,7TArAtAr-A'y'.r-Tatptpi 1 SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1899. 25 for One Dollar. FIRST of the Season. FIRST in the Interest of Our Inaugural Sale. For One Doy 25 YARDS FOR $1.00. See Window Display. All Goods Markod In Pluln Figures. The Dalles Daily ChKmielf THURSDAY - - SEPT. 14, 18(0 'Velrphnnt So, 1, Oysters Sorvocl In every S yle at A. KELLER'S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'e on hand Friday evening, Sept. 15th, At thu Hook und Ladder boys' dunce. October Standard I'attoniB at Pease & Maye. Feed rye for a.de at thu Wasco Ware liouse. t( Standard I'.aturna for October ut I'tnse & Mays. Harry Motzler, n 12-year-old boy, fell ffola small ruft in the Willamette t I'ortland yesterday mid was drowned. A eoclal will be given by the members oltlieU. I!, clturdh Fridny evening, for toe benefit of the poor. Allure invited '"attend and assist in the commendable work. There wi 1 Le look and Ladder bojVtldff evening tit thecit Imll at 8 o'clock to complete u 1 "ranneunititH for the .bull tomorrow renlng. - Dcepin j.ovc"Vliftt-i8 thebert dny ie week to j-et married on,-, old cai?" ltiulilitr k'tnifrii.vi.i..v . j i i men you'll havo something to I, .. - u on aftunvards." HMeld'a orchestra will furnish music or ll'e dftneo tomorrow evening, bo nil JJ be usaurud it will be good. If nnv Wflltl tall io secure tickets, thev.can be on tale nt tho door for (1 uplcce, "Hitting gentleman and lady. Thia afturiiooii ubout 2:30 o'clock 1 ,,' U'u 3-yor.old daughter of J. M. nUngtoii, Mi down the stairs into tiie 4 "ment, and striking her chin cut a J "bout two inches long. She wna th,l" .. Dr" LKttU'fl "Wee, who took hre Htclmd i the wound. i iu uiubu wuo nave on . " M,l, totter do so at ' r '""y Prefer innoculutlon now olonr i U,u """PtaUe tlwe as some ti, puopl) uro v,clim8 of th form.1!?':,0"'0" c"n ny Dwti' . . ,tho rccePHon to Admiral 0.il.LK)n "rrIvl l New York, ltd ,10D8 1m patriotic tWllS C,at,vo 0( wo'k " '"'WtaM.MU tb tovtrnor ha. rr our Customers. Flannels Populaire Only. quested that n wire be Eent from that atutn Informing ur of the cscct tninute of hia arrival ao thnt a. Bnlute of eeven tsen mine may bu fired. ItumorB of a bnttlo royal which oc curred on 12-Mile recently, reached ua to day ; but judgim; that our readers have troublea of their own, wo havo not taken the paina to publish it. The partici pants were not such that thero adaira ore of any interest to the public. An ofllcer arrived in tho city last njht from I'ortland and returned on tho early morning train having in eliurgo Edward Wilson und wife, who had been arrested for atealiiii; n team bulotiKini; to Jack Atidrewe und bringing it up here. Marshal Hughca pent the wagon and teum down on the boat thia morning. On the requeat of W. II. Moore, 15. F. Hoover, tho Moro brick man, lias made an esammatioii of theaolloutatShaniko, and ruports it in every way Euituble for making brick. Work will be commenced in a few days, and n quantity of brick burned for the construction of the large wool warehouse nnd other buildinga. Moro Leader. A end iratnnce in connection with the death of W. II. Moore nt Dufur on the old of thia month is tiie tact that his wife was not nt home, but was visiting relatives in tho Valley, and it wna aome time befoie, word could reach her. Thtn alio wub delayed by trnine, etc., and did not reach Dufur until yesterday. It was impossible to keep tho body of her husband und she returned to find thnt he had been buried, whereas when she left he was in good health. On the margin ol the Umatilla houae register today wnB written tho word Shanik", the namo of tiie new town ut (Jro8B Hollowe. Inquiring aa to why it occupied such a prominent place, wo wero Informed that a number ot nia friends had bet Walter Moore, who ia in town today, thnt he didn't know how to apell tho name of tho town himself and had spelled it Shnnko to tho Oregoniuu reporter, consequently the mistake in that paper. Aa proof to tho contrary ho wroto it down for the boya. Sufllcient proof could not bo found to convict "Kid Mooie," the morphine flund. of aottinu tiro to tho liny which 11 u u i.iiriir vesturdny morning, nnd this morning he waa given three days In the county jail for vagrancy. It t eea that he wna not tho annio man that Smllev found under tho building Tues day night ', but it was n fact that when Into Clarke & Falk'n store yes- terdav ho was covered in hay. Tho 'dope" practice seems to bo prevalent iu our city and tho sooner me iu.. . rid of the victims tho better lor ii. Among the unfortunate fiends In Sn .....oi. i.a been discovered one ad dicted to tho entlog of starch, which It Is laid la stored away on the average of i - Tim unfortunate Is u iuiiuu .v ... nnd iii her desperation she will, iter failure to get lump starch, chow up nii ntl.fi. or anything else which gives .i.. nf starch. After close ques f.onlng recently she admitted that abn had been eating starch in crude lumps It may seem strange to those accustomed to the usual way of doing things to talk about reductions at the beginning of tbo season. Nevertheless Saturday next brings to our cus tomers a chance to buy goods for less ihan we havo sold before. The Clothing Department is Right in line wide open and ready for business; ready to savo you the nickels that go to make up the Almighty Dollars. For one day only wo will give a reduction in this department of 15 per cent, off and 3rou can never realize the purchasing power of money till 3011 visit us. Nowhere else in the country can you buy as good value as you can of us. You are standing in your own light if you pass us by. We do not want your money unless we can give you satisfac tion for it. No "hot time in the old town" these nights, but Saturday there'll be a warm time in the daytime at our store when the crowds rush for the bargains. A Few Words About Hatology, " We have placed on this sale the most popular and best Hats of the season Roelofts and Manhat tan Hats. for a number of years, and that she could not get along without it. She told the physicians she gulped it down dty, with ecarcely enough mosture to admit of its passage into tiie stomach. It was learned she eats about a pound a day. Tho run of fall salmon did not come up to expectntiona with t lie opening of the fall season and tho boats all had small catches Sunday. KeportB from the middle river, where the most fishing ia being done, are the same. The fish, however, are good qunlity nnd are being sold at two cents a pound. It ia yet con sidered too early for the regular run of fall salmon and fishermen do not expect to do much for at least two .weeks yet. There are ecarcely any eteelheads in the river and consequently the fishermen ate not trying for them. The price offered for the?e solmoii ia 5 ejnts a pound. Aatoriau. Chns. Somcre. the minim; engineer and mineral expert, recently returned from tho lower Columbia section where he hnd been to examine some coal nronortiee for n corporation. Mr. SomerB is always conservative, but he has no hesitancy In saying that thero is nlentv of coal in certain localities in that part of Oregon. Tho reporter has had the pleasure of eeeing Mr. Somera' official report and we note that he has discovered a splendid vein of coal six feet thick, but he personally states that it is nearer eight or ten' feet. He de sires to underestimate rather than the oppoaite, aa then no one will be disap pointed. Tiie best location discovered ia verv near the Columbia river and ad- lucent to railroad transportation aa well, and development voik will be began at once. Tho CmtosicuJ congratulates the owners of these properties. Among tho latest of the Dallcsltes who have taken upon thomeelvee thu mar riage vows wo find uir postmaster, who thia morning took ;iiuto hiuiEeU a wile in tho pereon of Misa Kmma Morse, of East Portland. Tho ceremony took place at the home of tho bride's mother this morning at OiDO o'clock, und was performed by the Presbyterian minister, of which church the bride ia a member. Many Dalles peoplo have met Misa Morse during her visits to thia city and have greatly admired her sweet, lady like manner and charming disposition. They uro not therefore surprised that Mr. Kiddell should have coveted her aa a lifo compuiion, but congratulate him upon the realization of hia fondest hopes. Knowing the character of tho groom, how he tins by industry mid application won for himself a plnce of trust In the community nnd also of IiIb special care and thoughtfnlneea for his mother and sisters, we bespeak for tho bride a happy married life, and join with all their many friends In tho hope that it may be a long and prosperous one. After a short wedding trip they will return ami make their home in the residence of Mrs. Mary French on Fourtii street, l'uituuU Uue Week. The social that was to have been given nest Friday evening at the Christian church, 1ms been postponed until Friday evening Sept. 22. Pease Mays. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Various Grades and Who Taught lly Total Kiirollincut GUO. A9 several changes have been made in tho teachers of various grsdea of our public schools, The Ciiiioxici.e feels that it will be of interest to all to know which teachers have charge of the grades. Through the kindness o Supt. Landers we today publish a complete list, with the enrollment for this week, which are as follows: KAST HIM, I'ltlMARY. Mis3 Xaii Cooper, Hi, IA, 2A. Pupils enrolled, ol. Mi?s Emma Roberta, 3U, 413, 515. Pupils enrolled, 35. Totol number enrolled, CG. COUIIT STHEiri' KC1I00I,. Misa Mary L. Douthit, 1C, IB, IA. Pupils enrolled, 37. Misa Ella Cooper, 2D, 2A. Pupils on- rolled, 45. MisB Catherine Martin, 3B, 3A. Pupils enrolled, 48. Mies Etta Wrenn, 4A, 4B. Pupils en rolled, 44. Total number enrolled, 174. ACADEMY 1'AIiK PCHOOI,. Mies Salina Phirman, IB, IA. Pupils enrolled, 58. Mies Magtie Flinn, 2A, 3B. Pupils enrolled, 43. Mrs. Kate Roche, 4B, 5A. Pupils en rolled, 39. Miss Elsie Ball, 511, 5A. Pupils en rolled, 40. Total number enrolled, 180. HIGH SCHOOL llUII.MNa. Mrs. Ellen Baldwin, OB, OA. Pupils enrolled, 49. Miso Louise Rintonl, OA, 7B. Pupils enrolled, 47. Miss Tena Rintoul, "B, 7A. Pupils enrolled, 44. Miaa Minnie Michel), 8B, 8A. PupilB enrolled, 51. Miss Melissa Hill and Mi. J. T. Nell", high school. Pupils enrolled, 81. Total number enrolled, 270. Total enrollment of all rchools in tho city, 090. Enrollment first week in 1893 wna C01. 1'rnyi'r .Mevtiug Kiuled In u U't'dillui;. Prayer meeting service at the Calvary Baptist church last evening partook of u somewhat diflerent naturo than usual, and at the close of the service tho pastor, Rev. W. B. Clifton, and Mrs. Almlra Burget were United in marriage, Rev. Bailey officiating. A large number of members were present; but no d ubt the church wou'd have been crowded had it beon known that it was to be made such a happy oc casion ; but with the exception of a few close friends, all weio greatly surprised when at the close of the meeting W. U. Allawny Invited all to remain to another service, which proved to be of a matri monial nature. Mrs, Wood worth played Wagner's wedding march, and after tho ceremony alto 'played L'Eclalr-"Call me 'Thine 0n." Rev, Clifton has been pastor of The Dalles church for the past year, and by YOU CflH SAVE JflOEY By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. f I MAYS & CQhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. his able and efficient work has endeared ( himself to his congregation, who are greatly pleased that he should have chosen as a helpmate and companion one who is so well suited by her ener getic and happy disposition to be the wife of one who has chosen such a high calling as the ministry. Not only his congregation and friends, but all who have known the bride for so many years, extend their congratulation and best wishes for their future happi ness. Ori'son Senior'. Never was there such a demnnd for views of Oregon scenery as this year. No doubt this is due to the interest photog raphers are taking iu securing tho Lest pictures possible.- While in Portland Mr. GifTord displayed hia views of Mt. Hood and Lost Lake, and without so liciting secured a large number of orders. The Telegram eaid concerning thim : "One of the pictures of Mt. Hood and the lake had been taken at sunrise. It shows the reflection of the mountain in ! the lake aa plainly aa it shows the mountain itself. Onoendofthe lake is as calm aa can bo, while a beautiful ripple plays on the other end. Good judges pronounce this one of the hand somest pictures of the mountain and the lake ever made." No doubt these pictures will soon be seen In every state iu the Union, and many of them already occupy promi nent places iu the homes of our city. An Albany photographer has an ordei for 300 views of our scenery for a .San Francisco firm, to be used for tho oniing holiday trade. Eyen the Cali fornituiB look to Oregon for somethii g attractive. i Thero ia alio a great craze over In i dian pictures, and some splendid ones have been taken by amateurs, as well aa professionals. Tho Indian twin pictures taken by Leo Morehouse, of Pendleton, havo had a phi nominal sale, he having sold thousands of them, and ia constantly receiving orders from all over tno union. rot long ago Air. Morehouse had an opportunity to sell hia copyright for a large sum to tho Mellen'a Food Company, who wanted them aa un advertisement. They would havo been splendid to represent 'before and after taking ;" but he refused to dis pose ol them. Tho I.Ddlea. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladlea may use Syrup of Fis, under all conditions, makes it their favorito remedy. To get the true ami geuuinu article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggists. JARS. OMVIA W. MOflGAtf, TUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dal lei. 3 4 CROWE. Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs, fieguktor DaUes City Dntly (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt wny voIn,i" on botU tides of tho Columbia river. Both of tho above steamers havo been rebuilt, and ru in excellent shape for thu season of lb'JJ. The UeculHtiir I.lnx will endeavor to give. Its jmtrons the bust service jtostlble. For Comfort, Kcoiioniy and I'lonfltirt', travel by tho stcumerK of The IStiilntur l.lllll. The nbnve steamer lenvo Tho Pallef at S n. in. nnd t'ortlund nt 7 n. in., nnd arrive at deetlna (luii In ampl.) time for outgoing trains. 1'nrtinnd OlHce. l'ho Dulles Otlleo OuU !st, DccU. Court Street W. C. Allaway, Uenern Acnt. OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at Hardware and Oroo ry dealers. HimwwiiHiiTO iiiiRi Ti IT 1 com Wei j I m I ii i; lilaier & Benion ll l