Acts gently on the KIdeys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem X EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES ' rr2Q C ' h1BlT11A,CST.PAT.ON PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE - MAHT O By res sou Etta cwgist& feu sat krktm. l'EO 1'L.E YOU ALL KNOW. Alexander Gr.wt is in from Auttlope J. P. Van Houten, of Hay Creek, is in town today. E. W, Howellnnl wife cune iu fiom Fossil yesterday. Miss Black, of Grass Vnllev, is in the C ty, the truest of Miss Bailey. Prof. Burden, of the Oregon state uni versity, spent yeste'dny in Hie Danes. C. L. Ireland, of the Sherman countv Observer, spent yesterday in th; city. W. Hadlcy came up from the ho B ifi'iiis at feprairue aaturdtiv on his wav t j Mora. .1. D. MuAndeu and wife anil M. .1 Finlayson cune in from Antelope tlf morning. Mrs. Nettie Booth and children re- turned Saturday from her summer's stny at Ocean 1'urb, Lone; tteaiili. Jllsis (jertrude Slave, yrauudaugtitcr of Robt. Mavs, is in the citv and wil attend school here this winter. F. A. Vhh Norden and wife, who have been visiting friends in Southern Ore con, returned home Saturday night. Rev. Gilman Parker, who occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church yester day, returned to Inn home in Sellwood today. s Judge and Mrs. W. JK. Hrailslmw anil 1 tele eon, Clinton, have gone to the Val ley to spend a fewweeks with relatives and friends. Mrs. Chas. Hilton and daughter, Mies x loreiice, cume up Iron) their Imuie in Portland Saturdnv and will visit friends for a few days. MUs Douth'H, who spent her vacation witn trienda in Portland, returned hat urday night and has resumed her dutiee in the school here. Mies Grace Suott, of the Cnno.vici.i: force, and .Miss L'zzte Schooling left on the luat this morning to spend theii vacition in Portland. Ernest Jensen, who has spent the past tea days in Astoria visiting his aisa , returned last night to his duties in A. M. Williams & O'o.'a mor.'. Mrs. P. II. Flim, Bon.Tamee, and -lnugjiter, Mias Irarib, wh6 hav been visitRlw-trrrhe city inceTusdav-, left last mum tor thoir'iiOUieyn Huntington. Misa Burke is iu the citv visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. French. She will spend the remainder of her vacation here, re euming her studies iu the Normal school at Monmouth next week. A. S. MacAllister, who has spent a few days In Dafur on business, returned luma yesterday. He says crops have turned out so .nucli hotter than expect ed tnat all ure glad they're liviu'. Mrs. Josephine Forwood, of The DaIU'C Is visiting her miter. Mrs. C. 8. Van Duyn.of the Van Djyn hotel. She is pleased wi'h Sumpier uuil its climate, and thinks of rHtiittininij here perma nently. Sumpter Ainerlcm. Chester H. Brown, Kalaiiiuaoo, M'cb., Bays: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion; can strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics." Digests what you etit without aid from the stomach, aii.J i u iNtdyepepsiu. Butler ui?rniaTg(Syrvf(2. kv. " " cau. sca ffc n.y. "t Drug Co. DeWitt'e Little Early Riaere perma nently cure chronic cona Ration, billons nM, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Baaall, pleasant, never gripo or sie'een "famous little pills." Uuil-r Drug Co. Buy "Security Bchool ahoes" fcr children, mhses and lioyr. Tlifjr are seat and dtewy and will wear like iron. For sale by New York OmIi Store. 8-2t Clarke ft Falk hare received a carload f the celebrated Jautes . Patton atrietijr pure liquid iaiutii. Mills Allowed Ity CnmniliiMoiicrft. Mnrtin Spollninn.wit grund jury . V C Alltiwny, snine V A Cut!?, sprliiklltm BtreetB. .. Chris Dethtmin, Mtpcrvisnr work, U h Sahin. supplies by Co rond innssedt " Butler Drug Co, med for pan pore, Mnys & Crowe, applies, court. 0 50 '' 00 !) 00 20 00 23 Gj '.'0 1)5 77 75 Irwin-Hodson, " mid records. -'10 id Gins? & I'rnddhonic.sanie 0 00 .1 l 1'utort & (Ju, roml supplies.. 10 ui Lucky toley & Olinpur, use of team and hnck S Rufus Ryan, labor, (passed) 4 Elton Knout., Inttor 1 Mrs E L Hughes, board pauper . 4 Dr Shackelford, txatn iusauu. ... 5 John Gavin, esuin teachers. 15 .) T Xeff, same 15 00 Frank lpier, services supers'. .. Inhuston Uros, supplies juniper. Ftadclmnn Com Co, ice W H Whipple, service assessor. . 0 L Gilbert, stninps L L D.ivis, labor on roads David Allen, " " " J T Fnytin, " " " .1 T Fngtui, work with team Joe Hurst-, labor on road lienj Hurst, same W 11 Williams, report ot wo.k approved. M T Shaw. M D, service pauper, finch Glenn, labor and uitilerial 1 C Nickleson, supplies W Michell, burial pauper Dalles Citv, collected bv clerk.. .' S 201! 9 00 0 00 00 12 00 G 00 1 50 3 Ou 24 00 (5 .'!5 1 10 20 00 112 09 125 02 rimes-Mountaineer, primiuc.. . Mosier Mill Co, lumber 7 40 Lane Bros, iron for bridge 20 00 Oreaon T & T Co, rent nnd mes. 40 Ciniosici-i: Pub Co, printing 106 38 Robt Kellv, eundrv bills 10'J- 80 W H Wakefield, taxes 9 50 D S Dufur, reporting case in jus tice court Dalles City Water Works, rent. . Carey and Mr.ys.ser for county.. Ward & Sons, lumber Pe.tse & Mays, supplies paupers. D S Kimsev,per diem nnd milage N C Evans, same G W Cornett, wit State vs Hnben G W Brown, wit Stnte vs Walton 7 50 1) Mo 00 00 2S IS 23 S9 24 00 14 00 11 50 4 SO E M Wilson, rebate tases 30 00 BUSINESS LOCALS. Latest tiling in eatnerus proved Magazine cyclones at are lm Donnuir drn store. Drink Warren's Pure Ginper Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stuu'ini.', agent, The Dalies. M17 3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at nil first-class bars. C. J Stublinp, afent, The Dalles. M17-3tr. Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. C. J. Try tonic. C. J. For sale at all Grst-class liars. Stubling, ayeut, The Dalles. M17-uin Verba Buenu Bitters, the best For sale at nil first-class bars. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Wanted. To borrow ?900 at sis or eight pfr cent. Security, a house and two lots on Ninth street, The Dalles. Addre5s Itnv. A. Hoi:.v, aSG-wlm Golilendiile, WaEh. I'or Sale. An S-roonvhoue (can be made nine rooms), also a barn and nice garden, For particular apply to N. WjIEALDON, 2C wlm The Dalles. "Ilurmuiiy" Whiskey. Harmony whUkey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl Fur Sale. Twentv-'.hree city lots for sale. From $50 up. Inquire ut Columbia Hotel. S-23-lmo. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco .varehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Acker's Saved Her Life "About two miles from Jlicli.. where I keen a druc store, lives Mrs. T. M. jirnii. Diicivasvery faick and hopeless with consumption. watched her case with interest after she began takine Acker's KriL-lish ltcmedy for Con numption, because Iliadhcardso much about its wonderful cures, well sir, perhaps you will doubt it, but witii my own eyes I saw this woman get well nnd strong bn that remedy. In a vnrv Klinrt timo th couKii sioppeu, iicr lungs were neaiea up, 1110 soreness went away, una slio Ixvan tak ing on flesh. She herself said: 'Mr. Dullard, I owe niy life to Acker's English ltcmedy. It is a certain cure.' In Mrs. Uratt'j ne'ghborhood her recovery lias occasioned much comment, ns you can easily under. bnd. Her case was 0110 where everybody thought it was only n question of a HUM while until she would die. I feel it a duty as a druggist to write this letter, no that there need bo no more deaths from consumption.'' (Signed) E. A. Bullabp, Vussar, Mich. Sold at 25c., 60c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., U. 6d. Ifyouareuot satlafled after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. H' authorite tht above guarantee. r. IL MOOK CO., froprUtgri, has Ymk. Wit BALE 11 V Blakeley &c Houghton. SUMMONS. I TItK CIKCCIT CM.'KT OF THK STATE i - in uregnn, tor tnc uotinty oi useo. ClinrU's 0. 1.. llcnson, pliilutlll'i v Itett'e A. Ilcii5im, ilcfcniluiit. TolletltcA. llcnson, tlie iibovc niuiud dcfulid-nut- In the Nnme of the Bttu nf Oreitou: You aro heri'ljv iiotilli-U to niiionr nnd nliswcr thucoiiitiliilnt In tlip iitiovc i'litltlt'il court n tut cause on or bvtoiu tx v.ccks from the ilnto of the tlrst iniblii'ittloii of tti'.s uotirc, to-witi the (Uli day of Septcniliur, lMm. mill If jou fall to mi tip rear nml imswur or dtherwim iilctid, the plaln tltl wlllnjiply to theenurt fur the rulluf iiriijcd for In his comtilalnt herein, to wit; that the bonds of lniiliinionjr now existing between lilalntlH'iind 'vfeudant bo dlssolvt'd forever and that iilalntlll'liaru JiitlRmuut npilnst defendant for Ills m.-ts and (lishiirfeiiieut!: anil for Mi' li other and further relief ns to the Court may seem meet and iiiulliibk". This Mimmons Is lmbHshcd by virtue of an order nnide and signed by Hon W. I., llrad-haw, Judge of the nhove entitled court, on theL'dday of aejitcinber. JVju, dliectuiK that said summons be published once it week for a period of not lesfi than six consecutive wicks. niKI). W. WILSON, -entfi-i Attorney for IMalntllV. NOTICE. v. S. I.ANl) Ofhck, The Dalle?, Ore j u iv is'.rj. Notice Is hereby clven that tlni order of Ho comber h, 1mi, temporarily wlthdruwliiR from dlHioaI, for the purposes of n boat railway, the lambs on the south side and wllbin six miles of the. Columbia river, between The Dalles and Celllo, has been revoked by the president, ex cetitns to the following deseilbed parcels: one In the SW't of Sec ill, l' '-' X, K H II. contdnlnB about four and one-half ncre-i, and the other iu theNW'i.fcccl, T'J N, It 13 K.coutalnliiK about half an acre. On and after September 1, we will recelvo applications lor any vacant hiuili included therein. J. V. MH'As, OTIS I'.VTTKHSON", Htglster. Iteceiver. JlyiO I CONTEST NOTICE. r. lasn Office, Tin: luitw, On. 1 A iiflicleiit contest ullldavit liavlUR been tiled in this olllee by James huiiu. contestant 4th, lsW for..'.j sWii.MiW niec. Sl.toun- shins s, It ill k, and .sW;. XWUf. See, is, town- shin 4 K. It 13 K. by Thomas JelTrcv.s, contestee. In which it is alU'ced that he has abandnnod said tract for more than n mouths. Said imrttes arc hereby nottlkd to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said alleRiitton, at 10 o'clotk a. m. on Sent. 1. 'J0. before the reelster ' "mi receiver at the L iilteu states lauu oinee in i iiv iiuitrs, ur. The said cnntestntit h.ivluc; In n iirojier ailldavlt, filed July 1st, 1H.D. set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service ot this notice can not be mane, It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice ba plvcu bv due and proiior publication. JlylMI JaV 1'. I fCAs, IlCBlstcr. 1VOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. La.vij Ornc::, Tub iialus, On ,( June -M, law. j Xo'fce Is hertby Riven that In compliauc with the nrovislons of the act of congress o June :i. ISTs, entitled "An act for the sale o timber lands In the states oi California. Owjou, Nevada and Washington territory," I'liurle dos-on, of The Dalle-, county of Wa-co, state of Orrgnn, has this day lilctl in this olitce his sivorn statement No. HI, for the purchase of the lot l and sl'.'-J a tt'lu of Sec. No. 2U. In Townshln 1 No. 1 N, ranxy No. 1- V., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-lO'e-, and to establish his malm to s lid land be fore the register and receiver of this olllee at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of September, lvj. He liames as wltnes-e.s, A. Turner, W. Clark. I'eter Fuga:i. G. Whltinore, all of The Dalles, Or. At. y ami all persons claiming adver-ely the nbovu described lauds are recUcstt"l to lllo their claims In this othcu ou or before said Kith day of Hcptemfcer, 1:99. J. I'. l.L'CAS, Jiys-ii Itcglster. Kotice of Filinif Final Account Nollce Is hereby rIi-cii that the undersigned, the assignee of J. W. Moore, II. K. Moore, and J. W, and II, K. Moore, Insolvent debtors, has filed with the clerk of the circuit court, of trie atate, of Orciron, fur Wasco county, his final ac count as such assignee- ti.esame will lie beard and passed uio:i by said circuit court on the 1st day of the next rcRular term of said circuit court, towit, the November, lra,term the hour of ten o'c'ock a, m or us soon there after as the matter ohii Iju reached Ij-13 II FOLK ill.'Tl.KIl, AsslRiiee. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby Klvm that the undersigned has been duly appointed by thu Hon. Countv Court of tbu thu Mate of Oreiron. for Waco county, as administrator of the cstatenf Adolph Acldlus, deceased. Alt persons having idalrus HKiiinst said estate are hereby notified to present trie same projieny verincu 10 me at tnu nince 01 my HtloritMs. Inifur ,V Menefee. within six moiith from thoilnte of this notice Dated at The Dalles, Orcipiu, Juue.i. 1S'. j i Amnio, Administrator of the Kstatc of Adolnh Acidlus. deceaseil. T-il DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby ti ven thttt the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. Daut and S. I). Stoufer under the firm nanio and ttyle of The Daut Opticnl and Jewelry Company Iiuh this day been dii BDlved. P. G. Daut will continue the business, collect nil debtn due the firm and pay all bills owine; by them, the euld S. D. Stoufer hereby retirinp therefrom. Djtcd thia 14th day of Augutst, 1809. P. G. Daut K. D. STOL'l't it F I'.EI). W.WII.SON, ATTOKN KV-AT l.AW, THK DALLKH, OUEOON. Ofllco ovei First Nat. Dink. Pliysiciau and Surgeon, 6pccial attention given to lurgcry. Boomi 21 and 22, Tel. 228 Vogt Illoc NERVITA VITALITY. AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Exnisalons and wanting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. Anervc tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks anr restores the lire of youth. By snallffOc per box; 6 boxes for $8.50; with written ffuaran- to cur r rwad tM woney. NCRVIfwl MEDICAL CO. fJ6old by BIsMey Dallet, Oregon. HoBghtoo, Ths m OREGON silion XL OPENS IN PORTLAND. SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural acfl AEricnltnral Products of Oregon, Washington and Idaho in greater variety and pro fusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Orcatest Lady Cornet Soloist. The t'ucnuallcd FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct from the Kmplro llieatcr, London, their first appearance In America. A Great WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Aetiallsts, in their thrilling acts. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great and Astounding Feats. Kcilmed ItuU'H nil All I. !-. Traiisportallun ah.ium.siox 1T Cents Children under 12 jcars, 10 cents DONT MISS IT! I.:AIA)AI A.U VTJ.TAT-ATakTJtTSv-JCTA-'" BROS c;i:xi:iial ii .AND. fS Ji' Wagon and Carriage Work. Fieri Brothors Wagon. Third and Mcr'fit Phone 159 5' c. i I I Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles!: The Busy Store. EacU day our business bliows the people ore finding out wc are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Industria BfacKsmnns Horsesnoe WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Kntnoponlv one dollar ! The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC! 1 A SUPERB LIBRARY OF I 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES I So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge, 'rZS S23f iSSf EST $2! MM H I - T; gfTl j A' aS Amg IMMSSK sss mini f F?H' '7 ; "i5f'ni'r 57- '.iSi -ri ia I ' jjjLit JJ j 3 ' ' ! iBU3HiQBo nil i HliM BSsPS sags ' i, J The entire set with Guide j' T entire case upon payment Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the product of the largest and best Tht The BRITANN'ICA Is the acknowl edged standard all Encydopidlas, and the NEW VRNER is the best edition of the Britannlca. Do not put your money In old editions '2 , or poorly made books because they are a,:neaper. me tics 1 is me uncArts 1. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which lias 'j aot ! 'ill 1 FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via I The Shasta Route OK T HE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc due to arrive tit 1'ortlaL I OVKK1.AN1) EX-1 press, biilem, Hose-1 I burg, Ashland, Km:-1 jl J ramento, 0(;den, I .00 1 1 I inii-inui,, .-llljave, ( A ' 1 I'asi), ami I 0:15 A.M. i.os Aiiijuies.i n rew uricans I i:nst S!30 A m '"iseburg and way tn- 'tlous . 1:30 I'. M Dally except fiundays. fVIa Woodbur.i fori Mt.Ainrel. fallvertoii. Dally except htiudays West belo, llrowus ville.rjprliiKlleld and I Natron I 17:30 A. M. (Corvallld iHtatloim.. 01,(1 wu- ,5:50 I'.y. ISUEl'KNUKNCK I'AHSENOEIt. Itiresi, truln l'ally (except .Sunday). j.Mp. m. rl.v. ...I'ortland ...Ar.) 8:2.5 n. m i'. in. .iiuiunviiie..i.v. rufiOa. in :30 p. m. ..liidtK;ndenee..I.v.) -I:o0 u. in. Ually. tDaiiy, except buunnr, DINING OA 118 ON OUIJKN itOUTK. 1'UbUIAK I1UFKET SLFKrEUB AND RECOND-CLASS HLEEl'INC- CAKk Attached to all Through Trulna. Direct connection at fcnn l-'raiiclseo with Occl dental nnd Oilental and 1'aclfic mall teamtiin lines for J AI'AN mid CHINA. Salll 8 S on r,L?tcVi"a,U.c;.1iVVi t0 Ktern ixilnts and Eu auh'tiuija! ' U"1S'A, a"N0LU1'U All above trains arrlvo at and depart frorr Orand foutrol Htatlon. Fifth and Irving atroeU YAMIUU. MVI8ION. J Heni?er Depot, loot oi JetJemon atrcet. Iave for Hhcrldan, week daya, at 4:30 n m Arrive ut 1'ortlund, 0:30 a. in, ,,p,B VimII6 A.-'U.IK 0,i M,on,1'. Wednewlay and wiy tn:j,ia,in, Arr v at I'ortland. Tum. dav,TliurdayHlidHaturclHv .r .q.rS i'a' m Except Bunday. Except Saturday, JiMiBfter. Aut. o. v. ju i'mu i.t thTo'u,2Bl',&S0'!!?.,.s;' wbo or N. VHEJAl!DOK!.UKUN,, T,Cket Aen- ONI FOR A OOtl. Hil l i fea-ite. PILLS set with Guide delivered of only best known to the book-making art. equipped book factory in AmurLa. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring ths University to them. This edition lias never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. ..ghas. mM- Sutehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. KecpNon draUKht the celebrated UOI.UMIIIA ItEEK, nclcnowi-i-dned the bent lieor In The llallfs, Ht the UHiial price. Come in, try it and be rouvlnred, Al-o the Finest brand of Wines, I.h nor and Ciirars, Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds alwaj n on hand. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday. Kates Reasonable. Telephone 201. I W. A. CATES, Prop. FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. TUANUACT A KNEBALBANKINO BOIilNB Letters o( Credit issued available in tb Eaatorn States. htf BiKbt Exchange and. TelWpW Transfers sold on New "r'.nT5 8t. tools, .Ban Franeiico, I 'or frrij" gon, heattle wasn., anu r in Oregon and Washington. Uf. Oollectloas saads at all pol"" 00 " orabla tarsas. $1.00 y vug MP' B t HDMTIHOTOK HUMT1MQTON WILSON, UWTINaAT10aNKVHKATAUS. OMMOTr ntNalBMU