The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 05, 1899, Image 3

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Cod Wood
"A WORD TO THE WISE." In buying your Boy's
Clothing, buy Clothing suitable for boys. You cannot put
old heads on young shoulders. AVo are showing a line of
SCHOOL SUITS, reinforced throughout, in all the lat
est colors and materials, at prices ranging from $2.50 lip.
ALL NEW GOODS. Mothers, we invito your inspec
tion. No ono urged to buy.
All Gootla Mnrkod
In Plnln Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Sorvotl In ovory
Stylo nt
K.istern Oysters on tlio sholl nt A.
Keller's. -I'llt
Council meeting tonight at tho council
Juh 11 Frit, ig ngain employed nt I lie
Niw York Cueh Store, nB clerk.
Tlie L ulius' Aid Society of the Congre
gational church will meet at the roal
denee of Ire. 8. L. Biooka tomorrow
(Wednesday) afternoon.
A girl to do gonoral housework, or to
assist in woik and attend eehool, can
find employment in n family whore there
ara no children, by applying nt this
oillco. 4.1W
In Da Beds store window may be
839.1 a beautiful sofa pillow, in tho Bul
garian work recontly tewjlit in The
Dilles. It is to bo rallied, nnd no ono
'1'ould full to Bccuro n ohnuee. 2-3t
Today is the Jewish Now Year, the
Jewish year being a lunar year nnd be
Sinning with tho new moon. So ainall
la tlio Jewish population of The Dulles
"t virtually nothing is heard of its ob
Mrvunce. Miss Taylor announces the opening of
Jjw Kindergarten on Monday, Sept. 11th.
besslotjg will nnnvnnn nt fi In t. mnn.
in closing at 12, until cold weather,
when afternoon sessions will be held.
would bo pleased to greet all of her
"finer pupiiB mftDy new ones as
Tlio Dalles City was a eight as the left
ne dock this morning, for "loaded to the
urus did not express It, she was over-
"JWlnjj will, frftUi,.
Jliwp which were to be taken on by the
" ywwraty, most of her freight
A Baseball and Bat
Boys Suit.
was left over until today, consequently
the surplus.
A much-needed improvement is being
made in the old slmcka which belong to
tho McKay estate and are situated on
Union street, between Firet nnd Second.
They have long been nn eye sore, but
are now being fitted up and ono small
building has been torn down. It is
always a relief to see such improvements
being made, as they add so much to the
uppearanco of tho city.
Sheriff and Mrs. Kelly returned yeB
torday from u hunting trip in the vicin
ity of Kingsloy. The rain in that sen
tion has been about tho same as here
and scarcely a fourth of the threshing
litts been done, bo that much damngu
must surely result from the continued
showers. Much of it ib also stacked In
a manner which will be anything but
conducive to the best reEults. Yester
day it hailed hard for about nil hour as
they wero returning.
For some timeSupt. Landers lias been
hard at work getting everything in
shape before the opening of school
giving examinations, etc. Today, in
connection with I'rof. Nell' and several
teachers, he has been kept busy nt the
High school building giving examina
tions, clusaifyiiignow pupils, anil doing
other preparatory work. It seemed like
school days in earnest today, nnd every
thing looks bright for a successful school
Last evening when trying to board tho
brake beams of an extra west-bound
passenger train this side of Des Chutes,
William Wilson wus thrown onto the
truck, and hud his right foot so badly
mashed that It will no doubt be neces
sary to nmputato tho little toe. Tho left
heel was ulso badly bruised ; but other
wise ho was not injured. He was brought
to the city ami Dr. Logan summoned to
attend htm. Ho claims to be a laboring
man, and said he had somo money, but
didn't euro to spend .it all, so thought
he'd stoal a ride. Today tho marshal
telephoned to his mother, Mrs. 0. Html,
of Portland, nnd flho requested that ho
be sent to that place. The unfortunate
man will bo taken down on tho after
noon train.
Diek Gorman captured n bird Inst
night "what was a bird." It wasn't a
church mouse, but a church bird, which
had perched itself, not on tho pallid
bust of Pallia, but on the rooster which
occupies the exalted position on top
of the Catholic church steeple. When
first noticed it held in its beak a email
Hah, which it soon dropped; but still
aat calmly as if it knew a good place
when it found It. When Dick went
home ho determined that nothing was
too high for lilw, and at onco wejvMit
with bis rifle j but a allot or JtMy
caused It to hover aroftnd n little und
return. Ho at length got his shot gun
and down ahe came, only a littlo dis
abled, however, and la now a captive nt
T. J. Seufert'e. The bird looks much
like a large fish hawk, nnd measures
four feet from tip to tip.
The board of asylum trustoo will meet
today in Salem and the question of a
Pease & Mays.
new Buporintendent for the asylum will
come up for consideration. There are
four candidates working hard for the po
sition the present encumbent, D. A.
Paine; Dr. J. N. Smith, of Salem; Dr.
J. F. Calbreath, of MuMinnville, ond H.
A. Wright, of Klamath. One thing is
certain, and that is Paine has given the
entire state a pain from start to finish,
and it is thought he Iiub little chance,
although hie term being extended to
January 1, 1000, making his service
longer than that of any other superin
tendent ever placed in charge of the asy
lum, giveB his friends a reason for think
ing he linH a fighting chance. Drs. J.
N. Smith and J. F. Calbreath both seem
to be favorites, nnd either have n good
show. This is a most important office
und surely should be placed in the hands
of none but the most trustworthy.
By increasing its common and pre
ferred stock, the Union Pacific lias
cleared the way for taking over the 0.
It. & X. This will be accomplished at
the 0. It. & N.'s annual meeting of
stockholders, to be held September 7,
when the election of officers and a board
of directors will take place. It is thought
that there will be no routerial changes
in the election of officers, but there is
sure to be a decided change in the board
of directors. Thoso now representing
the interests of the Northern Pacific and
Great Northern, will have to dropout
end will (jo replaced by men whota the
Union Pacific may choose. Tlioro is
much speculation in local circles as to
the results of the change. After the
Union Pacific ew allows the 0. R. & N.
and there is no longer such n road, local
officials wonder if tho operating depart
ment will be removed from Portland.
The concensus of opinion is that there
will be no change. Telegram.
It lit Worth While.
There is still another way in which
The Dalles may ho benefited if her citi
zens see fit to give it their attention.
Not simply to call a meeting, appoint
committees and resolute, but by doing
the necessary work in a busiueeE-like
manner. Our attontiou has been railed
to the fact that the road leading to
Prinevillo by tho way of Warm Springs
Is much used at present by teamsters iu
coming to Tho Dalles, and is preferred
by many becnuso it is shorter.
There are, however, a few improve
ments'which it is necessary to make,
and If Dalles people would assist iu this
work, much benefit would be reaped
thereby. The people in tho vicinity of
White river grade have determined to
make needed repairs there, and besides
tho bridge at Warm Springs is badly in
need of improvements, and also the
grade on the other aide of Deschutes.
The agent at Warm Springs is anxious
that the road be improved and will do
all in his power to that end.
It would be well were our citizens to
look into the matter.
Water Nolle r.
The water will be abut off from 8 p. ui.
until 10 p. in. tonight, Sept. 6th.
J. B, Chobhkn, Supt.
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
Hardware and
Grocirv dealers.
Kodol DyspepBia Core cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders nrising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
When Iluoc by the stocku-ell Company
It's All Itlglit.
The reputation which preceeded the
"Midnight Bell" company to this city
insured them a good house, and the
audience was not disappointed for the
actorB are all that was claimed for them.
A mistake, however, was made in com
mencing the performance at 8 Eharp.
It is almost impossible, in fact entirely
so, for an audience composed of those
who are compelled to stay in Etores and
offices until S o'clock to reach the hall
before 8:30 at least. Therefore, the
convenience of the audience should be
consulted, and thus prevent the first
act of every play being completely loet
by people entering after it has begun.
The play last night was a long one, and
ns tho troupe desired to. eaten, the east
bound train it necessitated an early
etart and n cutting-short of the last act.
This is not as it should be, for, under
existing circumstances in Tlio Dalles,
if a company asks 75 cents and $1 for eeate
their audience should hear the firBt,
last and in fact every iota of tho per
formance. But the company is a good one and
pave a very taking production. Stock
well, as Deacon Tedd, was beyond criti
cism. His conception of the old deacon
and his make-up was immense. Perhaps
there wae no one present who had not
eeen his counterpart in visiting some
old-foBhioned country parish ; and in the
school scene with Martin Tripp, who
hud n difficult part, but did the green
school boy perfectly, t he audience was
in a roar of laughter. A part like that
of Martin Tripp always takes, especially
when so well acted as by Mr. Steiule.
Scott Seaton, who took the part of tho
clergyman, although having but a few
months expeiienee on the stage, is a
good actor and lias a fine stage presence.
Miss Crews, as "Dot Bradbury," tho
pert little school girl, lias just joined
the company, which is fortunate in
securing such a charming little actress.
She is so natural iu Iter acting, us well
as her make-up and appearance.
Tho stage settings added much to the
play. The sliding scene, tho school
house and the church scene being very
Iu fact the entire company is all
right, and we would be glad to see them
in a play which requires heavier acting.
Auother Miootlng Scrape Near Antelope.
Were it not for Antelope and its vicin
ity the Dulles papers would have few rec
ords of shooting scrapes to chronicle;
but just ao often from that section come
accounts of such affairs having taken
place at or near that little town. The
latest waa lust evening when the sheriff
received word that Thos, Moran had been
ahot on Trout creek, In Crook county
fnear the county Hue, and that Dr.
Pilkingtou had been called. Also that
an old man had done the shooting and
bad gone to Prineville to give himself up.
No further particulars were received
until this afternoon when a deputy at
Antelope telephoned that the doctor bad
& Benion
By buying your FRUIT JARS
from us. GET OUR PRICES.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, The Dalles, Or.
returned, bringing the news that Moran, (
who is a sheep-herder, and a man by t ne
name of Frank Finnell, who is past
middle age, were drinking and, as usual
in such cases, had got ton into a quarrel,
when the latter shot him. The doctor
says there is small hope of his recovery.
The sheriff then telephoned to Sheriff
Gray to inquire whether Finnell had
reached Prineville, but was answered to
the contrary; but a deputy ha I been
sent out to capture him.
The full detailB will probably be re
ceived by tomorrow morning, and will
no doubt prove to be the same old story
which is always the result of a drunken
The Concert.
Music hath tharme, but Borne of the
charm would certainly be lost were the
hearers compelled to staud on damp
payments, or if the ardor of the musi
cians were damnened by an occasional
shower, which is hard enougli to "beat
the band." So the csncert tonight will
of necessity take place in the club rooms.
The following program will be rendered :
March "Ind State Band Farror
Kcverie "1 he Wuj side Chapel" . . .. Wilton
Cuto Walk "Mil Mobile Uabe" Klohr
Komiince "Day Dreamt" Holliittoii
Waltz "DaURhtcrs of Love". .. . .lHnmU
March '-The Groat Cnptuln" Scoutun
Medley "Tlio Winner'1 Mackie
W. E. Simo.nton, Director.
Iu Memory of (luyuell llecker.
Died, at The Dalles, Aug. 22, 1S99,
Gaynell llecker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J.J. llecker, aged 19 months and 15
daye. The remains were interred in
tho Catholic cemetery.
Tho little chair lk empty now,
The llltle clothes laid by;
A mothers hope, a father . Joy,
In death's- cold arms doth lie.
Go, darling Gaynell, to thy home,
On yondei blitbful tlioro;
We mits you here, but kioii will come
Where thou hast gone befoie,
l'ubllc School Announcement.
The Dalles public schools will open
Monday, Sept. 11th. It is desired that
as far as possible all pupilj expecting to
attend the fall term will bo present.
A meeting of tho teacheis of Tiie
Dalles schools will he held on Wednes
day, Sept. Oth, at 10 a. m.
J. S. Laniikhs, Supt.
The Ladles.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use Syrup of
Figs, under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get tlio true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For sale by
all druggists.
"Ilurniouj" WhUkey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, sold by Ben Wilson, Tho
Dalles, jl
Third Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, The Dlle,
A. , A s a ,
More Flies
Are Caught
with molasses than vinegar, is an old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
catches more than cither. No insect
can resist its attraction and onco within
its power ttie tormenting possibilities of
that insect aro over.
Price 5c per double sheet.
Our stock contains many other prepa
rations for destruction of insect life.
Each day our business shows
tho pcoplo are finding out wo
aro pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tho very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nnd buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Physician and Surgeon,
BpocUl attention given to urery.
Kooiu21udU, Tvl.tts Vogtllloo