The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 09, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
rci h j trr iu c;iii ri tv icrui.
1'EOri.E TOC ALL KNi) VS".
E. HannaSn is a visitor in the city
from Kent.
Jfrs. L. E. Orowe retnrned lesterday
irfternoon from a few weeks' tay in
Portland. yr
Mi?s Mabel O'Brieorame in from
Dnfur yesterday to jrwnd the closing
tes-ions of t?ie insiitoie.
Mrs. G. G. Mcamara, who has been
vistnnc her mother, Mrs. P. Cra-n, left
on hist-nigrit's tram fur Arizona.
Misses .Teantte Wtinberly and Ger
trnJe Fl-.dge-. nl Baker CitJ, were regis
tered u, the Umatilia Hone hist night.
Hon. S. G. H:iwson, member of the
latti lfgirlntnre, passed liironli tiie city
last ntght ou his way from Ai!ing:ou to
the metropolis.
It. H. Ctjnroy, who has spent some
time at the not rprings at Wind river,
came up last tiiiiht on' the way to his
Jioins at Grade.
"Miss Anna Moore came up from
"Portland yesterday and will remain un
til tomorrow afternoon with her mother,
.Mrs. A. B. Moyre.
Miss L"or;a Noltner, of Portland,
daughter of A. Isoitner, of the Portland
Dispatch, -. viiitiug this city, the yuest
of her eouir, Mrs. Poling.
Mis ?a Suisher was iithe city yes
terday afternoon. She ls been visiting
Hood R'ver and was; on her way to
her home near Itti'ur
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. French and Mrs.
Ne.lie Bolton and family returned Iat
eveninir from their cottace at Seaview,
where they have spent the summer.
Mrs. I). M. French and family re
turned lH't evt-nintt from their summer
outing at Lonu Beach. Miss Bees-ie will
remain in Portland for a short time.
A. It. Wilos, of Grass Vallev, who
has been down in the vicinity of Steven-
Scrofula, a Vile
Scrofula is the most obstinute of blood
troubles, and is often the result of an
inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S.
is the. only remedy which goes deep
enough to reach Scrofula ; it forces out
every truce of she disease, and cures
the worst casex.
3Iy eon, Charlie, was afflletcd Irora infancy
vrlth Kcrnfuln, and Ui BUflered to that it was
Impolitic to drea htm
for three years. Hil
head and body wcro a
main at fiord, and his
ryeiiifht also became
affected. Vo treatment
vh spared that wo
thought would relieve
lilin. but ha ffuiw w(me.
uiuu Jim cuiiuuiuu won;
linlced pitiable. I had!
nlnioHt deHpalred of his
over IxdiiK cured, when
by the advice of a friend
we (rave him H. H. fi.
Hwlft' flneclflel. Ada.
elded Improvement mn the result. and aftsr
he had taken a dozen bottles, no one who knew
of hi former dreadlul condition would have
recoKnlzrd him. All the gores on Ills body
have healed, his skin is perfectly clear aud
mouth, and he has been restored to perfect
health. Mas. H. H. Mabbt.
W) Kim Ht., Macon, Ga.
For real blood troubles it is a wtuite
of timo to expect a cure from the doc
tan. Blood discuses are beyond their
kill. Swift's Specific,
For Dl
reaches nil deep-aested cases which
bther remedies have no effect upon, It
ia the only blood remedy guaranteed
purely vegetable, a rut eontaiM no pot
ah, mercury, or other mineral.
Book mailed fre te aay addreaa by
iwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Aid Si 1
e e e
eon looking 'after his sheep which hive
been pastured there, was in tbe city last
nipht. lie reports that the recent rains
here cinsed the to start np and the
range wili be first class.
Drowned to the Slough.
Just as people were harrying to their
noon meal today an express wacon came
don Second street bearing tbe iifeless
bodyofaboy to the nndertakin 2 parlors.
It was that of Georpe Brown, who, ia
company with two other boys, had been
up to the slonchs, about a qnarttr of a
mile from town, swimming. That is,
bis companions were swimming; bat
Georpe, not know-in? how, was wading
about in a slanting puce when he slipped
ofTmto a bole abont nine feet deep. He
betran to stmpjle to get ont. When the
boys realized his condition, Carl and
PSs! Rinehart. who had been buntine
an J was over on me opposite oanc oi
thesloDgh, began yelling to Mr. Curbing,
w.' iwas some distance awav bunting.
As soon as
e comprehended them he
battened to the spot, but the boy had
sutfc three times. He tola one of the'
boys to go for a dietor and an express
wagon and at threw off his clothes
and jumped in after him. Bringing him
to tee LanK. Mr. L,csntn" necaii to wortc
with him rolling him and employing the
usual means in sncb cases far about a
half honr; bat in vain, there seemed to
be no iife in the little body.
The express wagon came, but the
doctor had been forgotten. As son,
j however, as be was taken to Miche'.!'
undertaking parlors, Dr. Hudson was
1 called, but found no sign of life.
The case is particularly sad, as tbe
parents Mr. and Mrs. A.Brown, with
! Geoge and his sister bad come up from
j Portland to vtit Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
! Pearson, and were to return ibis after
noon. Now they will be c&mpelied to
return tomorrow bearing the lifeless
body of their son, who was but 11 years
old and a bright interesting child.
But Failed to Connect-it vtb jnt a '
Dream or Labor Day. j
Tbe following has been handed us by j
one wuo claims si is me saostance 01
dream which he had on the eve of Labor i
(iar, and be claims at different times J
daring the past tbe industries mentioned i
therein have been strongly advocated
and planned for our city. The line of ;
the Labor day parade, which was '
iwumiseu wmi e;ectric iignis, was u-
, I ,r 1
follows :
Evaporator band of 2-i pieces.
Employes of woollen mill, 50.
Scouting mills, 50 men.
Dresd Beef Refrigerator, 100.
Boo: & Shoe Factory, and tannery, -'50.
Agricultural Works & Foundry, 150.
Terminal Railroad Shop?, 850.
Tbe Dalles, Deschutes & Southern
Railroad, 220.
Cannery k Fruit Packery, 100.
The Dulles Portage Railroad, 340.
Street car men, 100.
Eastern Oregon Distillery, SO.
Starch Factory, 50.
Soap and Match Factory, -30.
Coal miners and smelter men, 530.
This is a dream I had of a visit to The
Dalles on Labor day, but after cuming
to the city I learned that the band tailed
to organize, and the other employes
were not in tbe city yet. Why is it thus? ;
Christian Science meeting in small
K. of P, hall every Sunduy morning at
11 o'clock.
Kev. Gilman Parker, general mis
eionary Oregon Baptist state convention,
will preach morning and evening at the
Calvary Baptist church. Morning ser
vices commence at 11a. in. Evening
services at 7:30 p. in.
Christian church, Ninth and Court
streets, Kev. G. Rushing, pastor
Preaching morning and evening, at 11
a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 ;
Christian Endeavor at 0:15 p. in.
PrKjer meeting on Thursday evening.
.Sihject tomorrow at 11 a. m.f "Jericos
in our Hearts and Lives," at 7 :30, p. in.,
"The Divine Mirror."
St. Paul'e church Rev. Geo. Leslie,
pastor. Holy communion at 0 a. rn.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11a. rn.,
ul'j-ct of sermon, "The Struggle for the
Mastery." Evening prayer and sermon
at 7 .30 p. m., subject of sermon, "The
Wtllbeing oi the Church." Sunday
school at close of morning lervice,
Congregational church- corner Fifth
and Court streets. liev. Poling, pastor.
Morning service at 11; Sunday school at
12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p, tn.;
Christian Endeavor, 0:30; evening ser
vice at 7:30. Morning subject, "The
Part of the Hand that Wrote." Sire.
Huntington will sing tbe morning of
fertory.and Miss Cusbing in the even
ing. Midi far Wood.
.Bids for forty cords of fir wood, more
iorleis will be received at tbe couoty
elcVk'f oflce :betweea sew .and Fiiday,
j Sept. 8tb. Bring In your bids. 4 4t
TEACHERS ARE j TheRacketSt0;ecmiesalarpe stock
MHVA TAI ini4Tland o Pric"- Tab!et? pencils,
MVTT I nUUi i i
Continual from Third page.
( whch w tM ofeD oied by many
:leacherJ Mr CbasUin i also a c refill
, stndent o hcaiaa n3tnrc.
Miss Jc!ta Hill then cave n some
valuable hints on "Calisthenics and
Physical Culture". She impressed ts
with the fsc: that washing. sawing; wood
sweeping, etc., are not sufficient ex?r-
cise for the development of the muscle.-,
She emphasised the necessity of a el
equipped gymr.asiasi. The recreative
resnscitatinz infiueace; of such j
pancs 35 basket bai!. lawa tennis and
croqcet shonld not be overlooked. How-
' -.(!.s ?s nA tn enrh rime-
. as football, etc. She snoke of bow we
CH.cri rvrana-inra bv boldinc en-
tertainments. :
If teachers would nar more attention
t0 lhe development 0f the pupil, he
, onId Jeecre bs.,ter attention and have
.roncer minded pupils.
r- i : t:. tisn r..i,t:.i .,n,
,.rofei50r Ackerinn heartiiv indorsed j
nt rm-,nti..a fnr nrimarv
pupiis. Without question this is essen
tia! to a wel! regulated school
Prof. Ackerman recommends the drill
and cn'.ture of this important branch.
. If we wish to secure interest and pro
mote tbe welfare of onr boys and cirls
( we must develops in the pupils the iove
of purity, grace, health and bodily vigor
so essential to our schools.
Prof. Gavin, Mi3 Melissa Hill, Miss
Bessie Hastings and others gave us
splendid esaniples of drills suitable for
primary, and even advanced grade.
The nest subject under discussion was
. opened by Xn Cooper, in which tbe
j subject "First Year's Reading" was well
j handled. She in;s'.s on thorough prep
' ar.stioa of a lesson, on the part of the
pupil, and allowing no one to read who
has not previously studied that lesson.
1 Much insenuitv and thought arc re-
ouired on the nart of the teacher to
m,u r,ru intPretinr. !
e the wort interesting, she en
couraces me nractice of rcviewipi' often.
8g ciUren ln lhe ,ower primarv urades
onlv remember from sight. She insists
ou teachini: fcll0r. S0Qnd o vowtlg firn.
Xhe name8 o the ,ellera 6houId not be
to,,t,, ,,,:i ;t. , .,,,i.
!n sound3
Imitation of the teacher's
tones, if they are right, should be en
couraged. Tnis evening's program provides tbe
Vocal Solo Miss Hattie Cram
Recitation Miss Lelia Driver
The Educational Outlook
Prof. Ackerman
Singing Institute
Program opens at 8 p. m.
Sold to London Party.
Baueh Cm-, Or., Sept. 7. The Idex
mine, near Sumpter, w as sold today to
the Consolidated Mines Association, of
London. The price ie not given, but it
is supposed to be high. The Idex ie on
the same ledge as the IJaisley-Elkhorn,
North Pole, Columbia and Golconda.
Mining experts rank it with the Bonanza
Red Boy, Columbia and Golconda as
one of the richest mines in the Eastern
Orecon gold belt.
Tim Ladle.
The pleasant effect and perfect eafety
with which ladies may use Syrup of
Figs, under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of (he
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For sale by
I all druggists.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ia a ecientillc
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
press. It "digests what you eat" and
positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron,
Ulooiningdale, Teun., says it cured him
of iudigeston of ten years' standing.
Butler Drug Co.
Miss Taylor announces the opening of
her Kindergarten on Monday, Sept. 11th.
Sessions will convene at 0 in the morn
ing closing at 12, until cold weather,
when afternoon sessions will be hold.
She would be pleased to greet all of her
former pupils and many new ones as
well. 2-5 7-9
There's always hope while there's One
Minute Corgh Cure. "An attack of
pneumonia left my lunjs in bad shape
and I was near the first stages of con
sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com
pletely cured me," writes Helen Mc
Henry, Bismark, X. D. Gives instant
relief. Butler Drug Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma
nently cure chronic constipation , bilious
ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling;
cleanse and regulate tbe entire system.
Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken
"famous little pills." Butler Drug Go.
t .
Eastern Oysters on tbe sbell at A.
Keller's. 4 3t
'pen.t Jnk, mncilace, crayons, composi
tion books, elimination papers, slates,;
satchels, lunch boies, etc. etc. J
Experience is the best Teacher. Use j
! Acker's English Remedy in any case of ,
! C0Qi:h;, cold or croup. Should it fail to
j sve immediite relief money refatided.
23 cts. and 50 cts. ltlakeley & Ilonghton
. Drnppists.
jjj Dvspepsia Cure enres dyspepsia '
t bscan?e Jts" inpredieiits are such that it1
raj,'t heip doing so. "The public can
fe;r npoa j. as R ,t)a5ter remedy for all
jorders arising from imperfect diges-1
. ioJJ -jamea i, Thomas, M. D., m
; Anjt.rjcln Journal of Health, X. Y. i
I E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was J
cured of pties by Je itfs "Hen ticiei
! alve after suflerhir seventeen years and
1 Urine over twenty remedies. rhsiciau
and surgeons endorre it. I'.ewnre of
dangerous counteneiis. uuuer ituk uu.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
monev refunded. Sold in handsome tin
.at LlMej "onshton
Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
a severe cae of indigestion; can
strongly recommend it to ail dyspeptics.
Digests what you eat wittiont aid from
the stomach, and curesdysnepsiu. Butler
Drue Co.
'Oar baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever, Al
though we tried many remedies the kept j
getting worse, until we used One Min-1
ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and
cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance,
A girl to do general housework, or to
assist in wo:k nod attend school, can
find employment in a family where there
are no children, by applying at this
ofSce. 4 lw
Caati lu lour Cbeck.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Nov. 10, 1395, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Sept. S;h,
135)0. C. L. PJULUI-H,
Countv Treasurer.
The New York Cash Stor: guarantees
every pair of those "Security School
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Va;cu warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Clarke & Falk have received a carload j
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints.
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
To Guru a Cold in On Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
l tl failso cure. 25c.
"Jluriuony" Wlllikey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. ji
for Hulo.
Twentv-three city lots for sale". From
?50 up. Inquire ut Columbia Hotel.
8-23-1 mo.
The Dalles, Portland anil Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Regulator Dalles City
Dally (exec-tit HunUav) hettveen
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Looks,
and Portland.
Touching ut wuv win on both tldca of the
Oolumblu river.
Iloth of thtj above ntcamcru lmvobeen rebuilt,
arid are In excellent ahupc for the neanon of wj
The KMuUlnr l,int will endcuvor li kivo JU
Htron tic beat ncrvico p-iMllile. r"',vo'1
i!?n. "tcumer of Tlie ltulutt,r
.2 Bl2?vc "lea""" leavo Tho Dalle at 8 h. m.
and fortlaud at 7 a. m and arrive at "cat im
tlon In arnplv tlrno for outgolnV trnli,,.
oikHtd&' the Dalle, Onico.
u nt. uocjc. (,()Ut, HU(.ct
W. C. Allaway,
Genera Agent.
J- r. ncobs. J0(K 0AVJK
Kooui 3!) aud-iO, over U. 8. Und Ofllcc.
I 1
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Horticioral M kMM
Products of Oregm, Wnsbincton and
Llaho in greater variety mid pro
fusiu:i than ever before.
Am trim u rente I ljidy Cornet a-dutst.
The l'ncriilleil
of Acrntwls rtlrn t (nun tbe r.m)ilrc Theater, '
London, thefr flrt uin-ouTiinee in America. I
A Great
ruuriasscd Auilulhts, in their thrilling nets.
A Season of Grcut Surprises and
Astounding Feats.
Kedueeit Itnlro nil All Traunjiortntli'ii
2." Cent.
ttilldrt'ti under IJ jeiirs. in cents
ji jcrn
4 I
' 4
Wagon and Carriage Work. .
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Meii. PhouD 159 1
mi'jj.ijri xif . t tr.. T,.y.iiT.ta3 tun
Lock and Gunsmith,
and Machine work.
Charles Burchtorf,o,.S!:
1 The
Each day our business shows
the people are finding out wo
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nnd'buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Strttt.
Th Latest, The Best
nc riosi complete,
are constantly cominRtip every
day Inliteraturc.artandscience
which you wish you knew, but
you don't.
Make up your
imind that you
larenot going to
fDe cau ,ht this
Whenever a
fW . brought toyour
17. attentiundigm
" to it and learn
all you can
about it. The
Britannica isthe reliable source
from which clergymen, profes
sional men and women, schol
ars and educators everywhere
draw information quickly. It
has been the standard for over
a hundred years. You should
not miss the opportunity of
securing the
for One Dollar
and the balance In small monthly
payments. The entire Thirty (30)
Volumes with a Guide and an ele
gant Oak Book Case will be deliv
ered when thefirstpaytnent Is made.
The Comploto Set (Thlrt y Largs
Octavo Volumes):
No. 1. New Style Buckram Cloth, Marble!
Eltev Extra Quality Mch Machine Fln
)' Uh Book Paper. $5 00.
First payment. One Dollar (ti.oo)an3 Three
Dollars ($.oo) per month thereafter.
No. a. Hall Morocco. MarbleJ EJecs. Eatra
Quality Hleh Machine Finish Uoolc
Paper, Ico.oo.
First payment. Two Dollars ($3.00) an J Four
Dollars ($4.00) pe' month thereafter.
No. 3. Sheep. Tan Color. MarbleJ EJces,
Extra Quality Well Machine Hnlsh Book
Paper. $75.00.
First payment. Three Dollars ($).eo) and
Five Dollars ($5.00) per month thereafter.
A reduction of 10 per cent. Is crams! by
paylnccash within 30 days after the receipt
of the work.
and Farrners
KtM-i.ii on driiUKht the ccli'
COl.l'MUIA HKEH, nclill'iwl
tdcnl tbo bum l f r In The l)',
ut tint iimul price. Come li., try
It nutl bv rmivlliffil. At') thu
I'liifRt bmndi ot tVlncn, 1.1 Uor
mid Clitnrs.
of nil Kinds ulw'Bys 01 hand.
2 ...STEAM...
Wood Saw
i Will run every day except Mind"?.
1 m Kitiiifl Ki'iisuiiuim:.
Telephone 201.
W. A. OATES, Prop, j
Letters of Credit Issued bvHU In tbe
Euatern States. .
Sight E.ehnge nd 'frPiC
Transfers sold on New Ifark.ChfeMO.
8t. Louis, San Francisco, '51
Kon, Seattle Wash,, and vurioiie po'n
in Oregon And Washlnuton. .
ColleotloBS made at all polnte on w
orable terms.
II 8
Office orr nt Nat. iiauk
L 1
7 m