1 I For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antlcs, Overcoating or Fancy Vesting. (5 ' Kindly rail nnil examine my stock of Im ported Hurt Domestic oolens. A tine stock to elect from. Suits made from the lowest prices to the high est gndc. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. IBE DALLE!, OliEGO.V. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 9t7U8CltII'TION 1'IUCE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year C 00 TUESDAY SEPT. 12, lSftJ; COLORED OFFICERS. The administration has determined j !n weaker day by day. Three physi . 1 cians had Riven me up. Fortunately, a to try the of necro iij uiu "Heiiuicui, ui ulB'u,tr!pn(lnlviP.l'EIPPtrir!T?ltrB':inul to companj' officers in the two new- black regiments about to be organ- ( jzed for service in the Philippines, ! says the Spokesman-Review. Here tofore it has been found, necessary to in ever regiment , to white men because of a belief in ?ome quarters that the negro was not fitted for leadership. It was found impracticable to mix negro officers with white companj officers in black regiments because social and mess ., . , considerations would not be pleasant and would give rise to friction. i cure with local treatment, pronounced wide variety as we are showing never be- In the new regiment forming now j it incurable. Science hns proven catarrh (ore graced a single stock. Real imita n I v , i- i .i 1 1'011 creton efJects at ordinarv prices, it is possible to thorouahly demon- i tobe a constitutional disease, and there- Good pap(.rg nt cheap pnpe-r ,,riceg. Strate the elllciencv of "the educated I i?r !"e(Luires "titut!l treatment. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vonrs i He will ; negro soldier as an ofllcer, mess with tellow colored olhcers, will command intelligent men whose braverv has been proven on recent battlefields nnd will have the benefit of advice from regimental command. ers who have beer, taught the art of war in scientific and practical schools. There is every reason to believe the experiment will be a sticcesj. In ' Cuba's struggle with Spain thousands , oi coioreu oinrers heltl commissions j in Cuban nrraie, and proved their i valor and generalship in scores ofj engagements. General MaCCO isai ii,l !atnr.nn i. I notable instance, but there arc lesser iSnl.ta i,.. .,, ... ., , . JtgUtS Who have a place 111 the his- t r.., i. i.i I torj Of Cuba Whose knowledge Of , .i. . . ; Strategy, Whose Courage and dlSCI- , ti, i . ! t...u, tus uuii-juii ,cu .uui jjuu.- W ... -mj uimvit iiuuiuiiu lugtmci 11JU111.U i f.- m n, t.i l- i.i:, 1 after month. The hlack renublics and black nations have developed ' good soldiers and good officers. j Secretary Root's policy will doj much to test the efficiency of the J aegro officer, and it meet thcnp-J proval of a large portion of the popu-1 lation of America. To some extent it will eradicate the prejudice exist-! ing in West Point naainst necro' cadets, and it will open nn avenue ( for the education of bright and brave , . , , . . , , colored boys whose tastes lean toward , an army career. It is a possibility; -that no small portion of the army in flip fntnrr trill 1m rr rrn1 i nr-xa I wv.ull. v.viw,, to held out for positions in higher sphires than that of an enlisted man. The experiment is worth the trying and will be closely watched by army authorities. FIVE INFAMOUS MEN. The majority of the judges of the court-martial at Eennes have laid ,. , , , I tuem SelVl'S nnd tilClI COUn'rV in a bod " ' i-uuH.ij iiiuucu of tirimRtnno 1 ia ilm. nn ' W unmsione. itl3lUC,n0t Urey- .it, i i , . . Tus wuo is ui?grnced and degraded U the eyes of the world. Some ex. ' i: tsuse may oo maue for tueeenera s: . - , ILe cnmmnn nonntn nt kronnn warcely censurable at all; but these five men wore sworn judges. The priceless jewel of justluc was en trusted to thorn. They east it forth to be trampled iuto defiled dust by scoundrels, perjurers and murderers at heart. Henceforth they arc moral outlaws. The time is swift'y com ing when even in France their names will be spoken only in re proach, and their deed held in hor ror, as it is already by the rest of the civilized world. For everybody knows that thev knew that Dreyfus 4 ill- t- l..l.. I was nut yum v. ivvuij uuu, unu.- that they violated their oaths and from first to last were prosecutors insteaJ of judges. They tacitly ad mit that Drcvfus is innocent, but ! thev must convict him m order lo shield Mcrcier and the rest of the t ,iiior,- ,. Tl,n -""o v" 'J .... names of these five judges will be . , ,. infnroousns long as they are ever spoken or remembered ; and the one most blackly buried in the endless trench of infamv will lie that of ' cast the deciding vote. Telegram. 1 llnljlieil the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr, John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the I subjec, is narrated by him as fallows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, I tongue coated, pain continually in back j and sides, no appetite gradually grow- my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know thev saved I I my life, and robbed the grave of another j . victim." No one should fail to try them, i Qnlv 50e, guaranteed, at Blakeley & ! Houghton's drug store. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was snnnosed to he incurable. For o great many years doctors pronounced it j a local utsease, anu prescrmeu local remedie. nnd bv constanlh- faiUnK to nan s uatarrau uure, manuiaciureu oy F j Chenev & no.. Toledo. Ohio, is the j only constitutional cure on the market. i It is taken internally in doses from ten drops ton teasnoonful. It acts directly, 1 on lhe blo"f and JnnconB. surce,s ftl,e ' 'evstem. 1 hey offer one nundred dollars ; for anv case ,t ai!s t0 cure. Send or ; circulars and testmonials. Addresp, F. J. Chenev & Co., Toledo, O. j "Sold by Dyissists, 75c. 7 J unt vour house with i.nints that are ! JJy eauteed 10 !asu Ciaike & Frtlk ! i Dpn fit if 111 In'n JJCdullllii kJiUlI, UdiCJ. if you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French! Arie comoiexiou wn-ers. Their etiect is isimplv magical iissisins the wizard toueb ' , iwluclnenud r'reservi.2 a bemtiiul trans- pareney and pellucid clearness of complexion. , JbHly eoutour of form, brilliant ujfcs, toft i and smooth skIii where the rtverse exists. Even the coarsest and mmt remilve skin, marred by j freckles, moth, bli-.ckhe?ds, pimples, vulgar r.nuess, vellon- anil niuuuy stin aiepermaneut-, ly removed, and a deliciously clear and refined f complexion fissured. I'rlec per small Im.-:.; cents: large .box. ?1, or six huge boxes'. J3. htnt to any address roit pjiu ami unaer plain wrap;cr uioii receipt oi the ubove amount. Write jor free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St.San Francisco Cal Ask your ' Druggist for a generoas IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH y' OrfiBIR SsIiTI contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drus. ffi 1", Kmgw.11"" Allava Iarliinma.tion. cold n head! ",.--,, Vrotect. .ho KLYOTilEUd.M Tffa&twtt.SwTcrtc 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I -SEE trace maims Dcbions COPVRIQHTa Ac. Anyone tndlnc etrh nnd deeflnlion ma- qulcklr amrtAin our opinion free wbetiier - nTitln u probably iMtentable. Cominnnle. tloiutrlellrconadntl. Handbook on I'atenu acntfroe. OIOt aucy foreunuriUnU. I'teu taken tbrouiib Wunu k, Co. ttxtlre nttotkt, mnioittcoanre, mtEo SCkitifiC fleHCHt AhudaoniriiiMmt4 wtir. format dr. TrHH. t3 a raiMiun nr any waummi jomi frt lour raonltM.lt. MoM t rwu-Mmtr raonlM, II. mow Dyaji HwUMim. tyll nwMalra. A good drug sign. "7 ' rABT i "7 ' i !0" 1 V... ; I ; , -V- 11 1 . 1 . . . . 1 ,. i ou wen hiiuw uiui u tuuu uru siu i is the patronage which is bestowed on M'c s'r.0' ?t is tuu punty of the Roods j handled ntul the manner ol doing uusi- nes3 that makes ntul keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of onr ef- ( t to aupplv tho best druse at the best prico. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 SecGM Street. THE DALLES Just What You uaant. TP) I New ideaD in Wall Paper here. Such iur n hujuu putt, m. uui aiuic uu xmru . 8treut- Also a fuI1 li,ie of ll0Use I,aints- jj. w. vausju, Tiiira tst. m GoiumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANDFACTDUKKa OK ! Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIED BEEF. ETC. . J.S. Schkne, -I'resldcnt fl. 31. Bea;. , Caahlui First national Bank. thf nAI .i.ps - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight 1 , Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ' New York, Kan Francisco and port land. DIREOTOHS D. F. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. SVilmamb, Geo. A. Likbk. U. M. Beai.l. New anfj Cppnnr Hand Furniture bought and eold at the Old Stand. Pawn Broker. Money aaned on valuable. Horaee bought and told on coumiaalon. R. B. HOOD. 61 2d St. cQ. Iff M OJFL&N. TIMK fCKEnULE. I'nou Dalles. Ar.ntvr: Fkum. Salt l.Ur. Denver. Ft. Fun Worth. Omaha, Kan- Mull ms City, lotils, 3:1.1 i m C'Mcngii mid Kt. ohanc ;WnlIa Walla. Spokane1 Spokane .Miunt'iipoU". M. I am i riser. i ninth, lllnukee, V.ron. m Chicago and Kast. Fnou l'ORTLAND. Oee.tn Steamships For San Francisco January 22, and every live days thereafter. 4 p. m. p. m. 4 p. m. Kx.sunday Columbia Uv. Steamers.' Ex.btitnla) To AsroniA and Way) Saturday I-amllngs. j 10 p. m. B a. m. WlLLAMRTTB KlVKR. 4:S0 p. m. Es.hunday Oreuon City. Newberc'Es.aunday Salem & Way Laud's. i ! 7 a. m, W ilia stem: and Yam j Tues.Thur. hill IUVeks. I and eat. Oregon City, Dayton, 1 and Way-ljir.dliigs. 3:30 p. m. .Mon..W'ed and Frl. 1 Cn.ni. Willamette Ktvun. I:n0j. m. Tue..Thur, t'ortland to Corvallls, Ttie.. lhni and Sat. and Way-Uindlng-. and sat. Sxake Ktvnn. T.lparia tu Lewlston. Leave Lewisto.v dally Lv nipailn daliy rrr. : Tr : rTT' imii'SniM neiurnins mnnincdirectcoiinection ill nei'imer i o- -m-.tn nnnn n Junction nith No. 1, arrivius at The Dalles at Ue Vera tllgll a SOIUO pOOJ)ie No. throucht freight, east bound, does untlC-U-B-A CUStOIUer Of OUl'S. carry paicngers; arrives ";bO n. ni depart 1 2:10 a. m. No, L'l, local Irelsht, carries paMesifrers, east bound: urrivc. 4:;w p. m departs J:15 p. in. No. 21, wen bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives brio p ru., departs 0:M p. m. No. 2J, west bound local freight, curies pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs s:L0 a. tu. For full particulars call ou O. asent The I)alles. or address n. & n Co.' w. ii. Huni.i;t'itT. I'as. Ast., I'ortiauil. Or. den lit ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. 0 H s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cari Dining Cars Sleeping Car wt. I'Airi. MI.N.NEAl'Ol.J IJULL'TH FAlKiO (HCANI) Pttll CKOOICSTON WINNII'EO HELENA an HTJTTE TO ; Through Tickets : cHieAoo T WA8UINOTON I'UILADEM'HIA NEW VUUK BOSTON AND ALL I'OINTS EAST and HOUTU For information, time cards, macs and ticket', cal on or write to W. C. ALLAW AY.-Agent, The JJalles, Olefin OB A. D. AHLTON, Asst. G. f. A., 25 rrinon Cor. Third. I'nrtlaud Oueit. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor, Second & LaneWin. 'PHour I'.? - Notice U hereby Klvcn that tho nnrlenlKiicil Jim bwi Uu y nK)iitwl i,r the horn ri ,'o County Court of theHUle of Orwon. f r viieo unty. ewmor of the tHte "if I'helTe J HalRlit, UteemeU. All per.nu. hav L ffl.r. IMteU thh 5th Uy of July, nvj. Editor of th. JMWJ!!!W& . . JS-lnch Motor.l MANCFAcrt'i:i:i nv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRlVlNO GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC! Ci.-culius and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, UI12G THE DALLES, OKEGON THE DKLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. i Dewey white wa?h? Yes, and wash whito. You can j Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho i Maine point is quality and the ! Mrritt of our work is such that people iio Miles to patronize us. Our choice, but the Corner of First "Phone 341. C. J. STUBLING- 1 Wholesale and Retail ! Wines, Liquors and Cigars. i Agency for the Greate t American Liq.iior Ye'lowslone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $U.7i to jU.OO m;r ualltni, iTtn 16'yoiirB oJld. ' " ' IMP0ETED 00GNA0 fmni 7.U0 to $12.00 jier calloiu (11 to iVywirj oltT.'" j OALirOEKIA BRANDIES fioni jo.'.'o to JU.liO per kiiIIoik" (4 lull years oltl ! ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. i 0LTMPIA BEER on (lratiKht, and linpurteu Alo ami I'orter, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORG RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grandall & Barget DEALER IN - eS, fill kinds of undertakers BaPaii Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? 11 kinds. Headquarters for RoUed Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, STttftia Headquarters for "Byers1 Best" Pendle ton rlOUr TI,B Moor manufactured exprealy w'JS' wXtn , , verv nack ia Kuaraoteed to give eSS call ur BOoU" low?r than notwe in the trade, and il you don't turn call and gut cur tiricee and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oat. and Motors prices arc not standard rates, which are not thitiL- nnil iin ivnnf r. tnillK, aiHt C aill 10 and Court Street, THE DALLES, OB. Vul Blata and Oiyinnia lteor in bottles