The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 09, 1899, Image 3

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Wo aro now showing
In tho vory latest Fnll Novoltlos In
Moth prQ s intDTCsts w,
iXzztr School opens Monflav.
Wo are prepared for this important event, nnd
have placed on our counters tho greatest value over
shown in
Boys' School Suits.
Those Suits Imvo nil been umnufacturcd to our or
der, uml 4wrv emu lias been taken to secure tho
Hrentmt durability com tjhicti with excellence of stylo
unci finish.
We Guarantee Every Suit
To givo perfect sntlefnction to tho customer or
money refunded.
All Wool
School Suits.
Perfect fittlntr, with
(luetic waist hnnil, dou
hie coat iwi'l knees ; guur
nrnnteed nut to rip: all
FREE! n Base Ball
nnd Hat with all Boys'
See Windows.
School Suit.
Combining durability,
service and Btylo ; all
wool, sewed with silk,
made with our special
double seat and knees;
cannot be equalled any- '
where for less than $5.00;
our price
All Sizes.
See Windows.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln FlBttres.
Pease Mays.
fte Dalles Daily Chronicle,
SATL'ltl) Y
KEPT. I), lf 0
Telephone No. 1.
Served In ovory
Stylo at
buy school supplies of New Yoik
Cash store. 0 2t
Cut rule books can oniv bo hnd Mon
day at Jaobaun's Book it Music Co.'h
I'ositivel v the largest nnd best pencil
tablet ever Hold for 5c, nt New York
Cash Store. l!-2t
Margaret C. Genrhart, wife of tho
founder uf Uearhart Turk, died at tho
ineanu asylum last Mcndny, aged 88
I'ojiIIb should all secure ono of thoao
"National .Separate Leuf Note books"
'felnclmblo linen cover, nt Now York
Cash Sluro. l)-tit
Thorn will bo no preaching service in
tho Methodist church tomorrow. Sun
day school at the usual hour and Ep
worth Uiguu atdillO.
The Ciiiiomci.i: llnds Itieli" groatlv In
'leljlHl to .1. t. NeiT, J. Howe. C. 15.
Deems an I T. li. Chastain for interest-
'8 reports of tho iiiBlltuto.
Kvory member of the I). C. & A, C.
d i .xpected to ho on hand at tho
rul room at !i:l5, sharp, tomorrow
"Horn on. By order of T. J. I.yroh,
1-arjiu school spongee, lc each ; pen
c s, 6c per 1,. pnrfB, slates nnd al
otlK'r dolionl supplies below any of our
competitors' prices. Jncobaon Iiook &
Music Co.
Bw etthliil!8 in store for everybody
ondiy. Pi icuj and presents gi von to
Muclmsora of school hooks and sup
plies, llemuinber tho place, Jacobnen's
Ut Hook & Music Stor?.
Kev. j Conrad', who for several years
Prion at Molokal.Sandwioh Islands,
will speak tomorrow evening at 7:!J0 in
7' 0rs' church, on "Leproy" nnd
mwors 01 Kilt ivr n...,i,... .1...
J"1'1 Mrs. 0. D. Dojiib left on
d!r , ay'" aftomoon train to spend tc
Mri m t,,U d0Rtor'fl Parents, Kev. and
,.' Uoane, at University Park,
re ti,ey ru ,0 celebrate thef K0,den
weauing annlvereary today. Rev. Doane
tl.l!J?l.rofU,e Methodist church in
""city during the'OO'a and still has
many friends hero who extend their con
gratulations on this auspicioiiB occasion.
No. 1 le up to her old tricks today and
was nine tiours Into. In order to pre
vent passengerB tho long delay eonse
quent, four cars of connecting lines pas
sengers were brought through at 3
o'clock on a special.
The I). C. & A. C. has kindly erectod a
band stand In the Court street school
yard and tomorrow afternoon promptly
at -1 o'clock, the concert band will give a
free concert. This will be good nowH to
those who bo groatly enjoy their music.
Mrs. Marie Perinno lias now in stock
a full line of the very latest styles in fall
and winter hats. Her prices aro the
most leasonable, nnd she wibhes the
ladies to call and examine her stock
whether they make any purchases or
not. 8 2t
Aro you interested hi school books?
Monday our prices .will be for cash,
First Header, 18c :Seoond Header ISOo;
Third Header. -luel'ourth Header, (ilic;
'Fifth Header, Htmiember the
nlace. Jnoobsen'a Cut Hate Hook &
Music Store.
Mia. Ella Iligginson, tho poet, met
with a serious and painful accident
while bicycling recently. In crussing
Squallcum bridge, at Whatcom, which
is double boarded, tho wheel left tho
first layer of boards, throwing Mrs.
Iligginson and breaking her ankle.
The following appears inan Eastern
paper: "Honry V. Corbott, United
States senator from Oregon, catno to
New York in 1814 and orked in a store
in Catherine street to f!i.60 a week. Ho
slept under the counter,- swept tho
store, and saved uollara week."
Tho Metropolitan opera house in
Portland will Ire reopened October 1st
with tho Hallett-Hoaa stoM; company,
under tho management of Ilallett, Koss
and Thomas. The two former were
leading members, of the Shaw ompany
when in this city, and in this departure
that company will stiller a great Iosp.
Scott Soaton, who is witli tho Stockwell
oiupnnv, will probably join tho ag
gregation. The executive committee of tho Hook
and ladder boys' ball havogono to work
in earnest, and, having districted tho
city, will distribute tickets for Biilu
Monday. They will call on yon, feeling
that you ore only waiting for an oppor
tunity to help them, and yourselves
as well. It la not tho intention to slight
any, but should anyone ho missed, let
them make It known and tho mistake
will be rectilled. When they call upon
you, receive them with open arms.
One of the most pleasant features of
the Instltuto was the luncheon served
by The Dalles teachers to their gnosis
in Academy Park today. Tho arrange
ment of the tables in the cool grovo was
a pretty Idea, and the arllstlu manner
in which thoy were eproad was HiilUcloiit
to overthrow tho old mistaken idea that
teachers are not versed in domestic
duties. No skilled housewife could have
given better leryicu than that on
About 115 were seated at the
tables and mid hearty good cheer they
demonstrated the fact that food for the
mind is not Eufliciently satisfying. The
lunch was dainty, comprising every
thing palatable which could be served in
that manner.
Monday tho fall term of our public
Bchools will befcin, with J. S. Larylera ns
city superintendent and J. T. Nen" aB
principal. Everything looks encourag
ing for a successful year, and many have
moved in from the country to place
their children in school. No better
schools could be found thon those of The
Dalles, and parents can do no better
than to stop right here. It is quite
necessary that where it is at all con
venient pupils should be on hand at the
(first days session, thus saving much
trouble to tho teachers and being a
great advantage to pupils.
Tin fire of last night proved how help
less the East Hill residents are in case of
fire. They have absolutely no protec
tion, tiie nearest fire plug being within
live oi six blocks of last night's con
flagration. The main Bhould be ex
tended in that direction, but tho com
missioners have not been able to afford
tho expense, and that portion of the
hill is so sparsely eettled that they have
hardly felt warranted in doing so. Some
move inthat direction should be made,
however, and it would seem that it
should be inaugurated by tho residents,
whose property is In constant jeopardy.
Such a tooting and screacliing of
whistles as occurred at 1 :'20 o'clock this
morning was enough to waken a town
twice the slzj of The Dalles; and when
to those was soon added the awful clang
of the fire bell, everybody was up and at
tho windows to ascertain if, possible
where tho fire was. Such a headway
had it gained that there was no trouble
in discovering in what locality it wns,
but so deceiving is eucIi a blaze that it
was come time before those who re
mained down town determined that it
was the old Harris house, juat .back of
their present residence, and which was
occupied by J. Cohen, who runs a racket
store in tho East End. .Mrs. Cohen and
the other members of tho family were
absent and only Mr. Cohen and his
littlo boy were in the house at tho time.
They have no idea how tho tiro orig
inated unless from fire which had been
left in the stove or from a lamp which
was burning. When they discovered it,
j they had just time to save themselves,
and ono of them grabbed a feather bed,
so that all their furniture nnd balong
ings, including Mr. Cohen's watch,
were destroyed. The Mt. Hood Hose
Co. reached tho scene, but could do
nothing ns there are no lira plugs in that
vicinity, the nearest ono being about a
block this side of F. H. Howe's resi
dence. The South Skiers also started,
but seeing how useless their trip wae,
abandoned it. Mr. Cohen was insured
for $500, and Mr. Harris also has some
Buy "Security School shoes" for
children, misses and boys. They are
neat and dressy and will wear like Iron,
For sale by New York Cash Store. 8 2t
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
rnaier & Benion
Hardware and
firocjry dealers.
I I'nrn mnnri
i i ?
li. 'C' la
By buying- your FRUIT JARS
from us. GET OUR PRICES.
For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing bo soothing and healing as
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.Emma
Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else fails
in hpaling onr babies, it will cure."
Butler Drug Co.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
"Are We Being Over Educated?" was j gram. It was claimed that threo re
handled in a masterly manner, thus quisites 3leep, recreation and work
SiiiierlntPtidrnt .J.II.Ackermnn Arrlves--31
any Giiml I'lipf ih llriul and
Ulscusted-.I-ast Duy.
Singing was tte opening exorcise of
yesterday's afternoon session at the in
stitute. In her concise and always pleasant
manner, Mrs. E. M. Wilson spoke of
tho merita of the Youths' Companion.
Having been postmistress in thia city
for some years, Mrs. Wilson was in a
position to know just how wide a circu
lation t ti la very valuable publication
has, and sho spoke of the .-atisfaction
she felt in knowing how generally it is
read. She urged its introduction into
every home and school. Her remarks
were most entertaining.
Prof. Allard's talk on "Text Books
Their Use and Abuse," was much ap
preciated by all. Then followed a lively
discussion on this important eubject.
H. L. Howe's paper on "Learning by
Doing" showed great care and careful
thought on the part of .the author. He
spoke as opposed to the system of crowd
ing two years' work in one, and how
one may feel in touch with hia work by
actual practice and not theory alone.
Miss. K. Campbell's paper on "Neat
ness and Economy" showed tho many
ways in which tho teacher may tnako
school work easy, fascinating and pleas
ant by careful attention to her work,
thus economizing time and securing
neatness on the part of the pupil.
Prof. F. B. Barnes read paper on
"How Much Business Education Should
bo Taught in tho Common Schools."
He heartily endorses the tiss of tools in
our schools so as to prepare tho student
for life iu whatever IiIb undertaking may
Tho papers toad showed great care
aud preparation on tho part of those
who so ably contributed to tho institute.
After interesting discussions tho meet
ing adjourned to nieel for the oveuing
The evening session convened in the
High school building. A large attend
anca showed that the people of our city
were interested in educational work.
First on the program wae a vocal solo
by Miss Elizabeth Bonn, tho rendering
of which was excellent und heartily ap
plauded. The oration by Mr, Kelley, entitled
"Character," was full of good sentiments,
This was followed by a duet by upt.
Linderrfand Hov. Poling. The selection
was heartily encored, but the gentlemen
declined further singing,
The chief feature of the evening was
the lecture by Pres. Campbell, of the
Monuiouth normal school. The eubject,
showing the scholarly capabilities of
that gentleman. He proved by strong
arguments that it is not a crime to carry
education to the highest point, as some
people seem to think, and argues that to
equip the boys and girls for the duties
ot life we must give them all the ad
vantages possible to secure an education.
After Pres. Campbell's most eloquent
speech, tho audience sang "The Star
Spangled Banner," and adjourned to
meet on the following day.
uatckuay's sessions.
The morning session was opened by
music under tho leadership ot Prof.
Landers. On account of duties' call a
few of the teachers were absent.
Supt. Gilbert in hia opening remarks
called attention to the respect of others
in tho use of gum. He said: "Boys
aud girls, this morning it is my sad duty,
President Campbell in hia discussion
of history, emphasized the fact that
daily lessons and recitations should de
velope the "lesson whole." Hd clearly
demonstrated that the use of many out
side books will greatly aid in creating a
love and interest of history and develop
the great principle of "The American
Democracy," "Tho government of the
people, for tho people, and by the peo
ple." He laid stress upon the fact that
in a government like ours, "leadership"
in great movements is of secondary im
portance. "Leadership will supply
The arrival cf State Supt. Acker
man was applauded. Tho teuchurs
all appreciate Supt. Ackerman, and
know that many good things are in store
for them while he is present.
Prof. Landers spoke on Physiology
and clearly demonstrated "The benefit
derived from having outlines of subjects
: taught." The fact that "All tciences
j should be taught objectively" was
j thought to be, in the case of Phjsiology,
I best carried into grades below tho high
school by means of charts, iiutead of
ical objects.
Prof. Campbell, in his talk en tho
program, said : "Have a good program
and follow that program." It should
f jIIow tho "law of rhythm." It should
ind:eate study period ns well as recita
tion periods. "White's Pedagogy" was
suggested as an aid in arranging a pro-
are necessary for a systematic program.
Sug.-ests that tho number of 'recitations
in ciuitry ic'icols should be I'mited to
twenty-f jur, never more, and curtail
this number if prncticil.
Prof. Landirs developed two stepB in
treating of reading. He considers that
a teacher to bo succces'iiI in teaching
reading must create an interest when ho
assigns a lesson.
Institute adjmrned the morning ses
sion at noon.
Satuhdav, 1 :30 v. m.
First among the many at hand and
carefully prepared papers was that
of Miss Mella White, who discussed
the ''Importance of Habit" in a master
ly manner.
This was followed by Mr. T. M. B.
Chastian ,who had for his subject "Claim
ofjthe Individual Pupil." Ho empha
sized the necessity of the practice of
teachers in giving moral lessons. Mr.
Chastain is an able and energetic
teacher and knows the necessary claim
Continued on Fourth page.
Third Street, between Court nnd Wash
ton Streets, Tim Dalles.
More Flies
Are Caught
Jfu ii y
t School Days t
find us better prepared Hum
ever before to nuiply the
wiiiiU n( tho bulioul buy.
Vosteo Suits,
Knee Pants Suits,
Long Pants Suits.
Kt'e prices In our Clothing
New York Cash Store.
with molaasea than vinegar, is an old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
catches more than either. No insect
can resist its attraction ami once within
its power the tormenting possibilities of
that insect ure over.
Price 6c per double sheet.
Our stock contains many other prepa
rations for destruction of insect life,