Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System HAB,TUAt CST-PAT-ON PERMANENTLY EUy THE GENUINE. MAM'F'D By (auivrnia JTg SyrvpC?. fOR Slt BY All CiUSS'CTi PPCt so-, fwtcmi. rEOl'LE YOU AL.I- KNOW. G. E. Stewart went to Portland on a business trip today. Mrs. James Wilson came in from her home at Dufur today. A. C. Sanfor.i is regUtered at the Umatilla from Moro. Fred Drews was a passan,;er on the boat this morning for Lyle. V. C. Brock came down ironi Wasco on yesterday's afternoon train. J. E. Ileum?, one of Boyd's prominent farmers, is in town today and called at tlie Ciihonicle oilice. The Misses Estea arriv.'d in the city last uigl.i from CookV Landing and will utienil icriool iiete this winter. Mrs. Hugh Gourlay and Miss Tessie Kelley ariived last niht from their out ing at Ocean Park, Long Beucn. Mrs. A. M. Wi came up on the Portland and will ml sou, Carl, terday from lew days. Miss Salina Pit visiting with her during vacation, ho has been sister near Spokane it". u rued home this morning. Miss Wrenn, who lias been spending hei vacation in Albany and other valley towns, returned to this city Tuesday evening, where she will resume her du-' ties us teacher in our public schools. Tlios. Loabo is in from hisfarm near Endersby to. lay. He e&ysr very little threshing had been doneym his section before tho rains came. Ire beiriu among the fartuu.ite ones. lUa crop was much better than lie expected, and all No. 1. Rudy Cradlebattsfi has been spending his vacUnn with his father in the Grf en horn mining district, and arrived in the it yesterday afternoon. He is on his way to resume his studies at the univer sity in Eugene. Rudy has grown so in Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and henco tho most difficult to get rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in tho blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it i3 tho only remedy which can reach tho disenso und force it from tho blood. Mr. li. P. McAllister, of Harrodsburcr. Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: "I could see no Improvement whatever, though I was constantly treated with sprays gBBw and washes, and differ ent inuaunK remedies In (act. I could reel that each winter I waa worse than the year previous "f inally it was brought to my notloe that Catarrh was a blood disease, and after think ing over the matter, I saw it was unreasonable to expect to bo cured by remedies will an out reached the surface. then decided In try 8. 8. 8., and after a few bottles were used. I no ticed a oeroeDtlble imorovement. Oontinuinu the remedy, the disease was rorcea out or in; ratem. and a camnleln euro was the reiull lliams A boat yes remain a fruiun. w 1 advise all who have this dreadful disease to abandon tneiriooai treatment, wmennas never done them any good, and lake u. a. o., a rem edy that can reach the disease and cure it." To continue the wrong treatment for Untarrn is to continue to sutler, owilt'8 Specific ia a reul blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedied have no effect whatever upon, It promptly reaches Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the moat aggravated cases. ccc TIMU1UUU fcsetable. and is the only It guaranteed to son tain no lllefliMSMI dangerous minerals. 'Books Bulled free by Swift Spseiie Company, Atlanta, Georgia. the past year that It is difficult for his frlenila to realize ho is the fame lad who but n few years ago was running around the streets a mere child. E G. PaUerson, foe several years a salesman in Gray Dtos.' hardware es tnblislimcnt in tlijs cltv, has accepted a position in tho ifajdwaro dopartmont of Schwabacher&Company's mammoth storo in Seafi He left yesterday af ternoon forvft visit with his mother in Eastern Oregon, expecting to assume his posjlfon next Monday. "Ed" was very popular in this city where his friends are legion, all of whom are pleased to learn of his advancement, and though they dislike to have him leave the Capi tal City, join in wishing him unbounded success and prosperity in his new uosi tion Salem Statesman. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. Daut S. D. Stoufer under tho firm name anil style of The Daut Optical and Jowelry Company lias this day been dis solved. P. G. Daut wilt continue tho business, collect all debts due the firm and pay all bills owing by them, the said S. D. Stoufer hereby retiring therefrom. Dated this 14tii day of August, 1S99. P. G. Daut S. D. Stoupsk DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. S. Smith and F. E. Cockerline, under tLe firm name of Smith & Cockerline, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. E. Cockerline .retiring. C. S. Smith will continue the business, and will collect all bills due said firm and pay all accounts against the same. Dated August 15, 1899. C. S. Smith, F. E. COCKEUM.VK Lost. From Lee ahue's place on Mill creek, two horses. One, a roan 5 years old, branded P on right shoulder; the other a roan, with lame leg. A reward will be given to any one returning to me at my place of business on First street. augl9-4tw Lee Hong. Notice. The County Board of Equalization will meet on the first Monday in October and will continue through the week for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of 1S99. aug-lG-Gw lllds for Wood. Bids for forty cords of fir wood, moro or less, will be received at the county clerk s office between now and Friday, Sept. Sth. Bring in your bids. 4 4t Wanted. io uorrow ifuuu at sis or cignt pfr cent. Security, a house and two lots on Ninth street, The Dalles. Address Rev. A. IJoit.v, aCC-ulm Goldendale, Wash. Caali In our Check. All countv warrants registered prior to October 1,1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Julv '26, 1S99. C. L. Phillips; Countv Treasurer. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tLe money if it fails to cure. 25c. For Sale. Twentv-three city lots for sale. From $50 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. , 8-23-1 mo. Miss Taylor announces the openin? of her Kindergarten on Monday, Sept. 11th. Sessions will convene at 9 in tho morn ing closing at 12, until cold weather, when afternoon sessions will bo held. She would be pleased to greet all of her former pupils and many now one3 as well. .5 7.9 Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 els Blakeloy & Houghton Druggist'. ry w n . - r.. jv. xurner, uomnion, juo., was c ired of piles by DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Silve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co, wewui-8 utile uariy Ulsers perma- nently cure chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripo or sicken ".amoue little pills." Butler Drug Co. Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and GO cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. QR- OBISBHDORrrKK Fliysician aud Sarceou, 0pcUl atUatton fira lo urtery. Sfloau3ttad22, T1.M VcctBloo BUSINESS LOCALS. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carlusd of the celebrated James E. Pattern strictly puro liquid paints. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars, C. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Hm. Drink Warren's Pure Giuger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublins, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3tn Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best t)nic. For eale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17 Dm Try Verba Buona Bitters, tho heat tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Um Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn naints manufactured by James E. P.itton, of Milwaukee, Wiscuusin. "Best on tho market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles; for croup it has no equal," writes Henry R Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. Butler Drug Co. "They are simply perfect," writes Rob't Moore, of La Fayette, Ind., of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the "famous little pills" fol constipation and all liver aiin.ents. Never gripe. Butler Drug Co. "Harmony" WliUkey. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The Dalles. il SUMMONS. FX THE CIltOCIT t;OUKT OK TIIK STATI -t- of Oregon, for thu County of Watco. Chiulcs G. L. llenson, plaintili', VH Hcttfo A. Demon, defendeut. To Kettle A. Denton, the above nnnieU defend ant: You nrc hereby notified to npiiear and answer the comnliiint m tnc above entilicn court una cause on or befo:e ilx week" from the date of the llrst publication of this notfre, tiMtlt: the 6th dav of September. li'JJ. and If you fail to to an- 1 e.u and answer or otherwise plenU, the plain mi win npt iy to tnc couri lor inerenei prnjen fur In his complaint herein, to wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plulntill'and iiefendant be dissolved forever and that plaintlirhavc Judgment against defendant lornis costs nnu aisDUtfcments mm ior sum other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons N nubllshed hy virtue of an order made and sinned by Hon W. I.. Ilrad-haw, Judge of the above entitled court, on the'Jd day of September. IsM, direct ng that said summons be published onee n week for a period of not less man six consecutive wicks. ritlCD. W. Wlt-SON. sjptC-i Attorney for l'laiutili Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly npjiolnteii by the Hon. County Court of the the stale of Oreaon. fur V;ico county, as administrator of the estnteof Adolph Agldlus, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present me same properly verineii w me hi me omce 01 my attorneys, Dufur A- Menefce, within six months from the date of this notice Dated at Ihc Dalles, Oregon, June 5, 1809. J I' AO 1 1)1 US. Administrator of the Kstatc of Adolnh Airldiu-. deceased, 7 1! ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS ItemiTo Plmplra, Prnrcnt jro liendache anil Itritumi. S-Wl"111,""11 mplflr..o,or fail bo for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartiflclallV dlfGStsthc fnnrl nnH nlila jwature in Btrencthoninp- nnrl rpfnn. structinp; tho exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latestdiscovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SlckHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfectdlgestion. Preoartd by E. C. DaWItt Co.. Chlcajjo. MRS. OlilVlfl W. PHGflN, STUDIO AND AKT NEEDLE ROOMS. -MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash' ton ntreete, lhe Dalles. ...STEAM... Wood Saw ! Will run every day except Sundav, I ItatM Heaionable. i TcUphone 201. t W. GATES. Fron. i t 'it The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' Kemilator A Dalles City Sirs. D.illy (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at wnv poin's on both sides of the Columbia river. lloth of the above steamers have been rebuilt, aud are In excellent shape for the season of 1VJJ. The lti'guliitor l.liM-M 111 endeavor to give Its patrons the best servlco lossiblo. For Cuinffirt, KcoiHimy anil I'lPinnri", travel by the steamers of Tin. KeKUlntur I, Inn. The above steamers leave The Dalles at S a. m, and rortland at 7 a. m., and arrive at destliai tlon In amply time for outgoing trains. Portland Onlce. The Dalles Ofilcc Oak St. Dock. Court street W. C. xlllaway, Genera Agent. Preserves 4k fm!ts. telltoa. nlcklca or catsup an A Jih moro easily, moro quickly, mora 37 healthfully acaled with ltetlned Paranlne wax tDan Dy any man method. Dozens of other useswlll bo found lor-j j nciincu Paraffine Wax In ovrry household. It is clean, tasteleai and odorless air, vater and acid proof. Oct n pound cakoof i, with ii list of lu many uses from your druggist or uroccr. L Bold everywhere. Sladohy lJ BTA. DAU1 uiai t-u. Ask your 1 Druggist for a generous in CENT CATARRH TRIL8IZE. BM EivsureambaimKi nnntitin tin cocaino. mercury nor any other I injurious urug. It Is qulci;iy Aosoroca Olves Itelicf at once. It opens and cleanses . , . . M tho .Nlasal Passages. Pni 11 Ifu H E A II . i Allays Inflammation. wwaa Senses of Taste and Kmcll. Full Size 60c J Trial fcizoioc.; aturucsisisornymau. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK trade mark8 Designs Copyrights &c. Anrone sendliiir n sketch and description ma quickly ascertain our opinion freo nhcther a: Invention Is probably patentable. Communing tlonsatrlctlycontldentlal. Handbook on Patents sent froo. Oldest nirency for sccurlntrpatenta. I' taken throuvh Jlunn & Co. recelvo tpecial notice, without, ch.irxc, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.srecst elr. culatlou of any srlontlttc Journal. Terms, t'l a yonr: four months, 1. Bold by all nowBdoolers. MUNN & Co.36IB New York Branch Office-. 625 1'' St. Wosbtniiton. I). U. J' J. MCORE. JOHN OAVI.N MOOIiE & GAVIN, ATTOKNKYB AT LAW. ItoomsSSand 40, over V. S. Lund Olllec. The Busy Store. EaoU day our business shows the people arc finding out we are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople tbo very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Soond Street. Best Wofk at beast Possible Cost Ouniuiitccd to give satisfaction. vo satisfaction. effort will he in title to establish n business. It will pay you to examine our work und consult our prices. CONSIDER Ik'si Grown nnd IJridiru work t'J2k. gold), pt-r tootl $4.50 Heat sot toi'tli, uuiiratituetl $5.50 Itcst (iolil Killini: ?1.00up Heat silver or alloy tillinc 50unp Toe tli oxtruuted vltl:out pain 6Cta cSnn.aoliiocb.cond St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager. How About Your Title? lliu iusi till; lliniii have property for buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. i 'Phono 81. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Of TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralim leavo nnd arc duo to arrive nt l'ortlm. 1 OVKItLANI) KX-1 1 orchs. SulL'fit. ltnHi. 1 on re, A nil 1m sliliilid, Hhc I . Oiriloii.HMii I 7.00 r, 11. rnniciito, Kriiiiclwo, Molnvc, f j:1.j A. M. AiiKC't-il'.l rao, 1 M!v urlcmiH ami Kat I 'o:S0 A. M. ItObcljurg ami way tn.i tlOIl!) fVIa Wixxlliurs on I;J) l'. M Dully Dully except (iuudnys I .Mt.AiiKe!,HIIV(.Ttoii, 1 except vllle.sprlnglleldnnd 1 -hund.iyn. Natron j 1 I 17:30 A. il, uorvnlll.H and wny jktatloiiK S: W I'..V. I N I) K l'K N 1) K N OK I'ASSE.VtiKlt. Express train Dally (except Kunday). 1:60 n. in. tl.v I'nrtlinui m - - v.-.:'.-'-".--' ' (ijjp.m. .!..j;cininvlllo. .i.v.v A:U)n, in h::w p. in. iAr..iitiicK,ii'ieiK' 4:60 n. m. Dally. tDauy, except hnnilar, HI.VI.NG C'AKS ON OdDHN IIOUTK. 1'UM.JIAN IIUKI'KT Hl.t KI'KltS AND BKCO.ND-C'US.S 8I.KKi'IN(S CAItt Attached to all Through Trains. I If nn.tuntli.i a u.... L.n..J.AA ... . l. r 11 ; '..V'..:'""""" " man meanunip Jiiitrs lor JAI'A.N and CHINA, Bulling dntoa on ithtes and tickets to ICaitern points and Kit roiic. AlsoJAl'AN, tJUI.NA. hoc AUHTKAUA. All lli,.ltr .a ..--I..,. i . . urond Central HUtloiuKHthnud IrviK Btreeu YAM1UM, IUVIHIOK. J'HfcfccnKcr lHt, foot of Juilcrson ilroet. li'HV'O tltr Uli.rliliiti ,i t.nn- Afrlvuat fortiand; i? ' ' ' ' V' m U-avc for Alltl.IK on Momlay, Wedncuday and Friday athi.Ha. m. Arrive at 1'orllaiid, Tiiwi dav.'fhurbdayandSaturdaj it3:05p. in. JJxcept Suuday. "Kxcept Saturday. K, KoK'.j.KU, (i, If. MAKKIIAM, ilanmter. Akt. U. K. A I'uiig. Aat Throuifh Ticket Ofllcc, lai Third street, whore lixZa Kur"U can obtal"w, ' orvKAl!io,i!.,KWN,)T,ckelAget FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNKltAliUAKKINU BUHINKH Lettera of Oretllt iaaued available in the 0. , EwUrn SUtea. HlKht . Exchange and Telegraphic SMS! tfffiMaiw " rancnco, roruanu ure- Kuii, oeauie waah., and varloui polota In Oregon and Waehlngton. oraftS. md at M P,Dt' 0D tav Notice of Filing Final Account bUtoof Orwon, for Wuoo T countv hia iinA .n count m .iich WnwMme will tL iLS Wo arc liorc to stay ; thorcforc v.- OUE PRICES: r UK YOU RUltE it Is all right? IU-nieinbor it is tlio W HHCOUI) that trove'rus. It ia our Imaiiu'Es to foaruli tlio rocorde and show what thev couiaiti in rulatiou to land titles. If you uontuniplnto buying In nil or loaning money on real estate security, take no man' word, but insist upon knowing what thu record shows repirdiiiK tbo titio. An Abatrnct is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. Wo lmvo tho only set ol Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. II you have prop erty to insure, give us a call. Wo tiro uuents for four of .1... it.. ..n..tnA 1.. !...' ir ..... mil v i.iiiii)iiiuiun ill tliu t.uiiii. il (Hl sale, Hat it with us and we'll Hud a 2d St., opposite A. M. Wllllnms Si Co. 9 ..cjifls. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ki'opi on dratiitht tlio colchrnlcil COl.OMIIIA 1IKKU, ackiimvl etlxed tlio lieitt U'or 111 The Dallci, nt the tiinal price. (.'0111 e in, try It nnd lie fouvlnccd. A1m the Fluent liraiuU of Wluca, Minor nnd Ulxam. Sandmiehes .xt ..11 L" ..t i.u fill rlfttlll u : s Bicyclej REPAIR SHOP. J AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Look and Qunamlth, nnd Maohlno work. Charles Burchtorf, n,.,. BROS. OKNKHAI V Wgn anH Onrrlngo Werk. r Pish Brethcra' Wagon. hrt ail Mew nwW A. iTURDEVANT, i 1 a BiacKsmiins : ...AND... lorsesw i Deiitiat. 0OTirrtoeb4Co.'.liot raoa.6, lUKMU' I T.ii 11 'nr can be rtMhad.