ehc Unties htfmkk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1899. NO 123 GOVERNMENT OF TOE ISLES President Has Mate Up His Mind on the Subject, CABINET IS TO CONSIDER Each (Irmip Will Have a Diflercnt Form of Control Cuba Will lie lndc pendent Unless Annexation is Desired, in Which Kvcnt, Ameri can Sentiment Shall Determine Form. lAVil Baking r wSOUUTEEV MtDr Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAl DAKfHO EOWOEH CO., HZH VOnK. Nkw Yojiic, Sept. 4. A npcoinl to the llerahl from Washington says: Thorn ijgocd authority for the statement that Iho president has ruturnud to Wash ington with these general ideas upper most in 1 1 i h mind no to his fut tiro courso in relation to the now dependencies:" Tiie Plnlippinefi Civil goveriuiient by three coinniisaionors to supplement mili tary rule immediately after thu rebellion ii crushed. Cuba Continued military control an tit i t is determined In niuaus of u gen eral election whether thu inhiihitnntH want independence or annexation. If independence, tliu new government elected will bo recognized hy the United States mill will ho given encouragement ami every opportunity to establish its liability. If annexation, thu president will 1m governed hy thu ecutimuut of American citizens us it mny then exist. l'orto Itleo Civil government of the territorial form, similar to that which prevails hi Arizona. Hawaii Territorial form of govern ment as recommended hy the Hawaiian commission and ns provided for in u measure now pending in congress. Some weeks will elapse before the president settles down to thu actual prop ration of his message, but ho has re tamed from his vacation with some fell-ilefiinud views as to the dlflicnlt problems which confront him and will immediately mmtneucB discussions of th details with thu members of his cabinet, It lias been generally supposed that tith the war still in progress in tint Willlppines, the president would avoid committing himself to recommendations 1 the future government of the islands, luteuch will piolmbly not bu tho case. "'3 I'ittslmrg speech leaves no room for doubt that ho will insist upon American control of the Philippines. To thiB ex tent lie has come out squarely and thrown down tho gauntlet to the anti expaiiHiotiiBts. Mr. McKinley not only favors the per manent control hut is prepared witii all of thu forces at his command to fight for it, hut to uvoid the charge of militarism, and that is ills reason for making the recommendations, lie purposes outlining a plan to congress for submitting a civil form of government for t.ho military the moment peace is obtained and thu com plete Bupremncy of the United States established. Further discussions with ids cabinet may change somewhat, the president's views as to the form of civil government best suited to meet the situation. 1'lnjml Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of thu body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Fevurishness, I'impleBor bores oil positive evidences oi impure Wood. JSo matter how it became so it must bo purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir lias never failed to euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeloyifc Hough ton Druggists. Mrs. F. II. Prater Dead., Sept. I!. Mrs. F. 11. Prater, aged 7o, a pioneer of 1831.', died at her home in Yew Park today, of dropsy. Shu was a member of the Oregon Pioneer As sociation. Shu was born in 1821, and had been married thieo limes. Sho left six children J. J. Kcndn!!. Astoiia; E. C. Konilall, Athena; Mrs. J. W. Prlvutt, Pendleton; Mrs. E. I!. Skipworth, Eu guue; Mrs. M. E. Bourgardep, Spokane, and Miss Lyda Willett, Salem. Arrange ments for thu funeral will bu miulu to morrow. II Fooled tint NurK'HM. All doctors told lioniuk Hamilton, of West Jellureon, 0., after suffering 18 months from ltectuf Fistula, hu would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but he cured himself with live boxes of Bueklen s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and tho best Salvo In tho World. -i cents a box, Sold by Hlakeley A Houghton Druggists. 4 Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the eolebrati'd James E. Pulton strictly pure liquid paints. HELD UP THE HOUSE Masked Men Rob a Spokane Gambling Game of ?i8oo. Si'okaxk, Sept. 3. Two masked men at 4 o'clock this morning walked into Harry Green's gainblin;-rooms, on the second floor of a block in the vcrv heart of the business district, held up fifteen men, looted the UHb and safe, and escaped with $1800 in cash and bills. In the chase and subsequent capture of one of the thugs, Policemau Gemmring was Bliot In the groin and perhaps fatally v.otiuded. The two robbers hired a room in the bloek in which tho gambling-rooms are Icctted, and for two days waited their iimce. They chose tho time when the gambling is about to close for the week Under the influence of four big revolvers 1. 1 . ... iuu crown playing at tiie tables was ranged along tiie wall, while tho masked men appropriated all the money in sight On the street below, within fifty feet of therobbory, were twenty-five men. The polico were within easy call after the men made ttieir rush for a hiding place, and thechnse began. Officer Gemmring sighted the men and a pietol duel began lwenty sbcti were exchanged, and Gemmring was the only man hit. The robber with the smaller amount of cash was located in a woodyard and gave up About $2u0 was recovered. Gemmring was resting easy tonight. W'ONDEKKUI. Cl'KIC or ii,yi;i:iioka SHEEP MEN APPROVE LEASJNG Would Like to Sec the Public Ranges Rented. An Astonishing But Trifle Story "Jiy Home itj in Sidney. Ohio. I liuvo boon nearer cicaui viui in.uiuiuw an nnvotlu r livimi-i...i in h. wnrid mul I want vou to read this, m you i . " I'W 1HMI ll HIV J .11 i . urs. I tool: a novoru cold and neglected it, I L'w worse mi mi. can ten nti.. "no, ana at the 0nd f ycareihadniii into on uinptio,,, t C0ll,,u;(1 m f Y' l0st ,lc!,,,' M,l T u?,1 11,1,1 lewimo ko JMU weak that I W to take to bed. ,Iu W K . 1 Krndunlly fl'cd the last KtnKcrt gumption. No less reaLi Vta l'ycimiB SabW,nK 1 wn curable. I was absolutely P. Plesi. The whole f im 1 yjorothemsoives out illy beds dn n.,.i ,.i.i fin!,1" ,,,ft' iwo niorotoTivo. Tcarfi rolled down tl.elr chcck an they w .lllu "own. Tho doctoi-q hud declared I was in tho last staKo, ami no A I'rDiiilimnt Vliclnlu Kdltor lliul Al moht Given Up, but Wus llrouclit Illicit to I'tii-frct Health by Cliuinlicr Iiiiii'h Colic, Cliolnru mul Dlurrlioeii lttiiupily. lleml HIh Ktlltorlnl. l'rom tlio Times, lllllntille, Vn. I sufiercd with diarrhoea for a long timo and thought I was past being cured I had spent mucn time and money and suffered so much misory that I had al- moEt decided to give up all hopes of re covery and await the result, but notic ing tiie advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating bow some wonderful cures bad been wrought by this remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well ot that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that I am a hnlu and hearty man to day and feol as well as I ever did in my life. 0. R. Moore. Sold hy Blnkoley & Houghton, druggists. irrauA i h v""l S IVO 1110. 1 WftS WllilllK UMUU, u u uuv. o .... mT"1 1? " Boo y lowTy beloved town of SU nenco mo o. bacly i . "? "c a tliiiiB was impossible-that I would uro ly 4i Ww I t,ot withai "V.. i M'swted, mid to Ki-atlfy my dyiutf vls , n s "''iiiVJ louse 5n, 1 l,u (,ws, and to th si I wan carried anil wowiy 'noi v, ' 'jj .l.yr , ' , . 7 bclunre. I irot bom., nmm inn,i than nllvo. TliiouulvAni) a I".-1 roV' 1 hoinorrliageH and couglied night and day DO 11 Cinni"''J'kw' Dewey at Gibraltar. 4. The United StaleB cruiser Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board, arrived this morning. The u'ual salutes were exchanged between tho Olympin and thu gariison. Dewey is slightly indisposed at present and in- tends to live ashore. During his stay hore this afternoon i Dewey went ashore and paid a visit to i denoral Sir Robert Diddulph, governor ' and commander-in-chief of tho garrison. The Olympin is expected to soil Sep (ember 11th direct for Now Yoik. The crew are all well. A l.lfo And Driilli 1'lclit. Mr. W, A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after mens. Uue onlccd serious lung trouble, which tfj ThMiw I" Consumption. I had frequent hi cure. dencc sZ ' l''t homo moro doad tliun nllvo. Throu M. ' 'Oincoilo irmn.l. 4.I..I I..IH,. f ..,,1I. ,,,,, cn wl In ffl!Mwl S? t H wonh UyhiK: "Hut as afg, Mm - ml inn mMiittwi niii i innf ir linnriiviim ihtt iv - -us well ... "" .....,...., .-. . . AAsVpLW y Mlor of tills mm, wl the medicine that ci ucfl .mo was very worK? ' KT0,Y for ConBUiiuillan. I dccloro before God and man that AMu,,blfiM,tm,w.n file la tho office of Messrs. W. "v"!.'. M liy Wt ' af uSrii Ack?Lf .clrotd Bnglish Humuily, Is vouched (or y tlioin, as w J t. kit?. i, o( S dnov. Ohio. i... tii'f'!i,"',MrU sold r nil drtuuliU lincleriiiv por Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. All uiy doctors raid I must soon die, Then 1 began to uso Dr. Kliih's New Discovery for Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not bo without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle, Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and hung troubles." Regular Vina 50c and $1.00, Trial bottles free at Dlakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Pendleton-, Or,, Sept. 3. A topic that is engaging the attention of sheep and cattle men in Eastern Orrgon and Washington is that of leasing public grazing lands to private parties. At the recent wool convention held here, this subject consumed a large part of the time of the sessions, and there was disposition to endorse the pioposition of the interior department in that connec tion. Chatles Cunningham, one of the heaviest breederB of sheep, both of wool- growers and of fine sheep for improving the flocks, expressed himself as favorable to tho plan. "As a sheepraiEer, who has the sheep interests at heart," said Mr. Cunning ham, "I hope the government will adopt the leasing plan. It will obviate moEt of the difficulties now so common be tween sheep men who attempt to use the same range, and Eecure the range being cared for by the people who lease it. Any special regulations adopted to provide against discrimination in favor of the larger sheep men would receive my indorsement." Mr. Cunningham speaks of the pros pects for the sheep interests of this country as extremely favorable. He states that grass is bound to be excep tionally good this fall, the summer having been unusually wet and tending to cause tho graea to grow. He states also that tho owners of livestock have more hay than ever before, and that the Bales of sheep this year have been so heavy that there are less sheep in the couutry than in ordinary years. These conditions promise easy times durine the winter, even though it be very long and severe. of UlorlotiH Xoivn, Comes from Dr. D. B. Caigile, Washita, I. T. He writes: Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczsma, tetter, salt rheum, ulcere, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builde up the strength. Only 50 csnts. Sold by Blakuley & Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. 4 One American Killed. Manila, Sept. 4, 11 a, m. Five men of Colonel Bell's regiment yesterday en countered a rebel outpost near Porae, and, in the fighting which ensued, one American was killed and another wounded. Tiie remainder drove the rebels from their position and captnted a bull cut in which to remove tho injured. Sick Headache absolutely r.nd perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. 'Jo cte. and 50 cts. Bhikeloy & Houghton Druggists Fire Near Pendleton. Pi:ndi.kton, 0., Sept. 3, At 4 o'clock this morning a firu occurred at W. P. leuiplo's farm, ten miles north of this place, burning IS horses, 40 tons of hoy, several wagons, a quantity of grain, 34 sets of harness, and the barn in which ill tho property was. Loss, .f-JSSO ; no insurance. Snveral farm hands had nar row escapes, "Oiu baby was elek for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever, Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting woree, uutll we used One Min ute Cough Cure, It relieved at once and cured her in a few days," B, L, Nance, Co. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all flrst-cluBs bars, 0, J tubliug , agent, The Dalles, M 17-3iu. All Ready For School. NEW PALL GOODS. Strong, servicable Suits, made double breasted, tbe pants to tbe same with double seat and knees, the material a good solid cassimere; colors neat dark patterns. Such are tbe suits we offer this week at $2.50. Other grades at $1.50, $2.00, $3.50, $4.00, $-1.50 and $5.00. $3.00, Free with every School Suit, a handsome Oil-cloth School Bag. A M WillimQ Ri. f!n ITAl TV 1 A A 1 111 J WV JV r,jL!ijlxjiJj:M,iwi.iWMM0i" J jiTnnTnmmmnrmTnrnrrrmrnTm 5 f s ft 4 ft The Chroniele, Job Puinteus. Advertise in the Chronicle. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Tho Dalles, Olf.