ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the 5ystem EFFECTUALLY rrl C, B,TUALC0NSrPAT.ON PPDMANFNTIY Buy THE GENUINE - MAHT'D By (AUivRNIA (TG YRVPCS roi SAl Et ill CRUGGiiTi rrct SCl R KTTII. friends in The Dalles, left on (he Into train last night on her way to her home in .New lork. Mrs. S. II. Nye, of California, nnd hor friend, Mre. M. Merriwether, who have been visiting Col. Nyo in Prinovillu, re tnivind yesterday and are guests of Mr. ami Mi 8. Schenck today. V. A. nnd Mrs. MuruWe, Mrs. K. Androws, John Fulton yuid wife and Mi?s Alice Gilmore, cttnt' down from Wasco yesterday anilleft this morning for the hot springs at Wind river. Ed. Crate, a former resident of Tlio Dalles, lint who for somo time has been one of Portland's "bravest," is in town today meettnit old friends and noting the changes which have taken- place in his old home. Miss Mabel liiddell rethied last night from Monmouth whereshe has been at tending Normal seliooK Mabel has been attending tlio summer session, nnd was successful in obtaining a life diploma, coming out fourthin n class of thirty. Tito Misses Vene, Lorn nnd Helen J Lytlo are to leave today for their new home at arilner, Idaho. AUcr a resi dence hero of nearly three years, it is hard indeed for Wasco to be compelled to lose them, nnd their nbsence will cause a social blank hard to fill. The young ladies have ninilo n lot of friends here whose best wishes will follow them wherever they go. Wasco News. Notice. All outstanding warrants against School District No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L. Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest ceases from this date, C. L. Schmidt, Clerk School Dist. No. 12. The Dalles Or., Aug. 14, 1S99. VKOl'tE YOU ALL KNOW. made a trip to Hood J. F. Moore River todav. Ed Henderson is a visitor in the city fiom Wapinitia. Miss Gertrude Egbert is in from her home at Deschutes. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith came in from I'rineville yesterday. J. E. Morse, a wool buyer from Boston, anivtd in the city last night. Dell Copple and F. E. Simp'on came up from Hood River yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Riyfmrd Hinlon and family are in from tlieir home at Bake Oven. f W. H. Biifgs came down from Wasco yesterday and returned toSprague this morning. Mrs. Katrt Roach, who has spent two months in Portland, has returned to her home in this city Mrs. C. A. Appelgrein, of Portland arrived last nitrli t on the boat and is the gu'st of Mrs. Eil. Beck. Miss Melissa Hill lias been spendin her vacation at Seaview, llwaco beach, and returned home last evening on the boat. Mrs. E. B. Claike, of Hood River, who has been tiie triiwst of Mrs. M. Paikina for tlio past few davs, will return homo this afternoon. E. S. Brooks, brother of S. L., has re turned from a trip into the Blue mount ains. He will probably spend the win ter in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. J. Casey, of Portland, are on their weddini: trip and have been spending a few days in TI.e Dalles. Tliev leave tonight for a trip through the East, Mrs. A. Jo?!yn, who has bfen spend ing a short time with Mrs. Storrs and Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism often causes tho most intense- suffering. Many have for years vainly nought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off than tver. Rheumatism ia a blood disease, t.nd Swift's Specific is tho only cure, be causo it is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated diseases. A few years ao I was taken with inflamma tory Eheuiaatlsaj, vhish becamo bo Intense that I was for weeks unable to wait. I tried several prominent physi cians and too!; tbel r treat ment faithfully, tut was liKP-bln ic tflt ihn cllivl.t- C3trellcf. Infaet.mveon. ! 25 etS. nd 50 CtS There is more Catarrh in this Eection of the country tii3n all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science lias proven catarrh tobe n constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teasnoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for anv case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. 0 Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 BUSINESS LOCALS. Latest thine in cameras nro Im proved Magazine cvclones at Donnell's drug store. Drink Warren's Puro Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bare. C. J. Stublln2, agent, Tho Dalles. M17-3m Trv Verba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For calo at all ilrst'class bars C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles M17-:ini Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. For salu at all first-class liars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalle M17-;im Clarke & Fall; have n full and com p'.ete line of house, carriage, wagon nnd barn paints manufactured by James E Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby civen that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G Daut ami S. D. Stoufer under tho firm namo and style of The Daut Optical and Jewelry Company has this day been dis solved. P. G. Daut will continue the businces, collect all debts duo tho firm anil pay all bills owing by them, the sah S. D. Stoufer hereby rctiiing therefrom Dated this 14th day of August, 1899. P. G. Daut S. D. Stouflk DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. S. Smith and F. E. Cockerltne, under the firm name of Smith & Ccckerline, is this day dissolved by mutual consrn F. E. Cockerlino retiring. C. S. Smith will continue the business, collect nil bills due said firm all accounts against the same. Dated August 15, 1S99. C. 8. Sjiitii, F. E. CoUKEItLlNL'. and and will pay Cash In Your Cliecli. All countv warrants registered prior to October l.lbvo, will be nam at my office. Interest ceases after July 20, ibasj. v. l. i'iiillips, Countv Treasurer. "JJeW itt's Little ariv Risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. Butler Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di gests food without aid from the stomach and at tho same time heals and restores the diseased digestive organs. It is the only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to per manently cure dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. Hamilton Clark, of Cliauncev, Ga., says lie suffered with itching piles twenty years before trying DuWitt's Witch Hazsl Salve, two boxes of winch com pletely cured him. Bowaro of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Miss Iiattiti Mardeu, who has re cently returned from Washington, 1), C, where Ehe pursued her studies in art, is now prepared to take pupils in drawing and oil painting, Site may bo found at her homo on West Fourth street. 2S-lw A. L:, fr&:F$iff V, T-1 sufferer! asony. I tried W'iXi V h' nlany r-atent medicines, Wtl$&y?j h I kut n relieved inc. V 'Alvi D Si V uPn d v loo of ' '-lLfi2' ei friend I decided to trv dltlon seemed to grow worse, tho disease spread over my entire body, and from November to March S. S. S. JJcforo allowing mo to take It, how ever, ny Kuardlan, who wa3 a chemist, ana lyzed tho remedy, and pronounced it ireo of potash or mercury. 1 fclcEomuch better after InliiiiK two bottles, that I continued tho rem cdy.midin two months I was cured completely. Tho euro was pormanent, for I linve novcr since 1ml r. touch of 'llheuinatism though many ULEANOa M.TU'? mil rowetton Avenup, ruiiiuieipina Scn't suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils nnd liniments, as thoy cun not reach votir trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash una mercury will ndd to your disabil ity and completely destroy your digestion. Experience is the best Teacher. Ueo Acker's English Remedy in any c.ito of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail lo givo immediate relief money refunded. Blukeley & Iloughtui S.S.&Th.Btood Druggists. Ono Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer concha atd colds, "Iconsiderjt a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merlon, Mayliew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. Dyspepsia can bo emed by using Acker'd Dyspeptia Tablets. One little lamei win give luimeuuto idle! t r ' money refunded. Sold in handeoiue tin boxes at 25 cts. Bfaktlny ft Hoiititou Druggists. Hld for Wood. XV tinted. J.o borrow ?9UU at six or eight per cent. Security, a house and two lots on Ninth street, The Dalles. Address Rr.v. A. Hon.v, n20-ultn Goldendale, Wash. l''or Sale. All b-room house (can be mado nine rooms), also a barn and nice garden, For particulars apply to N. WiiEAi.nox, a2C wlm The Dalles. For Salo. Twentv-three city lots for sale. From $50 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. S-23-lmo. NOTICE. u. s. Land OFriCE, The Dilles Ore. Notice Is hereby Riven that tho order of De cembers. liJI, teiiiior.irilv withdrawing from dlsposiil, for tho of h bo.t railway, tlio lands on tho south t Mo mid within tlx tulles of the Columbia river, between The Dalles and Celllo, has been rei okrd ,jy tho pietidrnt, ex cept as to thofollovii'f,')esciibed parcels: one in the NW'jof Sec 31, T 2 N, It II K, eoiitHitdns about four nnd one-lull iiero-, and the other in thoXWU.&cc'.'l, T'J N, It 15 K.coctniniiiB about hi'H an tiere. On ninl after September 1, lt39, we wl'l receive applications lor any vacant's iiicluiltd therein. J. V. l.L'f.VS, OTIS r.VTTKIISON, lteslsler. litceiver. jlyO 1 Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby Kivjn that the undcrMjrned has been dnK nppolnted iy the lion. County Con tof tno tho auto of Orezon, fur Wh-co county, as udmiiuntraior of lliu estateof .tdolph .glillu Jeeeasiil. Alt peihous Jiavin? clillms n)?aliis. lid estate aro hen by notlllcd to irct.ent the tamo properly verlllcd to me at the ollicu oi my attorneys, inifur it Menefee, within tlx mouth (loin tho date of this notice. Dated nt lhe Dalles, Oregon, June 3, 18:10. J 1 AOID1U.S. AdminhtruP r of the Eitnte of Adoluh -rliHiif-. deceafced. " i The Dalles. ForllanJ and Astoria Navigation Co.' . Uepktor Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. rouchluR nt wav poin's on botli Mdcs of the Columbia river. llotli of tho nbovo steamers have been rebuilt, and ro In excellent shniie (or thu season of iy1. Tlio Uciriiliitor l.lnn will endeavor to give Its patrons the best fccrvlcu possible. 1'or Conifiirt, Kcoimniy nnd ripnmiri), tinvel by the iteamcrs of The lloKiiliitor l.liiii. Tho above steamers leave The Dalles at S a. in, nnd 1'ortlaml at 7 n. r.i., and arrive at destlua Hon lu. ample timu for outgoing trains. Portland Onlce. l"he Dalles Ofllco, Oak St. DoeU. tlourt street W. C. Allaway, Genera A?ent A Good Engine Executor's Notice. Kotico is liertbv clvcn that tho uiidcrklL-iuil Inn botn duly a-irointtd bv thn hounrablu County Court of iliu.St.ito of Oregon, ,'oi Wateo countv. in executor of lliu estiilo iii :'hcb,'J. llalght, deeeaseii. All perron havlnj,' claims anaiust saio utiuto arc neteiiy liouiicu to pre reiit t.iOHJiiie, piopeily veilllcl. lo mo at inv oilleo In Dalles city, Oiecon, within tlx month' uoui no uuiooi mis not'ce. Dated this oth day of July, IM'J. I'KANK .MK.NKlT.i:. Kxrcutor of the estato of l'liebo J. llalcht. deeeatci. ilyfill Ob. 6 inrs, ,tS- OWE FOR A DOSE,. RtraoTO PlmpliM, Vrmnt 1 1 .'i'.' i unt" Wood, t)ur.i llenjHcho mi. Dnnciim. nm JOHN I1AVIN i. uconi:. MOOIIK & GAVIN, ATTOUNKVS AT LAW. ltooias .TO ami 10, over U. S. l.unJ Olllce, liids for forty cords of fir wood, more or lets, will be received at tho county clerk'a olfico between now und Friday, Sapt. 8th, Uring in your bide. -1 -it Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wfltco wurehouee. Fiueft kind of chicken feed. iucIj23-U frill euro perfectly and mmunently. t la guaranteed nurelv vesetable. and natwm no DOtAUi. murown nr Aikav Mineral. Booka mailed free by twUfe guaranteed to lait. niwcino uo Atlanta, ua. i nave theui. Faint your houie with palnti that are Clarke Sc Falk i ...STEAM... Wood Saw i !! 4 W. A. GATES. Proi). 2 Will run everyday except Sunday. Itatea Keaionable. TIphon 201. and Boiler For Sale on Easy Best Work at Possible Cost Otiniaiitcud U) slvc satisfaction. Wo nro liorc to stny ; thoroforo cverv effort will he miuli; to establish u business. It will pay you to examine oar work mul consult our prices. Terms DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE CONSIDER OUE PRICES: llest Grown and Ilridpo work (22k. (!old), per tooth $4.50 Heat wet tt'Pth, iiuaratitiicd ,).50 llcst fiold FlllliiK $1.00 up Dust eilvur or alloy llllini; oOuiip Teeth extracted withuul pain 60c Chap'lna i'lS, Second St. POl'tlaild Deiltal TSiYlQTB Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? Phono Ql UK YOU RUUK It Is tj.Il riRht? Uemetnljor It Is the KhUUUH tnat uoveniH. it ia our iiusinuss to tcarch tho Fecords and show what thoy contain in i elation to mini tttiue. ji you conieiiiiuniu tiuyinn mini or loauiui; money on real ustnto si'curlty, talto no niiin' word, hut insist upon knowing what thu record bIiows reardiiiK tho title. An Ahetract la an essential as a deed. Insist on having it. Wo have the only sot oi Abstract Uoolts in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction i;tmranteed. It you havu prop erty to innire, t;lve us a call. We are ugunto for four of tho best 11 ro insurance companies In thu world. If you havu property for sale, list it with us and wo'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 2d St., opposite A. FYI. Williams &. Co. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Boute "V OK Till!- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lenvonml arc due to nrrto nt 1'ortlHL LSAVK. OVKltl.AKI) KX-) prehs, f-alcm, Hose-1 1 Imri'. Atlil.tnil. Hue-1 1 7 m it ii I rniiifiito, Oj?'ieiiiSun I ,,w l. si. Krancll,c0 jiojnve.f , i.on AHKViua,i.i i rtwi i l irlcuiib inn f IK'lSt v,:30 A. M.I r 11 ' ' fVln Woo J bur.'! fori Ufllly ! ".'rtiiKei, tsiivcrioii, OTceiit 1 51 ocio, iirowns- iiun'liiy I7:S0 A. M.I vllKi,riiri:i?ilcliluiul Nntrou J , I nnd way J 1 ICorvnllls f statious . J. 15 A. M. , 1-30 I'. M Dully uxcvpt Suntlnys. i;S0 1'. ..chjk. m Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.., Kccpi on ilrmiKlit tho cclcbrntcl OOl.UMlllA lIKKIt, neknowl nlKiil tlio tot licer in Tho Dullfs, nt tlio umiiiI price. Ounie In, try ll mul lio cimvlnccil. Al'o the rint'ut linuiiH of WIiim, Minor nnil Clears. Sandrxtiehes of nil Kinds always on hand. INIJKI'ENIIKN'CK l'ASSK:.'i:it. irapreis trnln Dally (ccpt BuiiiiHy). jlMp.m. (I.v. ...I'orlliiiiil ...Ar.) 6.25 n.m T:: i. in. Al...Vn.Mliinvllli r,'ii,.m 8;!X)p. m. (Ar..IuUciiiiil(:uci,..l.v. li.'fla. in. Dally. (Daily, oxccpl fcuiiilny. DINIXfJ OA KS U.N IMiDKN KOL'TI. l'UM.MAN IIOKI'KT HI.r'Kl'KltS AND HKCOHD-C'LAStl HI.KKl'INr: CAItfc Atlcchul to all Tlirouuh Trains. Direct connection nt . Vnn b nitini.., ,. ui, .,.,., dentat nuit oiientnl mnl 1'aclllo imili uteiinmlili lines for JAI'AN aiidlllllNA. fcicllliiK ilatcH i On ui Plication. uiiuwi.nd tickets to ropo. A Ktern -.o!iiti. nml Kii' All allllVII Irnlliu nrrlfn ... .lA. . i viiiiiii buuiuii. I'uin nmi irvniK strecth YAMI11I.I, DIVISION. 1'atreiiKvr Dei)t, foot of JcUertou ttrect. iave (or Hlii.rlil flit, ll'milf 1.itu u t ,ir . Arrive nt I'ortlamiao ii. n """"'' khv i ?i i),liUA1-01 -Monday, Wednesday nnO jrliiiiy ntSMiit. in. Arrive at 1'ortlaml, W lUv.TliurMlnyimdHaturdns it 3:05 p. . -r.2ctpi wuinlay. Except Saturday. vlaiuiicr. AtiU, li, K id Vuut, Aat Tliroilirh Tlobnt mim mi ti, .... tiHouBh;tlcket,-toallVolts 1 'WS WK.W.lK!i,KW,il,'TI'kto ! Bicycle j REPAIR SHOP. J MAS Trade Marks JE8IQN8 ConvninuTR J. r Anronoienillnu nVclrh ma rii,.Mii palcklr lucerliiln our opinion fr0 wfaciiitir ir tloutttrlcllTconadentral. lluidkookon imi..,,i. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TitANSAOT A Jt.NKItAMJANKINd iiiihikm-u Utters of Credit Issued available in the c, , , I'.astnrii fitateo. a' i'Ac iaiiKo and Tolenrnphic Irnimfurs no , n rj...., v...,. ft u' VB"'",1,, vnriouK pointe liZ2im und Washington. O, Olll- J nti)UitdJM nil iwiliitu mi fr..,. fliwole terms. ' .f '""'"UHlriv. l'lei.U Ukcn tCrouvli Jlunii &Vo rJci Wtwilic JHwricai. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock nnd Quiismlth, nntl Maohlno work. Charles Burclitorf,opp"i: r;pttvttrA-ri-,i.''rrAA9 S OS . ""Dsa- llU.SUUAD Notice of Filing Final Account 5 "ft uU' of Kt' ,,",t Jh.HrUwlgiied i AY,!?.'?.mT- i wo. Ti'im'i'i vin t 'iiS,'.'' ISS i iilmi Mith Iii.. ..I..ti. . '.. oiveiit iieutom, n I ui i li T.,v "in lI HWIK lliu ut circuit tlivroof,t lliMr... nil natki-ii iii. Blactsmllls ...AND... Horsesnoers Wagon nnd Onrrlneo Work Flth rothrs' Wngon. r ThM and JBffcrnu. FIiohc 109 q JJ A. STURDEVANT, II I1! it 11 rtWCIUHl I'hout e,