The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1899, Image 3

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    We are now prepared
to show a full line of
Exquisite Patterns in
Black Grepons,
Black and Colored
Pierolas, Venitians,
Vicunas and Meltons.
Our Plaid, Single Skirt Patterns
arc one of the strong attractions, not
only on account of designs and quality,
but because there are no two alike.
e invite you to inspect our goods.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chfonicle.
SEPT. 12, 1899
TrleplioHP -Vo. J.
Served In every
Style at
Knjoy yonrsolvds
Friday evening, Sept. 15th,
At the Hook and Ladder boys' dunce.
Cratvlord peaches, 05c at Duwsons.
An adjourned regular meeting of tho
council will ho held tonight in tho
council chambers.
A large gutf is being constructed at
CraniUII & liurgot's which will he
Placed at the entrance to Odd Fellow's
cemeterv .
A force of painters are at work on the
Cosmopolitan hotel, nnd will soon trans
form it ho that it will scarcely look like
the same building, and inako tho street
look totnett hat better to pnssengera go.
Ior through on the train.
The members of the Epworth League
will fiivo tt reception to their pastor,
Kv. J. II. Wood, tomorrow evening,
Wednesday in tho church. All ihoiii
wrs and friends of tho church aro in
cited ami riqumted to be present.
Dr. Loi'ke, who was formerly pastor of
Taylor street cliurch in Portland, but
for the pait two years has been In Sun
"ancltcj, i.reached his farewell ternion
l that jilaue Sunday und left yesterday
wtako cargo of a church in Buffalo,
TJ y pupils of the pub'.io school weio
eact' presented with u fine polished hard
od ruk-r and also a number of blotters
drills the stump of the Homo Mutual
'neuuiciCo. They were presentod by
er. Hosteller and French, who aro
jj'nts fur that company, and to eay that
yweru appreciated by tho children
io8nottXprfaea it.
X.Ir8, T J- Driver, daughter, Mamie,
" 6on' Voluoy, have returned from
extfcd"l visit to the family of David
near Mt. Hood. While there,
"R epent tight days in the vicinity ol
,, '""a MrH' I,rivor 8y Uk
n,! n,0' ,,uklt'rrleB la that section,
i. ,, l"clt "I" mil. She also Bays
Mn5D" tl,u mml delll,t'l Pi"' to
a vwtlon she has ever visited.
he Improvement and enlargement of
wo,. ,wl," t Pease & Mays' is
2 ednot ?blu " "
u, giving tiie, ainplerooto to dis
play goods. The immense corner win
dow is today filled with tho latest fall
dress goods, which show off to tho very
best advantage. The appearance of the
building is also much improved thereby.
Dalles people hayo every reason to be
proud of their dry goods stores, as every
visitor to the city mentions their superi
ority over tho stores in cities of the
same size.
Tho sidewalk in front of the old Full
ton property leading to the bluff, which
was mentioned by tho Cnno.vici.i: re
cently is being badly in need of repairs,
is now being miprovod, much to the
satisfaction of those who are daily com
pelled to walk over it. Look about and
see if you havn't n sidewalk which
should bo repaired. Neat residences are
constantly being erected in our city,
mnking it attractive, but just so long as
our sidewalks, streets and alleys are
neglected and unkept, the town will
have au appearance which will le ol
fensivo to visitors and all who come in
contact with them.
Saturday afternoon nt the Methodist
conference in Spokane, Dr. G. K. Brown
said to tho ministers: "Don't cry-
God don't want men tn bellow in the
pulpit. A crying preacher is a min
isterial baby. Bo lavish with your
errfotionn in their true sense, but don't
cry." One minister asked : "Is it al
ways possible for one whose soul is
tilled with emotion to check the tears?"
"No. I never said a word about tears;
lot tt.em come. 1 only said, don't bellow
in the pulpit. I heard a minister tell
five deathbed stories in one Eermon;
was that right? That's brutal. Pathos
is a good thing, but when a man comes
nut of a graveyard every time ho
preaches, It is infamous."
The committees who have on Fiilo the
tickets for the hnll Friday night aro not
altogethor delighted with tho success
they me having, and somo of them have
risked their lives to save the property of
the very men they now ask assistance of
w th a great deal more bravery than they
use in requesting them to purchase a
ticket which will aesuro them a pleasant
evoning and help to again envo their
property in future years. While the
ri.:., .ir llvo Iti uniiiii nnn'n elso
1M'IJIlll.."UMt ..v... ... -
j shack on Front Btreet, have responded
liberally, mimy citizens who have valu
able property in tho , city, have
purchased one and two tickets, and
I enino none. This is not as it should bo.
Tho boys haye no selfish interest In
view, but lha good of the city. Show
them that it is your interest and not
their'a when they meet you.
Wo have often asserted that R. C.
Judson (a of all men the most industri
ous i that where Industrial Agent Judson
is there will some Industry bo also.
However, his friends in Tho Dalles were
scarcely prepared for his latest venture,
and are still in doubt as to his intent,
as It hardly seem uppropqs nor is It
klBS-lomary for a man in his position to
go fcbout Introducing kissing bugs. Aud
yet It is asserted that ho appeared at the
Umatilla House last night with the
Identical article. What It has to do
Our Do So
Beats Anybody's Say So.
Wo announce tho best selected stock of
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing,
Hats and Caps;
find wo have it. Wo advertise the Lowest Prices on
worthy (roods, nnd wo tell at those prices. Onr sur
prisingly low quotations on splendid values aro not
n mero advertising pretense, but a living, daily actu
This week we are showing a few of our specials.
Observe the following:
Gents' Fedora Hats (Black, Brown,
Coffee and Neutria),
with sill: binding, patent leather sweat bands. Can
not bo (quailed anywhere for less Hum $-'.50;
Our Price, $1.50.
GENTS' STIFF HATS, in all the latest stiles and
colors, at pricep ranging from $1.00 up.
A full line of CRASH and KNOCKABOUT HATS
from 50c up.
We are Sole Agents for tho ROELOF3 and MAN
HATTAN HATS, equal to the best Hats made.
Pease Mays.
with agriculture, horticulture, or any
other kind of culture they would like to
I know, and if be intends to start a colony
i of kissing bugs hereabouts it is only fair
i that ho should inform his lady friends,
j who never dreamed that a man of
Judsou's aggressiveness would need eucIi
a side partner. Wonder if Judson
j thinks such an industry in The Dalles
i wou'd be moro substantial than an evap
j orator. Truly ttie O.R &N. is branching
j out into new lines of business.
J This nfternoon at 2 o'clock at Union,
Or., two young people in whom Dalles
people are much interested were united
in marriage, nnd Miss Etta Story be
came tho bride of Frank Cra-r. It is
their intention to spend a week visiting
cities on tho Sound and then return to
The Dalles to make their home. When
Miss Etta left this city scarcely a year
ago, it was with deep regret that her
friends parted with her, for she was ever
a favorite. Always pleasant, with a
kind word lor all and foremost in every
good and charitable work, she endeared
herself to all and 'tis not surprising that
ho who is now her husband saw in her
much to r.dmiro and that would certain
ly make her a perfect helpmate and
companion. Mr. Gram, who has spent
tho greater part of his life here, is pos
sessed of thoeo qualities which cannot
fail to demand the respect and admira
tion of his friends. Always industrious
and energetic,. steady in his habits and
affable both to friend and acquaintance,
he cannot fail to bo all that iB deured as
a husband. The young people have tho
hearty good withes of all, and will be
welcomed in The Dalles us they come to
make their future home.
An item has been going tho round of
the country press to the effect that the
aluminum wires now in use so ex
tensively by the telephone companies, are
no good and copper wire will have to bo
substituted. This assertion is said to be
decidedly false. While tho company
has experienced much troubln with tho
line from here to IMneville, it was not
because tho aluminum wires aro not first
class, but because a mistake was made
in the maimer of putting them up. Per
haps a more difficult route could not bo
found than that to Prineville, where the
wind has full fweep and the elements
have undlsputtd sway. These wires
were stretched too tight, and being so
susceptible to climatic conditions con
tracted arid snapped whn tho weather
becamo tho least bit cold. Now that
they have been slackened no difficulty
is anticipated aud the company does
not expect to employ but one repairer
on the line. The Snoqualmie Falls
power transmission plant which trans
mits u0,O0O horso power from the falls, a
distance of forty-five miles over two
lines to Tacoma aud Seattle, and which
uses large aluminum wires, experienced
the same difficulty, having miscalculated
the co-efficient of expansion of these
wires, but by slackening them consider
ably now have no difficulty whatever
aud are more than pleased with them,
as is also the Oregon Telephone
com wood
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
Hardware and
Grocjry dealers.
piaiei & Benton
For wounds, burns, scalds, soree, skin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing so soothing nnd healing as
DeWitt's Witch Hazsl Salve. Mrs.Emma
Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else fails
in healing our babies, it will cure."
Butler Drug Co.
That Ig, us Fiir ns the Upper River Ik
Reports from the fishermen ebv that
while a few stray salmon are finding
their way to tho wheels, the outlook as
yet is not bright. They were lfd to be
lieve that tin fall catch would be all
riaht, but it will have to change materi
ally if their hopes are realized.
Deputy Commissioner Morgan said
yesterday that nets were so thick, along
the lower river that towing rafts of logs
was seriously interfered with. He also
expressed the belief that more. pound
nets were put in this year than ever be
fore. Fishermen there have counted upon
the fall and winter run being very large,
hence they have made remarkable prep
arations for taking care of it.
There is only one thing most of them
say that can provent a big run this fall,
and that Ib dry weather. Fishermen
maintain that tho fish come up much
better when the water is a little muddy.
The continued wet weather in the
summer causes many to think there will
be u dry fall in that part of the country,
in which event, they say, the fisherman
who failed to get rich while the spring
season was on, will again meet with dis
appointment. Those who have been dipping their
nets on the quiet before the season
opened down there, have given it out to
their friends that they were only samp
ling the river, and they declare that the
sampling done indicates a rich harvest
of fish thin winter.
This, of course stimulated every one
who owned a net or fishing gear of any
sort to get it ready for the season, and it
is more than likely that such an army of
fishermen has not been Eoen before on
the lower Columbia in the full, as will
be there for the next few months.
Increasing the price one-fourth o( a
cent, with prospects of better figures
later cn, has also hud its effect, ami
many who have heretofore been satis
fied with working by the day aro now
"paddling their own c.wiue?."
An Accident on i''lvo Jlllo (liuile.
Two men came near losing their lives
on 5-Mile hill Sunday night by an ac
cident which occurred just as they were
going down thu grade to tho old Thomp
son place, now owned by Ketchum.
James Eagan and F. N. Cain, of Prine
ville, were taking out two wugons loaded
with freight, which were drawn by six
horses. It seems thut thu former, who
was driving, had been drinking, aud his
companion warned him as ho diove
down; hut he fulled to take hied.
Finally the front w.gou tipped over,
throwing both men out and tcitteriug
the freight promiscuously. The driver
escaped with little injury, but Cain was
in a terrible position, being pinned
down by the wagon and dlnctly against
a barbed wire fence, which penetrated
his legs just above the knee, lie re
mained in this position for three-quarters
of an hour before help came to them
from the people who live in the Ketchum
By buying your FRUIT JARS
i, j? renm attt n-nT'mri
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
aud Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, -
place. Then it was found necessary to j
dig out underneath him in order that he
might be extricated.
He was taken to tho house uncon
scious and Dr. Geisendorffer sent for,
vihen it was discovered, beside the
lashes from the barb.-d wire that lie was
hurt internally. Tho doctor made
another trip last evening, aud, strange
as it may seem, is of the opinion that
he will recover.
Thu Theatre From the Inside.
That there are five thousand theatres
in America, and that one million and a
half people attend them each week-day
night, spending seventy million of dol
lars a year on theatre-going, are the sur
prising facts with which Mr. Franklin
Fyle;, the dramatic editor of the New
York Sun, will open an important series
in tho next issue of The Ladies' Home
Journal. The series will be called "The
Theatre and Its People," aud will run
through seven numbers of the magazine,
lavishly illustrated with pictures made
by twelve different artists. Tho articles
will treat of every phase of tho theatre,
the play and the actor, from tho inside,
aud will toll how a theatre i9 managed ;
the actuil money which plays have
mule; how au actor is trained and what
actors aro actually paid ; how a play Is
written and what the authors lecoive;
how a play is rehearsed ; tho first night
of a play; how the actresses "make up"
and what they use; aud in' a minute
way the two last articles will show what
goes on behind the scenes on tho stage
during a performance. It is a curious
fact that this will he the first timo that
the theatre and tho actor have been ex
haustively treated in a mugizlne, audi
that there is no book on tho subject, in
Til n I.udli'd.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladle3 may ihu Syrup of
Figs, under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get Iho true, and
genuine article, look for the name of tho
California Fig Syrup Co., piloted near
the bottom cf tho package. For a.ila by
all druggists
C'lituin I. list
Between the Columbia Hotel and Par
kins' barber shop, a squaio gold charm,
containing photograph. Finder please
leave at tho barber shop and recolvo re
ward. 12-Ht
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold In handsome tin
boxes at 2o cts, ISIakeley & Houghton
Third Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, The Dalles.
The Dalles, Or.
Be Dalles, PorlM and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
strs. Hegtilator (S Dalles City
Dully (csccpt Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching nt way twin's cm both tides of tho
Columbia river.
Hoth nt tho above Mourners lwive been rebuilt,
nnd in excellent khajio for tho beuMm of 1MH).
Tim Krcnlutor I.lne will endeavor to give its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Keoiiomy itnil rieiisnri1,
travel by the stenmera of The KociHutor
The above teiimors leave The Dalles nt 8 n. in.
nnd I'nrtlniiil id 7 it. m , and arrive nt destina
tion in hinpl i time for outgc.ius trains.
Portliind Oillce. Wo Dalles Oi!lce.
Onk St. Dock. Court Btieet
W. C. Alia way,
Oeuern Agent.
More Flies
Are Caught
with ninia-ses than vinegar, is nn old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Ply Paper
catches moro than eltlior. No insect
ciiii rctdst its attraction and once within
its power tho tormenting possibilities of
that insect are over.
Price 6o per double sheet.
Our stock contains many other prepa
rations for destruction of Insect lift).
Fresh cracked Nehruska corn at the
Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of
chicken feed. u;