The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 14, 1899, Image 1

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NO 131
je Sims Hie Weakness of Prosccnlta' j
Case Before tbe World.
Dreyfus Health Ik Breaking Nerved
Himself During Rennes Trial, but
the Reaction Is Such That the
Physicians Consider His Case
Hopeless, and Say That a Fatal
Col lapse May Ensue Any Day.
New Youk, Sept. 13. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Paris says: Emile
Zola's impassioned protest against tbe
Rennes verdict, which appears in Aurore,
causes nu impression Becond only to that
ol his memorable letter. "J'AccUBe."
The following passages of Zola's remark
able document appeals with bucIi irre-
liitiblo force to honest-minded French
men, iiiul indicate bo clearly the new
pbrasu upon which tbe tragedy seems
about to enter, that they are singled out
as of tmnuiiount importance.
Zola, after stating that the moral Se
dan of September, 1899, is a hundred,
lolcl more disastrous than tbe Sedan of
Bspteniher, 1870, when blood only was
lost, points out the national peril caused
by the president of the Rennes court
martial, when he refused M. Labori's
application to take tbe testimony of the'
former German and Italian military at
taches and thereby prevented tbe pro
(luctiou of tbe documents enumerated
in the bordereau.
Z)la lUIirniB his absolute certainty
that a number of documents in EBter
huzy't) handwriting which Esterhazy
furnished to Scbwarzkoppen are in tbe
archives of tbe ministry of war at Berlin,
lie declares that "Germany, whicli to
morrow may be an enemy of France,
holds in her hands these irrefutable
proofs of the triple judicial error com
mitted by the court-martial of 1804, and
by the court-martial of 1898, when Eater
hazy waB acquitted, and by the Rennet"
court-martial. In case of war, Germany
could thus at the very outset dishonor
the French army in the eyes of Europe
by simply publishing these documents
and revealing the abominable iniquity of
its chiefs.
''Diplomacy has already removed tbe
miudifllciilty. Germany is willing to
Read This, Consumptives
41 " From tbe way my wife coughed for six months, I knew she had consump
tion. She showed it In her face, too, and her body wasted away to a mere skele
. After she got down in bed the doctors couldn't do any good. I called in
both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Hnwsen, each of whom is a first-class
that would reach the trouble
w her lungs. My wife's father
came to see her one day, when
got very low. Ho lives in
JrMar i,ftke Wig whe we
live m Rico Lake, Wis. ,He
aw he knew what was needed,
nd made me get a bottle of
Ackers English Remedy for
Snwnptioa. I went to
Mhmidfs. our local druggist.
? got a bottle, and it helped
oer right away. She took eight
5c- bottles, and they put Tier
jack 0I1 iler reot and hw
"sound and weU fts wQ
man in town. She has taken
cWb3h w,ain' 6ho doesn't
rough, and if any ono who
oesntkuow the facts was to
J wia she was so near death
bT KMtion, ho wouldn't
her il ll' V wifu doB
2 lS fi, wch.'i ,onJtW8vo her any trouble nt all. Mnybo you doubt w bat I
K'lT oo. i advise you to see J. N. Schmidt, the druggist who sold n o
avs Ani5uP,,.',h Rmody for Consumption. . He'll tell you the same thing. Ho
,- CK0r II Iilli'llnli ll,,1 J tirsttwlnrf it I lit n
Lottie " n, """Kimrantoo to cure, or money returned, and ho never yet lint
la Luttf 'i! b.ack t0 hi8 ton, although ho lias sold hundreds of thorn. My imino
UtiKllnii Uouiedy Is sold by all drug
nv will be refunded In ciuo of f
And Canada. In Kni'lnnil m. ail.. n. ;
fir,. :"t
0itcUs.M,'1,',n,'Y.v''l w In ciue
v v-anima. In KnKlnnd in.
""Wwfee the above yuarantct, 11". U.
AVAl Baking
Makes the food more
oyi BAKtwo
return tbe documents enumerated in the
bordereau whenever the Fiench govern
ment asks for them. These documents
cjnstitue new facts which will make
necessary a second revision of the Drev-
fus case befoie the couit of cassation.
Should the government hesitate to ask
for the documents In question, they will
nevertheless be surely forthcoming, for
j jstice shall not have been accomplished
b fore November 23, when my trial be
gins at Versailles, even M. Labori will
pronounce the pleadings at Versailles,
which it wbs impossible for him to pro
nounce at Rennes."
Mme. Dreyfus fears that her husband '
health may soon break down completely.
Dreyfus nerved himself up during the
Rennes trial, but the reaction is such
that the physicians consider bis case
hopeless and say that any day a fatal
collapse may ensue.
Meanwhile the intervention of Presi
dent Loubet by according Dreyfus a full
pardon, is regarded by those nearest the
president as almost certain, and this
would le followed by executing the pol
icy of the sponge and wiping out all old
scored and reducing tbe pending trials
which originated in tbe Dreyfus affair
to mere empty formalities, releasing
De Reroulede and his companion;, and
liquidating the whole situation by a gen
eral amnesty preparatory to the world's
fair of 1900.
l'layed Out.
Dull Headache, Paine in various parts
of tbe bodv. Sinking at the pit of tbe
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishneee,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or'any other blood
dieeusee. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we Bell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton Druggists.
Will Go On The Stage.
New Yokk, Sept. 13. Tbe Earl of
Yarmouth, who has been spending the
summer at Newport, has decided to
adopt the stage as a profession, and will
make bis debut as an actor in this city
at a very early date.
, Mr. Charles Frohman has engaged
him for his forces, and he will make his
first appearance on the professional stage
in "Wheels Within Wheels" at the
Madison-Square theater.
of failure, .sc.. yc. and i a buttle m
riMMIH lIHUl'l II I'wnin. w D
ad., a, 3d., nnu 48. ou.
U00WM! & CO,, J'ivjrUtort, .Ym' 1'orfc
delicious and wholesome
powotn co hew vokk.
Orders Misunderstood.
vxford, ia., sept. l'J. four men
were killed and two injured in a head
end collision which took place today on
the Rock Island, two and a half miles
east of here. Tbe dead are :
Engineer Quinn.
Fireman Poison.
Son of A. D. Smith, Iowa City.
Colored man, not indentified.
The injured are: Conductor Brien,
Blight; Simon Pierce, serious.
The trainB were extra freights, and it
is said the accident was due to misnn
derstanding of orders.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all otbe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
tobe a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoon fa I. It acta directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and teEtmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7
Larimore's Close Call.
Aluany, Or., Sept. 12. Eugene Lari
more, manager of the Linseed oil works,
of Portland, with three other men, were
examining ceveral thousand bushels of
flaxseed stored in a barn at Scio this
evening when suddenly the building
collapsed. The men were caught beneath
tbe falling structure but, strange to say,
the corner of tbe building where tbey
were standing caught against a tree and
left an aperture of a few feet, enabling
the men to escape. Larimore was slightly
A Thousand Tonguea
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Coneumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
Hie a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Core "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
Burned Baby and Self.
Skdaua, Mo., Sept. 13. Mrs. Wil-
liams, wife of a Missouri Pacific brake
man, saturated the clothing of herself
and 2-months''Old babv with coal oil
today and then set fire to tbe garments.
The woman was burned to death, and
the babe was fatally scorched.
Mrs. Williams was a Christian scien
tist and for some time has been con
sidered of unsound mind.
Volcanic Eruption
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of jy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out p.ins und aches,
Onlv 25 cts. a bos. Cure guaranteed.
Sold bv Blakuley & lloughtou, drilir
glBtH. ' , -
Dyppepsln can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspeptda Tablets. One little
Tablet will givo immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts, Blakeley & Houghton
Scattering Germs Broadcast in Inland
Pullman, Wash., Sept. 12. The first
death from smallpox to occur in Eastern
Washington since the recent epidemic
began in Spokane last spring occurred
two miles southeast of Johnson last
night, when Wilbur Haines, died, after
an illness of but five days. Thedeceased
bad confluent smallpox, tbe most ma
lignant phase of the disease. He took
the disease from association with his
brother-in-law, Chris Hagey, who came
to this county from Oregon two weeks
ago. Hagey had the disease on the road,
but in in a mild form.
When Hagey and Croissant, who also
had tbe smallpox, came to this country
they beat their way riding in on and
under boxcars. One night they were on
a freight train on the O. R. & N., when
Hagey and another man, whose name is
not known, sat together on top of a box
car. The night was cold, and they threw
one of Hagey 's blankets over their heads
and huddled together to keep warm. 1 his
was at tbe time Hagey's "blood was bad
and he was broken out with sores all
over his body," as described by Croissant.
That man is at large somewhere.
Tbe blanketB in which Hagey and his
friend slept while camped near tbe de
pot here were stolen, and thus has the
disease been given another excellent op
portunity to spread among the hobos,
who are no doubt now scattering tbe
germs in every direction. Tbe disease
germs have been sown broadcast over
tbe Inland Empire.
A Prominent VlrelnU Editor Had Al
most Given U, but Wil Urour,lit
Jtack to 1'erfect Health by Chamber
lam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Iteuiedy. Head 11 U Editorial.
From the Times, IllllstlUc, Vn.
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cured.
I had spent much time nd money and
suffered so much misery that I bad al
most decided to give up all hopes of re
covery and await the result, but notic
ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and also some testimonials stating bow
some wonderful cures bad been wrought
by this remedy, I decided to try it.
After taking a few doses I was entirely
well of that trouble, and I wish to say
further to my readers and fellow-sufferers
that I am a hale and hearty man to
day and feel as well as I ever did in my
life. O. R. Moore. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
President Made An Honorary.
Chicago, Sept. 13. The Times-Herald
says: The Bricklayers' and Stone
masons, Union, of Chicago, at its regular
meeting last night, voted a card of
honorary membership to William Mc-
Kinley, so that when he handles a trowel
in laying tbe corner-stone of tbe new
government building, October 9, he may
not be branded .as a "scab."
For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing so soothing and healing as
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mre.Emma
Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else fails
in healing our babies, it will cure."
Butler Diuar Co.
Recommended for First Lieutenant.
Salem, Or., Sept. 12. Governor Geer
this evening recommended Captain R,
E. Davis, company E, Second Oregon
volunteers, for appointment as first
lieutenant of one of the volunteer regi
ments r.ow forming, v!ce J. F. Case, who
declined the appointment. The recom
mendation vtfla made at the request of
the secretary of war.
II Ida fur Wood.
Bids for forty cords of fir wood, moro
or lerf, III be received at the cDiinty
cluik'fi otllce between now mid Friday,
Sept. .8th. Biiug in your bids. 4 -it
To Curr h Cola In due liny,
Tuk I.ixrttivo Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druuglsts refund tl.e money if
it fail to cuie. 25u,
There are no better Corsets
in the world than the
"Royal Worcester."
Oar extensive range of styles
and models makes it pos
sible for us to suit
all tastes and
to fit all
$1.00 to $3.50.
W They cost no more than Corsets not nearlv as good. w
A. M. Williams & Co. i
jfSMIr 0 $ 4M3H(fc $ $ S3 $E $ $ $H$H $Hifc
f f
I ? ?
If f
? ?
f f
f f
f ?
ha -J l
j mtwfflfflffifflixmmi
U, S. i.ahh Omen, Til k dalles, oh. u, 1WJ. (
A Mltllclcilt COIlti'bt (lllhlavit bavliii; boim lllod
lu tills ollico by James Koulk, contestant,
ntiuliibt lioiut'kU'iid t'lilry No. I'JtS, lmulu Nov,
4th. 1WJ. for S'.. NK'j KU'i.MV. :il.toun.
bhipas. itmic, mid MVj MV'.Soc, :i, town
nip i , ii j;i r., ny tiuimuh Jcuiuyt, oontotiv,
In wlitclt It U ulWed that lie lias tilminloiiotl
ttild tract for mnru tliitu ii :mii)th, Huld uii lie.
ii ro lieuby uotilUil to iipiioiir. rcp.)nd ami
(.tier uvliloiU'O tnuclil'in Mild iilU'iitioii, nt 10
o'clo'ik ii, in. on Kept. 1, I;i'.l, iH'foie the u-uUtur
und recdver nt Hit' t'liltod States laud ollico In
'1 ho Dnlli. Or.
Tho huld t'ontestuiit liuvlug In n proper
nlltdHVlt. Illod July li-t, ly.fl, K't foitli facts
wlileli bhow that tutor line dtliKviice, personal
Kurvicuol this notice can not bo lump;, It !
hi'ieby ordered mid directed Ihut meli uotlt'O b
Kheu by due und proper pulillciitlim.
JU15 I1 JaV 1'. I.Ut.'AS, ItcgUter.
flnr O
.Fall Stock
showing a complete line of sizes and
alsosevetal new styles in this cele
brated line of Corsets, is now ready.
If you are iiaving a nice, new dress
made this fall, be sure uf securing
the best possible results by fitting
the same over a
Job Printers.
Notice of Filing Final Account
Notice Is hereby given that tho ui:Uorliiie..
theiisslirneo of J. W.Moore, II, K, Mooie, and
.1. W, anil II, K. Mooie, insolvent debtori., hat
tiled with tho clerk of the circuit court, o( tno
Stale of Oregon, for Wnsco county, his Dual ne
coiiut as huch awlKlivo; the ninio will Im licaiit
ami pastel upon by suhl circuit court on the lt
day of tho next regular term of tnid circuit
court, tip wit, the November, lMU.term thoreof.iit
the hour of leu uVock n, hi., or m soon there
after ns the mutter chii be rcaelied
1)15 it I'Ol.K lUll'l.lOlt, Afcslcnee.
for Hulu.
Twentv-tlireo city lots for Bale. From
$50 up. Inquire ut C'o'iiinbla Hotel,