I; Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAn5ES the System EFFECTUALLY H4b,tualCoNSTpa-"on umu PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE-MAMTD By (AlilvRNIA pG SYRVPCB were then rend, and on recommendation of the finance committee ordered paid Ji D Hughes, marshal 75 00 fa A 1'iilrmnn, nightwatch 00 00 0 J Crandall, treasurer 20 00 Geo Brown, engineer , 76 00 Ned Gates, recordor 50 00 U.Mes City Water Works, rent. . 50 00 Mays & Crowe, fire plups & indse 25S 10 J N Lauer, 'work on hose cart ... 0 25 W A Johnston, uulse 1 50 F S Gunning, repnirs 1" GO E Chrisman, hauling hose cart.. 2 50 wiu Henzie, hauling 1 00 Ernest Jordan, hauling hose cart 2 50 h S Davis & Co, hauling (i 75 Chas Payette, hauling 5 00 Ferguson Bros, hauling 1 00 Uert rumnnry, sawing wood. ... 2 Win Ilenzie, hauling hose cart.. 2 50 Max ogt & Co, cast iron grating 1 10 Jacoh Wettle, labor 1 00 C Heppner, labor 1 00 A B Estebennet, labor 2 00 G Hnraet, labor 1 00 D Williams, labor 3 00 .I Iloivau, labor 3 00 i is iioou, tunning o '. J T I'eters & Co, nulse 10-13 Ward & Robertson, hauling 10 60 Ernest Patton, labor -13 20 Clias Jones, labor 40 20 W R Brown, labor 2 SO T I Gannon, labor -12 20 L F Rhodes, labor 5 20 Ed Frantz, labor 1 20 J II Thompson, labor 0 00 Mrs E Julian, 17 meals 2 25 X D Hughes, killing dogs 3 00 John Crate, special police 2 00 D W Woodrow, special police... 2 00 Paul Paulsen, special police 2 00 Council adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 12th. roa sau cymi orussists. es.u. sot ris ecrnc THE They 'PAPS" AT CITY BUSINESS Alnko AiiiitliHi- Jlovii tn Secure Electric Lights fur the City. Mayor Kuck presided at the council meeting last night and Couuciimen Keller, Uloush, Johns, Gunnin?, ; Stephens, Johnston, Shackelford and I Michelbach were present. In the matter of the application of the police patrol to he admitted into the fire department, which had heretofore been referred tcrthe committee on fire and water, they reported not yet ready to give in report and were allowed further time. On motion of Gunning, the fire and water committee were authorized -nud directed to purchase the necessary hose menders and nozzils as are now required by tho department. The recorder was instructed to ad vertise for bids for grading and opening up Federal street from Alvord to Clay street. Judiciary committee recommended that deeds be issued by the city to C. L. Phillips and B. A. Gifl'ord in accordance with their applications. Another move in the direction of securing elee'ric lights was then made, when on motion of Jolius,the select com mittee on ekctric lights was instructed to try mil obtain a contract from the Electric Liht company at rtasonable rates. Recorder Gatea was instructed to draw up an ordinance previous to tho next meeting, licensing boot black stands. Reports of the clty'ii officers were then read and accepted, the treasurer's report being as follows : Aug 1 Balance cash in general fund ? 374 1 17 Cash during month 385 17 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. Daut and S. D. Stoufer under the firm name and style of The Daut Optical and Jewelry Company has this day been dis solved. P. G. Daut will continue the business, collect all debts due the firm and pay all bills owing by them, the said S. D. Stoufer hereby retiring therefrom. Dated this 14th day of August, 1S99. P. G. Daut S. D. 5touf.sk DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. S. Smith and F. E. Cockerhne, under the firm name of Smith & Cockerline, is this day dissolved by mutual consent I.E. Cockerline retiring. C.S.Smith will continue the business, and will ! collect all bills due said firm and all accounts against the same. Dated August 15, 1S99. C. S. Smith, F. E. COCKKIILINE Wonted. I.nat. From Lee Shue's place on Mill creek, two horsec One, a roan 5 years old, branded P on right shoulder; the other a roan, with lame leg. A reward will be given to any one returning lo mo at my place of business on First street. auul9-4tw Liu: Hoxo. Notice, The County Board of Equalization will meet on the first Monday in October and will continue through the ue.ei; for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of 1899. aug-lG-Ow Miss Taylor announces the opening of her Kindergarten on Monday, Sept. 11th. Sessions will convene at 9 in the morn ing closing at 12, until cold weather, when afternoon sessions will be held. She would be pleased to greet all of Iter former pupils and mauy new ones as well. 2-5 7-9 Itlds for Woml. Bids for forty cords of fir wood, more or less, will bu received at the county clerk's office between now and Friday Sept. 8th. Bring in vour bids. 4 4 To Cure a Cold In Olio llay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails' to cure. 25c. Quicklv cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate lliu entire sys'em, neve gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early Risers. Butler Druir Co. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictlv pure Pnuitl paints. "IlnriiKiny" Whiskey. Harmony whis-kny for family and special use, sold hv Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl pay Total $4120 34 By Warrants issued 573 00 Sept. 1 To cash in gen'l fund .$3552 68 The following claims against the citv To borrow $900 at six or eight pc cent. Security, a house and two lots on xwnth street, The Dalles. Addreis Rev. A. Horn, a20-wlm Goldondale, Wash For Sale, aii 8-room nouse (can ue made nu:e rooms), also n barn and nice garden For particulars apply to N. Wiiealuo.v, a20 wlm The Dalles. For Sale. Twentv-three city lots for sale. From $50 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. S-23-lmo Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 ots. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. vjiarKe can; nave a tun ana com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Knowledge Concentrated to- boiled down, pressed gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the 'information you want quicklv, and vou can relv upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in I thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance Jn small monthly payments. XOMSALEBY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. , It artificially di gesta the food and aids .nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- umanu ionic, jwo otner preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures tjyapepsiu, inaigesuon, ueartDurn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach,. Nausea. SickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and an unier resuus ur imperiecc digestion. t-rsparea oy 1. u, U8WIIC a CO.. CQICdflO. CATARRH Ask your 1 Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury mr Any other Injurious dras. It la quickly Absorbed. . (Jives Keller at once the tfasal Passes. COLD Ifo H EA D Allava Innammatlon. SwU lli.nl Hoila and Protects the Mcnlbr&DC. Itcstores tho Senses ot Taste and Smell. Full Size 60c. J Trial ClzolOc: atUrucristsorbyrnalL ELY BKOTXlEiw. M Warrea BtweUNew York. Preserves fruits, Jellies, pickles or catsup ar more easily, mora quickly, mora neaiiuiuuy weaieu wim ueunea i'araOlne wax than by any other method. Dozens of other uses will bo 1 fOunaf0rRefmed Paraffins Wax In every household. It ts clean, tasteless and odorlras nlr, water and acid proof. Get a pound calco ot It with a Hit of lu many ue from your druggist or grocer. Hold everywhere). Made by JjTANDAIIU Oil. CO. ONE FOR A D08E. Tt , Cure Headache anil U.pep.f. ISSSZ i 1 .J 11 j ui ii Mnpiq rrPi or fail box o tie. Held by drewUm. OR. B0SANKO CO. Pbiu! PILLS ...STEAM.,. Wood Saw i Will run'very day except Sunday. KAtea KeMionnble. Telephone 201. iW, A. OATJES, Prop. V t. MCOU. JOHN UAVIXi MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNKYa AT LMY. KooBii V) ut4 40, over V, 8. Uud Oftlco. Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' Regulator Dalles City Dally (except Kundnv) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt wnv ioln on both Miles of the Columbia river. Until of tho nbovo stenmers have been icbullt, nud ore tu excellent shn'ie for the h'iimiii of lhlf.1. Tim Itectilntiir l.tnn Mill eiideiivor togivu Us patrons tho best tervlce possible. Kor Comrort, Kciiiiiimy nnil lMeiiHiir, trnvol by the steamers of Tho Itet-uliitcir l.lllB. Tho nbovo steamers leave The Dulles at S n. m. and Portland it 7 a. m., nnd arrive nt destina tion In ainplu tltnu for outROlns tnilus. Portland Olllce. The Dulles Ofilcc. Oak St. Dock, Court Street w. c. Allaway, Uencra Ai?ent. A Good Engine and Boiler For Sale on Easy Terms at this Office. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCP Tradb Marks Jebionr CnHDlnu-i, A Ton nllnir n aVctrti and descrlptnm'.. quickly asotrlaln our opinion freehitho ?! ScMHfic HmtkM Best Work at Lieast Possible Cost Ctiaiitntetid to ivu sfitisfnction. Wc nro horo to atny ; tliureforc evcrv cfToi t will lie niHilc; to cstnblish n Itustncss. 11 will pny you to examine on work ami consult our prices. 1 CONSIDER OTJE PRICES: lk'si Crown nnd llriil(! work (22k. gold), pur tooth $455 Best Hit ti't'ih, (.Miaraiiteed (550 ltot Oolil FilliiiL' $1.00 up Bust eilvcr or alloy llllinc &0o up Teetli I'XtnuKuil without pain so,. chSnanlSS, Secomi st, Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? Phono 81 r UK YOU SUUK it !h all tight? Kcmcnibur it U the W KKCOIII) that i!ovt'rB. t is our business to ft'ari;ii 11 no'da ami enow what tliuv contain in rulation to land litlo. 1 ' you t'ontumplnlu buying land or loaniii'; money un re.il esuitu ticcnrlty, taku no man' word, but iiiBiat upon kiiowniK what tho record elioiva rcKafl'i'l' I'm I't'u. An Aifiract is as essential ns a deed. Jnti'st ou having it. We have the only eet oi Abitrai.t Hooks in the Coutitv. All work promptly ex ecuted and e.u. suction miraulecd. It you liavo prop, ertv to inauie. jive us a call. We are admits for fourol the best lire msuiance comimuies In the world. Ifyoti have property (or sale, list it with us ami we'll iiml a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. i 2d St., opposlto A. M. Williams &, Co, 1 EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trafci leave and lire due to arrive nt l'ortlai i LRXVK. ;.oo r OVKltl.ANl) KX-1 lirHNH. Kllll.tll. Itll.ii. I nil HHK, Akhlitiid, Hue-1 I MiiiL-nto, OKdcn.Snn I I 'ruiiclbvtj, .Mojavc, ( j;li , M. ! 3 1 I Ji 1 lJisAiiKoIes.Kl l'ao 1 1 M'w Orleans unc ' I linst 5:30 A, il."0M!nurK ull1 w"l" fctjl Daily except bunday.1 ! f Via Wiiodbiira fori 1 1 -Mt.Aimol, Hllvortoii, i West Uclo, Itrowns- vine, .iiirlnUflil ami 17:30 A. M.i s'atrun , ICorvallla I stations.. 1:30 I. Jl Dally uxeupt Hiiudnys. tt,ul wy 15:50P.M. ,cBJis. mu- Bute hers and Fafmcrs ..Exchange.. Keeps nn'ilruiiKlit tho celebrated COl.UMIIIA IIIMIlt, acknoivl. iilKtil tho best bwr In Tho DhIIu, nt tin! iiaiml price. Como in, try It mid be convinced. AImi lliu I'liiist brands of Wines, I.I pior ami Clears. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds nhrnyii on hand. .4 INDKl'K.NIJK.S'CK PASKNOKH. Kxpres train JMlly (except Kunday). 50p.m. tl.v Portland.... Ar.) S:a'u.m i. in. Ai..j;ejiiiinviiio..i.v. s:)n, in i.ir.,iuuepcniieiicc..i.v.j b:aip. w. l:0 u. in, UatoH r.nd tickets to KaMvrn rolnts and AUSTlfvU A '' 0,,,NA' 'lUNDI.IJl.U . Dally. (Daily, except hiiliUay. DINING C'AKS O.N OODKN HOUTK. 1'UM.MAN JJUKFKT HI.FKI'EKS AND 8KCO.ND-CI.ASS HI.KKPINO OA Ilk Attached to all Through Trulas. Direct connectlnti at Htm i.'ri.nu.n uii. tn.. dental und Oilental anil I'kcIIIo mall stejiinsbii. lines for J AI'AN and CHINA. Hailing dated on 1 pncHiion. Kil ai)( All llbovn trnltiu n.rlv,. nt u...i .1... . . Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irvii'c streuU YAMIIII.I, DIVISION. I aksciiRcr Det, foot of Jedersoii itrcct. Ixjiivo for HherldHn, week ilnyg, t 1:30 p. m Arrive nt Portland, a:30 a. m. 1 I'aVC for Alltl.l V. m Mnn,l... ...... KrMav at n :ei m i.'.i..':. .V".V.,.Y.B?"t.""a dav, 'f hurHlay and s ,V i .Va. T."u' lu" Uxccpt Sunday. "Kxcept Saturday. lKli''K11. . . MAHKHAM, vlimaer. Ast. (i. K. & I'ass. At Tlirnush Tlitlinl llln,.. n a-i.i... . throuirir tiPk.v. ',,r nil . .". ".rv. w"" Kind., 'mil I . .." i mo r-astern ntntes, Oiiiiiiilu und Kiirmu. ..m i. '. oweit rates Irom ' or N. WIII;JAl!1poN.,,KUf,'' 'r'CkCt AKent' Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACT A KNEltAliHANKINO BUK1NKB Utters of Credit issued available, In the ci i . 8HJ" sutee. Olirtit Kvnlianco ,mn.l rri. i Ron, Seattle Wash., and various points In Oregon and Washington. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER J Lnnlf nnd Ounsmltll. nnd Maohlno work. m I . f f-icullll St, unarBSBurcnion.nrpj'""""'1'! J. I Notice of Filing final Account '"" 'OMCIIUll.KH,A.lqw. : K X V t Y (1KNI5HAI. ittmii ..AND... Wagn anil Oarrlngo W'H J!lhiBrthrs' Wngon. W illi MM. fJJA. 8TURDCVAN i , DontiHt. v.. a co.'i Ban uaiwuin nii