The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 04, 1899, Image 3

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    Com Wood ! you can
By buying your FRUIT JARS
from us. GET OUR PRICES. I
A Baseball and Bat with
any Boy's Suit..
"A WORD TO THE WISE." In buying your Boy's
Clothing, buy Clothing suitable for boys. You cannot put
old heads on young shoulders. "Wo are showing a lino of
SCHOOL SUITS, reinforced throughout, in all tho lat
est colors and materials, at prices ranging from $2.50 up.
ALL NEW GOODS. Mothers, we invite your inspec
tion. No ono urged to buy.
All GooclB Markod
In Plnln FlBtiros.
Pease & Mays.
fte Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., us
do changes will be accepted in the lift
ercoon This rule will he positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Sorvocl In ovory
Stylo at
"A Midnight Hull"
At tho Vogt opera houso tonight.
Eastern Oysters on tho shell nt A.
Keller's. .j. lit
We U. S. Geological Survey has found
"tLaOmndu ia 2782 feet above the
a level.
1 Wallace, recently in tho omploy
Vmk Muya nml wul1 k,10W" '" 1,10
Bl'lej,lias been appointed postmaster
Tbe liegulnior will today take on 1200
flilli Of hiiftnn ii t 1 ..1 1 II
" L ijVIIJ. Willi!!! II. X .
' wtcbuin has sold to bo taken to Alaska,
were to furnlalt mutton for tho "gold
A girl to du general housework, or to
iit In woik and attond school, can
, ulPloyiiiont in u family where thoro
oJ w childrou, by apply lite at this
Jlie oinco of tho steam laundry is now
Won Court street, just south of
"wny'i etore, whore nil who have
e'Z" Uwy lettV0 miJ thoy will rc
Cii' Prompt attention.
Jhis has been Labor day in deud
Wi luo,tpf 'DHeo People.
, 1.'!,.y one" who seemed to know It is
Wv. , ,Wero u' coun,y officials,
ak nd tho
Tn DuBoU- more window may be
be,m,fllllofft p1)0W( ,n Ujo Bu,
DiIIh "il. Wcon,,y t8Ult T"
keaUb Btobo'"Ul o one
1 lo secure a chance. S.St
tire! J',ld1y oven,n CwUr Circle will
urii1r,Frai8,"uyh,i; Aope
wl bo rendered and Prof.
I Urn ft-hi will fumlBh music for the
evening. Admission 25 and 15 cunts.
He sure and remember the date.
Miss Taylor announces the opening of
her Kindergarten on Monday, Sept. 11th.
Sessions will convene at i) in tho morn
lug closing nt 12, until cold weather,
when nfternoon sessions will be held.
She would be pleased to greet all of hur
former pupila and many new ones iib
well. 2-5 7-9
Mrs. Arthur Seely, of Port Angelep,
gave birth Tueeday evening to triplets,
two girls and 0110 boy. The girls
weighed a littlo over three pounds each
and the boy (our. They are all perfect
ly formed and as lively as crickets.
Mrs. Seely ia now tho mother of four
childten, all born within 12 montliB.
News comes from Washington, I). C
that ex-Congressman W. It. Ellis, of
Ileppner, is a candidate for sergeant-at-nrms
of the national houso of rep
resentatives. Henry Caseon, of Wis
consin, is said to be elated for the place,
but Ellis will have eonio prestige if bo
decides to make the race on account of
having been a member of the house.
This morning County Clerk Kelsay re
ceived an order for a marriage license to
bo granted to James Eggcrt and Eliza
beth W. Ehrek. Wo understand the
wedding will take place Weduesday
evening at Hood River. Mlsa Ebrck
has made her homo In Tho Dalles for
several yearn and has many friends hero
who wish her well.
It ia a nip and tuck contest botween
the hill nud the lowor portion of the
city which shall carry away tho honors
on tho building proposition this year.
As far as expensive residences are con
cerned, the down town section perhaps
Is ahead, but still some very pretty and
substantial homes have gone up on tho
blutr, and cottages aro now being built
by Sam .Johns, vV. 1). Woodrow, Row
Bailey and several others. It speaks
well for the city.
In splto of predictions to the contrary,
tho rains descended and it would seem
tho flood came yoBtorday afternoon about
5 o'clock, nnd tho lightning was also in
evidence People who camo in from tho
country say it was oven worm out there,
and on 5-Mllo It seomedlasif small
water spouts wore let loose. Wo scarce
ly dared question regarding tho grain,
but in many sections it must havo been
"tho straw that broke thecamol'u back."
In tho city we had .01 of an inch of rain.
Last Thursday Mays & Crowo, of Tho
Dalles, sent to tho Prlnevlllo Jockey
Olub n check for $50, their contribution
to tho purses at our coining races. With
out any solicitation thoy glvo this
amount for the benefit of the business
houses of our city. This liberality on
their part is cortalnly commendable and
wo recommend I heir exaninb ia ?pe of
our own houses. They are iLv awake
firm and aro not afraid to let people
know that they are allve.-Prlnevlllo
This morning 0. A. Borders com
menced work on tho new fire plugs to be
added to our already complete defense
againit fire. Eleven now plugs will be
put in, among them oue at tho corner of
First and Court ; one at tho. corner of
Sixth and Washington ; at the lower end
of .Fourth street, near Marden's place;
two at tho corner of Second and Taylor,
tlti! old ono bains removed; also
one at First mid Laughlin. Then five
will be placed at various places on tho
hill. Wo will feel doubly fortified when
the work iB complete. The recent fire
assured us regaiding tbn water supply.
Itopresentative Moody was notified
Saturday by the postofiice department
that an order had been issued extend
ing tho mail route between Moro nnd
Kent, a distance of about ten miles, so
as to embrace and end at Bake Oven,
Wasco county, making connection with
tho mail each way on the daily route
from Tho Dalles to Prineville. This
avoids the proposed discontinuance of
tho old-established and important route
between The Dalles and Prineville, af
fording the Prineville people not only a
daily service from The Dalles, but also
one at Moro.
The Dalles had two distinguished
visitors yesterday in tho persons of Con
gressmen Chas. E. Pearco and J. T. Mo
Clarey and son, the former from Minne
sota and the latter from Missouri. They
hnvo been visiting in Seattle and mak
ing a tour of the coast. They came up
on tho Spokane Flyer yesterday aftor
noon, nnd early this morning made a
trip to tho narrows above the city.
Later they took tho Regulator to view
the river scenery on their trip down.
Although encountering stormy weather
they wero delighted with their trip up
and the view along tho river.
If you are in doubt about attondiug
"A Midnight Boll" tonight, the follow
ing from Saturday's Telegram may
assist you to decide. It says: "The
engagement haa been u success almoet
beyond Manager Cordrny's most san
guine expectations. Ciowded houses
havo been thu rule. Last night the
houso was packed. It is a play that
perhaps merits all the success It has
attained, for Hoyt, the groa playwright,
tho author, has produced nothing to
equal it. Tho Stockwell company Ib one
of tho best stock companies on the road,
and gives a performance that is almost
A good wheat ranch soon pays for It
self. A person that wants to buy a
wheat ranch should take into considera
tion tho adaptability of tho soil for
wheat raising, the distance tho land is
from tho wheat market, whether thero
Is water 011 the place, and whether tho
land Is level or hilly. Now, if anyono
wishes to buy a wheat ranch road this:
A ranch 100 acres, level, all in cultiva
tion, 1 x4 miles from tho town of Grass
Valley, "good house, a granary and all
other out buildings and everything com
pleto for farming. As usual, old Dad
Butts has this place for sale 011 terms
tho most reasonable. Call or write to
him at once.
Saturday and Sunday were lively days
at police headquarters and tho .drunks
had their ''innlngi.'' Saturday, Tum
water Charlie, an Indian who .didn't
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
1 Benioi)
Hardware and
Grocery dealers.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enres dyepepsia
because its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
care to have the name and game too,
took to drinking something beside water,
and soon fell into the marshal's hands,
and was $3 poorer as a result. Yester
day afternoon James Doherty attempted
to help the Salvation Army out when
he was too drunk to join in tho Eervice,
and Marshal Hughes helped him "in."
He, however, paid his 'i and was re
leased. Robt. Roberts was tho next
victim, and Phirman ran him in last
night. At last accounts lie was etill too
full to be in trim for a hearing.
This morning word was received here
of the death of Win. H. Moore, an old
and highly respected citizen of Dufur,
and engaged in the undertaking business
there. No definite particulars concern
ing his death could bo learned, other
than that ho was called into the country
on business and on returning found an
order for a casket for Mrs. Crabtree, of
Victor. While engaged in trimming it,
he was suddenly taken very ill with all
the symptoms of apoplexy and died in
the evening. No sign of illness was
noticed during the day, although ho had
been bitten Beverol times by bees while
engaged in working about them that
morning. That may have caused a rush
of blood to the head. Mr. Moore was
about 55 years of age, has been a reti
dent of Dufur for eonio years and leaves
a wife and family of five children. He
also has three brothers, one of them
living on Tygh Ridge.
l'ubllu Bdiool Announcement.
The Dalles public schools will open
Monday, Sept. 11th. It is desired that
as far as possible all pupib expecting to
attend the fall term will be present.
Examinations will be held for those
pupils who were absent from school at
tho close of last term, for those who
have boen doing work through tho
summer, and for those who desire to
enter school as new pupils, at the High
School building, on Tuesday, Sept. 5th,
at 0 a. m.
A meeting of the teaciiers of The
Dalles schools will be held ou Wednes
day, Sept. Gth, nt 10a. m.
J. S. Lanui;us, Snpt.
The Ladle.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use Syrup of
Figs, under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remody. To get I ho truo and
genuine article, look for tho name-of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For sale by
all druggists.
"Harmony" Whlikey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. jl
Third Street, between Court and Wash-
ton btreete, llio.Dalles.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
nil Closing Service as 1'nstor of the
Methodist Church.
The closing Eervice at the Methodist
church yesterday was a particularly sad
one, the occasion being the farewell ai
dless by the pastor, Kev. J. H. Wood,
who for almost five years has served the
church in this city faithfully and won
the hearts of his congregation, as well as
tha esteem of the people nt large. Called
here four years end a half ago to
fill tho vacancy caused by the illness of
Rev. James Whistler, eo well has he per
formed his duties that each year he has
been recalled, until he has stayed the
full length of time alloted by the rules
of the church.
Mr. Wood came not as a stranger, his
boyhood days having been spent in The
Dalles, and in his address last evening
he spoke ot the little chapel which stood
on the Mclnerny lot north of the present
church site, where he first attended
services as a boy, and of how he watched
the construction of the first church in
1802, during Rev. DeVore's pastorate
here. He Baid that tho impetus to bo a
messenger for God was given to him by
the faithful lives and influence of a few
of his present parishoners and. some
whom he has laid away since coming
Mr. Wood spoke of his regret that
the stormy weather prevented more of
his members being present, and choos
ing as his text tho words of Paul to the
Corinthians, "Finally, my brethern,fare
well," he endeavored, but with difficul
ty, to say a few wordB at parting,
speaking of his pleasant association
with th'e chinch here, of their faithful
uess in the different departments of
the work, and his appreciation of tho
same. Circumstances connected with
his pastorate here, he said, had so firm
ly knit his affections to the people that
they can never bo forgotten. Coming
as he did to old friends and renewing
acquaintances, then experiencing hero
the great sorrow of his life in t lie loss
of a dear companion, has made Mr.
Wood's stay here a peculiar one, never
to be erased from his memory.
His influence lor good in the com
munity has been greatly felt and will bo
wide in its extent. He leaves with the
hearty Godspeed of tho entire popula
tion. Youth and ISeunty vs. Ase nml Wrinkles
More Flies
Are Caught
with molasses than vinegar, is an old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
catches more than either. No insect
can resist its attraction and once within
its power tho tormenting possibilities of
that insect nre over.
Price 5c per double sheet.
Our stock contains many other prepa
rations for destruction of insect life.
Mrs. Anna Vailo Switzer, of Portland,
will glvo a free lecture on "Caro of the
Complexion," at Mrs. Morgan's Art
Parlors, Masonic block on Third street,
Tuesday, Sept. 5th, at 2:30 p. m. The
electrical treatment will be explained
and demonstrated. Electricity iias
proven itself to be the only scientific
method for removing wrinkles and all
facial blemishes. Iidles aro cordially
invited to to present.
It Id. for W ood.
Bide for forty cords of fir wood, more
or less, will be received at the county
clerk's office between now and Friday,
Sept. 8th. Bring In your bids. 4 4l
EacU day our business shows
the people nre finding out wo
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tho very best, nml
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nml buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Physician and Surgeon,
Hccll uttcntlou givcu lo nurgery.
Room 'h nud ti, Tel. 323 Votf 1 11 loo