SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1899. YOU CAH 5 fop One Dollar. FIRST of the Season. FIRST in the Field. FIRST in the Interest of Our Inaugural Sale. For Ono Day Only. 25 YARDS See Window Display. All Goods Marked In Plnln Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WED.NK-I)AY SEPT. 13, ISf 9 Telephone .Vo. J. Oysters Sorved In every Stylo at si A. KELLER'S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Knoy yourselves Friday evening, Sept. 15th, At tlio Hook and Ladder boys' duncu. Crawlord peaches, G5c at DawBons. Dad Hutti acts ib agent for the sale or parcliH9i of farms, ranchep, dairies und lots; also rents houses or lindn houees for rent, for any one. If you need as tistancu in any of tlieeo mutters call on Dad, The Rudmeu conferred the chiePe do R'eeon four worthy ami well-tried war liors at thi-lr wigwam Inst night. They n'eo npiiolntoti a committee to ecout tho forest for venison for tho next kindling ' the council brand. Watermelons are not only smiling on Hie vine, but on tho sidewalks, the store 'k?, in wagons loaded for market, aud a every available place. They eeeiu to xtra numeroiiB this year, and car pus are cuitinually being shipped. As Kev. Wood and family will not ave the city until next week, the recop wi to have i,uon Kvon for ,lim tonjj.,t l l'Hi postponud until a later date, , ,en n!l "U'inb.irB and friends of tho t,IUrcl1 ttd League aro Invited to be Present. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Crntu paseod "rough thu city on tho ofteinoon train w their way from Union to tho Sound country, Jr. pr!., r... .1... .!..... ( - (jut Vu 11. lilv UVfUl . . 8e? ftbot fiomo baggage and some T, happened to be on hand ,,'0'l"Hro of elmkln? hands with tost Monday a .mm by the name of "Mte. ttlm l.u li j0 w ",,n "veu on juniper nat ik . ,,UMt yur8' Wft8 bt,i"K di," 0 ,Dll',,r ' treatment, when he Uie on the rm.,1 v i'i f 1! lilm could bo obtained other children m wl(u "d flvo J wwmeiidublo move was made by i i?"1 !T"ty uourt w,,un t the ln ta llniJ' ,! S,'urlir K8l,y Jt Welded to t.Ve.ti ' " ,!,U collHullo PW The . l! nrBt Uoniy ' November. !t u nw'M "tHting that JMuMobeanowed would admit ol " "'"rkutlng their grain and re our Customers. Flannels Populaire FOR $1.00. ceiving tho money to meet their obliga tions. Tho request was granted with thu understanding that nt that time a warrant would bo placed on tho roll compelling him to immediately proceed by levying and sale to collect all taxes remaining unpaid, When the hook and ladder boys were down to the fire this morning they notired that the back wall of tho old laundry was In a toppling condition and Asst. Chief Gunning ordered it torn down to prevent accident. It would not bo a bad idea for the entire ruins to be removed, as they aro anything but orna mental to that part of town. A mission band has been organized among the children of tho Calvary Baptist Sunday school, and they invite their friends to a literary and musical entertainment which they will give Fridaj evening at the church. No ad mission will bo charged, but all will have an opportunity to contribute tow ard their work as n collection will bo taken. Mr. J. T. English, of the famous Glen- condn mine left Sumpter last Friday and has probably arrived in San Fran cisco by this timowith a carload of ore from the mine, which he will turn over to the Solby liros'. emelter. He ex pects it to run ifSOOO per ton, or $100,000 for tho car. Another car of ore not (juito bo rich Is to bo shipped after iMr. English returns. At the time of a conflagration when the fire boys get out aud "drill" in earnest, and the Hook and Ladder laddies face tlio flames and daringly climb into the very jaws of death toEavo our property, everybody says they de servo "praise." Praise is all right in a way, but it don't weigh much uuleBB accompanied by tho "real thing" when it is needed. Now lot everyone get In and tee how much substantial praise thev can give toward fitting tho boys out In their new riggln'. Keep thu ball rolling until it is covered with the wherewithal. Somu four years ago the postodico at Clarno, In what ia now Wheeler county, was burned. Tho postmaster did not deem It worth while to mention a trilling matter like this to the department. Tho department felt aggrieved, and insti tuted a suit against tho nt;ligcnt pott master, and secured a judgment against him for !-2o0. Deputy United Slates Marshal Morse, who was Kent to Wheel or county a fow days ago to collect this Judgment, arrived homo yesterday with the money, which was promptly paid. If the postmaster had just mentioned to tho department tho fact that his of fice had been burned, he wouiu nave had nothing to pay.-Oregonlan. In mentioning tho accident which happened on 5-Mlle grade Sunday we were somewhat mistaken in the namu of thu Injured man, which was Crane in itead ot Cain. Also In saying that he wat takin to the Ketchuui place instead of F. A. Sargent's. Mi, and Mrs. J. N. Sargent were out to their lou'i Monday und Mr. Sargent ' ho does not under' ittmi how the poor man over lived, JIis It may seem strange to those accustomed to tlio usual way of doing things to talk about reductions at the beginning of the season. Nevertheless Saturday next brings to our cus tomers a chance- to buy goods for less than we have sold before. The Clothing Department is Right in line wide open and ready for business; ready to save you the nickels that go to make up the Almighty Dollars. For one day only we will give a reduction in this department of 15 per cent, off and you can never realize the purchasing power of money till you visit us. Nowhere else in the country can you buy as good value as you can of us. You are standing in your own light if you pass us by. VVc do not want your money unless wo can give you satisfac tion for it. No "hot time in the old town" these nights, but Saturday there 11 be a warm time in the daytime at our store when the crowds rush for the bargains. A Few Words About Hatology, We have placed on this sale the most popular and best Hats of the season Roelofis and Manhat tan Hats. cries for help were heard as far hs Peter Godfrey's place on the side hill across tho creek, and in company with Mr. Sargent and his son, Mr. Godfrey nod t.vo other men had hard work to extri cate him lrom tuo plact) where ho was pinned by tho wagon, and finally dug down with shovels to get him out, the while he pleaded with them to kill him. I Ho is still alive, however, and the doc I tor thinks will recover. Ho is partic- j ularly unfortunate, having lost his wife i i about Bi.v weeks ago aud was taking out ! a tombstone, when through the careless ness of a drunken man he nearly lost his j own life. j The fire bug is certainly rightnfter the laundry nnd everything connected with it. Much to tho surprise of everyone, j when tho buildings wero burned about , twenty-two bales of hay stored under the front part of the east building es-' caped; hut it also had to go, so this morning the sound of the fire bell, which has become so familiar of late, was again heard, and the hay was found to be burning. Tlio Ere boys put it out, but most of the hay was destroyed. It- is supposed to be of incendiary origin, and the authorities think they have the righj man. Last night Smiley, who is em ployed straightening up in tho burnt buildings, found a morphine fiend called "Kid Moore," underneath the building and Eent him away. As some men were running from the East End to the lire this morning they saw him run up the railroad track. Later ho came into Clarke & Falk's drug store and his clothes were covered in straw, l'liirman lias had his eyo on him for some time and lie had promised to leave town, so shortly after tho fire, seeing him about tlio Btreets, hut not knowing of tho suspicions, he arrested him. Later, Phlrman waj advised of tho circum stances nnd ho will now bo held until the matter has been investigated. Such characters should bo gottou out of town as toon as possible. Monday a man by tho name of Edward Wilson and his wife boarded the Dalles City nl Corbott's, having with them a spring wagon and a good team. When thoy reached tho city and the D. P. & A. N. company attempted to collect freight uhnrgeo, they refueed to pay and at tempted to take the team and wagon, but tho agent was on tho alert and told them ho would allow them to be left in Ward & Robertson's charge until the money was paid. They were taken to the stable, but the money was paid later. Seeing a notice In the Oregonian that a party of their description had left Port laud, taking with them a team belonging to J. S. Andrews, who had kindly brought them from Los Angeles overland as they wished to come and had no con veyance, Mr. Allaway called up the chief of police there and Informed him of their whereabouts. Iuthe meantime the Hjlio had written to Marshal Hughes and said he thought they had come this way, They were found camped on the William lot on Fourth street and were arrested and are now being held uutll no ofllcsr comes up from Portland, Pease Mays. AN IMPORTANT MEETING Hio Council Provides for a Now Street and Aitrnpriate8 3100 fortlie I'lro Ileimrtnif lit. An adjourned moating of the council was held last night at tho recorder's of fice, at which wero present beside Mayor Kuck, Councilman Keller, Clougli, Gun ning, Stephens, Shackelford and John ston. It was ordered by the council that C. J. Crandall be instructed to survey a new street from Alvord to Fulton and make specification of same and that the recorder advertise for bids. Wo are in formed that this survey has really been made and that further survey is meant to be made from Alvord fo Clay, the former being the avenue on which I. C. Nickelsen's residence is situated, and the latter the street where S. B. Adams lives. A new street has long been needed there, and will be a great con venience. ' The council made a commendable move last night, when after a speech by J. F. Moore, they voted tn assist in im proving the fire system. Mr. Moore has been one of a committee which has been soliciting among our citizens to procure the ten per cent reduction which would be mad'o by the insurancs company were u chemical engine purchased by the citv, the saving in insuranco to bo donated toward tho engine. He ex plained that in all the chemical engine, (ire alarm (consisting o( seven boxes) and a hook and ladder truck would foot up to about $2400. From all indications when a canvass has been made, the dance given, etc., they will bo about $400 short, so that he recommended that the city appropriate $400. On motion of Gunning, seconded by Stephens, the council so ordered. This shows that the council fully appreciated tho efforts of thu lire department in our behalf. An ordinance was then passed where by bootblack stands and shoo polishers wero granted license by paying $5 quarterly. Cough introduced an ordinanco amending ordinance No. 285, which pro vides for the fire department, thu game providing that the fire police patrol bo admitted as members of thu department, which was accepted. According to thu present ordinance tlio following are members: Jackson Engine, No, 1; Columbia Hose, No. 2; Dalles Hose, No. 3; Mt. Hood Hose, No. 4; The DalL's Hook and Ladder, No, 5; South Side, No. 0. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke k Falk have them. MRS. OlilVlA W. ptptf, 0TUSIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC JiUlLDINJ, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The DjIIus. SAVE JWOJSLEY By buying your FRUIT JARS J from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & Harmony 6 CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by 6 Ben Wilson, - REV- HAWK PASTOR HERE- Assigned to Tlio Dulles liy the Cou-I ference Other Notes. Presiding Elder Warner and J. II. Wood returned this morning from the Columbia River Conference held at Spokane. While Rev. Warner has been retained as presiding elder, Rev. Wood has been aseigned to North Yakima, one of the best and most flourishing charges in the district. Rev. Hawk, who for the past two years has been stationed at that place and who was previously at Golduidale, was assigned to the church here. Mr. Hawk i9 said to be an ener getic worker and has had splendid suc cess in every church over which he has had charge, so that the Methodist peo ple here are more than satisfied. sotks or tiik coNn:ni:xcL At 11 o'clock Monday morning memo rial services were held for three ministers' wives who had died during the year. Thu memoir of the late Mrs. Emma C. Wood, wife of Rev. J. H. Wood, was read by Key. Dr. Hines. Rev. W. J. Whito oll'ered a resolution instructing tho general conference to make it a part of thu discipline that no one shall be admitted to church mem bership who'uses tobacco. There was considerable merriment over tho proj o eilion, but no serious discussion. Thu resolution was lost. While the report of the committee on education was under consideration Bishop Vincent said ho was in favor of a plan to establish in tho statu university town a Methodist home, whero youi g men from Methodist homos and families could live and bu under good religious influence. This is in addition to any Methodist colleges and universities that may be established. Rev. Perry Chandler, of li Grande, Or., read thu committee's report on Mormonisui. It was positive and ag gressive In its tcne. It denounced Coir gresemau-elect Roberts and asked con- j gruss to refuse to seat him. It also pro ' nosed an amendment to thu constitution of tho United States that would keep the rights of citizenship from polyga mies. Thu bishop said hu hoped tho conference would voto with a vim on this report and it was adopted with enthu siasm, j Tho following appointments were' made for The Dalles district; Rev Robert Warner, presiding elder; An-; te'ope, Charles Elroy; Arlington, Ed Raker ; Illckelton, Henry Mays; Cas uide Locks, supplied by A M Lietz; Columbus, to bo supplied; Dufur, W O Smith; East Kittitas, supplied by J C Smith; Ellensburg, J S Smith; Fossil, G R Archer; Fort Slmcoa, J W Helm; Gilmer, supplied by Thomas Stalrus; Goldendale, N Evans; Hunpnur, C I) ...... ... NlcWeleen; noon Kiver ami aiosier, v l Spauldiug; l-onn Rick, 11 O Clink; Moro, William Hosklus; North Yakima, J II Wood; Pasco, to bo supplied ; Prine ville, II N (i')wmi ; 1'rossur, supplied by A O Hrackeuburg; Somildlug chap-), F L Johns; The lilies, U F Hawk; Toi pemsh, IS L liurrlll; tVasco, II L Heigh, tol; Waldron.OW White; Wet Kitti tas, V II llt'iiderion: Yakima City,1 supplied by O E Campbell. , I I CROWE. : 9? The Dalles, Or. The Dalles, PortlanJ and Astoria Navigation Co.' staHesalatopfiD! Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way vein's on both sides of tho Columbia river. Until of tlio nbo-'j htenmerM tinvo been rebuilt, and arc in excellent (hapc for thu teaaon of Thu ItcKiilator l.tnn will endeavor to give its lmtroiis the best MTviee K)tible. lir Oomfort, Kooiininy mid I'leamiri", travel by thu steamers of Tho JttBUlutoi I, lint. The above steamers leave Tho Iale nt S a. in. and t'ortliuid at 7 n. in., and arrive at destina tion iu muil; time lor uuttfoiiit; trains. Portland Olllee. flio Dalles Otlleo. Oak at. Dock. Court btrect W. C. Allaway, Genera Aigent. ll OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at Hardware and Grocery dealers, mm Ins Cits Dialer & mm