V lip Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r i fanses the YSTEMlMak::::::::::::::::::: c, effectually I UnU nrntitkirtmv ffECTS. HCIAL & Buy THE GENUINE - MftNT'O &y res sau EYiti csw-iirs. rsra set ftRSCTTiL. PEOl'LE VOC A l.L KNOW. Tlioa. Norval came in from Tvgh yes terday. J. W. Morton, of Hood River, is in the city. R. J. Ginn and Mis? Jennie Ginn are in the city from their home at Moro. Miss Nellie Michel!, who has snent the cumsuer at Stevenson, returned to the city last evening:. Mrs. A. H. Smith is down from Pen dleton and will iMiend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. X. Wilson. J. W. Tabor and wife, and W. H. Turner came in from GrRnite yesterday and are registered at the Umatilla. Mr. and Mr3. John Fender came up last ntkrht frumtbeir home at White Salmon and spent today iu the city. J. H. McKibhen, publisher of the Senator, the K. of P. paper, arrived in the city last evening and epent today here. W. F. Byars, of the Go'dendale Sen tinel, came over yesterday and went devn on the host this morning to Portland. Mrs. M. T. Nulan went down on the boat this uiorninsr on her way to Cali fornia w here the will, spend the follow ing two weeks with friends. Charles Campbell and Homer Angell left on the boat tiiia morning bound for Eugen, where they will resume their e u lies in the state university. Morris Gilmer, son of the late Dr. Gilmer, is in the city from Portland meeting his friend-3 nf childhood days and those of his father, who was a prom inent physician in The Dalles. Mrs. Prescutt, of Oakland, California, and her sister. Miss Gihnan, who have been visiting the Gilman brothers near Fossil, are iu the city vialting their cnu-ins, Messrs. J. W., D. M. and Smith French. Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Those who here never had Blood Poi'! Bon can not know what a desperate con-1 dition it can produce. This terrible , disease which the doctors are totallr , , . . . x , . J 1 unable to cure, is communicated from ; one generation to another, inflicting its taint upon countless innocent ones. "".'"""g.iiSHPPIwnllj t ... .v,fi. ...,. , taint ThHlittlP on., wi ' - ... ' anpin-aiions ror uny vncunt lands includetl UtoftK sumption. One .Minute Cough Cure com- t.riu. J. l'. la,, SW&SSJJSS! lately cured writes Helen Mc 0llb,A 'Jijfc, For hix ioiiL- veara I nut- 7 kkm Henrv. U Slliark. A. D. (iIvi;h instant Jercu untold mlserr. I vras covered with bores and ulcere from head to loot, and no language can express my feelings of woe during those long yearn. I had the beat medical treatment. Sev eral physicians Hueces Hlvely treated mc. but all eo no purpoe. xne mer. curr and potash seemed to add fuel to the awful llame which was devouring me. 1 was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by It. to try Swift's Specific. We got two bottles, and I felt hope again revive In my breast hopo for health and happiness mill. I Improved from the start, nnd . com plete and pxr.'ect euro was the result. 8.8.8, Is the only blood remedy which reaches des perate cases. Mrs. T. W. Lei. Montgomery. Ala. Of the many blood remedies, 8. 8. 6. is the only one which can reach deep seated, riolent cases. It nerer fails to eure perfectly and permanently the most desperate cases which are beyond the reach of other remedies. S.S.S.BI IMHI VRpp 'H renet. muiur irnc uo, is rcRBLT TnTAuifsnd is the only blood remedy Kuaranteed to contain a mercury, potash, or other minaral. ''Valuable books mailed free by Swift fyaeific Gompsjiy, Atlanta, Georgia. Kills Allowed lly Comtnlmiloners. WITXKSS VERS JUSTICE COUl'.T. A J Brichntn 4 50 .1 H Johnston 4 50 L B Thomas Rose Bird Rebecca Wilson F G Connelly 4 50 4 50 4 50 1 50 4 50 Maggie Covey I Mrs M E Bjtrtlett 4 50 Oscnr Powell 4 50 2 HO 2 30 Currie Meeplie. . . Julius Mesphe lohn Stegman 2 U0 .1 .1 l'uddoi'k Ned Wicks Mary Morten . . . . Alfred Morton.... Mrs Chns Frazier. Fred Cannon 1 50 3 10 2 50 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Georce Potts i Thomas Ward. . . . , Charles Fa tun . . IJinsmorc rarris.i. Joseph Plemel J tin Clirisinan. . . S I Springer M Parkins Ed Burchtorf .... M H Brown 1 I ft T- 1 I. o n runougn . . . I Yarbongh . J M Swift... Chas Friedley J D Bowman M WFord... FM Dial witness tees (continued;. Mrs A M S Adams 1 f0 Dr W L Adams 1 00 Jennie Ileavener 1 00 DrJTWatt 160 Mary E Bartlett 1 50 Margaret Covey 1 50 0car Powell 1 50 Rebecca Wilson 1 50 Jno Wilson 1 50 G W Brown 1 50 James Powell 1 50 T H Johnston 1 50 Mrs T Bird 1 50 Frank Thompson 1 50 Jtruor.s, CF Stephens 2 00 M Randall 2 00 John Cates 2 00 Carl Burchtorf 1 00 John Bonn 1 00 N M Lane . 1 U0 X H Gates 1 00 James Harper 1 00 T G Conneliv 1 00 Geo A Liebe - 1 00 F W Wakefield 1 00 T A Ward 1 00 W H Butts, coroner fees 10 10 F G Slonaht, iuetice lees S 10 G"0 Prather, " (continued) S 20 E S Olinger, constable fees 5 95 John Michel!, district attorney fees 'continued; 5 00 L B Thomas, justice fees (5 lio H S Edmundsan, justice fees. ... G 00 E J Glisan. justice fees 3 SO F. CBagley, justice fees 5 50 X fl Gates, justice of peace fees. 4 25 C EB.u-ard, " ' " .. 55 90 Frank Hill, constable fees 00 40 N B Hughes, special constable. . 2 00" DIED On Deschutes Ridge, Monday, Sept. 11th, of bowel trouble, John H. Helper, aged 27 years. The remains were buried in the city cemetery thie afternoon. Deceased was born in the state of Michigan and iias lived at Deschutes I about a year He leaves a wife and two children, who will go to Pendleton to night where his people reside. 1IE At Watnic yesterday, Sept. 10, Sarah, wife of Joseph frout. The ch ceased leaves a husband and four little children to mourn her loss. liOUN. On Sept. 5, 1S99, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Endursby, a twelve pound daughter. .Mrs. Endcrsby lias been quite low but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Dodds, ehe is getting better. Kudol Dyspepsia Cure is a ecientilic , compound having the endorsement of eminent physieiane and the medical press. It "digests what vou eat" and It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, iilooininguale, lenn., says it cured him of indlgeaton of ten years' Handing. Butler Drug Co. Z 1 There.8 B, WBr8 ,10 wllIe there,e 0 I Minnto Cll,.L r,lr,.. .,. . j pneumoritt ,eft roy , ,n bad eliape E E Turner Comntnn In tins z.. Aurner, uumpiun, .io., waa . cured of piles by De ill's Witcli Ilnzel Salve after suffering seventeen years and j trying over twenty remedies. Physicians ' and eurgeona endorse it. Leware of! dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. I Cneslnr H. Hrnwn Iv alnrr.nvnn Mint, nt- i i t-k . ' ' says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can , strongly recommend it to ail uvepeplict." Digests what you cat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. To Cure Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Erotno Quinine Tab lets. Ail druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c, Haraauny" Wblskjr. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl fur Mala. Tweiitv-three city lots for sale. From $60 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. 8-23-1 mo. BUSINESS LOCALS. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale nt nil first-clnt-s bars. C. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. MIT oin. Try Yerba Bnena Bitters, the best tonic. For salo nt all first-class bars. C. J. Stuhlmt:, iigeut, The D.ilies. M17-:im Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tite Dalles. M 17-3m Clarke & Falk have received r. carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling ; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "famous little pills." Butler Drug Co. WnutPil. To borrow $900 at six or eight per cent. Security, a house and two lots on Xiuth street, The Dalles. Address Rev. A. IIokx, a2G-wlni Goldendale, Wash. I'm- Salt". Aii S-room house (can be made nine rooms), also a barn and nice garden. For particulars apply to X. WiiEALiio:;, 20 wlm The Dalles. CONTEST XOriCE. U. . Land OrncE,TiiE Dalle. Or. J i ly 11. lsw. j A Miflicicnt contest nilidavit Imving been filed in this office by Jnuiss Kuult. cnntennt, npainst homestead cnlry No. A0, made Soy. th, 1MM lor i-hj NK!4 V! ,,-cc. ".-i.ton it- ship 8 s, 1! 13 K, and .sV;4 NW,4. .-'ec, 3, tmm idiip 4 S, 1! K K, bv Thomas Jellrevt, cnnteiteu, in which it is nlleped that lie hus ali iiidonod aid tract for .iiore than ti months, anirt parties are heieby noiiilcd to apimir. respond mid oiler evidence touehins aid allcsmion, at 10 o'clo'it a. on bept. 1. lK,M. before the reenter and receiver at the L'uitetl atate. land ollice in liie Ualle- Or. The .sjirt contestant havins in a proper affidavit, file-l July 1st. 1;W. s-et forth facts wlilch show that after due diligence, j-erMinal .service ol this notice can not be laune. it i hereby ordered and directed that such notice bo Riven y due and liroiK'r TuiLllcatlou. jlyli-ii JaY V. l.UCAa, Kcsiftcr. Notice of Filing Final Account Notice is hereby siren that the umlerslzned. the assignee- nf j. W.Moore, 11. E. Moure, and J. W. and if. K. Moore. Insolvent debtors, has filed with the clerk of the cireul: court, nf tne state of Oregon, for Wa-co county, hh tinul nc - count as such assignee: ti.esamc will tie heard and )sii.-ed upon by said circuit court on the 1st day of the next regular term of said circuit court, to-wir, theNovember, l;'Jj,term thereof, at the hour of te.i o'c'pek a, m., or as soon .then- after as the matter rnn be reached lyiiii ruLK Jil TLEU. AsMpiee. SUMMONS. IX THE Cir.CXlT COCKT OF THE STATE J- of Oregon, for the County of Vaco. Charles G. I.. Ileiison, plaintiff, ! Hertto A. Ttnniinn. ilifpmlpTit. ! T"!Vu,e A' IleI1S0 nl"'0 dsfeud- In the Kamc of the State of Oregon: Yon ore hereby notified to appear nnd mower the complaint iu the above entitled court and cause on or Lefo u six weeks from the dni. nf iho !im publicatiou of this notice, to-wit: the Cth day of eeptemlwr, lsifj. and if you fall to so ai rar arid answer or otherwise plead, the plain till u III apfly to the court for therelief prajed for in hit, complaint herein, to wit: that the bondii nf malifrnoiiy now existing between plainlitj'and refendant be dissolved forever nnd that nlaintllThave llidcinent himIusI rtefenilmit for his cost, nnd dlibuneiDuiitb and for mh h I niner ana further relief ns to the Court may ieem meet nnd eijuilable. Thi tutnrnorif' Is published by vlrttip of nn order made and sianed by Hon W. L Ilrad haw, Judge of liio aoove entitled court, on they'd dav of September. 1W, directing that said (luminous be published once a week for u iriod of not less than six consecutive weeks. i'KED. W. WILSON. septC-i Attorney for I'laintilL NOTICE. s. fJrrI,r.Tlin rin. r,pfl , July ife'j. i ccmberfc, leoi, icmiMirarlly wlthdraulng from) the Columbia river, between The Uilies nnd I Celilo, has been revoked by the preaid-nt, cs- ' ceptas u, the foiiowinK .tec.ibed parcel.; ; one in j tm fou'r'ami onet la ua WhU'Tf 1 Jl.eWMT.niSE.oiultto. On and after September 1. ltM. we wPl receive ITUtED. W.WlLiON, V ATCOK.NKY-AT LAW. , - . THE DALLKb', OI1KGO.V, 0fuce ovei First Nat. Bml:. J)K' JEISE!in,,K'r,:" PhysiciaU and StUCOl, 7 Special attention given lo surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vogt llloc RMtsns VITALITY, LOST V'OOR AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Klght Emissions and wasting diseaaesr all effects of self' abuse, or excess and indis cretion. Auerveloulcantl Uoo4 buildon Brings the pink glow to ;iale cheeks an( restores the fire of youth. By mall 50e per bojc; boxes terass.axi; wttb wrKtm friuinMi toe to ui r wfaas the apMiey. WEWVITA JWCPICAL CO. 3HflaWi 4t MfeflhssWA IsNBsy 43s((93AO0 MJLa Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, The Dallas, Oregon. awfV OREGON Ex OPENS IN PORTLAND. SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural anfl Agricultural : Products of Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho in greater variety and pro- j fusion ih mi ever before BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND Americas Gientct Lady Cornet Soloist. The Vuceitinllod FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct from the Umpire Tlicntcr, Loudon, their tlrst appeiiriincu in Ainorlcn. A Great WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Aciiulif ts In their thrilling acts. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astoundim: Feats. Kttltn ril Kuti-f. mi All Lines. 1 raiiMportullon A 1)31 IlSION .... Ci-nts Children under 12 ye.us. lu cents DCXNT MISS IT '3 i S ! r. BROS. GEKEltAL ...AND.. r orsesnoers 1 ' ' i J w' 1 ry ! i 5' Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. j 5. ir ThM and Jeffsrnn. Plioue 159 J Bicycle SHOP. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles Burchtorf, oPI,a. The Busy Store. Each doy our business shows the people are finding out we arc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Wostria. NOSlllOll: acKsiii i REPAIR WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the The entire i ( Si Si52 'iY- 5r 3 f t ""Sv s"Ti", f 1 1 ?s) 11 j y y, t', v lpgg I J jj g' The entire set with Guide 'vV and case delivered upon payment of only Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the The product of the largest and best The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encydopsdlas, and the NEW WERNER Is the best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions m or poony maae doohs uecause iney are 3 cheaper. The BEST Is the CHEAPEST. j Consider the advantage of a family 'i ' who has tills work over one which lias - 1 not. ! .? f FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE I Southern Pacific Comp'y.; Trains leave and ate duu to arrive at lVirtlaL ' LEAVE. t OVKItl-ANl) KX-1 1 j press, balem, ilosu-! I burg, Ashland, Hue-1 7.CO r, m. i ""nwitii, Ugden.tjiin ' I I raticiseo, Mojave, f' Urn Angeles, Kll'rtno, 1 I . I New Orleans and 1 1 Last '2u v M lioseburg and way !a- Hons fVin Wooilbur.T for) Dally ' Jlt.Anmsl, failvurton, , bundi'ys ', ville.jjprtiiKUcld utiel ' ' I Natron J 1:0 I', i: Daily I'xcept buudajs (7:80 A. M. (Corviillis (Ntatlous. mi v'"''f 5.J01-..V. LVDLI'E.SIJK.NV'K I'AbSENOKU. Express trull. Dally (except huiielay). jifip. m. rl.v. . .I'ortliind . .Ar.) t(:2.in.in ,:?' P. m. Al J:o.Mlmiville..I.v. !,Mu.m b:'M p. m. Ar. .ludejHjndeiice :e..I.v.) 4;.,0a. m 'Dally. tDiuiy, except bumiiir. DLVf.NO OAlltj ON OGllEN UOL'TK. 1'01.1,J1AN BUKFKT Kl.KKl'EllP AND HKCO.ND-ULAoS Sl.KEl'INti CAUb Attuchtd to nil Through Trslns. Dircot connection nt Kim KrnneUco with Occi dentu u;l Oriental and l-aollic ma .te.Vm.hl "i imwihrn. u"cS c,nNA- D Ji,"K' u .H0,1;? U!jfWrM "1 Ell- AUSTiUM V ' mil All ubovo trulim arrive at and deimrt frorr Orand Ccutral Station, Fifth and Irvnig stWMto YAMHILL IIIVISIO.V. 1 aineiiKCT DejHit, foot of Junemon street. U-ave for Bhcrldnn, weelc days, at 1-30 n m Arrlvoatl'ortlHUd,y;30a.m. p' Krtfla5Ca,?41!!,iK ml J'01"1J'. Wednesday and 'may ui b:i a. in. Arrive at Portland Tin. dav.fhurwlayandSaturaaj H3itttp. m?' Except Suuduy. Except Saturday. Jlaniuer. AMt. O. K. 4i Vu, Ait tear -'Jers or N. WlfEALDON.,KUN',,T,CkCt t'4'.-?iri"','r7r" fl alaai'sima.. 0 ir DOLLAR CP entire range ol human knowledge. set with Guide $1.00 best known to the book-making art. equipped book factory in America. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this tin rivalled fund of universal knowledge. ..GHK. mM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ke-cp' on drmiKlit tho oelebrnleil UOM'MUIA UEKK, iicfcinwi edKel the lK-.it beer In Tiie l)iule, nt the uniml price. Como-fn, iry It and be convinced. Al th rinHt bmudi of Wlucs, l.iUor nnd Clears. Saoduiiehcs of all Kinds ulwnj oi hiititf. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except .Sunday. IUtes Reasonable. Telephone xu. W. A. OATES, Prop. J FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. TUAMUACTa, JtNEBALBANKINO llUKlKW Letters of Oradlt Issued available in Eastern BUtes. tijrr.Dhl4i Blgbt d T$, rransiars soa on jfw ,r ,'i.h Oir Kt. 8n Francisco, I'ortland vrr gon, Beattla Wash,, "d various n uragM aaawasniDgw. tof. Collections iaad at all polnM on orabls terms. ' ' ... -.unit s s auwTiastoW amor' istNatitaak