome him home. It is said tho United States has -1,000,-000 working women. Surely this must refer to those whoso work calls them away from homo duties; for how much that number would be augmented did it included tho working women" whoso 'murk Ih nover done." and whom we could not dispense with half so well as we could with tho others, although it seems that both classes have become a necessity. Yesterday morning Judge Bellinger rendered it decision in the case of AiiL'tisttiB Itnssie. a person of mixed blood, and a voluntary bankrupt, to the effect that Indian lands are fully exempt and excluded by the allotment act from the operation of the bankrupt act. They are not u basie of credit and the Indian may become a bankrupt without sur rendering them. Tho Indian landowner, therefore, la lucky. About twenty-live of her young (Mends surprised Miss Kdio FiBher hist evening by gathering at her homo to give her a farewell party before hor do- narlure to attend school in rorui She did not expect them, but they were .,nn Mm Ihuh welcome, and the hours were very pleasantly spent, dancing be luff tho nrlnclnal'onjoyniont. Hefrosh inents were sorvod, and it waa about tho ..,i,i.,t.,i,i imnr hnmrn thev biulo her good byo and the party broke up. Howard Ackerman, in company with Doug Iuigillo and two other gentlemen, m.l the Hscent of Mt. Hood last i n day. The thousand-foot life line is bur ied under ten feet of snow, thus iiih .annnt more dllllcult, and many tlmei it was necessary for the guide to n. I,, the cj with his naicuei. Tho atmosphere being (ree from clouds and smoke entitled tho parly to obtoln a splendid view. Tliis was Dog's 52nd trip to the top of Mt. Hood. Glacier. Opening of the fall and winter mil linery at the Caupball it Wilson Mil linery Parlors from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, Sept. 19th to 23rd, !!)rJ. On this occasion will bo shown the most stylish and complete line of millinery ever displayed in Tho Dalles. Good valuea in street hats, dress hats, child ren b school hate, also baby bon.iets. j A mission band has been organized J among mo cnnuren oi itio vaivary tl i f 1 . 1 1 , .1 . !....!... . CUUUIIJ tCUUUI, 11 LIU Ult'J JUVUK their friends to a literary and musical entertainment which they will give this evening at the church. No ad mission will be charged, but all will have an opportunity to contribute tow ard their work as u collection will be taken. I Vhen Sunt. Ackerman was visiting I institutes throughout hastern Oregon, in compauy with Prof. Durrette, of Con don, he made the trip from Condon to Fossil, being driven over by Ed Nelson, a livery man of that place. Bro. Stewart, of the Journal, evidently got matters mixed, and the joke on the educators is that 1i:b paper camo out with the follow ing: "Ed Nelson, perhaps tho' best known livery man in Oreeon, brought a load of sports over from Condon to make hay while the sun shone here this week. They returned Thursday." That Spokane has gained the prom inence it has as a business center and an all-alive city, is in a measure duo to the ellorts of ono of the best and most ably edited paper in the United States tho Spokcsman-lteview. Recently the paper has published a quarterly contain hie the Btorv of "A Million Dollar Check," and also other true treasure tales. It is devoted principally to the mining inteiesta of Washington and Idaho. The cover, which is lithographed, is a splendid work of art, novel in design and complete in every way. The Quar terly, which is published every ninety days, is tilled with beautiful photo gravures, descriptive of mining interests, accompanied by reading matter calcu lated to give ono a good idea ol tne wealth of that section. It also lias many views of Spokane and the surrounding scenery, not entirely slighting Oregon, ll n iiIro ornament to a library. Spokane speaks for itself if any one has tne opportunity to vimi me tuy but biicIi publications will do mr.c i to advertUo it und tho surrounding country abroad. Why It IMila't Suit 11 r. BEFORE THE PUBLIC GAZE. Everybody l'nco Appears In the NewB-pupers--A I'milluli Practice. To be "in it" nowadays one muEt procure a cut of themselves and have it published in some newspaper, and in nine cases out of ten their best friends won't recognize them any more than if it had been Aguinnldo. But you must appear in the paper, either as a "society" woman, a po3tmaster or postmistress, an amateur actor or actress, a leading member of the A. B. Cs, X. Y. Zs or any old thing, just so you get your "phys" before the p'ublie gaze. There are some people who are really of enough im portance for the public to have a care lo see their pictures displayed in the news papei ; but why a woman should wish to hive linr likeness placed before the public gaze because she is a leader of society in some 2x4 or even 200x400 town, is bevond our ken. We fail to see that there is any particular honor attached to such a distinction. And yet the women are foremost iu this new newepaper departure. Not that it is not commendable for any woman to make everyone about her as happy as possible by entertaining them in her best manner and so adding to their pleasure; but is that sufficient reason for sending her photograph into the homes all over the sta'e as someone of public interest? Had she founded an usyliun, a home for the poor, or been a public benefactor, then there were snf fleent reasons for sucli proceedings ; but such women are not tho ones to desire publicity. Or even if in tho every day walks of life sliu has carried a basket of clothing, fruit, or any gitt of charity to those iu distress she were more worthy. Or were she struggling ngainst poverty to support a family of little ones or to make her fireside t he place wliero the most attractive society for the hove and girls is found, then were she moro worthy of tho commendation of tiie public. But such facae nre not the kind ono is most likely to find in print, although occasionally one creeps in who is uot noted as ft "society leader" hut a bene factor. Title fuo.'S are engraven on our memory and in the hearts of those wit h whom they come in contact. "No," eald tho widow of the waiter, addressing the tombstono man. "I will not accept this monument. I do not care to advertise my poor, dear Henry's business over IiIb grave." "Why, madam," the man asked, "whot's wrong with the stone? It's ono of tho best wo huvo in stock for tho price.'' "I don't care," she declared, "I won't have it, with that lamb on top and un der it them words; 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.' A person might think he had just taken an order for a mutton chop." armony CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. swell the. monument fund, and an arl- ( mission of 15 cents will bo charged tho big" folks, while children under 14 will be admitted for 5 cents. Tho following will bo the program : Piano Solo Drusilla Moody UeiMtiitinn Calantho Ready Violin Solo Teddie Seufert Piano Solo Genevieve J-ish Recitation Calantho Ready Vocal Solo Harold Fish Plantation Dance Drusilla Moodv and Calanthe Ready Piano Solo . Roger Senfert Mandolin Solo Genevieve Fish Vocal Duet Drusilla Moodv and Genevieve Fish Finale Cake walk by entire company. Hook hiiiI Ladder Dance. Be Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' H Muuuuieut Fund Kutcrtuliuuuut. Little has been done in Tho Dalles toward the soldiers' monument fund, and the Ciiito.siCLi: Is more than pleased to see that the little ones are setting an example worthy of emulation. Like the widow's mite, the money raised by the children is really more than tho large sums given by those wjio have an abundance, Bcsido the effect of such efforts upon the children id wholesome and will tell in their character in after years. They should be encouraged by the presence of all their friends. W.e refer to an entertainment which will lie given at the home of Genevieve Fill), by tho children of tho neighbor hood, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. The proceeds will be sent to At the meeting of the Hook and Lad der bovs last night all arrangements were completed for tonight's dance, and if everything is carried out as intended it cannot fail to be a very enjoyable af fair. The grand march will take place at 9 o'clock eliarp. Committees from the various companies were appointed as follows: FI.OOU. Columbia H. W. French. Mt. Hood C. L. Phillips. Jackson Gus Bartell. KECEl'TIOX. East Eod II. L. Kuck. South Side W. II. Groat. Columbia J. F. Hampshire. Jackson R. B. Sinnott. The Kildles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuino article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co,, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggists. For Sale. All 8-rooni house (can be mado nine rooms), also a barn and nice garden, For particulars apply to N. WiiEAi.no.v, a20 wlm The Dalles. Clllirnl l.nat Between the Columbia Hotel and Par kins' barber shop, a tquaro gold charm, containing photograph. Finder please leave at tho barber siiop and leceive re ward. 12-at All fur 850. A good horse, a buggy and harness for sale all in splendid condition, for $50, T lis is a bargalu rarely secured. Apply at this cilice or at Parkins' barber shop. 14 !tt-lw Clarko & Fuik have teceivod a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints, stn. Regulator S Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way pnin'a on both sides of the Columbia river, V Doth of the nboyj stonineri. havo been rebuilt, and me In excellent Miaiie for the kcason of lb'JO. Tho Keiriiliiinr Line will endeavor to give its patrons the behtKrvlce possible. Fur Comfort, Economy anil Pleasure, tiHVcl by tho tteamers of Tho ItcRulutor Line. Tl e above .tcnmers leave Tho Dalla- nt 8 r m. and t'orfiiiid at 7 n. i.i., mid amve nt Uet,..u. Hon in ainpl'j time lor outKbiiiK tialu. l'ortland Olllre. fho Dalles OlHce Oak 1st. Poet. Court Street W. C. Allaway, (ienern Agent. 'F1 If CM WflOfi i It 'Its "S 1! ! 1! I MRS. OMVIA W. MORGAN STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash' ton Streets, The Dalles. OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at piaier & lew Hardware and Grocery dealers.