The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 06, 1899, Image 1

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    e I) c D n II cg
NO 123
tail Negotiations Relate Oulv li
Minor Questions,
Iloth Oovcrniiients Made Concessions In
lienchiiiK Agreement on the
Temporary Line, Which Will Ex
clude Canada From Lynn Canal.
Ni:v Youi;, Sept. G, A Bpeclnl to tlio
Horuld (rum WnstiitictKou anyn: Grunt
llrititin mill the United Stutes have prno
tiiully nroed upon n tmupornry lino tie
lining tliobaimdary betwuon Alusltn nnd
Caiiudu. NiiKntiiUiuiiH now iu progrees
re! ut i) only to minor (nidations growing
out of tho definition of the line.
Oiiu of tho tumottled questions rotatee
to tho Htutus of tnineB owned by Ameri
cans which may hip over territory which
has liLon under the control of Gunadu.
Ui'lirudoiitutives of American niiiie
ownura any thnt it would bo unfair to
American miners if no provision should
l.i! iniulti for them in eaae their property
should lie half on tho American and lmlf
on tho C.iiiudian line.
The prospective settlement of tho
boundary question ia duo to conceeeiona
matin not only by Great liritiiin hut by
tliia government also. Secretary Iluy
has won in tho mutter of excluding
Cuuitdii from the Lynn canal, but a port
of entry in tho canal will be given should
tliu final settlement fail to give Canada
purniuncnt harbor.
Special Commissioner Kuason, who is
a member of the joint high commission
conferred with Secretary Hay today re
garding the bonndnry negotiations. Tho
iiiikIiih vivuudi has nothing to do witli
tlio other (juestions pending botween
Canada and tho United States.
Ail IVacc Negotiations With Insurgeuts
Chicago, Sept. 5. A special to the
Kecord from Washington snys : Tlio cab
iiiet mooting today decided to suspend
negotiations wlth.tho insurgents through
thu I'hilippino coiimiisslon and tho com
mission bo quickly dissolved. The presi
dent and his cabinet udviaers havo
reached tlio conclution that it is unwiso
to maintain tho commission and attempt
to negotiate with tho insurgents for sur
render. An aggressive campaign has
been ordered. Tho military men of tho
service will ho given full sway.
Colonel Denby and Professor Wor
chester, tlio two civilian members of tho
commission now iu tho Philippines will
hu ordered homo nnd tho Insurgents
notified that any communication thoy
winy have to make in the direction of
eiirrender must bo addressed to Generui
I'rnmlnent VlrRlnU Editor Had Al
"ot Ulveu Ui, but Wi Brought
"ok to l-erf.ot Health by
iu Uollo, Cliolnr ud Urrhue
"meily. Uu KdttorUI.
I'roin tho Time, HIILtlllc, Va.
1 Builered with diarrhoea for a long
uo and thought I km put being cured.
. "I""'1 much tlm" "y nd
Were,! so much misery that I had ...
most decided to give up all hopes of re
covery Ul,a await the rsiolt, but notic
ing tho adyortii-iiient ol Chamberlain's
Oholora and Diarrhoea Remedy
wa alio elating how
wonderful cure, had beeu wrought
"y thli remedy, I Welded to try It.
DAvil Baking
Makes the food more
Af .cr taking a few doses I was entirely
well, ol that trouble, nnd I wish to say
further to my readers nnd fellow-suffer
ers that 1 nm a hale and hearty man to
day and feel aa well ns I ever did in my
llfo. 0. It. Moore. Sold by B.nkeley &
Houghton, druggists.
riaynd Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in varioiiB parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverialinose,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how it
became bo it muBt lie purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottlo on
a positive guarantee. lilakeleycc Hough
ton Druggiste.
Had Fire In Empire City.
Emi-hik Uitv, Or., Sept. 4. Between
12 and 1 o'clock this morning fire was
discovered iu tho old Bear Trap saloon
building, in this city. The alarm was
quickly spread, but before anything
coil Id be done tiie tiro had entirely en
veloped the entire north end ot the
building, and tho citizens turned their
attention to the saving of adjoining
property. However, the flumes were
not checked until the entire west and
south portion of the block had been
consumed. The pioneer hotel, on tiie
east side of tho block, was saved by
keeping the rcof and eides covered witli
wet carpets and blankets. Tiie loss was
TIih AplM'tllf) uf ll (limt
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomuch and liver are out of order. All
such 6liould know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a spleudid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health nnd
great energy. Only -'5 cents nt any
drug store. 4
Hough ou the Mormans.
Chicago. Sent. 5. A eiiecial to the
Times-Herald from Chattanooga, Teun.,
says :
A mounted armed mob of some 200
men took charge of a court, BherifTand
litigants Monday nt Johneon Springe,
Va.. and nut a stop on the proceedings.
Elder Jose Wuflin, a Morman, was mur
derously assaulted some nights ago from
anibiuli. Fleming Kidlov. u farmer, was
arrested as n leader in the attack, on n
charge of assault with intent to murder.
lie was arraigned for trial and soon
nfter horsemen surrounded ttu court-
lioueo and threatened to lynch Elder
Wuflin unless he agreed to withdraw the
prosecution and leave the country.
Fearing they would carry their threats
into execution, he withdrew the case.
The prisoner has been liberated by tho
"DeWitt'a Little Early ltiBers did mo
more good than nil blood medicines nnd
other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of
Thompson. Conn. Prompt, plensanti
never gripe, they euro constipation,
arouse the torpid ior to uctlon nnd
uive vou clean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain aud a healthy appetite.
Butler Drug Co.
McKinley Not Coming to the Coast.
Washington, Sept. 4. Senator Car
ter, of Montana, who has just returned
from a European trip, was at the White
House today, and, after .a conference
with the president, stated that Mr. Mc
Kinley would bo compelled to give up
'hla contemplated trip through the West.
H will attend the ceremonies attending
the laying of tlio corner-atone of the
Chicago postoflice, October 1st, but it is
altoaether improbable thnt lie win get
further west than Chicago.
One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures
obstinate summer coughs aud colds.
"Icouilderlt a most wonderful medi
cine, quick and safe.' '-W, W. Merton,
Mayliew, Wis. Butler Drug Co.
delicious and wholesome
To Take Part In the Coming Ohio
London, Sept. 4. Rejuvenated by a
course of treatment at German hatha
and a summer's visit to Europe, United
States Senator Ilannn haB returned to
London for a few dayB rest previous to
Bailing for tho United States ou bonrd
the American line eteamer St. Louis
Suturday next. Senator Hnnna is hur
rying to Ohio to participate in the
opening of the Republican campaign in
From a conversation with Senator
Hanna, tho correspondent here of the
Associated FreBB gathered that the zett
with which tiie senator ia looking for
ward to the conflict in Ohio is due to
tho fact that he recognizes that the
coming campaign will not furnish the
reply to the question of tho country's
indorsement of the national administra
tion, but that back of the candidacy of
John R. McLean for the governorship of
Oiiio there is an aspiration for the
second place on the Democratic presi
dential ticket with Mr. Bryan, nnd,
failing of election, a future contest for
tho United States senatorship from Ohio.
In eucli u competition, Mr. Hanna is
anxious to participate, became it means
the opening of the national campaign of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di
gests food without aid from the stomach
aud at tiio same time heals and restores
the dieeaeed digestive organs. It is the
only remedy that does both of these
things and can be relied upon to per
manently cure dyspepsia. Butler Drug
Chicago Will Have a Hotel For the Poor.
Chicago, Sept. 5. Preparations are
under way for tho establishment in
Chicago of a hotel on the plan of the
Mills hotel, of New York city, where
patrous cau secure a first class room, in
cluding both, for twtnty nnd thirty cents
a night. The proposed hotel is not to be
a charitlableor philanthropic institution
in any sense of tho word, but a straight
business investment, which is expected
to pay a fair rate of interest on the
mouoy invested, nnd at the same time
be a heuetit to the city by furnishing
men whose earnings nre small with a
home whero they can live economically.
Tho building will be fireproof, ten
stories high, each floor having 13 rooms,
making 1130 sleeping-rooms.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, One little
Tablet will give immedUto relief or
money refunded. Sold iu handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeiey & Houghton
This Ycar's Corn Crop Breaks Record.
Chicago, Sept. 5. The Tribune says:
Only an accident can prevent the break
ing of nil previous records by the corn
crop production of the United States
this year. A canvass of the eight states
which raise the bulk of the corn of this
country warrants an estimate above that
of 1800, which heretofore has been the
record and there la much in the advices
received to justify a prediction that the
crop i will approximate 2,500,000,000
bushels. The state producing the largest
amount is Kansas, with 340,000,000
bushels, Nebraska producing 3.10000,000
Hamilton Clark, of Cbauucev, Ga.,
saye heaufferedwith itching piles twenty
yeara before trying DeWitt'a Witch
Haael Salve, two boxes of which com
pletely cured him. Beware of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Latest thing in cameras arc Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnoll's
drug store.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at nil first-class bars. C. J
Stubling, agent, The Dalles.. M17-3m.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at nil first-class bare. C. J.
Stubling, ngent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m
Try Yerba Buenn Bittere, the best
tonic. For Bale at nil first-class bare.
C. J. Stubling, ngent, The Dalles.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best
tonic. For eale at all first-class bare.
C. J. Stubling, ngent, The Dalles.
J- of Oregon, for the County of W'nsco.
Charles G. L. Iicnton, plaintiff,
Ilelllo A. BciiFon, dependent.
To Hettle A. Bcnsou, the above nnmed defend
ant :
Vou nre hereby notified to nppcar nnd answer
the comnlulut In the above entitled couit and
cause on or before tlx weeks from the date of the
first nubllcatlou of this notice, to-wit: the Gtli
day of September, IbfKi, and If you fail to so ap-
peur una answer or omeiwise pieaa, inepmiu
tiil' will aimlv to the court for the relief nraved
for In his complaint heiein, to-wlt: that the
bonds of matrimony now existing between
plaintill'iind nefendunt be dissolved forever and
that plalnlitniavc judgment against defendant
for his costs and disbursements mid for such
other and further iclief ns to the Court may
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is Mibllsbed by virtue ol an
order made nnd signed by Hon W. L. Brad-haw,
Judge of the above entitled court, ou the 2d day
of September. lbM), directing that said summons
be published once a'week for a period of not less
than six consecutive weeks.
scptC-i Attorney for 1'laiutiir.
V. S. Lakd Office, The Dalles, Ore.f
July i!3, IbWI. (
Notice Is hereby given that tho order of De
cembers, lfe'Jl, temporarily withdrawing from
disposal, for the purposes ol a boat railway, the
Winds on the south side nnd within six miles of
the Columbia river, between The Dalles and
Celilo, has been revoked by the president, ex
cept as to the following described lmrceU: one in
me r n or nee ui, i z r, k n t, containing
nbout four ami o::o-hall Teres aud the other in
theNVU,See'Jl, T '2 N, H13 E,coutainIng about
half au acre.
On nnd after September 1, JSxi. we wl'l receive
applications lor any vacant lands included
ineiein. J. r. j.ucas,
Receiver. jly.G I
U. S. Land Office, Tme dames. Ou ,(
jjueiO. lbW. I
Notice is hcrebv given that In complianc
with the jirovislims of the act of congress o
June S, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale o
timuer lauus in inc states oi laiuorniti. uregon,
Nevada and Washington lerrltory," Chailes
(Josson, of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, J:us this day tiled in this office his
sworn statement So. 141, fur the purchase of the
lot 4 nnd SEJ4 SVt'Ji of Sec. No. i!'J, iu Township
o. 1 iv, range ro. li r., aim win oner prooi iu
show that the laud sought Is more valuable for
Its timber ofetone than for agricultural pur
poses, nnd to establish his claim to s ltd laud be
fore the register nnd receiver ot this otlice nt
The Dulles, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of
September, lbl"..
He names us witnesses, A. Turner, V. Chirk.
1'eter Fagau. U. Whttmore, all of The Dalles, Or.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands nio requested to tile their
claims In this oltlce ou or before said 161 li day of
September, lt'Ji). J. 1'. LL'CAS,
JlyS-ii lUglster.
U. S. Land Office, The, Ok. j 11, lyii. !
A sutllcient contest nllldavit having been tiled
iu this otlice by Jmues Foulk, contestant,
against liomesleiid entry No. -i'JoU, ninde Nov.
4th, Mi. for S HU Miji SWJi.Sce. Sl.tonn
ship il S, It 13 K, nud HW',4 NV',f, Sec, 3, town
ship -I S, It U K, by Thomas Jctl'tcys, coutestee.
In which it is alleged that he lias abuuduuod
said tract for more than 0 mouths. Suld ixirtlcs
nt o hereby notillod to apticar. respond and
tiler evidence touching said allegation, at 10
o'eloik a. m. ou Sept. 4, Ifcyj, before the register
and receiver nt the United States land olticoiu
The Dalles, Or.
The tstild contestant having iu a proper
nttldavlt, tiled July 1st. 1MW, set forth facts
which show that niter due diligence, personal
service ol this notice cau not be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed Unit such notice bo
given by .due and proier publication.
jlylE-ll JAY 1. LUCAS, Kcgister.
.Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly upoluted by the Hon, County
Court of thu the Kate of Oregon, fur Watco
county, ns administrator of the estate ot Adolph
.Agldlus, deceased. All persons having claims
against suld estate nre hen by notified to present
the same properly verltled to me at the nUlco of
my a t tor n j s, Dufur it Meiiefcc, within six
months from the date ol this notice.
Dated nt The Dalles, Oregon, June 5, im.
J. 1'. AU1D1US,
Administrator of the Estate of Adolph Agldlus,
deceased, 7-il
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly npiliiteit by the honorable
County Court of theritnte of Oiegou, for Wasco
county, uu executor of the estate of I'hebeJ.
Jlalght, deccniud. AU perrom having claims
against said elate nre hereby politic to pre
sent tho me, tiroerly vurltled. Iu litu nt my
uttlcu In lutlU-v City, Oregon, wltlilu six months
(rum iliu dale of tbU notice.
Dultd tills 0th day ol July, lt-W.
Executor of the cUtu of I'hebe J, Knight,
doccHsvd. Jlys-li
All Ready
Strong, servicable Suits, made double
breasted, the pants to the same with
double seat and knees, the material a
good solid cassimere; colors neat dark
patterns. Such are the suits we offer
this week at
Other grades at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00,
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00.
A M WilliamQ V. Pn
Si 1 !'
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I i f
e TtlC DaUeB, !jj
I ft ff Chttoniele, 0"' I
si , , Job Printers. 8
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1 f , f W I
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